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This study investigated Zimbabwean counselors' experiences of providing HIV/AIDS counseling and their perceptions about the state of HIV/AIDS counseling in Zimbabwe. The participants were a diverse group of counselors, 30 through 59 years of age, who provided counseling services to HIV/AIDS clients. Participants thought HIV/AIDS counselors in Zimbabwe received minimal support and supervision and were undertrained. They identified that the first sessions with clients were the most difficult. They also found it problematic to work with couples who were serodiscordant (one partner who is HIV positive and the other HIV negative) and couples wanting children. The later stages of the counseling process were also found to be challenging. Though the participants acknowledged they had negative psychological experiences when counseling HIV/AIDS clients, they also expressed feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment in their work.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a study of instructional leadership in 20 Icelandic compulsory schools. More specifically, the perceptions of staff concerning supervision of instruction, and the views of principals regarding their role as supervisors of instructional development. Data was collected with questionnaires from staff and interviews with principals. The approach was based on a mixed-methods design. The findings indicate that supervision of instruction differs between the schools. Principals provide for little direct supervision of teachers, however, they provide considerable indirect supervision. The supervision of instruction suggests that collegial supervisory emphasis is considerable in most of the schools. The collegial model, however, emphasizes systematic collection of data on what happens in classrooms, an important element that is largely neglected in the Icelandic schools.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), has been a part of American society for over two decades. Today, HIV/AIDS touches all demographic groups, including young children. It is for this reason that child care providers need to be informed about HIV/AIDS and related policies that impact their work with young children. The purpose of this study was to examine child care providers' use of different HIV/AIDS information sources in relationship to their knowledge about HIV/AIDS and their response to common childhood behaviors and classroom situations involving an HIV-infected child. Results suggest that different types of information sources are associated with different aspects of providers' knowledge about and response to pediatric HIV/AIDS. Implications for the planning and delivery of HIV/AID training involving child care providers are discussed.  相似文献   

在我国,艾滋病感染者遭遇就业歧视的主要原因在法律层面上是由于法出多门、立法层次较低、内容不完善、法律可操作性不强、执法监督力度不够,从而法律不能充分保障艾滋病感染者的就业权利;在社会层面上,由于人们缺乏对艾滋病的正确认识,对艾滋病及其感染者心存疑虑和恐惧,因而表现出对艾滋病感染者的排斥和歧视。  相似文献   

Due to high prime-age mortality—a result of the HIV/AIDS scourge, the number of orphans in Uganda continues to rise. Using the 2002/2003 Uganda National Household Survey, this paper investigates how HIV/AIDS orphan status affects schooling enrolment and grade progression. Our results show that HIV/AIDS orphans are not significantly less likely to continue schooling but are by far more likely to fall below their appropriate grade. Furthermore, we find that the schooling gaps decreases at higher levels of household welfare status—poor HIV/AIDS orphans, especially aged 13–17 years, are significantly less likely to continue schooling.  相似文献   

A growing need for utilizing school-based HIV/AIDS interventions the world over has been acknowledged as the most cost-effective means for arresting the spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic among the vulnerable youth. However, the question on how teachers as educational change agents and cognitive sense-makers of HIV/AIDS curricula situated in a complex web of systemic social interactions are faring in mediating these interventions has not received much attention in curriculum theorization. There seems to be an underrepresentation in the literature, of post-modernistic approaches to the problematizing and explanation of teacher enactment of such complicated yet important curricula. This article sought to highlight the Adaptation Approach to education and Honig’s model and teacher cognition as an example of a post-modernistic approach to analysing teachers’ enactment of school HIV/AIDS curricula. It sought to enhance our understanding of the interplay of a myriad of factors endogenous and exogenous to teachers in shaping and framing teachers’ individual responses to the HIV/AIDS curriculum policy. We thus contend that one of the major reasons why teachers’ efforts to effectuate purposive mediations are so elusive is the failure by theoreticians and policy-makers alike, to consider the myriad of human-generated antecedents in different venues and how these impact teachers’ adaptation of HIV/AIDS interventions.  相似文献   

