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语文教学中要培养学生的创新精神,就要充分挖掘学生的想象力,培养学生大胆设想、大胆尝试的能力。这些能力的培养就对老师的课堂教学提出了更高的要求,要大胆抛弃传统的教学模式,大胆创新。  相似文献   

At a time when learning and teaching in higher education have become the focus of increasing attention and high priority is being accorded to the attainment of excellence in teaching there is a growing concern that teaching is being reduced to the acquisition of a set of competencies. This paper will draw on the work of Alasdair MacIntyre to explore the nature of a practice and of teaching as a practice, and then draw on a case study of teachers in a higher education institute in Ireland to gain some insights into the realities of practice. While acknowledging that this knowledge is unequivocally contextual, this case study has the potential to contribute to our understanding of teaching by affording insights into how teachers respond to the challenges of practice. The paper will argue that to conceive of teaching as a practice, in the manner in which practice is explained and elaborated by MacIntyre, moves us beyond a narrow and mechanistic view of teaching built around the adoption of effective strategies to one that is broader in scope and takes into account notions of internal standards of excellence, complexity and integrity.  相似文献   

The criteria of effective teaching in higher education are understood to comprise particular skills and practices applied within particular contexts. Drawing on the literature and using Australia’s understanding of effective teaching, this paper examines the notion of effective teaching. The paper specifically compares dimensions derived from robust research and psychometric processes with the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s criteria for effective teaching and observes the criteria of effective teaching in higher education to have evolved. While the paper suggests some areas in which future considerations of the notion of effective teaching might usefully focus, it also argues that context is critical and that it is subject to continuous and multiple changes imposed by forces from within and outside universities. The paper maintains that our collective understanding of competent, professional and effective teaching must continually evolve in order that it accurately reflects and continually responds to the contexts in which learning and teaching is undertaken. The paper also calls for an ongoing agenda that continuously investigates and articulates the meaning of effective teaching in a changed, and changing, context.  相似文献   

In higher education, approaches to teaching are becoming more student-centred, which demands different teaching competencies. Therefore, it is necessary to have an adequate framework of teaching competencies that can be used for evaluation purposes. The weaknesses of the existing frameworks are that they do not pay attention to the person as teacher, they are too narrowly defined, they are not validated and they are not adjusted to modern approaches to teaching. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a framework of teaching competencies in higher education. A framework for teaching competencies was therefore constructed containing the following domains: The Person as Teacher, Expert on Content Knowledge, Facilitator of Learning Processes, Organiser and Scholar/Lifelong Learner. The framework was validated using a Delphi method. Educational experts (N = 63) were asked: ``How important are the following teaching competencies in each domain for an experienced teacher in higher education?'' A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the adequacy of the domains. After two rounds, the shift in ratings was minimal, so the results were considered stable. The response rate was 82%. From the original list with 134 items, 30 items were omitted because many experts failed to respond to them. The experts reached consensus on 61 out of the resulting 104 items (59%). A confirmatory factor analysis on the three best scoring items in each domain confirmed the model. A framework of teaching competencies was developed and validated that can be used as a starting point for teacher evaluation in higher education.  相似文献   

Peer review of teaching is recognized increasingly as one strategy for academic development even though historically peer review of teaching is often unsupported by policy, action and culture in many Australian universities. Higher education leaders report that academics generally do not engage with peer review of teaching in a systematic or constructive manner, and this paper advances and analyses a conceptual model to highlight conditions and strategies necessary for the implementation of sustainable peer review in higher education institutions. The model highlights leadership, development and implementation, which are critical to the success and formation of a culture of peer review of teaching. The work arises from collaborative research funded by the Office for Learning and Teaching to foster and advance a culture of peer review of teaching across several universities in Australia.  相似文献   

Teaching is increasingly being considered for inclusion in academic promotions in a number of universities. This raises questions about how teaching is appraised in relation to research; and which teaching criteria contribute to promotions outcomes. This article investigates these questions from a gender perspective by statistically analysing the actual promotions outcomes by rank levels at a South African university where teaching and research have been equally evaluated in academic promotions. The findings show that, overall, there was no statistically significant difference in promotions success rates between males and females and that more females achieved excellence in teaching with higher scores than males. Two of the 10 teaching criteria analysed – ‘ongoing study of tertiary education’ and ‘special recognition of teaching’ showed statistically significantly higher scores for females with high effect sizes, pointing to the importance of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in academic promotions for women. This study has implications for closing the gender gap in the senior ranks of universities.  相似文献   

