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With the advent of multi-media computing and the Internet, computers have gained more and more popularity in English language teaching, and they have become tremendously useful teaching tools for English teaching just because they can help users to process input quickly, they can integrate voice, music, video, pictures and text into lessons, and they can also be programmed to tailor teaching and tests for each of the individual students. This article will first focus on the advantages and limitations of applying multi-media software programs in language teaching with the evaluation of Issues in English followed.  相似文献   

IT in the Language Classroom: What is the Teacher's Role?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper concerns the role of the language teacher in classroom lessons that involve the use of IT-an issue in CALL which has had little attention in the literature. The three main actors in classroom-based language learn  相似文献   

This paper discusses the manner in which the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland attempted to impose denominational control on the system of vocational education introduced by the state in 1930. Considerable research on education has been conducted within the period in question; however, the area addressed in this paper has been largely neglected by scholars in the field. The position of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is examined in the context of Church–state relations within Europe with particular reference to the issue of control in education. The paper argues that the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland sought denominational control over vocational education through the introduction of various amendments to legislation dealing with the system.  相似文献   

Secondary modern schools form the focus for this paper, which explores an aspect of this topic that has received comparatively little attention: the role of external examinations in determining the character and fate of these schools during the 20‐year period when they educated the ‘large majority’ 1 1 McCulloch, G. Failing the Ordinary Child? The Theory and Practice of Working‐class Secondary Education. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1998: 6. of pupils in the 11 to 15 age range. Particular attention is paid to the pivotal role played by external examinations in secondary modern schools’ quest for parity of esteem with grammar schools. Various functions performed by external examinations are considered and it is shown that, while some worked against the interests of secondary modern schools, individual schools were able to turn others to their own advantage. The paper ends by considering a darker side to examining, which was asserting itself as this brief period of history drew to a close.  相似文献   

The goal of the current project was to examine whether engaging in social activity may moderate or mediate the relation between age and cognitive functioning. A large age range sample of adults performed a variety of cognitive tests and completed a social activities questionnaire. Results did not support the moderator hypothesis, as age differences in cognition were similar in people who reported low and high levels of engagement in social activity. However, the data was consistent with a mediation model, which posits that age differences in social activity partly explain age differences in cognition. Furthermore, it supported a moderated mediation model, which assumes that the mediation effects of social activity were stronger at older ages.  相似文献   

In the past, the teachers are traditionally regarded as information givers; Knowledge flows only one way from teachers to students, while the students are usually considered as information receivers and they are very passive and boring. New syllabus requires cooperation between teachers and students, So teachers may need to re-think their approaches when they teach students, Teachers not only need to build up a positive relationship with the students, but also need to establish a clear understanding of how they expect and want things to be.  相似文献   

The Role of Emotion in Teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Associated with the recent research results of emotion psychology, the paper addresses the role of emotion in teaching from five aspects. The author presents that emotion plays a primary role of internalization and regulation in the process of teaching and directly restricts the accepting of course contents, the mastery of academic knowledge, the internalization of learning motivation, the regulation of students' behavior and the construction of teaching strategies while arousing the relevant emotional experience, which is the psychological base of effective teaching.  相似文献   

本文着重探讨了美国著名小说家霍桑的名篇《红字》里的人物波尔的形象。波尔出生在十七世纪清规戒律森严的新英格兰殖民地。她从一出生就被认为是非法的。她的存在与其说和她所处的社会极不谐调,不如说是对这个社会和法律的嘲笑和反抗。虽然波尔得不到社会的温暖和正规的教育,但是大自然却慷慨地给予了她生存所必需的一切;同时,她也无形中成了大自然不可分割的一部分。波尔是一个活生生的天使,是正义的象征。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionInInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegion ,moreandmoreMongolianstudentsbegintolearnEn glishintherecentyearsasaforeignlanguage (orasathirdlanguage)atcollegesanduniversities.Beforetheygotocollege,mostofthemhaven’tlearnedEnglishbyrestrictionsofvariousco…  相似文献   

