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The Banneker History Project (BHP) reconstructed the history of the Benjamin Banneker School, which operated as a segregated school for African Americans from 1915 to 1951. It was a project in social justice education with community service as its base. Here, the authors provide an insider perspective of group dynamics among core leaders for the BHP. Building relationships, working for social justice, and confronting racism are key themes for the group. Leaders recall moments of discomfort, particularly related to issues of race and racism, and describe ways they worked through them. Based on their wisdom of practice, authors offer suggestions for those who might do similar work.  相似文献   

The Urban Review - Youth-led participatory action research (YPAR) has been documented to increase youth’s social, emotional, and cognitive outcomes, foster critical thinking and...  相似文献   

In this article, we share findings from a 3-year project in which novice teacher educators participated in Freirean culture circles and Boalian Theatre of the Oppressed (teatro) in order to critically explore the work of justice-oriented teacher education. Anchored in one of the project’s most resonant scenarios, the article illustrates how teatro cultivated among participants courage to confront injustice, while also shedding light on the complexities teacher educators may face when attempting to facilitate teacher learning, particularly when such learning is centered on equity and justice.  相似文献   

大学英语口语课中批判性思维的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了批判性思维的内涵及现实意义,从英语小班口语课着手,尝试将批判性思维教学融入到大学英语的教学中,并对这种教学法和课程设计及其相关因素做出审慎评估。  相似文献   

在深化教学改革,提高教学质量的活动中,该校物理化学实验室独辟蹊径,以“先将将再将兵”的创新性理念,探索出了一种实验教学改革的新模式,并在实践中实施动态完善。  相似文献   

实现教育信息化需要基础教育依据信息时代的要求进行全方位的变革,变革的着眼点在于利用信息技术提供的理念、思维、手段整合学科教学,使中学生具有适应信息时代发展的探究性整合能力。信息社会中的教育应重视学生的科学推理能力、合理想象能力、反思批判能力为特征的探究性整合能力的培养,只有这样才能话应信息社会的要求。  相似文献   

在科学研究实践中培养创新能力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
结合自身指导研究生的经验和体会,对如何在科学研究实践中培养研究生独立思考的精神、脚踏实地的创新品格等进行了深入浅出的讨论。  相似文献   


Sport has the potential to serve as a context in which youth can develop as players and people. Positive youth development (PYD) through sport is a prevalent strength-based approach that aims to promote life skills acquisition in youth participants. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the utility of critically interrogating PYD through sport using critical race theory (CRT). Select key tenets of CRT serve as analytical tools that can highlight potentially problematic assumptions that underline current approaches to PYD through sport. Interrogation of PYD through sport using CRT exposes its limitations in theory, research, and practice. This race-centered perspective can help to reimagine sport coaching for positive development from a more socially responsible, critical praxis.  相似文献   

Lac  Van T. 《The Urban Review》2019,51(5):845-867

This research study explores a teacher pipeline program intent on developing critical educators among minoritized high school students aspiring to become teachers. Critical educators typically employ critical perspectives, foreground the notion of cariño, and possess agentive qualities to create transformative learning experiences for students of color, especially in under-resourced communities. This teacher pipeline program leverages youth participatory action research (YPAR) as a pedagogy for minoritized high school students to engage in original research studying critical educators in their schools. Findings illustrate that through YPAR, young people surface key perspectives aligned with those of critical educators: the role of institutionalized racism in exacerbating the opportunity gap and the centrality of building relationships in classrooms. In the discussion, the author elaborates on how YPAR advances the pedagogy in teacher pipeline programs, promotes critical perspectives amongst secondary students, and positions these emergent teachers to envision critical educators as making a substantive difference in the lives of marginalized students. The author concludes with implications for educational leaders in P-20 settings to consider in the promotion of a critical educators of color pipeline.


把优秀传统文化融入教师教育全过程,培养有鲜明中国烙印的优秀教师,是当前中国教师教育需要重视和解决的课题。湖州师范学院教师教育学院对此进行探索与实践。学院以君子文化为引领,挖掘江南文化资源优势,提出效圣贤之教育人生,展儒师之时代风范的教师培养理念,把当代儒师作为师范生效仿的目标。本文结合实际工作,探讨了儒师作为师范生成长目标的缘由,阐述了儒师的人格特质,指出了儒师之德、儒师之道、儒师之教、儒师之学是培养儒师的四方面要求,进而从课程开发、培养方式变革、区域教师教育资源拓展等方面介绍儒师培养的改革实践。  相似文献   

