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The authors studied the effectiveness of the skilled counselor training model (SCTM). Counseling students who completed the SCTM demonstrated greater gains in skills acquisition and counseling self‐efficacy than counseling students who did not receive the training. At pretest, the counseling students in both groups, doing self‐appraisals, rated their performance of counseling skills significantly higher than trained raters assessed the students' performance of counseling skills. At posttest, members of the control group continued to overestimate their skills levels when compared with the ratings given by the trained raters, whereas, in comparison, students who received SCTM training underestimated their performance.  相似文献   

Collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) provide support for students in recovery from substance use disorders. Little research exists examining factors relevant to this population, making it challenging to prioritize recovery and educational goals. This study used a national sample (N = 80) of students involved in CRPs to investigate the relationships among self‐stigma, quality of life, psychological health, and vocational expectations. A regression model revealed these factors to explain 34% of self‐stigmatizing views in this sample.  相似文献   

Nine faculty from 4 counselor education departments were interviewed regarding the evaluation criteria and decision‐making processes used during selection interviews. Ten characteristics were identified that participants looked for during interviews. There was a high degree of agreement among participants on the evaluation criteria they used. However, the same homogeneity was not found in decision‐making processes. Counselor educators seemed to use selection interviews to screen out applicants who were unsuitable rather than to select the most qualified applicants. Evaluation criteria and procedures should be refined to increase the benefits of using interviews in the selection process.  相似文献   

The authors present Phase II of a 9‐month study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and counseling self‐efficacy. One‐hundred eighteen counselors‐in‐training and professional counselors completed the Counseling Self‐Estimate Inventory (COSE) and Emotional Judgment Inventory (EJI). There was a significant correlation between 2 of the EJI scales (Identifying Own Emotions and Identifying Others' Emotions) and 4 of the 5 COSE scales. Students' perceived counseling self‐efficacy showed a significant gain when compared with that of professional counselors over the 9‐month period. Results support findings of Phase I (W. E. Martin, C. Easton, S. Wilson, M. Takemoto, & S. Sullivan, 2004), which indicated that emotional intelligence may be a unique construct inherent in persons who are preparing for careers as professional counselors.  相似文献   

The authors explored the pattern of change in counseling students’ (N = 373) counseling self‐efficacy (CSE) throughout their program and the influence of identifying variables. Results indicated that specific factors significantly predicted students’ initial CSE levels and the rate of CSE change. Implications for future research and counselor education programs are presented.  相似文献   

This study examined the predictive relationship between mindfulness and counseling self‐efficacy and the potential mediating effects of attention and empathy. Master's‐level counseling interns and doctoral counseling students (N = 179) were surveyed to determine levels of mindfulness, attention, empathy, and counseling self‐efficacy. Pearson product‐moment correlation coefficients revealed significant pairwise relationships between the 4 variables of interest. A multiple‐mediator path analysis supported the hypotheses that mindfulness is a significant predictor of counseling self‐efficacy and that attention is a mediator of that relationship. Results suggest that mindfulness may be an important variable in the development of key counselor preparation outcomes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether supervisors' supervisory styles are related to master's‐level counseling students' satisfaction with supervision and their perceived self‐efficacy. Multiple regression analyses of data obtained for 82 participants indicated that particular supervisory styles were significant predictors of supervisees' satisfaction with supervision and perceived self‐efficacy. Findings can be used to enhance the training of supervisors.  相似文献   

This study explored the supervision training needs of site supervisors of master's program school counseling interns via the construct of self‐efficacy. Using the Site Supervisor Self‐Efficacy Survey developed for this study, the authors surveyed school counseling site supervisors in the states of Oregon and Washington (N = 147) regarding their hours of supervision training and their supervisor self‐efficacy. Results indicated that 54% of school counseling site supervisors had little or no counseling supervision training. Supervisor self‐efficacy appeared to be relatively strong, consistently so for school counseling site supervisors with over 40 hours of supervision training. A partial correlation indicated a slightly positive relationship between the hours of supervision training received and perceived self‐efficacy regarding supervision. Implications regarding school counseling site supervisor training and future research are offered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between a set of self–efficacy variables and a set of variables assessing attitudes toward counseling. Results revealed a significant relationship between self–efficacy and attitudes toward counseling among a sample of 253 first–year college students. Low perceptions of self–efficacy were associated with a devaluation of career counseling and more negative attitudes toward seeking personal counseling. Implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This case study describes the counseling experience of a college woman undergoing treatment to address self‐injurious behavior. The article presents and illustrates a counseling approach that is conceptually based on attachment and object relations theory. The approach emphasizes the client‐counselor relationship and the need to establish a supportive interpersonal environment as the main factors contributing to positive change in the client's self‐injuring behavior.  相似文献   