This paper reviews selected recruitment resources to physical education based on Lortie's (1975) paradigm of occupational choice and the anticipatory socialization process. Based on data from physical education entry studies (Mulling, 1981; Pooley, 1970; Woodford, 1977; Templin, Note 1), examples of how selected resources both attract and facilitate entrance into the field are presented. Such resources as the interpersonal and service dimensions of teaching, a desire for continued association with sport, time compatibility, job security, eased entrance, and various socializing agents are shown to have some degree of influence on one's decision to enter physical education. Finally, various implications of the data are discussed in relation to the professional preparation process.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the characteristics of the flipped classroom, discusses the foundations of this innovative instructional model, and analyzes the possibility of adoption and application to corporate learning platforms. The article assesses whether the flipped classroom is simply a temporary trend in education and learning or has the potential to truly revolutionize instructional design and delivery in the realm of training and development.  相似文献   

Nobody ever thought it could happen, but botanical and agricultural experts have issued a grave warning:the banana, one of the world's best-loved fruits, might practically go extinct in as short as 10 years.The bananas we eat today originated from the wild banana(Musa acuminata), which is inedible because of the many sturdy seeds it contains. Apparently, about 10,000 years ago, people somewhere in South-East Asia discovered a rare mutated variety that yielded soft, delicious fruits without seeds. This mutant plant came about mostly because of a  相似文献   

The Role of Motivation in Language Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of motivation in language learning has been studied since the 1960s. It is indeed one of the most important areas of linguistics. This paper suggests strategies of motivating language learners and focuses on the role which motivation can play in language learning. The concept of motivation from different points of view is defined, a number of suggestions on how to motivate language learners are presented and the role of motivation based on various motivational theories are highlighted. With regard to the role of motivation in language learning, it is concluded that motivation plays an increasingly important role in many aspects, such as identifying with the target language society, achieving long-term and short-term goals, improving language learners‘ internal and external powers and exerting a group force. It also indicates that there should be more research areas to be examined and a long way is probably requlred to go in future theoretical and practical study.  相似文献   


The experience of 8 teenage participants of a 12-day adventure trip was investigated through participant observation and semistructured posttrip interviews. The teen participants conceptualized nature as a place out there—a reality fundamentally different and removed from their home reality of civilization. The teens understood nature as undisturbed, natural, unfamiliar, without people or human material development, relaxing, not busy, and with a sense of freedom. The teens strongly suggested nature does not exist at home. It appears that, with this construction of nature, the teens felt diminished motivation to take care of their home environment.  相似文献   

The recent Green Paper, Higher Education. A Policy Discussion Paper, proposes that strategic planning be adopted by all tertiary institutions as part of a new style of management. 1 1. Higher Education. A Policy Discussion Paper, AGPS, Canberra, December, 1987. Chapter 7. This paper explains the nature and advantages of strategic planning, and the major elements involved in strategic planning within an analytical framework. Various strategies which can form part of the overall planning model are examined, with an emphasis on their financial aspects.


Difficulties in learning Ohm’s Law suggest a need to refocus it from the law for a part of the circuit to the law for the whole circuit. Such a revision may improve understanding of Ohm’s Law and its practical applications. This suggestion comes from an analysis of the history of the law’s discovery and its teaching. The historical materials this paper provides can also help teacher to improve students’ insights into the nature of science.  相似文献   

While most of the press around the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has focused on how it signals an end to No Child Left Behind, the implications of ESSA for students experiencing homelessness have been largely overlooked. Garnering organizational insights from Kingdon’s (Agendas, alternatives, and public policies, Pearson, Glenviiew, 2011) policy streams and coupling the literature with our first-hand policy experience, we present a political analysis of the McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act from inception through ESSA. Our purpose is to highlight how and why the act grew stronger—and more beneficial for students experiencing homelessness—despite wide-ranging obstacles. Not only did the original policy function to alter the politics around homelessness, but key actors, events, and contexts shaped history and enabled stakeholders who were engaged in the day-to-day work to play an important role in setting the policy trajectory. Implications for stakeholders aiming to improve educational opportunities for other marginalized students are discussed.  相似文献   

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