There is a widespread policy assumption that school leaders such as headteachers and governors need to have 'raining courses' which are constituted by a growing corpus of Education Management Studies (EMS) if they are to achieve successfully current schooling goals of 'effectiveness', 'quality', 'excellence' and 'value for money' Another body of work which attempts to address these issues in a wider cultural framework and which may be called Critical Leadership Studies (CLS) is regarded as interesting for those studying for higher graduate qualifications but hardly relevant for everyday school busyness. While EMS is constructed as 'practical'and therefore a necessary constituent of the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers and other training courses for school leaders, CLS is constructed as 'academic' and more suitable for the EdD seminar. It will be argued here that both cultural analysis and recent research shows this to be a simplistic and reductionist view with dangerous policy consequences. Critical scholarship in education has much to offer to those meeting the everyday challenges of school leadership. In particular, feminist critical scholarship offers oppositional models to both traditional and market forms of patriarchal school leadership.  相似文献   

在新的历史条件下,要培育出与和谐社会要求一致的和谐青少年,最主要是使其具备和谐人格。青少年和谐人格的形成,不仅仅是传统培育方法的被动继承,还要积极的为其搭建权益保障体系平台,为和谐人格的形成构筑外部支援体系,使其顺利实现人格社会化,培育出与社会发展要求一致的和谐人格。  相似文献   

This critical race theory (CRT)-framed qualitative study (n = 9) examined racism within a context of urban teacher leadership development. A series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with three White principals, who each identified one White and one African American teacher as “most promising” leadership potential. These teachers were interviewed, leading to analysis of principal support and teacher perceptions of being supported. The findings clarify principals who adopted a language of equity, while simultaneously arguing that their White teachers were more effective (based erroneously on the belief that the White teachers’ students had higher test scores). The African American teachers, on the other hand, were framed as experts in culturally responsive approaches, given increased teaching responsibilities, and not provided similar leadership opportunities. This difference in opportunities and expectations had lasting impacts on the African American teachers, who internalized the lack of resources and negative messages they received from their principals. The paper concludes with CRT implications for inclusive leadership development processes.  相似文献   

有效的课程领导对于课程的改革与发展、课程实施、教师专业发展以及教育教学质量的全面提高有着重要意义。在西北地区农村中小学,校长、教师的课程意识淡薄,课程领导能力较低。课题组采用行动研究模式在西北贫困地区农村小学进行实践,旨在探索加快贫困地区教育发展的有效途径。结果表明,学校的课程意识、课程领导对于学校的发展具有重要意义,是促进西北贫困地区基础教育发展的重要因素之一,而行动研究对于培养校长、教师的课程意识和课程领导能力具有独特作用。  相似文献   

Although student global competence has been recognized as an important learning outcome by more and more colleges and universities, campus internationalization efforts remain fragmented and largely ineffective. We proposed a pedagogical intervention that provided students from China and the U.S. with opportunities to establish virtual contact and to work collaboratively on international business related research papers. Then, we operationalized global competence as a three‐dimensional concept and designed an instrument to measure student global competence. The results provided some initial evidence on American students’ significantly lower performance in global knowledge and attitude, and confirmed the proposed pedagogical intervention as an easy‐to‐use and effective supplement to develop student global competence.  相似文献   

本文探讨英语写作教学如何培养英语专业学生思辨能力。针对学习者在英语写作中思辨能力弱导致的问题——写作内容空洞、观点陈旧、论证不切题、篇章缺乏逻辑性等,进行了教学实践:在写作教学中采用问题式教学策略,在学生写作过程中通过问题清单,进行范文分析和讨论、同伴反馈、师生面谈及自我评价等思辨能力训练活动,引导学生从不同角度分析和解决问题,提升其写作水平和思辨能力。  相似文献   

回顾学术界对中国共产党领导下的青年运动这一课题的研究,学术成果较多,内容也较丰富,但相关研究仍存在不少问题:一是资料发掘利用不够,高质量的研究成果不多;二是未能集结起一支科研能力较强的队伍;三是对新理论、新方法的吸收与借鉴能力还不够,理论视野不够开阔,研究方法也比较单一;四是研究的现实针对性还不够,经验借鉴角度的研究还...  相似文献   

批判性思维是高素质人才培养和知识创新的关键,是创新思维与能力培养的基础,服务学习是一种把社区服务和理论教学相结合的教学方法,它强调行动与反思、评价与总结,关注批判性和反思性,与大学生批判性思维培养有机统一,是大学生批判性思维培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

大学生批判性思维培养:意义与策略   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
批判性思维培养是大学教育的重要目标,它对大学生的个性和能力的发展以及整个社会创新水平的提高都具有重要的理论与现实意义。大学生批判性思维的培养,可以从教学文化的建设、元认知训练、对话式讨论、案例教学等方面进行。  相似文献   

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