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Group projects are widely used in higher education, but they can be problematic if all group members are given the same grade for a project to which they might not have contributed equally. Most scholars recommend addressing these problems by awarding individual grades, computing some kind of individual weighting factor (IWF) from peer and (sometimes) self-assessments, which is then multiplied by the group grade to generate an individual grade. Several variants of the IWF method have been proposed, sometimes with complex algorithms. However, theory suggests they are inaccurate and their accuracy has not been evaluated. This article uses Monte Carlo experiments to assess the accuracy of the original IWF method and variants proposed in the past decade. Findings show that the earlier, simpler methods work best and that self-assessments should definitely be avoided.  相似文献   

本文根据有机官能团定量分析测定的原理,对化学实验中常见几种较为重要的有机官能团的定量分析方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

Group work can form a substantial component of degree programme assessments. To satisfy institutional and student expectations, students must often be assigned individual marks for their contributions to the group project, typically by mapping a single holistic group mark to individual marks using peer assessment scores. Since the early 1990s, various mapping methods that use self- and peer ratings have been developed. They are based on (normalised) individual weighting factors, partial scaling of the group mark, inter-rater agreement corrections or parabolic functions. We show that no single existing method can be successfully applied to most practical peer assessment scenarios such as different marking scale interpretations, intra-group ranking errors, biased free-riders and marks exceeding 100%. We present a combined analytical mapping method that incorporates the benefits of existing mechanisms, but alleviates their weaknesses with minimum computational effort and tutor input. The robustness of the method is illustrated through problematic assessment examples and empirically evaluated in multiple group work environments involving a total of 243 students and five different disciplines.  相似文献   

操作题自动评卷技术研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在计算机基础课考试中,必须要实现自动评卷,我们利用Visual Basic开发了计算机基础课考试系统,解决了考试和计算机评分阅卷中的一些关键技术问题。  相似文献   

设想通过后裔测定选择较低体细胞数 (SCC)估计育种值的公牛 ,以降低奶牛隐性乳房炎的发生率 ;对公牛进行包括生产性能、体型、SCC等各个方面的综合、全面的评价 ;考虑平衡地、较充分地发挥公牛降低隐性乳房炎发生率的遗传改良作用  相似文献   

本文引入了近似除环的概念,并证明了每一近似除环是一些除环与零化子集的并集.推广了Mann的结果.  相似文献   

团队游客和散客差异的比较,对旅游地经营实践具有重要的意义.通过对海南国际旅游岛游客的调查获得基础数据,运用卡方检验的方法细致比较了团队游客和散客在人口学特征、旅游偏好和旅游行为特征方面的差异情况,发现两者在较多方面存在差异.最后,提出了研究建议和展望.  相似文献   

萧红作为东北作家群当中的女性创作主体,对她的批评往往被湮没在群体当中,忽视其个案的倾向。其实,萧红的创作更多的是以文字的方式,从文化层面,民间层面,女性视角层面为失去的土地招魂,以留存深刻、鲜活、完整的东北。  相似文献   

在群体本位的传统社会中,个体生命处于依赖与压制的关系样态,群体生命凌驾于个体生命之上,形成了一种群体性道德范式,道德以及道德教育更关注群体生命层面,压抑个体生命的整体主义成为基本的道德价值取向。随着社会生活方式的转变,个体在社会中的价值得以尊重,个体从造反走向彰显,道德及道德教育开始关注生命的个体层面。从群体本位中走出,超越个人本位,走向类本位,以实现个体生命与群体生命共融。道德教育从培养“依附性”道德人格转向共生性的“主体性”道德人格的养成。  相似文献   

