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当前以Scratch为代表的可视化图块式编程工具受到了国内中小学信息技术教师和学生的普遍欢迎,但许多教师却不知如何表征和评价学生利用Scratch开展的互动媒体编程活动及其学习结果。美国麻省理工学院终身幼儿园研究小组在多年研究互动媒体设计者的编程活动基础上提出了计算思维三维框架(计算概念、计算实践和计算观念),基于此开发了面向教师工作坊的Scratch创意计算课程,并设计了三种计算思维评价方法。这些国外中小学计算思维培养与评价的理论与实践为进一步的本土化探索与研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

人工智能是引领未来发展的战略性技术,正逐渐对人类的生活产生影响,编程教育成为必修课已是国际和国内的趋势。近年,小学信息技术课程中加入了麻省理工学院开发的一款简易图形化编程工具——Scratch,小学信息技术教师应针对跨学科整合Scratch编程培养学生的创新思维进行思考。  相似文献   

小学信息技术Scratch编程模块侧重于核心素养计算思维培养。而计算思维的系统性和逻辑性使信息技术学科有限的课堂教学往往走入片段的步骤式思维训练误区,流于表面而无法在学生大脑中落地生根。整合编程流程图和思维导图,在教学中尝试设计Scratch特色思维树,让计算思维有形有序地在思维树上舒枝散叶、开花结果。  相似文献   

Scratch是一款儿童编程软件,其积木化的操作具有简单、可视等特点,有趣的界面可以制作动画、游戏等,能充分调动学生学习兴趣,开发学生创新思维,培养学生编程思想,同时培养学生对自然科学的自主探究精神。结合Scratch的特点,将其与其它编程软件进行对比,对Scratch应用于中小学信息技术课程教学中的优势进行了分析。  相似文献   

计算思维是信息技术学科核心素养之一,Scratch是一种可视化编程软件,是培养学生计算思维的有效工具.分析了融入计算思维的Scratch创意编程教学策略,以《动物表演》一课为例,详细阐述了融合计算思维的Scratch程序设计实践应用,得出其有利于培养学生的计算思维能力,并有助于让学生爱上编程教学.  相似文献   

计算机思维是一种本质的、所有人都应具备的思维方式。Scratch是一款面向儿童的简易编程软件,它的出现给培养学生计算机思维提供了良好的载体。本文根据Scratch的教学模式,从情境导入,诱发思维;分析问题,理清思维;实践创作,训练思维;提升完善,创新思维;交流总结,分享思维这五个教学环节中阐述如何促进学生计算机思维的培养。  相似文献   

小学的信息技术课程逐渐从重应用转为重思维。Scratch作为一个专为儿童设计的编程软件,操作十分简单并且涵盖面极广,能锻炼学生的编程思维能力。希望通过分析Scratch软件在小学编程语言教学中的优点和运用该软件进行教学的方法,达到进一步推广小学编程教育的目的。  相似文献   

Scratch从2013年纳入了江苏省小学信息技术教材,为提升学生的信息技术学习兴趣和编程能力起到了重要的作用。Scratch编程重在培养学生的计算思维。如何高效地培养学生的计算思维,是每个任教者都要面对的问题。文章以苏教版小学信息技术五年级"青蛙过河"一课来分析如何在Scratch课堂中高效培养学生的计算思维。  相似文献   

为了培养学生的逻辑思维能力,并解决传统编程课程中教学效率低下的问题,通过梳理当前编程教育研究现状,引入STEAM教学理念。在借鉴ADDIE模型与项目学习模式并综合多种教学理论的基础上,提出面向逻辑能力培养的编程课程教学实施模型——元项目教学模型,并以Scratch教学为例进行教学设计。实践结果表明,该教学模式可以激发学生学习动机,提升学习效率,并促进学生思维能力的发展。  相似文献   

信息技术素养是我国学生发展六大核心素养之一,主要包含信息意识、计算思维、数字化学习及创新、信息社会责任四个方面。新课改背景下如何在信息技术课堂培养学生信息素养是信息技术教学的重要内容。美国麻省理工学院开发的Scratch编程软件引入基础教育课堂,赢得了广大师生的喜爱。本文主要从Scratch软件的内涵、特点等方面分析Scratch软件在教学中的运用对培养学生信息技术素养的作用进行研究。  相似文献   