The author presents a critical review of counselor education literature that has focused on student acquisition of theoretical orientations in order to identify the potential of these practices to facilitate critical self‐reflection and theoretical fit among students. Two reflective, awareness‐based pedagogical models—radical constructivism (E. von Glasersfeld, 1984) and transformative learning (J. Mezirow, 1997)—are also examined. The author concludes by briefly outlining an alternative pedagogical framework called the “Emergence Model,” which may enhance the ability of counselor educators to facilitate self‐reflection and theoretical fit among counseling students.  相似文献   

Based on the Social Cognitive Model of Counselor Training (L. M. Larson, 1998), this study explored the effects of bogus performance feedback on counseling self‐efficacy and counselor anxiety. After a 10‐minute mock counseling session, 45 master's‐level trainees received either positive or negative bogus feedback regarding their performance. Results showed that (a) participants altered their counseling self‐efficacy depending on the performance feedback they received, and (b) participants reported changes in anxiety following performance feedback.  相似文献   

本文利用"中国大学生就读经验"问卷调查数据,采用多层线性模型的方法探讨了学校因素和学生因素对大学生发展的影响路径,得出三个结论:(1)大学生的通识能力、科技能力、实践能力和社会性发展以及大学学习总成就存在着显著的群体差异(如性别、专业和父母学历等)。(2)如果不考虑学校环境变量,大学生在校期间在图书馆、课堂学习、生师互动、同伴交往等方面的学习参与对他们的发展基本上具有正向的显著影响,而且它们是影响大学生学习成就与发展的主要因素。(3)学校环境对大学生发展的影响并非无足轻重,它一般通过学生个体层面的变量对学生发展产生积极的或负向的影响。从这些结论得出三点启示:(1)高校的教育行为和教育资源应更多地投放到那些能够促进学生在校期间的学习参与有关的活动、课程、项目和办学条件上。(2)高校在设计校园学习环境时,应该了解不同导向的环境通过大学生学习参与对其发展可能会产生的积极影响或消极影响。(3)从大学生变化与发展的角度考量高校人才培养质量,主要是要研究"学校培养"对"人才质量"的影响。尤其需要尽量排除大学生发展可能受到来自学校之外的因素的影响,探究学校教育对学生发展的"纯影响"。  相似文献   

This exploratory study sought to determine the strategies used by programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) to recruit and retain ethnic minority faculty. Seventy‐three CACREP liaisons were surveyed, and the results indicated that many programs have not developed specific strategies to recruit and retain ethnic minority faculty. Mentoring was the most frequently reported strategy for retaining ethnic minority faculty. Implications for counselor education are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the sources of social support and self‐efficacy for college students 25 years and older (adult students), using a cross‐sectional mixed method approach. Differences in academic self‐efficacy were found between adult students nearing graduation and those at the beginning of their educational pursuits. Graduating adult students received less family support than did entry‐level adult students. Results suggested the need for counselors to bolster adult students' abilities to seek support.  相似文献   

Nonsuicidal self‐injury is an important concern that has received limited attention. In this study, the authors explored several factors differentiating three student groups: never self‐injured, self‐injured in the past, and currently self‐injure. Among the factors investigated, results showed that currently self‐injuring students were younger, less likely to use problem‐focused coping behaviors, and substantially more likely to be in counseling. College counseling implications, effect sizes, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The construct of drunkorexia, caloric restriction prior to or during alcohol consumption, was examined in 411 college students who experienced alcohol‐related infractions. Analyses were conducted to examine differences in demographic prevalence distributions, alcohol‐related consequences, and alcohol consumption between a subsample of participants who reported drunkorexia behaviors and a subsample who did not.  相似文献   

There has been growing interest in the mental health benefits of self‐compassion. This study was designed to establish norms on the Self‐Compassion Scale–Short Form, a popular measure of self‐compassion for individuals seeking counseling, and to examine group differences in self‐compassion based on gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, previous counseling, and psychiatric medication use. Data for this study were collected through the Center for Collegiate Mental Health, a practice‐research network of more than 240 college and university counseling centers.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary study that was conducted in regard to 180 gifted students who attended the ‘Malaysian Gifted Centre’s School Holiday Camp’ in 2011. Data indicated that only about 7 % of the respondents had a tendency to seek a counsellor’s help to solve their problems, and the need for counselling services was higher among female than male students. It was also found that career counselling was the most preferred type of counselling service needed by the Malaysian gifted students. Findings from the study reveal five different elements that need consideration when providing counselling services for gifted students: counsellor personality, student issues, the therapeutic environment, approaches used by the counsellor, and the counsellor’s role.  相似文献   

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