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This study applies social network analysis to examining the pattern of relationships among networked users on Sina Weibo, the most popular social networking site in China. Focusing on verified (or V-) users and ordinary (non-V-) users, this study maps three centrality attributes of the social network, in terms of in/out degree, closeness, betweenness, along with cliques, in the dissemination and sharing of health-related information in the virtual community. Findings reveal a ‘spider web’ pattern of relationship among 50 V-users and 50 non-V-users during a regular period of time, highlighting the dominant position of the V-users for health-related information diffusion. Data analysis then reports a ‘drifting dandelion’ pattern of network among those who shared the information about a health-related incident on Weibo. This study also provides further information about the topical categories of health-related messages shared during the regular period as well as the topics concerning the incident. The implications of social networking media for health communication are also discussed.  相似文献   

Social media have become an integral part of online news use, affecting how individuals find, consume, and share news. By applying the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study investigates the effects of motives, attitude, and intention on news-sharing behavior among German social media users (n = 333). Findings show that news-sharing attitude and subjective norms have a positive effect on news-sharing intention, which in turn has a positive effect on actual news-sharing behavior. Taken together, we see that a new media behavior in the early phases of its societal diffusion—like social media news sharing in Germany in 2015—can mainly be explained by a rational choice logic and is rooted in the motives of socializing and information seeking. This finding thus reflects the double nature of social media as a means for both information retrieval and social grooming.  相似文献   

非正式科学教育对公民科学素质提升具有重要意义。本文依托国内外已有的理论和经验,运用传播学理论观点,从观众自身因素和外部环境因素入手,对基于展览展品的科普场馆非正式科学教育效果的影响因素进行分析,以科普场馆教育功能的开发和实现作为评估最核心的内容,构建传播效果评估指标框架,为科普场馆科学教育的设计和实施提供考核、监督、管理的依据。  相似文献   

Journalists are frequently reporting about new and innovative products in news articles. Oftentimes, journalists use specific company and product information provided by enterprises that highlight a corporation’s social responsibility (CSR) activities. Based on framing theory and theory of reasoned action, an experiment was conducted to examine how types of CSR-framed news (either highlighting ethical, ecological, or philanthropic responsibilities of a company) affect news recipients’ product purchasing intentions. A mediation analysis showed that CSR-framed news indirectly and positively affected individuals’ purchasing intentions via company and product attitudes. No relevant differences could be detected for the specific type of CSR frame. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

基于学术论文的科学交流过程,本文将学术论文影响力划分为原生影响力、线下影响力、Web 1.0影响力和Web 2.0影响力,并讨论了各类型影响力的产生过程。在此基础上,构建出学术论文影响力评价模型,并对中国社会科学国际学术论文的两组数据(包含1个对照组)进行实证研究。研究发现:(1)学术论文影响力得分与来源期刊相对影响因子及被引频次相关度最高;(2)中国研究机构学者同时作为第一作者和通信作者的学术论文(数据组1)影响力得分在整体水平上与对照组相比还有差距,且两组数据的学术论文影响力得分趋势线都呈右偏态势;(3)学术论文影响力总得分最高的50个研究机构的影响力得分按指数趋势递减,高校是中国社会科学国际研究的中坚力量;(4)在两个数据组共同覆盖的79个学科领域中,数据组1只在24个学科的平均得分大于对照组,并对学术论文覆盖的学科领域按影响力相对大小进行了分类。  相似文献   

从分众传播到分众类广告传媒:基于传播转型的批判反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱广贵 《新闻界》2009,(2):22-24,128
本文从受众本位的传播转型的角度对分众类广告传媒(以分众传媒公司为代表)的发展和博兴进行了批判性反思.  相似文献   

The paper examines how information and communication technology can be utilized for resource sharing among university libraries in Nigeria. It was based on the study and review of recent library and information science literature on both print and electronic resources. It discusses the meaning of information and communication technology, resource sharing practices, and how information and communication technology facilitates resource sharing. It traces the history of resource sharing among Nigerian libraries. The current state of information and communication technology application and utilization in Nigeria and its university libraries is revealed, with emphasis on university libraries that are located in different zones of the country. The paper examines challenges facing Nigerian University Libraries with respect to information and communication technology application and utilization for resource sharing, as well as to areas of library operations to which information and communication technology can be applied and utilized for resource sharing. It concludes by proffering solutions for viable information and communication technologies–based cooperation among university libraries in Nigeria.  相似文献   


