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Morten T. Korsgaard 《British Educational Research Journal》2020,46(6):1357-1370
This article explores the idea of exemplarity in relation to educational research and teacher education. Exemplarity is introduced as an alternative to the paradigm of evidence and ‘what works’, which seems to be omnipresent in educational research at present. The idea of exemplarity relates to the particularity of educational practice. The claim of this article is that we need to skew the dominance of functionalistic studies of education, which focus on skills and solutions to problems, or on providing quick fixes and methods to be applied in practice. I will argue that this tactic shuts down interpretive spaces and gives the teacher an illusion of simplicity and efficacy that connects poorly with the complexities of pedagogical practice. Exemplarity provides a different way of answering the question of ‘what works’, since it does not claim generalisability, but instead offers a path to reflective engagement with the complexities of educational processes. The idea of exemplarity highlights how educators can be invited to lend an ear to practical experience and pedagogical theorising, and through these develop their tact and reflective abilities through exemplars that display pedagogical principles. This, in turn, offers the possibility of retuning one’s practice, and in the scope of this article, retuning educational research itself. 相似文献
Yousra Osman 《Journal of moral education》2019,48(3):316-331
ABSTRACTThis article reports on a pilot study aiming to examine a role-modelling character education project through an Aristotelian framework, by adopting a virtue-led approach. Aristotle famously believed virtues should be taught to children at a young age through habituation, which gradually develops into phronesis-guided virtuosity, and he considered what nowadays is referred to as ‘role modelling’ as having a large influence on children through the emotion of emulation (zēlos). Therefore, the pilot study aims to answer the question to what extent a virtue-led role modelling intervention in character education can influence students’ moral development. The intervention teaches school-appropriate virtues to students in a primary school in Saudi Arabia. While the study is just starting, this article focuses on some pertinent and problematic preliminary questions about conceptual assumptions and research design. 相似文献
Michel Croce 《Journal of moral education》2019,48(3):291-302
ABSTRACTThis article introduces an account of moral education grounded in Zagzebski’s recent Exemplarist Moral Theory and discusses two problems that have to be solved for the account to become a realistic alternative to other educational models on the market, namely the limited-applicability problem and the problem of indoctrination. The first problem raises worries about the viability of the account in ordinary circumstances. The second charges the proposed educational model with indoctrinating students. The main goal of this article is to show how an exemplar-based account of moral education can handle both problems without compromising its structure and upshot. 相似文献
张冬秀 《沈阳教育学院学报》2004,6(2):65-67
古代小学教育在学生发展过程中有着很重要的位置,在道德教育上的一些思想和方法对学生良好道德品质的养成有十分重要的作用。古代小学道德教育主要做法有:其一,在教学目的上力图达到“知其然,知其所以然”;其二,在教学内容上,讲求广泛性、生动性和实用性;其三,在教育方法上,多就地取材,并注重学生的可接受性。 相似文献
本文探讨了开放教育学生德育工作的现实必要性,着重指出并分析了当前开放教育德育工作存在的一系列问题,由此提出了加强开放教育学生德育工作的创新渠道,即占领德育主阵地和主渠道,挖掘德育新领域和新载体,开拓德育新时空和新方式,以此强化德育工作,提升开放教育学生的培养质量。 相似文献
贾涛 《南昌教育学院学报》2010,25(6):15-15
德育工作一直是高校工作的重中之重,但是由于某些原因依然存在这样或那样的问题。本文针对目前的德育工作中存在的问题,重点讨论了在当今时代里应如何加强高校的德育建设的问题。即德育工作应与时俱进;德育工作应具有针对性;德育工作应注重实效性;德育工作应具有主动性。从这四个方面上下功夫,从而培养出符合社会需求的人才。 相似文献
《Journal of moral education》2012,41(4):395-411
ABSTRACTThis article seeks to rekindle a version of the age-old view that aesthetic education can contribute to the development of virtue. It proceeds as follows. First, it introduces the moral beauty view, whereby the moral virtues are beautiful, and the moral vices ugly, character traits. Second, two ways in which moral beauty and ugliness can manifest themselves are considered: in people and in artworks. Third, it is argued that character education couched partly in aesthetic terms, and coupled with the cultivation of a sensitivity to moral beauty and ugliness, promise a solid and motivationally robust anchor for moral character development. It is suggested that introducing the notions of moral beauty and ugliness in our conceptual repertoire, coupled with the presence of moral beauty in our surroundings, can undergird more traditional pathways to virtue, whilst being congenial to the maintenance of virtue. Before closing, three objections against these suggestions are addressed, and some avenues for exploring the notion of moral beauty vis-à-vis moral motivation and education are proposed. 相似文献