This paper describes current trends in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It looks at issues and strategies involved in educating women about HIV/AIDS in the context of the global pandemic, focusing particularly on Canada and Vietnam. These strategies are essential steps in preventing the spread of HIV and in caring for those who have already developed AIDS. The strategies identified include the formulation of public policy within Canada, Vietnam, and the UK which would strive to eliminate inequality and discrimination, while at the same time positioning HIV/AIDS education within a gender‐sensitive perspective. Other educational strategies include teaching women how to practise negotiated safety while understanding the power dynamics within which safer sex must occur, being sensitive to local cultures and moving away from individualistic programmes towards programmes that focus on structural inequalities.  相似文献   

肖健 《高教论坛》2007,(3):40-43
了解高校HIV/AIDS健康教育的意义,掌握具体的教学方法,加强在大学生人群中开展HIV/AIDS知识的宣传,发挥大学生在HIV/AIDS防治工作中的作用,对控制AIDS的流行具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

文章在以云南省艾滋病人口分性别进行研究的基础上,提出基于女性性别脆弱性的艾滋病防治对策,对于减少女性人口在面对艾滋病时的脆弱性,提高艾滋病防治的效率具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

艾滋病已成为危害人类社会的国际问题.到目前为止,预防教育是解决艾滋病问题最为有效的方法.联合国教科文组织提出艾滋病预防教育的目的是增进人们对艾滋病传播和预防的知识、意识、技能,形成和树立正确的态度和价值观念,减少艾滋病的传染,减轻艾滋病对社会造成的影响,同时缓解艾滋病对教育系统带来的压力.本文介绍了UNESCO在全球性和地区性两个层面实施艾滋病预防教育的策略,并讨论了这些策略的意义.  相似文献   

根据疾病预防控制中心提供的数据,应用回归分析的方法,建立了某市HIV/AIDS逐年新增人数预测模型和经性传播HIV/AIDS新增人数预测模型,并分析得出该市未来3年HIV/AIDS的发展趋势:HIV/AIDS新增人数逐年趋于平稳,但是仍有上升的迹象;经性传播HIV/AIDS新增人数比例逐年上升且速度较快,性传播HIV/AIDS已逐渐成为该市HIV/AIDS传播的主要途径。  相似文献   

This paper examines Ghanaian young people's perceptions of the determinants of HIV- and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination, and how these perceptions may influence the de-stigmatisation process. Drawing on findings from an in-depth, multi-method qualitative study involving 104 school and street young people aged between 14 and 19 years, the paper presents young people's accounts of HIV and AIDS. The paper provokes discussion on how language and images associated with existing educational programmes on HIV and AIDS place young people in a dilemma. It also argues that fear and secrecy associated with the disease not only consolidate stigmatisation and discrimination, but also create the desire for retribution. It concludes by challenging health educators to pay particular attention to the language and images used in future educational programmes.  相似文献   

农村小学教师的职业压力与工作倦怠及其相互作用较少受到关注,基于职业发展的视角,采用职业压力与工作倦怠问卷开展调查研究,探讨骨干和普通教师的职业压力对工作倦怠的不同影响。结果发现:(1)农村小学教师职业压力感较大,压力主要来自社会、职业发展和教学方面,工作倦怠已达中等程度,职业压力和工作倦怠之间存在着非常显著的正相关;(2)农村小学教师的职业压力和工作倦怠存在一定的群体差异;(3)骨干教师与普通教师职业压力的不同方面正向预测了工作倦怠,并产生不同效应。  相似文献   

During the last decades numerous studies have been conducted with the aim of finding predictors of an effective school measured in terms of the average level of the students' academic achievement. Few of these studies have examined how the students' perception of their work environment at school influences their academic achievement. The present article applies theory and findings from research on the adult work environment to the daily school life of children and adolescents. The analyses are based on self-reported data from the "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey" (the HBSC study), using data from countries in both Eastern and Western Europe. Data from 11, 13 and 15 year old students in Finland, Latvia, Norway and Slovakia are used. The findings suggest that the most important psychosocial school setting predictors of students' perception of their academic achievement are that they feel satisfied with school, that they feel the teachers do not expect too much of them, and that they have a good relationship with their fellow students. The findings imply that interventions which enhance the students' satisfaction with school are likely to improve their achievement as well.  相似文献   

