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李商隐得罪令狐绹的原因,旧说多归结于牛、李党争。本作认为此事无关乎党争,是李商隐就婚于王茂元家的结果。李商隐与令狐家之女有恋情,就在令狐家准备招其为婿时,他却与王茂元之女结婚了,因此导致令狐绹对其积怨难释。本还从另外的角度对李商隐的某些诗进行了新的诠释。  相似文献   

正我知道大家对李商隐的生平很熟悉了,但是,为了把话说清楚,我在这里不得不多啰嗦几句。李商隐是一个天才,可他也是一个苦孩子,十岁丧父,后来老师也死了。可李商隐的命运得到了转机,他被天平军节度使令狐楚看中了,成了令狐楚的儿子——令狐绹——“事实上”的伴读。这个令狐绹后来做了很大的官,一直到宰相。可以说,和令狐绹在一起的时候,李商隐过了几天好日子,我们可以在许多豪华的派对上看到李商隐的身影。18岁的  相似文献   

<正>李商隐,晚唐诗人,少负才华,但仕途坎坷。早年受知于曾先后出任宰相的令狐楚、令狐绹父子。唐武宗会昌二年(842),李商隐因母亲去世而辞去秘书省正字之职,其后几年一直闲居洛阳。正在久病无聊、秋雨凄凉之时,他收到了故人令狐绹的书信。他当即题诗回赠,感念友人的慰问。在诗中,李商隐表达了怎样复杂的情感呢?下面,让我们一起赏读这首诗。  相似文献   

李商隐有“小李”之称,他的诗给晚唐诗坛抹了一层瑰丽的色彩。然而,他的诗已没有了盛唐李白的飘逸浪漫、狂放达观,而是郁积了感情的缠绵结绕,偏于虚幻的想象世界,令人时时感到读解的困难与迷茫。 一 李商隐一生大部分时间都笼罩在悲剧气氛中。 晚唐是一个令人沮丧的时代,宦官操纵政局,藩镇对抗朝庭,官场党争不休,整个社会弥漫着衰世末代的情绪。 晚唐牛李党争势同水火,延绵四十年,两大派官僚在窝里死斗,“你方唱罢我登台”,生活在这一时期的文人们几乎没有能摆脱这种争斗漩涡的。李商隐十九岁时以文才得到牛党令狐楚的赏识,被引为幕府巡官,二十五岁经令狐楚之子令狐绹的推荐而中进土。次年李党的经原节度使王茂元爱其才,招为女婿,而令狐绹与王茂元是政敌,牛党的人认为李商隐亲近王氏是背恩负德的行为,指斥他“忘家恩,放利偷合。”更主要的还是李商隐对李党的李德裕比较佩服。李德裕在会昌年间执政时,平定了泽潞藩镇刘桢,限制了宦官的权力,在大和年间任剑南西昌节度使时抗击回纥、吐蕃,帮助武宗灭佛以治理经济,限制科  相似文献   

温庭筠(812——870?),本名歧,字飞卿,太原祁(今山西祁县)人。曾为方城(今属河南)尉,官终国子监助教。故世称温方城、温助教。他出生于没落的贵族家庭,是宰相温彦博的裔孙。他早年显露才华,是一个任性不羁的人,好讥讽权贵,多犯忌讳,为此常受到打击。据辛文房的《唐才子传》载:相传宗宗爱唱“菩萨蛮”,宰相令狐绹请他代作以进,戒令无泄,而他却不能守秘密,很快告诉了别人。后令狐绹以玉条脱事请教于他,他便批评令狐绹应多读古书,并以“中书省内坐将军?”来讽刺令狐绹无学。由此可看出温庭筠早年凭才傲物,敢于讽刺权贵的性格。正因为如此,他不为统治者所喜,令狐绹就曾奏他有才无行。唐宣宗大中初几次考进士,率不登第。因此,他困顿终身,政治上很不得意,终于流落而死。当时的诗人纪唐夫赠他的诗  相似文献   

君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。——李商隐《夜雨寄北》李商隐早年即以文才得牛党令狐楚赏识,被引为幕府巡官,并经令狐楚之子令狐绚举荐,及进士第。后李党王茂元镇河阳,慕其才,辟为书记,以女妻之。他这一举动被牛党视为叛恩之行,所以令狐绹  相似文献   

造成李商隐人生悲剧的原因,一是晚唐时代政治的腐朽和社会的黑暗,其中尤以党争的影响最为重大,使得他的政治理想在现实环境中必然落空;二是诗人自身性格情感的内在矛盾冲突,他的家庭出身、自负与自卑相扭缠的性格、对高洁脱俗品格的追求以及多情善感的特点,是导致他人生悲剧的主观原因。两者相互作用,成就了李商隐的悲剧人生和诗歌特质。  相似文献   