在分析国内外任意三维曲面激光打标现状的基础上,通过介绍基于三维激光振镜系统自动变焦原理和面向三维激光打标加工的三维纹理数学模型的生成过程,研究了产品三维stl面展开的纹理映射算法,实现了产品三维曲面无尺寸变形和形状扭曲的激光打标方法。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of incorporating group design projects into a second-year engineering class on achievement goal orientations and two academic outcomes: concept inventory and final exam scores. In this study, two sections were taught using lecture format, but one section also completed three group design projects as part of their curriculum. The intervention of incorporating group design projects had a positive effect on mastery goals and a negative effect on performance-approach goals. The effect of the intervention on academic outcomes was mediated by mastery goals but not performance-approach or performance-avoidance goals. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Honours research projects in the School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering at the University of Adelaide are run with small groups of students working with an academic supervisor in a chosen area for one year. The research project is mainly self-directed study, which makes it very difficult to fairly assess the contribution of individual students to a group-based research project. Until recently, a paper-based method of self and peer assessment (SPA) for the honours research projects was used to assess the projects. This was unsatisfactory for both students and academic staff, who found that the same mark was often awarded by the peers to each student without feedback. In 2010, therefore, an online SPA tool, SPARK, together with a set of newly developed assessment criteria, were used for SPA by the honours students. The new SPA criteria are based on teamwork and research skills, and the new rating scales reflect standard academic grades. Surveys of the students confirmed that they found the criteria and scales much more suitable for the assessment of group work and design projects.  相似文献   

The paper reports the findings of evaluative research that attempted to rigorously assess the efficacy of a feed-forward, formative assessment intervention. The aim was to improve participants’ conceptions of quality, and hence improve the quality of a complex piece of summative assessment, by asking them to mark exemplars produced by former students. Feed-forward assessment has theoretical support in the literature, but empirical confirmation has been slight. Research findings were encouraging. A statistical model incorporating feed-forward was developed which accounted for a large effect in the improvement of results for the summative item. Importantly, there was improvement across student ability levels. Students, in the main, made accurate judgements about different levels of exemplar quality, although they had some difficulty discerning different pathways to high-quality products. Qualitative analysis indicated improved student conceptions of coherence and integration in the summative piece.  相似文献   

Group Learning Activities (GLAs) are a key ingredient of course designs in higher education. Various approaches for designing GLAs have been developed, featuring different design components. However, this has not yet resulted in clear guidelines for teachers on how to design GLAs. The purpose of this thematic review is to synthesize insights from various approaches for designing GLAs into one comprehensive framework. This comprehensive framework, the Group Learning Activities Instructional Design (GLAID) framework, includes eight components: (1) interaction, (2) learning objectives and outcomes, (3) assessment, (4) task characteristics, (5) structuring, (6) guidance, (7) group constellation, and (8) facilities. Each component, associated design decisions, and the corresponding design process are described. The GLAID framework aims to guide teachers in higher education in designing, implementing, and evaluating GLAs in their courses.  相似文献   

面对水平各异的学生就座于同一课堂 ,教师们往往感到棘手 ,困惑于如何使每一学生都能有效地参与进来 ,学有所得。文章就这个问题 ,以作者个人的教学实践为依据 ,提出三点可行办法与大家共享 :分析个体差异 ,采用分层次教学 ,推行小组活动  相似文献   

In 2011, Southampton Solent University, a post-1992 university in southern England, introduced a new marking scheme with the aims of changing marking practice to achieve greater transparency and consistency in marking, and to ensure that the full range of marks was being awarded to students. This paper discusses the strategic background to the scheme's development, analyses the role of the working group and stakeholder involvement in developing the initiative, and presents a critical commentary on its success within the frame of the university as a ‘learning organisation’ [Senge, P. M. (2006). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation. London: Random House].  相似文献   

从责任伦理学的角度看,“群体失语”现象本身包含着道德悖论,人们本该作为却不作为。个人与所属群体之间的道德责任和法律责任含混不清,造成“群体失语”现象的产生。明确个人和群体的行为及其对行为应承担的道德责任和法律责任,有助于解决“群体失语”问题。  相似文献   

组策略用于控制管理用户和计算机的工作环境,减轻网络管理员的工作负担,降低管理成本。采用组策略对客户端进行统一设置,可提高域环境中网络资源的安全性。通过组策略在系统安全、本地资源访问控制、软件部署等方面的设置,详细介绍了组策略在网络安全中的应用。  相似文献   

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