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In this paper, I engage in discourse centrally located in the ideology of race in the United States of America juxtaposed to social justice with promise for tomorrow in higher education and beyond. I assert that social justice in kinesiology requires that once hired, retaining, securing tenured status, and promoting faculty of color means having realistic expectations, providing them with mentors, supporting their research agendas, and protecting their workloads. This calls for ideological repositioning: that is, changing our mindset, actions, and behaviors.  相似文献   

宽严相济的刑事政策是我国在维护社会治安的长期实践中形成的基本刑事政策,其实质就是对刑事犯罪区别对待,做到既要有力打击和震慑犯罪,维护法制的严肃性,又要尽可能减少社会对抗,化消极因素为积极因素,做到既严厉打击严重刑事犯罪,又减少社会对抗,增加社会和谐因素,维护社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

刑法学派的不同立场对刑事立法和司法都会产生重大影响。综观我国的刑事立法现状和司法困境,当前的刑事立法应当坚持刑法理论上的主观主义,以解决“立法爆炸”和“刑罚威慑”问题,并且维护一个稳定的刑法典,促成人们对刑法规范的信仰和遵守;而当前的刑事司法则应该坚持刑法理论上的客观主义,以解决“保护人权”和“限制国家刑罚权”问题,使刑罚权在有限的空间内合理地运行。司法机关与立法机关之间应当按照宪法和法律规定的权限分工在法定权限内各司其职、相互配合与制约,对不属于自己权限范围的事项不能越权,最终形成立法机关与司法机关的良性互动,从而更好地发挥刑法的功能。  相似文献   

In this article we share several activities we use in our teacher education literacy courses that incorporate a social justice lens. For each activity we suggest resources, offer examples we have created and used in our teaching, and share research to support each activity. The activities build on each other, with the intent of increasing preservice teacher knowledge of how to teach for social justice by moving beyond awareness and understanding lived experiences of students to affirming cultures and experiences of all students, creating inclusive and equitable classrooms. By experiencing teaching from this stance in our courses, we hope that our preservice teachers take up and teach from a social justice stance in their future classrooms.  相似文献   

Criminal justice courses offer ideal opportunities to present students with contemporary issues that ideally will encourage reflection on moral dilemmas. In a criminal justice ethics course, students encounter complex aspects of the topic, such as the application of theories of ethical reasoning beyond merely an understanding of the malfeasance, nonfeasance, and misfeasance of practitioners in the system. A supplemental book, whether fiction or nonfiction, assigned in addition to a criminal justice ethics textbook may facilitate deeper understanding of theories of ethics. The ideal supplemental reading should reflect the range of ethical theories detailed in the main text. In the present article, the authors discuss and evaluate the use of post-apocalyptic fiction, a popular contemporary genre, as supplemental reading in criminal justice ethics courses. A sample criminal justice ethics course writing assignment, a grading rubric, and a discussion of the multiple assessment measures are provided. Assessment results suggest that the supplemental reading helps students meet the course learning objective, which requires students to identify and apply theoretical models of ethics to specific ethical and moral situations.  相似文献   


Researchers have argued that media exposure involving criminal justice can influence perceptions of police, but empirical research is decidedly mixed. Additionally, some scholars argue that media effects depend on audience characteristics. However, the moderating role of academic major remains unexplored. Using a laboratory-style randomized experiment (N?=?270), the current study examines the impact of media exposure that contains conflicting images of the police on perceptions of police and if this effect varies depending on academic majors by performing a series of paired t-tests, independent-samples t-tests, and a mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance. Findings show that exposure to mixed images of the police dampens confidence in the police, but this effect is pronounced among non-CJ majors compared to CJ majors. Expanding our knowledge base in differential media effects between CJ majors and non-CJ majors can offer useful insights into future CJ curricula.  相似文献   

The criminal justice discipline has few studies that explore the use of technology as a supplement to traditional face-to-face instruction. Using a sample of criminal justice students enrolled in two sections of the same 300-level foundational criminal justice course, this study examines the impact of clickers and online homework on student performance in the course, as well as observes student perceptions of the integrated technology. Results reveal that while students perceived the technologies as helpful to their learning, the addition of technologies to the one section of the course had little impact on student performance indicators such as test scores and final letter grades. Potential explanations for these findings and directions for future research are discussed; and suggestions on how to potentially make these supplemental tools more useful are provided.  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of contemporary debates surrounding the public role of criminology, this article argues that a key barrier to ensuring that the next generation of criminologists is equipped with the skills necessary to engage in critical forms of citizenship, is the quantitative ‘skills gap’ that undergraduate students possess as a consequence of the low curriculum profile afforded to numerically-informed forms of criminological practice. This article presents new empirical evidence examining students’ statistical anxiety, which reinforces the need to increase their exposure to quantitative method teaching. It concludes that pedagogic change is necessary if we are also to address associated broader concerns about the future direction and rigour of the discipline.  相似文献   

食品安全关乎公众的生命和健康,食品安全问题是各国政府所共同关注的重大社会问题。当前,我国食品安全问题凸显,违法犯罪频发。然而,由于立法衔接不到位、以罚代刑、检察机关监督不力、执法者认识偏差等原因,阻碍了食品安全案件行政执法和刑事司法的有效对接,从而抑制了刑法的惩罚犯罪功能的发挥。维持和改善食品安全状况,必须从立法和制度两个层面展开,建立相应的完善机制。  相似文献   