柴亚茹 《成才之路》2013,(16):47-47
李商隐的情感世界以悲剧结束了,但就是这悲剧给我们留下了无穷无尽的悲剧美的感受,人们在同情他的悲剧人生,感受他的悲剧情感的同时,也欣赏着他的悲剧美的魅力。他一生都在追求与众不同的爱情世界,用多愁善感的心灵体会着人与人之间的微妙的情感。他的爱情观和女性观,还是比较进步的。苏涌源在《李商隐的情感世界》一文中写道:"如果说李白是风,李贺是电闪雷鸣,那么,李商隐则是雨;有时是春雨,柔柔的  相似文献   

<正> 晚唐诗人李商隐,泾原节度使王茂元婿。因“牛李党争”,因而遭到属牛党的令狐绹之冷遇,终身潦倒,抑郁苦闷,抱负得不到施展,四十五岁卒。他有一首五绝《登乐游原》:“向晚意不适,驱车登古原。夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”。末二句尤为人称道。一般都把此诗看作“寄寓身世之感的抒情诗”,认为它“形成凄凉伤感的  相似文献   

晚唐社会的衰亡破败,个人事业的失意、困顿,家中亲人的生离死别,决定了李商隐一生的悲剧性。试从“含蓄”和“悲美”两个角度分析李商隐悲剧人生对其诗歌的影响。  相似文献   

It is worthy of noting that, whilst Crookston Castle witnessed the earlier and happier portion of Mary's variegated life,  相似文献   

一、吃和喝吃苹果 eat an apple, 吃药 take medicine,吃糖 have some sweets,吃饭 have one's meals,吃馆子 dine out,吃惊 be surprised/  相似文献   

Many college freshmen arrive woefully unprepared to do college work, and as disadvantaged populations continue to grow, the share of the American work force that has made it through college is expected to plummet. Many experts blame that educational failure not just on high schools but also on colleges. School & College, a special report by The Chronicle, looks at efforts to fix the system. What reforms would better prepare students for college? What should schools and colleges be doing differently? How should state and federal officials help?  相似文献   

The communication of people partially is the communication of cultures. Culture has a direct effect on international commercial activities in all aspects. Different conceptions about time, space, equality, law and the like, lead people to deal with things in different ways. So to know cultures of the counterpart is to facil-itate our enterprises so as to have a smooth and successful communication in commercial activity.  相似文献   

There are numbers of crossroads on our long and unpredictable life journey where we totally have no idea about which direction to choose. No matter what our decision is, we should not turn back, but face the music and go ahead instead. I am this kind of girl who always does try without regretting, one example is how I dealt with my love.  相似文献   

王菲 《华章》2007,(12):273-273
Migration occurs behind a variety of reasons and has a great effect on the whole world. People may migrate in order to improve their economic situation, or in order to escape civil strife, persecution, and environmental disasters. The impact of migration is complex, bringing both benefits anddisadvantages. This paper briefly talks about the causes of migration, the allocation of benefits, and the ways in which individual countries and the international community deal with this important subject.  相似文献   

Rosco and I wait for the fishermen to return.I sit at a wooden bench near the store at Mt.Baker Resort and watch the clouds change shape. Rosco has my belt around his neck and an eight foot tow chain hooked to a tree. Dogs must be on a leash. Ducks and rabbits are loose.  相似文献   

裴水妹 《华章》2007,(11):196
Sister Carrie is one of the most controversial characters in American literature.Thought as a "fallen woman" firstly,she was defined as a "new woman" by some critics later. However, by digging into the motivaton behind the whole process of Carrie's "success", the relationship between Carrie and her creator (the author), the social conditions of then American, it can be found that Carrie has never been free-standing on her thought and she has never found her real-sdf even after becoming a famous actress. In a society dominated by mass consumerism Carrie is only an adherent of her own desires. She also is a representative of all those country girls flooded into cities, a symbol and a sacrifice of the urbanization of America in a time countryside was overcome by cities.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionOne-cyclecontrolmethod,whichwasproposedaboutonedecadeago[1],hasbecomeanattractivemethodinspecialfieldssuchaspowerfactorcorrection[2-6],switchingamplifiers[7,8],etc.Themainideaofthiscontrollerisbasedonintegrationofdiodevoltageinone-cycleandforcesittobeexactlyequaltothereferencevalue.Themainadvantageofthiscontrollerisitsrealtimeabilitytorejectthevariationofinputvoltage[1].Despitethisgreatability,ithasnogoodperformancesinrejectingofloaddisturbanceandfollowingreferencecommands.Espec…  相似文献   

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