为客观地认识和分析新疆地区中学英语教师的发展需求,进一步提高教师继续教育效果,我们根据中国外语教育中心、中国外语教师教育与发展模式研究项目的基本框架,对2006年暑期来自全疆各地区参加培训的两百余名高中英语教师进行了较为深入的调查。调查结果显示:新疆地区高中英语教师对自己的职业满意度较高;教师渴望得到再教育和业务再发展的机会,有强烈的发展需求,并且注意在工作实践中注意自我提高和采取一定的行动;广大教师都有强烈且明确的发展需求,但教师资源和进修机会的短缺大大制约了他们的发展;虽然教师有明确的发展需求,但他们感到最需要提高的内容与他们所认为的一个好的英语教师应该具备哪些方面的基础知识的认识不完全一致;教师的教学理念与他们在课堂上常采取的教学方法呈微弱相关性,他们对以学为本的教学理念和教学方法普遍赞同,但教师的教学理念和方法与它们的课堂教学实践也呈微弱相关性;教师对教学科研能力对教学和教师的自我发展的积极促进作用的认识相当不足。  相似文献   

The AIDS epidemic has created many orphans around the globe. A majority of these orphans live in sub‐Saharan Africa. Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS face many daunting challenges in their struggle to cope with life. The issues they face due to the loss of their parent(s) include poverty, the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS and stress. This study carried out by Morgan Chitiyo of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Darlington Changara of Midlands AIDS Caring Organisation and George Chitiyo of Tennessee Technological University discusses how different psychosocial and educational interventions have been developed to help the children to overcome these challenges. However, few of the interventions have been empirically tested to determine their efficacy. The authors set out to evaluate the treatment acceptability of a psychosocial support programme using a group of teachers who had received training and were participating in the implementation of the programme across their schools. Findings from the study indicate high acceptability ratings of the programme.  相似文献   

中小学教师攻读教育硕士学位动机的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育硕士专业学位是培养胜任基础教育教学和管理工作的高层次人才的专业性学位。本研究以737名正在攻读教育硕士专业学位的中小学教师为研究对象,系统探讨中小学教师攻读教育硕士专业学位的动机。研究发现:中小学教师攻读教育硕士专业学位的求学动机主要有四种,即职业规划动机、专业成长动机、外因影响动机和竞争需要动机,其中专业成长动机和竞争需要动机是当前我国中小学教师攻读教育硕士专业学位的两个主导性求学动机。  相似文献   

This paper describes the process involved in creating a community-based training curriculum designed to build capacity and foster new knowledge in support of HIV/AIDS education. Highlighted are the challenges and triumphs incurred while working with community and academic partners to ensure the production of an adaptable curriculum designed to accommodate diverse teaching and learning styles. The curriculum provides teachers, community leaders and peer educators with knowledge and skills to competently deliver HIV/AIDS information, regardless of previous training in sexual health education. Educators are encouraged to adapt the curriculum according to community/classroom needs. Also highlighted is the need for creating further opportunities that enable teachers, community practitioners and researchers to collaborate around issues that influence learners' lives.  相似文献   

A vital facet that adds value to schools is the partnership between the departments of education and health at national level. At the heart of making this partnership effective in order to achieve its potential is the need for synchronisation of the roles of school nurses and teachers to mitigate sustainability risks. In order to investigate the harmonisation of these roles, an explorative qualitative study was conducted with school nurses and teachers in three district municipalities in two provinces of South Africa. The aim was to determine the perceptions of these two groups of their respective roles and the possibility of harmonising these roles. The administrative task, which included obtaining the consent of parents for their children's immunisation provided an opportunity for sharing responsibilities. However, the roles of school nurses - health screening and immunisation - and the roles of teachers - screening for barriers to learning - could not be harmonised due to a lack of understanding of health promotion and a tendency to work in silos because of a lack of trust and openness. This was compounded by the school managers’ inability to provide guidance and leadership.  相似文献   

The impact of HIV/AIDS on food security and rural livelihoods is still insufficiently understood. It is evident, however, that rural development professionals need to respond to the changes that have taken place in rural areas due to the pandemic. This article explores competencies that they need in order to deal with the complex HIV/AIDS issues related to their work with farming families. Initially 45 rural development professionals from developing countries in the southern hemisphere were interviewed about these competencies, using case stories and questionnaires. Subsequently, 34 individual in‐depth interviews were conducted with rural development professionals from East Africa and Zambian government officials. A focus group discussion with 15 Zambian agricultural extension workers completed the empirical part of the research. The study reveals that there is an urgent need to complement the technical competencies of rural development professionals with more social competencies, such as counselling and communication, lobbying and networking. Recommendations are formulated for competence development of rural development professionals who have to deal with the consequences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in rural areas.  相似文献   

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