高校是德育教育的重要阵地,担负着对大学生进行系统德育教育的重要任务,但高校德育实效性欠佳是近年来困扰高校德育的一个重要问题。究其原因,道德认知和道德实践的脱节是其症结之一。本文结合高校德育现状,以强化道德实践为突破口,以促使道德活动落到实处,真正帮助大学生提升道德品行为目的,进行了一系列的理论探索和实践创新,希望以此为契机推进当前我国高校德育实效性研究的深化、具体化。 相似文献
高跃 《河南职业技术师范学院学报(职业教育版)》2011,(7)
浅析我国德育建设取得的成效,指出为避免当前高校道德说教功能弱化、道德调控功能弱化、道德选择混乱、道德约束乏力的现状,提出高校德育建设应确立德育指导地位、引导德育向现实生活回归、开展形式多样的道德实践教育、建立完善道德约束机制等各项举措。 相似文献
徐欢 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2014,(9):128-129
道德教育是我国传统教育的重要组成部分,是中国传统文化的源头活水,一直绵绵不断地延续至今。针对当前我国大学生道德教育虚浮的现状,本文从我国传统道德教育思想的发展概述出发,以中国传统道德教育的内容与方法作为切入点,提出当代大学生道德教育应继承优良的道德传统,并积极培育形成新的系统完善的道德教育内容和方式。 相似文献
德育的理想与德育的有效性 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
如何提高德育的有效性 ,是学校教育长期关注的重大现实课题。在新的社会历史条件下 ,要提高德育的有效性 ,必须防止德育概念的泛化 ,凸现德育目标的超越性 ,彰显道德教育的实践特征 ,关注学生的主体需要 ,体现以人为本的精神 ,并充分发挥“乐”在学校德育中的作用。 相似文献
L. Philip Barnes 《British Journal of Religious Education》2015,37(2):195-206
This article interacts with a recent article by Denise Cush and Catherine Robinson in which they call for a new dialogue between religious studies in universities and religious education, and identify a number of developments in religious studies that have implications for the practice of religious education in schools. Cush and Robinson are representative of an influential body of opinion among religious educators that looks to religious studies for inspiration. It is argued that they, along with others, fail to appreciate the difference between the aims of religious studies and those of religious education and that this unrecognised difference leads them both to engage uncritically and superficially with the history of post-confessional religious education and to fail to recognise that the roots of some of the weaknesses in contemporary religious education can be traced to the influence of religious studies over it. Showing that religious education has (and is required to have) a different set of aims from religious studies (though some aims may be held in common) alerts us to its distinctive nature, and this in turn facilitates a clearer understanding of its role in schools, which can serve both to direct and to evaluate educational outcomes. 相似文献
刘广富 《河南职业技术师范学院学报(职业教育版)》2005,(3):52-54
中职学校要提高德育工作的针对性、实效性和主动性,应在德育观念、德育目标、德育内容、德育原则、德育方法、德育机制等方面进行创新。 相似文献
高校德育的困境与提高德育效力的对策 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
社会生活的极大变化、道德的世俗化和多元化、教育的重知主义倾向以及大学生自身因素的共同影响 ,使当前我国高校德育面临着支持系统乏力和效力欠佳的困境。必须通过营造良好的德育环境、激活学生的道德需要、重塑合理的道德理念、确定恰当的德育目标、开辟多样的德育途径等措施 ,来提高高校德育的效力。 相似文献
道德继续教育刍议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
钱广荣 《安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2004,32(1):54-57
道德继续教育是面向成年人的道德教育.人在接受家庭和学校道德教育中形成的道德品质会在其今后的人生发展中出现各种变化,需要经过道德继续教育以保持适应社会发展和进步需要的品格.道德继续教育有着自身的特点.开展道德继续教育及其研究是加强社会主义道德建设的重要领域,需要营造全员关怀的环境,突出重点,同时也需要每个社会成员树立终生接受道德教育的观念. 相似文献
刘云汉 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》2008,10(5):35-39
孔子是我国历史上最早开办私学的教育家。他的学术思想和教育理念影响了中国整个封建社会。他承继了周代的"四教",并在此基础上建构了自己的学说。他的教育主旨是以德育人,培养的对象是他心目中能够"修己以敬"的君子,目的是服务于政治,使受教育者能够"修己以安人"、"修己以安百姓"。 相似文献
Duck-Joo Kwak 《Asia Pacific Education Review》2008,9(2):127-135
The contemporary educational discourse on critical thinking, as one of the primary aims of education. has been divided into
the spheres of modernist defense and post-modernist criticism. Critical of both positions, this paper attempts to find a new
way of employing critical thinking, especially for the purposes of moral education, by drawing on Bernard William’s concept
of “ethical reflection.” It will be shown that employing critical thinking for the fostering of ethical reflection in our
young students can lead them into an “understanding” of ethical, rather than “ethical knowledge,” which enables them to properly
deal with moral relativism in a culturally pluralistic society. This paper then explores the educational possibilities presented
by Socrates’ teaching method as an example of this employment, though not without consideration of the attendant educational
limitations and dangers. 相似文献
张俊 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2015,(6)
高校在进行音乐教育的过程中,有机地将培养学生良好的道德品质、情感品质,增强学生的爱国主义情感、凝聚力和纪律观念结合在一起,让德育教育与音乐教育相互渗透,对促进高校大学生的综合素质提高有着不可或缺的作用。 相似文献
随着国际交流日盛,异质、异域文化的冲击已日益为人们所关注。德育是孕育于教育“母体”之中的有机组成,因此,思考跨文化教育理论对当前高校德育的借鉴意义,在跨文化视野下寻求高校德育的变革,是高校德育当下必须回答的问题。跨文化视野下的高校德育,应树立“包容”与“扬弃”的目标观,走向跨文化的“公正”与“共生”。 相似文献