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本通过对期刊快速发展历史必然性和期刊的基本特征阐述,从读服务的角度,通过对期刊现代化标志的论述、简要描绘了期刊今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

浅谈科技期刊的订阅管理与服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了常用的期刊订购方法,提出在网络环境下期刊信息资源订购应确定的目标,选购期刊的三种基本方法.以及加强期刊管理使用的措施。  相似文献   

主要论述了信息时代网络电子期刊的发展概况以及它与传统期刊相比存在的优势与不足.并就如何对网络电子期刊进行管理以及如何提高现代化期刊管理水平问题进行初步地探讨。  相似文献   

学术期刊风格形成的时空维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
期刊风格“是期刊从内容到形式所体现出来的整体特色和个性”(徐柏容:《期刊编辑学概论》),是期刊成熟的重要标志,因而也是期刊社及编辑者们孜孜追求的目标。期刊没有自己的风格,不仅会影响到它的发展.还会影响它的生存。  相似文献   

提高专业期刊利用率之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高校图书馆专业期刊普遍利用率低的情况.分析了原因,从专业期刊的文献资源建设、基础管理、宣传服务等方面,提出了改进办法。  相似文献   

阐述了广告在当代期刊生存与发展中的地位和作用,分析了广告的优势和不足,提出了期刊应增强服务意识.促进广告的进一步发展。  相似文献   

新形势下我馆期刊工作改革的做法与体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,各行各业愈来愈离不开图书馆的信息服务。而在图书馆的信息服务中,期刊是一个重要的信息源,因为期刊具有时效性强、内容新颖、涉及范围广泛、传递信息迅速的特性。因此.在新形势下如何搞好期刊工作,更好地开发利用期刊信息为广大读者服务.是图书馆的一项重要的工作任务。近年来,我馆对期刊工作进行改革,现将我们的做法和体会介绍如下。  相似文献   

讨论了在高校外文期刊工作中针对不同类型的读者.做好外刊读者服务工作的几项举措。  相似文献   

医学期刊以它的栽文量大、周期短、内容新、稳定性好的特点.深受广大医务工作者的欢迎。现代情报技术发展迅速.各馆购刊经费不足.为保证读者能得到最有价值的信息.在采购期刊时首先应确定核心期刊.它是根据本单位工作特点和不同层次专业人员而定,同时要发挥协作网的作用,并逐步使用计算机网络。  相似文献   

教育期刊,特别是省级教育主管部门主办的综合类教育期刊,它的功能是宣传教育政策,探讨教育理论,交流教育教学经验,传递教改信息,指导着全省教育工作,又服务于全省教育工作,因而,它是一种专业性特别强的行业类期刊。对于这类期刊,增强其必读性,对于充分发挥期刊功能、推动教育教学工作发展意义很大。期刊的必读性和期刊的可读性相比,可读性强调期刊的内容质量,即指期刊上的文章读者愿意阅读,阅读之后受益匪浅;而期刊的必读性强调读者对期刊的依从性、依赖性。期刊的可读性给读者提供了较大的选择空间,而期刊的必读性使读者选…  相似文献   

Both the shift from a planned economy to a market economy system and the advent of the information era pose great challenges to Chinese university journals. The strategy of the Chinese government is to improve the system of university journals by encouraging mergers and partnerships with the aim of reducing the number of titles while improving their overall quality. The specific case of a geosciences journal demonstrates that Chinese university journals do have the ability to meet the challenges they face.  相似文献   

从SSCI谈我国图书情报学期刊的国际化发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了SSCI目前收录的图书情报学期刊的基本情况及SSCI对我国图书情报学期刊的意义。分析了我国图书情报学期刊与SSCI存在的现实差距,并探讨了我国图书情报学期刊国际化发展过程中应采取的具体措施。  相似文献   

杨峻岩  曹洪武 《编辑学报》2001,13(Z1):78-80
讨论了科技期刊作为科学技术的一个组成部分,它在新世纪里担负的任务更加繁重;我国的学术期刊近年虽有很大发展,但还不能适应科技发展的要求,因此应创办一批具有较高学术水平、相当规模和一定影响力的大期刊.提出将学术期刊改为大16开本,增加页码,部分期刊改为月刊,创办新兴学科的期刊和英文版的期刊.为了创办大期刊,就需要关注并增加编辑人员,合理调配办刊资金,并采用先进的技术和设备.  相似文献   