教学必须遵循因材施教的原则,结合每个同学的实际情况选择合适的教学方式,才利于同学的全面发展。高等职业学校的创办大多与社会、实际任务紧紧相关,达到提高高等职业体育教育的教学质量的目的,不可以简易地照搬本科学校的教学方式。应当考虑高等职业学校同学的实际状况,事业进展,才可以大幅度提高高等职业体育教育的教学质量。职位体质教育的对象是高等职业学校的体育教育,高等职业学校的毕业生大多数都加入了社会职位的前线,大多要求较好的体质。笔者经过对职位体质的定义、职位体质创造性教育关键职能以及职位等层面的叙述,目的是可以成为当前的高等职业体质教育的参考,大幅度提升高等职业学习体育教育的教学质量。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的方式对6个不同专业的师范生进行公共心理学实践教学需求研究。主要发现:(1)学生总体上对视频、图像、案例、课堂心理实验等形式的模拟实践和实验室实验、实地观察、调查研究等实践活动,都有明显的需求;(2)课程满意度与学生对实践教学形式偏好、教学方法偏好、内容偏好等都有显著相关。(3)学生的成绩排名越靠前,他们对教师采用案例、图片和视频动画等模拟实践方式教学就越欢迎,也越倾向于希望老师推荐更多的课外学习资源;(4)有良好学习习惯的学生更希望教师多发挥学生主动性,给予合作学习的机会,不喜欢教师过多的讲授,希望多进行分组教学。基于调查提出改进心理学实践教学的一些建议,重点是师范生素质和教师教育教学能力的培养。  相似文献   

Background: Academic staff have a key role to play in the innovation efforts of universities aiming to exploit the potential of web-based learning technologies. Although learning technologies are an important building block of educational innovation, the eLearning adoption rate of European academic staff appears disappointing. The majority of curricula in European universities are stalled in the traditional pedagogical model of knowledge transmission, which continues to dominate teaching and learning.

Purpose: This conceptual paper explores underlying structural and cultural barriers to technology-enhanced innovation in higher education.

Sources of evidence: Starting from the underdeveloped state of eLearning in European universities, the paper challenges arguments that visible barriers such as technical issues, budget constraints or lack of interest in technology amongst academic staff represent the actual reasons for the slow advancement of learning technologies in university curricula.

Main argument: The paper argues that the lack of faculty interest and engagement for eLearning are visible symptoms for deeply rooted causes, which hinder current innovation efforts of universities. It explores theoretical viewpoints for structural peculiarities of universities, motivational and habitual traits of academic staff, and long-standing cultural values in the academic community in an attempt to understand their impact on technology-enhanced innovation in higher education.

Conclusions: The real dilemma for eLearning innovation is caused by macro-level influence factors that even committed universities can hardly overcome at institutional level. University leaders have to take the underlying innovation barriers into account when they try to engage academic staff for the use of learning technologies. With a realistic view on existing limitations, institutional eLearning adoption efforts have to be tailored to serve real learning needs and motivations of academic staff; and they have to consider specific goals and contexts within different universities.  相似文献   

房地产专业具有很强的实践性,传统的实践教学模式不符合社会对房地产人才的需求。针对当前房地产人才培养过程中实践教学的缺点和不足,提出重新定位实践教学目标,整合实践教学内容,以案例教学、项目教学及模拟教学等教学方法,健全实践教学的保障体系,提高房地产人才培养的教学质量,提升学生就业竞争力。  相似文献   

为了适应时代发展,也是本市加大旅游产业的开发和发展的要求,我系于2011年新创立了旅游英语专业,本专业的课程中也包括了酒店管理。对于新专业新课程,由于笔者曾经在国际五星级酒店工作,认识到酒店管理重在实践,于是在上该门课的过程中运用一些比较创新的教学方法,获得了一定成效,也对这门课程的教学有很多方面的反思。  相似文献   


It has been suggested that metaphors have a crucial influence on the way we perceive and construct the world. As a result, metaphor analysis has been used as a way to reveal, analyse and understand conceptions of teaching in higher education. This paper introduces a different way to analyse metaphors for teaching than the ones previously used in higher education. By focusing on temporarily stable, spontaneously uttered metaphors in conversation data, the unfiltered metaphors for teaching are analysed. Through a thorough analysis of eight interviews with lecturers from business management, it is established how teaching in this context is conceptualised as a vehicle on tracks and as having levels as well as depth and width. It is discussed how the identified metaphors open up a space of possibilities for the lecturers and to what extent these results can be generalised beyond this context.  相似文献   

