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Relying on the case of a mixed-methods study centered on patients’ strategies for establishing their credibility in clinical conversations, this essay argues that the more intentional and effective the participant recruitment and the more specific the inquiry, the more likely technical communication and rhetoric of science researchers are to encounter potentially powerful partners through which they might get and analyze compelling data and, thus, gain engaged audiences outside of their disciplines.  相似文献   

This case study is based on a research through design project (RTD) that focuses on a technical communication video of the live-action format. It investigates the usability and design-implications of a live-action how-to video, by means of analyzing user-centered data such as YouTube analytics data, usability, and comprehension assessments. In the study, four key live-action video affordances are identified: verifiability, comparability, recordability, and visibility. The identification of these affordances when related to the users’ assessments resulted in several design implementations that would warrant sought-for communication efficacies. Findings show that some assumed efficacies appear to be mitigated by the complexity and the density of the video information. One implication of this is that the implementation of conventional video editing techniques and the addition of on-screen text that serve to make content briefer and more concise into instructional live-action videos requires the technical communicator’s careful consideration.  相似文献   

This article considers how users employ extraorganizational technical communication to reshape technologies, both materially and symbolically, even after these technologies enter into common use. Specifically, I analyze how women bicyclists of the 1890s authored instructional materials to complicate gendered and classed assumptions about users implicit in manufacturer-produced texts. I argue that technical communicators, in their teaching and research, should consider the role that extraorganizational technical communication plays in generating vital and lasting cultural changes.  相似文献   

Field narratives that (re)classify technical genres as liberating for women risk supporting the notion that feminism is a completed project in technical communication scholarship. This article suggests that technical communicators reexamine the impact of past approaches to critical engagement at the intersections of gender studies and technical communication; cookbooks provide a material example. The authors illustrate how a feminist approach to cookbooks as technical/cultural artifacts can productively revise field narratives in technical communication.  相似文献   


This article offers a revision to an existing social science methodology, Q methodology, through “Q-Rhetoric.” After detailing Q methodology’s theoretical underpinnings and practical method, and persistent critiques of the methodology, the article employs perspectives from rhetorical theory and Amerindian anthropology to suggest a methodological correction. It concludes by detailing the use of Q-Rhetoric to intervene in a Wisconsin stream management controversy, proposing Q-Rhetoric as a pragmatic and theoretically sound methodology for working across disciplinary divides.  相似文献   

This article examines how 18th-century technical communicators used spectacular science displays to critique audiences’ existing knowledge and advocate for alternative perspectives and technical practices. In addition to using disruptive rhetorical strategies such as amplification and contrary opposition, historical technical communicators heightened the wonder of their displays by disrupting audience expectations for the extended material and social scenes, including the objects, spaces, bodies, and cultural performances like gender that surrounded the demonstrations.  相似文献   

The present paper first reviewed the major concepts and practices involves in research. A small study was conducted to survey on the prevailing research questions and methods in ELT studies in China, showing a major paradigm shift from qualitative studies to quantitative research and mixed methods, with little critical research identified.  相似文献   

科学的研究方法是犯罪学走出理论研究困境的最好的武器。尽管目前学界对实证的研究方法在犯罪学研究中的主导地位有了一定认识,但是对实证的研究方法仍然认识不足,也没有理性看待实证法和思辨法在犯罪学研究中的关系,由此导致我国犯罪学研究徘徊不前。通过对上述问题的阐述,对实证研究方法在犯罪学研究中的作用做出回答并进行理性反思,进一步回答关于我国犯罪学研究的范式选择问题,有一定的意义。  相似文献   

This article is a case-based theoretical exercise designed to investigate the role that ethics, culture, and artistry play in scientific illustration. In this article, the author theorizes a visual model of cultural interplay and scientific illustration in the creation of scientific knowledge and argues that scientific illustrations work as epistemological devices because they are culturally mediated constructions imbued with personal, organizational, and disciplinary trust, and shaped by the embedded cultural worldviews.  相似文献   