正确理解宽严相济刑事司法基本政策,对刑事法治的发展和司法实践具有重大意义。同惩办与宽大相结合政策、“严打”政策相比较,宽严相济刑事政策在执行主体、对象和手段方面都发生了转变。宽严相济刑事政策的出发点是有效率、有效益地防止犯罪;目标是实现法治国原则;得以实现的具体原则是比例原则。宽严相济刑事政策是以人权保障为政策界限的。宽严相济刑事政策的实现,表现为刑事政策的法制化和刑事法的刑事政策化。  相似文献   

社会公正是社会主义和谐社会的题中之义。当前社会还存在一些不公问题,应完善社会主义分配制度,建立全方位的监督体系,保障社会成员机会平等,以维护和实现社会公正。  相似文献   

《公民权利与政治权利国际公约》对我国刑法的影响是多个层面的,既包括对我国刑法规范的范式改造,也包括对刑法伦理精神的重新定位。其核心精神在于尊重和保障公民的个人权利,协调个人权利与国家权力的关系,以达到一种和谐的理想状态。“刑事司法”与“和谐”有着难以割舍的内在关联。和谐社会必然是崇尚法治的社会,必然是公民个人权利有保障、国家权力受约束、社会秩序井然、刑事司法公正得到实现的法治社会。  相似文献   

我国社会保障制度公平缺失问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
社会保障制度是维护社会公平的一项重要制度。但在现实中,我国的社会保障制度在公平方面存在着缺失,主要表现为城乡之间、群体之间、地区之间的不公平。因此,必须建立城乡统一的社会保障制度和多层次的社会保障体系,实行灵活的社会保障菜单选择制度,逐渐完善社会保障制度,以利于构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

Social work education could benefit from an explicit educational framework that combines social justice and sexuality: sexual justice. However, there is a paucity of literature in social work discussing this critical issue. This article helps equip social workers to challenge social injustice through a lens of sexuality and builds a conceptual framework by examining sexual justice through pillars of social work: human dignity, community and solidarity, rights and responsibilities, priority for the poor and vulnerable, and peace. An activity providing micro and macro case discussions is presented to help infuse sexual justice into social work programs.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to investigate if there are any predictive relationships between scores of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and graduate grade point average (GGPA), and undergraduate grade point average (UGPA) and GGPA. The data were collected from all graduates from the Master's program in Criminal Justice at a medium-sized Southern university from 1989 to 1999 (N = 94). The results indicated that UGPA and GRE scores explain about 40% of the variance in GGPAs. It is concluded that all three GRE subscales should be considered in the graduate admissions process in criminal justice programs.  相似文献   

Catherine A. Buell 《PRIMUS》2019,29(3-4):205-209

In this introduction to the PRIMUS Special Issue on Mathematics for Social Justice we provide a brief history of social justice in the context of undergraduate mathematics pedagogy and explain the purpose and motivation behind this movement in undergraduate education.  相似文献   

刑事领域中的错案追究制不符合司法的客观规律和职业特点,容易影响法官和检察官的心理,继而对司法行为产生影响。应废止错案追究制,吸收责任归因理论的研究成果,以可控性为原则,以行为和程序为标准规范检察行为和审判行为,促进司法公正的实现。  相似文献   

This article offers an evaluation of the implementation of the American Sociological Association's Integrating Data Analysis Project in a large introductory sociology course. This project was designed following an examination of the curricula of 13 disciplines that revealed that sociology failed to integrate empirical, quantitative literacy components throughout the undergraduate curriculum. Thus, efforts to introduce students to data analysis early and often were established as a best practice in the discipline. Results revealed that the students found the modules helped them understand the empirical nature of sociology. The students expressed an interest in participating in future research projects in sociology and/or other disciplines. They were not overly anxious about the quantitative literacy components of the course. Including on-line data analysis strategies using publicly available data and complimentary software represent cost and time-effective methods of introducing quantitative literacy into the social science classroom. Many social and behavioral sciences other than sociology have also discovered that their students lack a clear understanding of the relationship between empirical research and substantive topics within the discipline. Consequently, the lessons learned from the efforts of the ASA could be applied across many disciplines to form a more cohesive curriculum for many disciplines.The author holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of North Texas and a B.A. from Stephen F. Austin State University. She is currently an Associate Professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Central Florida. Her teaching and research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, the sociology of social inequalities (aging, race and ethnicity, gender, and social class), medical sociology, and family violence.  相似文献   


In this article, we suggest that character education in sport contexts can promote social justice. After defining key terms, we suggest that rethinking competition and the nature of team relationships is required to build a team culture responsive to concerns for social justice. The character of the team provides a nexus within which to develop individual character, which is elaborated in terms of four types of character: moral, civic, intellectual, and performance character. To promote commitment to social justice, character educators can focus on three elements of moral character: moral reasoning, the circle of moral regard, and moral identity. Within civic character, three themes are elaborated: human dignity, full participation, and accountability. The dimensions of critical thinking, willful ignorance, and prioritizing the marginalized are discussed in relation to intellectual character. Performance character is discussed in relation to an ethic of excellence. Finally, conclusions for character educators are elaborated.  相似文献   

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