高等教育应具备三项基本职能:培养专门人才、科学研究和服务社会。顶岗实习支教是培养专门人才不可或缺的实践环节,它的实施将高等教育和基础教育紧密链接在一起,不仅是对农村基础教育的有力支持,还对高等教育的人才培养、教育体制改革、教育科学研究、理论联系实际和服务社会等方面起着促进作用,也能对高等教育起到反馈与反拨作用,顶岗实习支教是一条价值多元的正确道路。  相似文献   

Despite the common use of the term reflection in higher education assessment tasks, learners are not often taught how to communicate their disciplinary knowledge through reflection. This paper argues that students can and should be taught how to reflect in deep and transformative ways. It highlights the reflexive pedagogical balancing act of attending to different levels of reflection as a way to stimulate focused, thoughtful and reasoned reflections that show evidence of new ways of thinking and doing. The paper uses data from a current project to illustrate the effects of focusing on particular levels of reflection in the pedagogical strategies used, and argues that while the goal of academic or professional reflection is generally to move students to the highest level of reflection to transform their learning/practice, unless higher education teachers attend to every level of reflection, there are specific, observable gaps in the reflections that students produce.  相似文献   

The use of technology for teaching and learning is now widespread, but its educational effectiveness is still open to question. This mixed-method study explores educational practices with technology in higher education. It examines what forms of evidence (if any) have influenced teachers' practices. It comprises a literature review, a questionnaire and interviews. A framework was used to analyse a wide range of literature. The questionnaires were analysed using content analysis and the interviews were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Findings suggest that evidence has partial influence upon practice with practitioners preferring to consult colleagues and academic developers. The study underscored the difficulty in defining and evaluating evidence, highlighting ontological and epistemological issues. The academic developer's role appears to be key in mediating evidence for practitioners.  相似文献   

近年来国内电子商务发展迅速,在这一形势下,电子商务的人才培养工作有待加强。本文从电子商务实践教学的意义、特点、与人才培养目标的关系以及实践教学模式等角度来分析和探讨高职电子商务的实践教学工作,为社会培养合格的电子商务人才作浅显的探索。  相似文献   

结合国内外高校研究生教育的现状,针对普通高校研究生教学中存在的问题,提出了多角度、多种方法协同培养的教学设想,以最大限度地挖掘学生的潜力,培养研究生的创新意识和创新技能,该教学模式对培养研究生的自主学习意识和探索能力将起到很好的引导作用。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the findings of a study that examined the conceptions of academics regarding the nature of ‘leading’ and ‘managing’ learning and teaching in six Australian universities. These data were considered in the light of institutional systems and documentation regarding the leadership and management of learning and teaching and the contemporary literature on leadership and management, particularly in higher education. The research found that there was congruence between academic conceptions of the roles of leaders and managers in HE and those found in other contexts. In contrast, there was considerable variance and significant gaps between these conceptions and HR and professional development practices. The paper reports findings that have significant implications for more systematic and explicit professional development for University leaders and managers of teaching and learning. In addition, it argues that changes are required to the prevailing approaches in the current HR systems and policies in order to effectively develop, support and recognize effective leadership and management practices as they relate to learning and teaching.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to advance a framework for understanding and teaching game design in higher education, in order to address complexities inherent in teaching game design courses. Everyday teaching and learning game design often deviate from the standard textbook model of game design. In reality everyday teaching and learning operate with handling game design curriculum, how to think games, and how to organise the development process. The presented framework merge curriculum, thinking, and process guided by the game design concept of juiciness. The framework will be presented by dismantling the standard textbook model of game design into three; game design (curriculum), game design thinking (thinking), and game development (organisation). In this perspective game design is concerned with game mechanics, game design thinking preoccupied with paper prototyping, metaphor, and framing, while game developments addresses player experience including play and game testing. This article will coin vertical design as juiciness as opposed to horizontal design understood as expanding system layout. Juiciness will be placed as a guiding principle in the relationship between designers and designed content as an aspect of designer intentions and motivations. Lastly, the content centric framework will be presented by merging game design, game design thinking, game development, vertical design with selected aspects of accepted software development strategies as an approach to teaching and learning game design in higher education.  相似文献   

小学语文教学中要促进学生可持续发展,就要注重开发学生创造性潜力。要注意激发学生积极思维的动机;鼓励学生质疑。培养学生的探究意识;养成创新的好习惯。  相似文献   

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