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Selected findings on risk taking derived from theories of economics and psychology and thought to be relevant to education are presented. The theoretical benefits associated with moderate (.50 probability of success) levels of risk taking, as well as the potential problems associated with the use of risk-taking activities as means of enhancing student learning and motivation, are discussed. A program of research designed to identify the determinants and effects of academic risk taking (i.e., selection of school-relevant tasks varying in difficulty) among children and adults is reviewed. Although students admitted having low tolerance for error making and failure, initial results indicate that (a) they could be encouraged to take moderate academic risks, (b) they were interested in academic risk-taking tasks, and (c) risk-taking tasks facilitated learning and appeared to elicit increased effort expenditure. Suggestions for further theory- and field-based research in academic risk: taking are offered, including the study of relations between academic risk-taking variables and motivation, information-processing, cognitive development, measurement, and curriculum development variables.  相似文献   

教育测量专业人才培养是深化新时代教育评价改革的关键元素之一。通过总结5位美国教育测量专业知名教授就教育测量专业人才培养展开的讨论,对我国教育测量专业人才培养的建议是:1)高校间联合培养教育测量专业人才;2)注重基础知识传授与实践能力训练;3)发挥教育测量专业组织与专业期刊的作用;4)教育考试机构应加强与教育测量专业组织的沟通。  相似文献   

How will the expansion of the concept of construct validity affect validation practice in employment testing? How does the need for consequential validity differ in educational and employment testing? How do the research bases differ for performance assessment in these settings? Are there parallel trends in policies for test use in education and industry?  相似文献   

This paper explores three points raised by Divgi (1986) in order to explicate the important distinction between deterministic and statistical reasoning in the application of statistical models to educational measurement. The three issues concern the relationship between data and esimation equations, the distinction between parameters and parameter estimates, and the power of tests of fit of responses across the ability continuum.  相似文献   

We illustrate testing measurement invariance in a second-order factor model using a quality of life dataset (n = 924). Measurement invariance was tested across 2 groups at a set of hierarchically structured levels: (a) configural invariance, (b) first-order factor loadings, (c) second-order factor loadings, (d) intercepts of measured variables, (e) intercepts of first-order factors, (f) disturbances of first-order factors, and (g) residual variances of observed variables. Given that measurement invariance at the factor loading and intercept levels was achieved, the latent factor mean difference on the higher order factor between the groups was also estimated. The analyses were performed on the mean and covariance structures within the framework of the confirmatory factor analysis using the LISREL 8.51 program. Implications of second-order factor models and measurement invariance in psychological research were discussed.  相似文献   

What are key issues that educational measurement professionals must confront in the next decade? What resources can we draw on as we face these issues? How can educational measurement contribute most effectively to educational reform?  相似文献   

Motivation is a key factor in promoting academic success, and intrinsic motivation is especially important for developing autonomous learners. Reluctant learners, in particular, benefit from intrinsic motivation that makes learning relevant to their lives. In this article, the author describes commonalities of reluctant learners and presents definitions and frameworks for understanding motivation. The author also suggests a variety of strategies and activities for turning reluctant learners into inspired learners.  相似文献   

在测算中国30个省份1996-2009年的人口平均受教育年限和教育基尼系数的基础上,运用面板单位根检验、面板协整检验以及DOLS等方法分析了教育扩展对教育不平等的影响.研究发现,在考察期内,中国人口的平均受教育年限稳步提高,教育基尼系数则呈现下降趋势.另外,无论在全国范围还是在东、中、西部地区,教育扩展和教育不平等之间存在长期稳定的负相关关系,教育扩展显著地改善了教育不平等状况.因此,提高人口的平均受教育年限是促进教育公平的重要途径.  相似文献   

What are the similarities and differences among the testing practices and tests that have been described in the preceding articles? How do the situations in these countries compare to what we are experiencing in the US.?  相似文献   