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) incursion has brought a lot of changes to libraries activities. ICTs are used to manage libraries more efficiently and in meeting customers’ demands more appropriately at the right time. Despite the contribution of ICTs to library and information work, many libraries are yet to adopt these technologies especially in the acquisitions of library materials. This study was carried out in three selected university libraries in North West Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to: determine the influence of performance expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; establish the influence of effort expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; find out the extent of social influence and facilitating conditions on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition and lastly to proffer recommendations. This study adopted a positivistic approach and used a questionnaire administered to 224 librarians to collect data in the three selected libraries. The study is guided by the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) developed by Venkatesh. Findings from the study reveals that academic librarians are supportive on the use of ICT in their work; ICTs are significantly important, trainings were organized mainly for librarians on general use of ICT not only on acquisition, but also on the general issues related to library activities; librarians also have the knowledge necessary to use ICT for acquisition in their libraries. The study recommends among others that the parent universities should increase the funding of their libraries with adequate supervision, so that such funds are well utilized for ICTs application; university libraries should continually sponsor their academic staff on modern computerized ways of using ICTs to source for materials and the acquisition of information resources in academic libraries should be given all the seriousness it deserves by enacting legislation to allocate a reasonable percentage of the university’s budget to it.  相似文献   

赵晓航 《图书情报工作》2016,60(20):104-111
[目的/意义] 旨在通过对突发事件舆情研究,探索危机传播管理中的舆情研判方法,并进一步为政府信息公开提供实操方法的建议。[方法/过程] 在理论研究层面,基于危机传播的基本要点,对信息发布效果和舆情实时反馈进行综合分析;在应用处理层面,以新浪微博中“天津爆炸”事件相关信息为例,爬取新浪微博全量数据,基于危机传播领域知识和信息发布文本构建领域词表,并结合危机传播阶段特征,对全量数据进行主题提取和情感分析。[结果/结论] “后微博”时代,微博用户量下降,但其仍旧是突发事件信息公开和舆情扩散的主要阵地。探求突发事件下政府如何利用微博平台,收集、研判、应对网络舆情,为做好信息发布工作提供科学的分析方法和应对手段。  相似文献   

为考量我国"图书馆、情报与文献学"图书学术影响力的大小,本文借助<中文社会科学引文索引>(2000-2007)数据,利用引文分析法,对"图书馆、情报与文献学"学科论文引用的图书进行统计,推出该学科领域最有学术影响的137种国内外学术著作.研究发现,在各类型图书中,对图书馆、情报与文献学领域产生最大学术影响力的是国内学术著作;国外学术著作被引种数排在第二,但被引篇次和篇均被引次数都明显偏低,显示国外学术著作对本领域学术影响有限.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]整理国外关于社交网站隐私悖论的研究,以帮助国内学者了解该问题的成因和提供解决思路,为国内本领域研究提供借鉴与参考。[方法/过程]以社交网站为背景,以隐私悖论为研究对象,借助文献调研和内容分析的方法,梳理国外的研究成果。[结果/结论]明确隐私悖论的概念,分析社交网站平台上产生隐私悖论现象的5个主要方面的原因,并探讨应对该问题的法律、技术、社会路径。最后,为国内后续研究提出3点建议。  相似文献   


The modern learning environment is evolving at a rapid pace. Technology can help developers of preventive conservation tools and learning resources for collections professionals to increase their impact and reach. However, it is crucial to keep the needs of users, and gaps in skills and knowledge at the forefront. This article examines preventive conservation tools and resources developed by the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) and ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) over the past 30 years. In light of the results from a recent survey and research in the learning and development field, a set of orientations for future tool development are highlighted; these tools must be: need driven, user centered, emulating everyday experiences, social and informal, concise, mobile friendly, curated and open access.  相似文献   

The study reviews the important role of information systems and their impact on educational planning and development. It also attempts to identify gaps in the provision of information needed by educational administrators who are key planners of education enterprise in Pakistan. It intended to determine their views about the development, objectives and needed services of a user centered information system for educational administrators. To achieve these objectives, a literature review, questionnaire survey and interviews were conducted. Thus, the educational administrators (i.e., registrars/deans/chairpersons in universities and principals of schools and colleges) were identified as the target population for the survey and were selected through cluster sampling. The respondents were from the Punjab province and Islamabad Capital Territory. In total, 297 (99%) responses were received and analyzed quantitatively. Interviews of purposively selected educational administrators were also conducted for a more in-depth understanding of respondents’ points of view. This triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods helped in understanding the phenomena under study. Recommendations and conclusions are also drawn in the light of findings of the study. The study is the first one of its type that tried to probe the gaps in the process of accurate/valid information supply to educational administrators and planners. This gap is causing serious challenges for education in Pakistan.  相似文献   