This article examines the emergence of technical communication as an academic field in China from the perspectives of pedagogy, program building, market needs, professionalization, and local sociopolitical contexts. Highlighting the close disciplinary connections between translation and technical communication, it identifies visionary faculty with overseas experiences as national leaders in curriculum innovation. It also explores the close industry–academia connections facilitated by semi-open WeChat groups and existing approaches to building international partnerships with technical communicators in China.  相似文献   

古代医家除了通过词语和句子的选择、调整等形式来提高表述效果外,主要还通过“修辞格”的使用来达到修辞目的。所谓“修辞格”,也就是修辞格式的简称,现在一般都通称为“修辞手法”或“修辞方法”。随着修辞学的研究发展,研究医古文修辞格英译的人也越来越多。该文仅以最常用的五种医古文中修辞手法解析为例,探讨医古文中常用修辞手法的英译策略。笔者认为,译文在内容上和语言特点上对原文的翻译做到“信、达、雅”,还需要译者具有语言学知识和翻译理论知识,钻研和掌握中医基础理论,不断提高中医英语翻译水平。  相似文献   

篇际语境分析具有语境化、修辞性和文本性等主要特征,它强调对科学文本自身及其相关的篇际语境进行探讨,能够从文本之间关系角度加深对科学文本的理解,较为全面地把握科学文本所处的篇际语境以及系统地分析其修辞的使用,对科学文本的解读会更清晰。  相似文献   

This article presents a case study using ethnographic and visual methods to investigate the framing activity of engineering students. Findings suggest students use the rhetorical figure of hypotyposis to produce the vivid images needed to frame engineering constraints. Data reveal students multimodally inducing collaboration between group members to construct images as ways to configure engineering constraints. The author argues for the usefulness of hypotyposis for understanding the framing of engineers, technical communicators, and other designers.  相似文献   

针对信息与计算科学专业中迭代法的教学提出了一些看法。首先指出应该采用启发式教学。然后提出在教学过程中应把迭代法用于求解实际问题,从而提高学生的学习兴趣。最后提出可把现代迭代法的观点融入教学中,并结合数学史进行教学。  相似文献   

根据"教育科学研究方法"的教学现状和参与式教学的特点,让学生在学习中参与,在参与中研究,形成了"参与—学习—研究"的教学模式。通过在主动学习中参与教学设计、在理例学习中进行模仿练习、在教师导引中探索课题设计、在小组合作中进行调查研究、在见(实)习活动中学做行动研究、在交流共享中展示研究成果等方式,提高了学生学习的积极性和主动性,使学生在参与中感受、体悟教育研究的魅力,在实践、探究过程中,享受教育科学研究方法带来的成功与喜悦。  相似文献   

目前科学探究已经成为一种常用的教学方式,在探究过程中常常要结合适当的研究方法,特别是"设计实验与制定计划"、"进行实验与收集证据"、"分析与论证"和"评估"四个要素。文章将结合实例阐述如何在初中物理实验探究过程中进行研究方法的渗透。  相似文献   

This article examines how empty state pages (ESPs) constrain user-generated communication through the ethical lens of Bourdieu’s habitus. The authors define ESPs as interactive instructional templates that prompt users to input information to participate in an online network. Through a case study analyzing ~450,000 online comments from The New York Times, the authors find a direct connection between ESP elements, such as the character limit for comments, and online writers’ cultivated habitus.  相似文献   

如今,任何一个具有独立思考能力的研究者都不会认同这样的说法,即:在教育研究领域中,实验研究是解决所有问题的"黄金标准".遗憾的是,这种"黄金标准"已经开始被某些教育政策和研究报告所过度青睐,同时其它的一些联邦法案和基金文案也开始竭力鼓吹.所有的学者、教师、以及研究者都应当站出来反对这种无理的要求.事实上,并不是今天才提出这样的反对意见,只是联邦政府的要员充耳不闻罢了.  相似文献   

加强示范性案例教学,积极推进科研成果进课堂和研究型教学模式改革,是提高课程内容学术水平、培养高素质创新型人才的重要举措。结合"无线通信"系列课程建设和研究生一流课程建设的实践,有针对性地提出了以科研成果为基础的案例教学建设思路,围绕如何推进研究型教学模式改革、强化创新能力培养进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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