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The focus of this article is to draw attention to the presence and importance of travelling ideas, knowledge, and practices in Danish history of educational testing. The article introduces and employs a spatial methodological approach in relation to the connections between the international testing community and the emerging Danish practice of intelligence testing in the interwar years. The article represents a contribution to an investigation of the social and cultural exchange of educational ideas between the Anglo-Saxon world and Scandinavia, in general, and Denmark in particular. Moreover, the article argues for the positive gains of drawing on a spatial frame of interpretation when dealing with national educational history.  相似文献   

Elaine Lam 《Compare》2011,41(1):25-41
This article outlines policies from multilateral organisations that advocate sharing best practices between developing nations. The article discusses the degree to which these best practices are implemented by small states as indicated by teachers, academics and policymakers in Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago. For the purpose of this article, a best practice refers to pedagogy, curriculum or programme that contributes to student achievement. Currently, a number of influential multilateral organisations advocate that developing nations should share their best practices in education with each other. Despite encouragement by multilaterals however, best practices are not shared. At best, foreign ideas are used to legitimise local policies. While these policies are intended to help countries reach their Education for All (EFA) goals, they do not account for the differences between islands and their vulnerability towards larger countries. Attempts to innovate the curriculum by implementing foreign ideas failed due to the forces of tradition. It can thus be concluded that resistance – non‐compliance or opposition – to sharing educational best practices, as well as to the implementation of new curricula, stems from echoes of colonialism and globalisation. Although this study focuses on two islands, there are implications for other developing countries and small states as they fall under the same policy auspices of UNESCO and the Commonwealth Secretariat.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the state of the art of integration in eight western countries: Italy, Denmark, Sweden, United States, Germany, England, Belgium and the Netherlands. Both qualitative and quantitative information on integration practices is given, and from these findings general conclusions on similarities and differences in integration efforts and results are discussed. The differences in the incidence of special needs students in eight countries are mainly to be explained by the differences in registration procedures to enter special facilities in regular or special education. Despite these differences it seems that in all countries involved at least 1.5 per cent of all students is difficult to integrate in regular education settings.  相似文献   

中国古代私学作为中国传统文化教育的重要组成部分,对中国周边国家产生着深远的影响,其中,以古代朝鲜、越南、日本最为典型。中国古代私学的教育思想、私学大师的教育教学活动、私学的独特类型对这些国家产生了非常重要的影响,促进了这些国家早期文化教育的普及和发展,为中外文化交流做出了贡献。  相似文献   


Education privatization is a global trend that has nonetheless followed multiple trajectories. This article addresses the question of what explains this variation by demonstrating the role that political coalitions play in the re-interpretation of global privatization ideas. A political-coalitional approach helps us analyze from a long-term perspective, the interplay between ideational, political, and economic processes that occurred at the global and domestic levels. Both accumulated benefits and negative consequences of previous reforms realign domestic coalitions that then facilitate or constrain the selection of global ideas and shape the way in which they are implemented at the country level. Based on a comparative historical analysis of three countries, Chile, Argentina, and Colombia, the article identifies three privatization trajectories: marketization, erosion of public education, and dualization of education provision. The long-term analysis of these trajectories also shows that privatization is not a linear process but a complex dynamic with consequences that may trigger unintended changes in the future.  相似文献   

教育均衡化的国际比较与政策研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
许多国家在自身的教育发展历程中 ,都有由不均衡教育向均衡化教育发展的经验和教训。进行教育均衡化的国际比较与政策研究 ,有助于借鉴国际教育发展经验 ,结合我国实际 ,切实解决教育的不均衡发展问题 ,实现教育公平  相似文献   


Some of the character education programmes that were implemented in American public schools during the first three decades of this century are examined. The educational theory underlying these programmes is contrasted to John Dewey's ideas on moral education. Character education programmes reflected a trait‐inspired approach to morality: character was assumed to be a structure of virtues and vices. Dewey's conception of morality was broader; he held that character embraced all the purposes, desires, and habits that affect human conduct. Dewey's recommendations for moral education differed significantly from those put forward by the advocates of character education, as Dewey,’s proposals were basically proposals for school reform. Because character education programmes were aimed at developing specific virtues in students, the programmes were narrowly conceived and were unable to affect major changes in educational practice.  相似文献   