社会网络分析是知识管理的重要研究范式。本研究试图以社会网络为视角,分析社会化媒体平台 中个人知识管理机制。从微观层面看,要将个人知识管理置于社会化媒体的情境中,在互动理念下实现 隐性知识与显性知识的转化。从宏观层面看,要从社会资本的视角审视知识共享与协作。具体来看,强 弱关系影响知识传播意愿,网络结构影响知识传播机会,个人认知影响知识管理能力。  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Advances in Library Data and Access” column examines technological advances internal and external to libraries. The focus is on how library data is created and used. The strength of the column is its broad, international focus, and contributors are encouraged to explore issues and recent advances in information technology relevant to their geographical region, as well as the larger, global audience. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at moulaisonhe@missouri.edu. Please include “IILR Submission” in the subject line of the e-mail.  相似文献   

谢丽  王健 《档案学研究》2015,29(5):124-129
针对中国档案界(包括学界和业界)近年来就档案学专业的英文概念record(s)应如何与中文概念相对应的讨论以及在讨论中所凸显的问题,本研究选择了中美两国政府颁布的相关法律法规为数据源并对所选数据进行了逐字逐句式内容分析。分析过程导引出两类成果,一类以直接的形式呈现了中文概念“文件”、“档案”、“公文”与英文概念record(s)、archives、document(s) 之间相关或无关的关系;而另一类则以间接的方式揭示出中美两国法律法规中皆缺乏完整的、兼具逻辑性和系统性的概念体系。作为第一部分,本文汇报该研究的研究背景、研究方法、研究数据选择以及研究所揭示的中国部分核心概念关系。  相似文献   

As an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart and connected sensors are emerging information and communication technologies that collect and transmit real-time data from various urban domains to inform decision-making. While smart sensors and IoT technologies have great potential to transform public service provision, their adoption in the public sector seems to be slow and incremental. Using cross-sectional data of 65 large and mid-sized cities in the United States, we examine what affects local governments' adoption of smart and connected sensors. We propose a path-dependence explanation for the incremental adoption and test if a local government's sensor adoption behavior is shaped by its existing policy priorities and managerial practices in related fields. Our results show that local governments' early adoption of smart sensors is likely to stem from their needs in specific policy domains. We also find that a local government's historical paths on urban sustainability and data-driven decision-making practices can predict its trajectory of sensor deployment, in terms of the scope and the integration of smart sensors across different urban domains. Surprisingly, a local government's e-government progressiveness is not a significant predictor. Our results confirm the incremental change in smart sensor adoption and provide implications for local governments' IoT planning.  相似文献   

社交媒体时代受众的主体性地位逐渐凸显,新闻真实性可以理解为一种“信任性真实”,即受众所相信的真实。依据德国社会学家卢曼的分类,并结合对25位新闻从业者的深度访谈,本文从“系统信任”和“人际信任”两个维度对新闻的“信任性真实”进行了分析。笔者发现,“可视化”以及“交朋友”策略是社交媒体时代形塑传受之间“人际信任”的重要路径,不过需要指出的是,“信任”是完整实现新闻真实性的重要环节,但是新闻真实并不依赖于受众的信任,事实真实仍然是衡量新闻真实性的终极性标准。  相似文献   

The technology acceptance model (TAM) has been used extensively to explain and predict users' acceptance of corporate information technology (IT). With the advancement in IT and the expanding popularity of internet applications in Gambia, e-Government has been a priority factor in rendering government services and in making information more accessible to citizens. This study shows how the TAM and e-Government initiatives would positively impact the Gambian government, despite the cultural differences within the country. This study developed a successful model of the Gambian e-Government system to assist Gambians with more efficient and cost-effective government operations. The study results reveal that the core constructs of the TAM have strong influences on user-intention towards e-Government products. This implies that the Gambian government can potentially utilize this study's TAM findings in other contextual settings to design and promote further implementation of e-Government systems.  相似文献   

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