Anthropologists at seven universities were surveyed in order to discover: the ways in which they go about locating information of value to them; the information sources that they use and that are of the greatest significance to them; the adequacy of the library service being currently provided to anthropologists; and any opinions they have on the subject of their information needs. Results show that anthropologists; information requirements differ somewhat from those of other social scientists. Reference lists in journals and books are often used to locate information sources; journals are the most important information source. However, cultural anthropologists report that their own field data is their most significant source. Anthropologists use pictorial sources and maps more frequently than social scientists in general do; they also make great use of interlibrary loan. Most of the information needs of the majority of respondents are met by their university's library. Older scholars tend to use databases less than younger ones do; online abstracts and indexes are most important to anthropologists than their print versions are. Some respondents express a great desire for a database which would include current references, abstracts, and articles in anthropology.  相似文献   

During a twelve-day period in October and November 1971, users of the Woodward Biomedical Library were asked to report each time they failed to find a needed journal issue or volume in the library. They reported 370 cases of failure. In 100 of these cases (27%) the journal was not held by the library or had not yet been received; in 66 (18%) it was in some stage of the binding process; in 64 (17%) it was in circulation; in 34 (9%) it was in use in the library; and in 41 (11%) user error was involved. The 64 journals required while in circulation constituted 4.7% of a total of 1,373 journals circulated during the period. Indications are that circulation may not be as great a problem as users have supposed and that more attention should be given to other user problems with journals.  相似文献   

This study examines the reasons why authors publish in ‘predatory’ OA journals. In total, 50 journals were randomly selected from Beall's list of ‘predatory’ journals. Different methods, including WHOIS tracking, were utilized to query basic information about the selected journals, including location and registrant. Then, 300 articles were randomly selected from within selected journals in various scientific fields. Authors of the selected articles were contacted and sent survey questions to complete. A grounded theory qualitative methods approach was used for data collection and analysis. The results demonstrated that most of these journals were located in the developing world, usually Asia or Africa, even when they claimed they were in the USA or UK. Furthermore, four themes emerged after authors’ survey responses were coded, categorized, and sub‐categorized. The themes were: social identity threat, unawareness, high pressure, and lack of research proficiency. Scholars in the developing world felt that reputable Western journals might be prejudiced against them and sometimes felt more comfortable publishing in journals from the developing world. Other scholars were unaware of the reputation of the journals in which they published and would not have selected them had they known. However, some scholars said they would still have published in the same journals if their institution recognised them. The pressure to ‘publish or perish’ was another factor influencing many scholars’ decisions to publish in these fast‐turnaround journals. In some cases, researchers did not have adequate guidance and felt they lacked the knowledge of research to submit to a more reputable journal. More needs to be done by institutions and reputable journals to make researchers aware of the problem of ‘predatory’ journals.  相似文献   

张济明 《编辑学报》2020,32(5):530-533
审稿人是稿件科学性和创新性的评价者,在控制期刊学术质量方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。我国的期刊审稿人主要扮演“外”审专家的角色,不是期刊的“编内”人员。为了解决这一问题,许多国外期刊成立了审稿委员会,使得期刊审稿人成为期刊编委会的一部分。本文首先提出审稿委员会的概念并介绍了一些期刊的具体做法,接着分析了科技期刊成立审稿委员会的必要性和可行性,并对审稿委员会的运作提出了一些设想和建议。  相似文献   

中国大陆开放存取期刊实践现状研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际上开放存取期刊的发展取得了巨大成就,我国学者关注开放存取期刊的研究也超过5年,但我国大陆地区的开放存取期刊建设现状却很落后。据国际开放存取期刊收录目录DOAJ数据统计,到目前为止我国大陆地区仅注册33种。文章从开放存取期刊建设现状入手,分析其建设落后的原因并提出建设建议以加快我国大陆地区开放存取期刊的建设步伐。  相似文献   

从国际学术出版的困境看高校学报的优势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李丽 《编辑学报》2005,17(5):352-353
国际学术出版面临着财务的困难、垄断的威胁和订户的流失.在国际学术出版面临困境的情况下,高校学报将以其特有的优势,获得更广阔的发展空间.我国的高校学报不仅拥有学术成果基础,而且得到学校在资金和管理方面的支持,在研究生培养和教师队伍建设中发挥着重要作用,是学校的宣传窗口.只要以优势学科为龙头,高校学报就可以办成特色精品,吸引潜在的订户群,焕发勃勃生机.  相似文献   

应审时度势做好高校学报定位工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张儒祥 《编辑学报》2009,21(6):539-541
高校学报的水平参差不齐,再加上高校学报客观存在的发行量小、影响力低等缺陷;因此,高校学报前景不容乐观,其职能受到否定."大多数中国大学的学报都是学术垃圾的生产地"是不负责的言论,无科学依据.高校学报整体得到了长足的发展,质量上有了一定的提高,是不容否认的事实.对高校学报发展的不自信,应归咎于没有做好学报客观定位.高校学报要想科学发展就必须正确认识学报的差异性,从而进行自身定位,只有这样才能量体裁衣,调动团队主观能动性向切实可行的目标迈进.  相似文献   

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