This article is centrally concerned with the sort of knowledge that can and should inform educational policy—and it treats this as an epistemological question. It distinguishes this question from the more extensively explored question of what sort of knowledge in what form policy‐makers do in fact commonly take into account. The article examines the logical and rhetorical character of policy and the components of policy decisions and argues that policy demands a much wider range of information than research typically provides. Either the research task or commission has to be substantially extended or the gap will be filled by information or thinking that is not derived from research. One of the gaps between research of an empirical kind and policy is the normative gap. In the final section the article points to the inescapably normative character of educational policy. Of course the values that inform policy can be investigated empirically, but this kind of enquiry cannot tell us what we should do. There is a role for research/scholarship and more rather than less intelligent and critical argumentation in addressing these normative questions as well as the empirical questions that underpin policy.  相似文献   

As part of an overall research program to create a set of web-based interactive distance learning modules, an educational needs assessment was conducted. The educational needs assessment is undertaken to collect information via observation and interview as to which knowledge areas are most desirable for incorporation into the interactive distance learning modules. This research is best undertaken with a neutral stance and without any preconceptions or hypotheses as to which knowledge areas are likely to be most useful. The interactive modules were designed to enhance the utilization of telemedicine by health care providers. This paper is a report on the methodology used and the findings of the needs assessment. The educational needs assessment acts as a compass to guide the creation of curricula. In the design of interactive learning, the needs assessment may be an important tool that informs not only the selection of the content, but also the selection of technology and courseware processes. The methodology described herein may be useful as a template for other authors of interactive learning courseware. The results of this study identified four clusters of content to be offered and confirmed the selection of interactive, web-based distance learning as the most appropriate delivery approach.  相似文献   

教育机会平等不同于平均主义的统计意义上的教育机会均等。教育机会平等的涵义至少应该包括教育机会起点的平等、教育机会实现过程的平等以及作为公平意义上的教育结果的平等。“作为公平意义上的平等”是文章提出的一个重要概念,意在与平均主义的“绝对平等”相区分,并赋予平等以新的内涵。正确理解教育机会平等问题是和谐社会建设的核心理念之一,具有重要的理论价值及现实意义。笔者从教育机会平等问题的理论缘起出发,尝试从理论上对机会平等的概念进行再思考,并尝试提出一些解决我国当前教育机会平等领域内存在的实际问题的思路。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of assessment, creating new challenges for measurement professionals, including big data management, test security, and analyzing new validity evidence. In response to these challenges, Machine Learning (ML) emerges as an increasingly important skill in the toolbox of measurement professionals in this new era. However, most ML tutorials are technical and conceptual-focused. Therefore, this tutorial aims to provide a practical introduction to ML in the context of educational measurement. We also supplement our tutorial with several examples of supervised and unsupervised ML techniques applied to marking a short-answer question. Python codes are available on GitHub. In the end, common misconceptions about ML are discussed.  相似文献   

开展高等学校教学评估对促进高校建设和提高教学质量有积极的作用,但同时也伴随着投入大和弄虚作假等问题。对改进高等学校的教学评估工作进行反思,有利于以完善本科教学水平评估的健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

一、湖南省教育督导的现状湖南省是1988年正式恢复建立教育督导机构的,此后,市、县两级陆续成立了相应的机构,从而全面恢复建立了教育督导制度。一是基本构建了一套较为完整的教育督导常规制度。早在教育督导恢复的初期,为了推动“两基”工作,湖南省就及时建立了“两基”评估验收制度。在多数县市区“两基”验收合格后,为了巩固和提高“普九”成果,又适时建立了“普九”年检复查制度。第三次全国教育工作会议后,为了推动素质教育的实施,建立了县级行政区域素质教育督导评估制度和中小学办学水平督导评估制度。此外,为了促进幼儿教育的发展,…  相似文献   

This article provides a critical review of the research field of emotional intelligence (EI) and examines the usefulness of the construct in the debate on educational policy and practice. The authors examine two approaches to the theory and measurement of EI and summarize the evidence linking EI to life success and academic achievement. Also considered is whether or not EI can be changed or developed, and how it might be facilitated in educational practice. In conclusion, while a distinct construct of EI remains debatable; many of the attributes encompassed by this term do predict that life success and programmes of socio-emotional learning in schools may usefully contribute to the development of these attributes.  相似文献   

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