Inclusive education focuses on addressing marginalisation, segregation and exclusion within policy and practice. The purpose of this article is to use critical discourse analysis to examine how inclusion is represented in the education policy and professional documents of two countries, Australia and China. In particular, teacher professional standards from each country are examined to determine how an expectation of inclusive educational practice is promoted to teachers. The strengthening of international partnerships to further support the implementation of inclusive practices within both countries is also justified.  相似文献   

郭秉文活跃于民国早期教育界的年代(1914—1925),正值近代中国社会转型的关键时期,教育界亦在民国初期形成具有现代性和国际性的“场域”。郭秉文凭借学缘、地缘、业缘等关系网络,借助现代报刊传媒,广泛传播新教育理念,组织新式教育社团,大力推行新教育实践,郭秉文一跃成为民国新教育运动活跃的中心人物之一,他的影响力远非以一校一地所能涵盖得了。同时,他亦是中外教育交流的积极推动者、实践者,成为中国教育在国际舞台上活跃的代言人。他领导塑造的南高东大,成长为二十年代中国高等教育的重镇,与北大一道构成了民国早期中国高等教育“双峰对峙”新景象。1925年郭秉文因东南大学的风潮离开国内教育界,标志着民国自由主义新教育时代的终结,然而他培育的南高学风却及于整个现代中国,影响极为深远。  相似文献   

自从教育部实施“国家示范性高职院校建设计划”项目以来。高职教育产生了巨大的变化。本文试图在新的历史背景下,论述高职院校学生档案管理的发展趋势,学生档案管理工作与高职院校内涵建设的关系,只有改变思想观念与工作思路,才能真正做好高职院校的学生档案管理工作,提高教育教学质量。  相似文献   


Algorithmic practices are becoming increasingly more central within educational governance. By focusing on the mechanisms of a particular algorithmic testing system in Denmark, this paper highlights how such practices are implicated in the emergence of new accountability infrastructures. It adopts an STS approach drawing specifically upon Michel Callon’s concepts framing, overflowing, and re-framing. The paper examines how algorithmic adaptivity has become central in the framing of the Danish national test and traces the ways in which students, teachers, and schools respond to such proceduralized interactions. While algorithmic adaptivity was introduced as a way of providing students with an equal test experience, it also inscribes student adaptability into test practices, generating new student affectivities and teacher responsibilities in the process. The paper argues that this is a matter of adapting to the test and highlights how the mundane practices of testing situations also become a subject of governance.  相似文献   

This article provides a cross‐national perspective on successful school principalship in three countries derived from an analysis of case studies in the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP). The ISSPP aims to investigate the characteristics, processes and effects of successful school leadership across eight countries (i.e. Australia, Canada, England, the United States, China, Denmark, Sweden and Norway). Examples from the USA, Norway and China (Shanghai) were selected to illustrate cross‐national differences related to the societal purposes of education, the structure and funding of different national educational systems and the influence of particular governmental educational policies (i.e. accountability‐oriented policies) on the leadership practices of individual school principals. Variations in selection criteria and research procedures were also noted. Recommendations for further research using a cultural framework include analysing multiethnic schools to identify culturally specific leadership practices as well as developing further ISSPP case studies in non‐Western contexts.  相似文献   

当前,我们正处于构建终身教育体系、创建全民学习型社会的背景之下,中国远程高等教育由此面临着新的发展机遇。因此,我们需要了解国际远程高等教育领域发展现状及走势,并认清我们所处的新情境,从而探索中国远程高等教育的未来发展之路。因此,本研究基于八年来(2004-2011年)对国际远程高等教育领域48位知名学者的46篇访谈,从当前远程高等教育需求与理念的变化、政策与管理、课程的设计与开发、学习支持、经济与成本、质量保证、研究方法的创新、实践发展以及研究背后的故事等九方面剖析了当前国际远程高等教育的发展动态和趋势,希望能对终身教育背景下我国远程高等教育的未来发展有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   


SPIL is a project of three institutes for higher education in the Netherlands. The aim of the project was to explore the potentiality of educational software for teaching food and bioprocess engineering. The Research and Development approach was followed. Knowledge has been gained by means of specifying, developing and testing educational software. An adequate method for constructing and field testing the software was obtained by integrating knowledge of several domains (information technology, educational science, food and bioprocess technology). Six educational simulations have been field tested. During the last phase of the project the programs were implemented in the curricula of the institutes that took part in the project.  相似文献   

This article examines the return to education or employment of unemployed young people in Northern Europe. Comparative surveys of nearly 8600 unemployed young people in Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Scotland enabled us to study the probability for unemployed young people to re-enter the educational system versus employment. The results showed that, in all countries, re-entering post-compulsory education was mainly dependent on educational capital, as defined by Bourdieu. The respondents' education, their parents' education and parents' support for their children's education had a strong impact on the probability of re-entering the educational system. Social capital, as defined by Coleman, increased the probability of re-entering employment, but had no impact on the probability of re-entering education. Most important, in most countries, young unemployed women had a higher probability of re-entering education than unemployed young men. There were also differences between countries. The results cannot only be explained by access to further education. In Iceland and Scotland, further education is less developed than in the other countries. However, 18% of the sample returned to education in Iceland, compared with only 3% in Scotland.  相似文献   


In the decades around 1900, reformers in virtually all industrialising countries debated boys’ manual training as a new subject for primary education. This contribution discusses the German debates on and institutions of manual training from a transnational perspective. The focus is on the German Association for Manual Training founded by Emil von Schenckendorff in 1886 and its Training College for Teachers established one year later in Leipzig, which notably organised summer courses where teachers received supplementary training in manual skills. The Training College soon developed into a centre for manual training instruction of European and global significance. This article discusses the Training College in Leipzig as a portal for educational globalisation. Its two directors Woldemar Götze and Alwin Pabst, on the one hand, transferred Scandinavian, French and American ideas and practices to the German context. On the other hand, foreign experts visited and referred to the Training College in order to enhance reforms in their respective countries. Especially after his trip to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904, Pabst enthusiastically embraced American education and – albeit with limited success – planned to transform the Training College into a model school and new education research centre. Moreover, Pabst theoretically reflected on processes of cultural development and cultural transfers, largely following the ideas of historian Karl Lamprecht. Manual training, in this respect, appeared as a panacea for constructing a genuinely modern and cosmopolitan society.  相似文献   

丹麦是典型的经济高度发达、高税收、高福利国家,其教育投资的特点及未来走向在这类国家中也具有一定的代表性.丹麦教育投资的特点是:政府为主、投资力度大和向初中等教育倾斜.随着福利制度的调整和教育改革重点转移,丹麦教育投资结构将发生变化,虽然总体特点不会发生根本改变,但是私人和社会教育投资受到重视,比例会有所上升;高等教育受到重视,投资力度有所加强.  相似文献   


This article explores how social movement co-governance of public education offers an alternative to neoliberal educational models. The Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) is one of the largest social movements in Latin America. We describe one of the many schools that the MST co-governs, the Itinerant School Paths of Knowledge (Caminhos do Saber), located in an occupied encampment in the state of Paraná. We analyze three of the most unique pedagogical innovations in the school: the teacher’s incorporation of ‘portions of reality’ into classroom teaching, the student work collectives, and the participatory student evaluation process. Although these pedagogies are seemingly mundane changes to everyday school practice, we argue that they represent a challenge to the neoliberal educational model being implemented globally. These movement pedagogies are likely to continue, despite recent conservative attacks, and they offer several concrete lessons for how to effectively contest neoliberal educational practices in other global contexts.  相似文献   


Background: This article critically discusses the key tensions and challenges arising from the educational policy borrowing in China, through its current education reform. Focussing on the new curriculum reform (NCR), the paper highlights the interactions and conflicts between foreign and local ideologies and practices.

Sources of evidence: The main sources of evidence that form the basis of the analysis for this article were research data from an open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interviews conducted with 166 school principals, vice-principals and teachers from China between 2013 and 2015.

Main argument: It is argued that the NCR has borrowed selective ideas and practices from elsewhere, such as a school-based curriculum, student-centred pedagogy and formative assessment. It is further suggested that the borrowed policies are mediated and moderated by the ideological attitude of the Chinese educational stakeholders, stemming from the notion of ‘theory-ladenness’ within an exam-oriented paradigm.

Conclusions: The example of China illustrates the effects of an ideological attitude on educational policy borrowing that challenges the notion of universally appropriate ways of teaching, learning and reforming an educational system.  相似文献   

美国高等教育史上有一批杰出的大学校长,他们的教育理念及治校实践大大推动了大学的发展,对美国高等教育甚至世界高等教育都产生了很大的影响.本文从美国大学内外部的制度环境两个方面分析了大学校长在治校中成功地发挥作用的原因,以期对我国世界一流大学建设过程中校长作用的发挥有所启示.  相似文献   

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