For more than 2 years, Scratch programming has been taught in Taiwanese elementary schools. However, past studies have shown that it is difficult to find appropriate learning methods or tools to boost students’ Scratch programming performance. This inability to readily identify tutoring tools has become one of the primary challenges addressed in Scratch programming studies. To cope with this problem, we propose an innovative approach, which combines an Annotation‐based Scratch Programming (ASP) tool with the problem‐solving‐based teaching approach in Scratch programming pedagogy. The ASP tool was developed to enable students to create, review and share Scratch programming and homework annotations. In a quasi‐experimental study, we have evaluated Scratch programming pedagogy at a North Taiwanese elementary school to investigate the effects of instructional‐tools‐supported programming instructional modes on Scratch programming performance. The experimental results show that students who received ASP tool support in conjunction with a problem‐solving‐based teaching approach performed significantly better than the other groups. Based on our findings, the innovative approach was believed to play an important role in improving the learning patterns of younger pupils. Therefore, we suggest that teachers consider incorporating the innovative method into their teaching environments in order to boost students’ learning achievements in the area of Scratch programming and the subsequent learning process.  相似文献   

创新思维对于学生来说不仅仅在学习阶段有助于他们学习知识,在日后的人生之路上也有助于他们成长。中学阶段正是一个学生思维比较活跃的阶段,非常有利于培养学生的创新思维。初中数学教学过程是培养学生创新思维的一个关键点,因此如何培养学生的创新思维,也是教师目前深入研究的话题。本文正是对如何在初中数学教学中培养学生的创新思维提出了一些看法和意见,希望能有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   


Existing computational thinking (CT) research focuses on programming in K-12 education; however, there are challenges in introducing it into the formal disciplines. Therefore, we propose the introduction of non-programming plugged learning in mathematics to develop students’ CT. The research and teaching teams collaborated to develop an instructional design for primary school students. The participants were 112 third- and fourth-grade students (aged 9–10) who took part in three rounds of experiments. In this paper, we present an iterative problem-solving process in design-based implementation research, focusing on the implementation issues that lead to the design principles in the mathematics classroom. The computational tasks, environment, tools, and practices were iteratively improved over three rounds to incorporate CT effectively into mathematics. Results from the CT questionnaire demonstrated that the new program could significantly improve students’ CT abilities and compound thinking. The results of the post-test revealed that CT, including the sub-dimensions of decomposition, algorithmic thinking, and problem-solving improved threefold compared to the pre-test between the three rounds, indicating that strengthened CT design enhanced CT perceptions. Similarly, the students’ and teacher’ interviews confirmed their positive experiences with CT. Based on empirical research, we summarize design characteristics from computational tasks, computational environment and tools, and computational practices and propose design principles. We demonstrate the potential of non-programming plugged learning for developing primary school students’ CT in mathematics.


摆弄(tinkering)一词已从早期"修补"的本意拓展为一种重视探究和动手体验的工作风格和学习方式,它与规划相对,是一种自底向上的问题解决方法。已有一组计算性建造工具可用于发展学生的摆弄能力,如Scratch编程工具、Makey Makey电路板和Scratch传感器板等。创意教育工作坊是在创意计算中培育学生摆弄能力的一个案例,通过案例分析可知,应用计算性建造工具、经历创意计算作品创作过程和使用有意图摆弄的教学策略有助于培育学生的摆弄能力。随着计算性建造工具的普及,中小学信息技术课如何超越应用软件学习、如何在创意计算中培养学生的摆弄能力将成为中小学信息技术教育的研究热点,它将推动我们对技术高速发展形势下学生创新意识和实践能力的培养进行思考与探索。  相似文献   

设计思维是当代学生应具备的适应社会发展需要的一种思维能力。如何培养学生的设计思维以及提升学生的设计能力,成为我国当前需要重点关注的重要教育问题。作为一种新的教育理念,STEAM教育在培养学生创新思维能力方面具有重要作用。首先,阐述了设计思维与STEAM教育的内涵,分析了设计思维对STEAM教育的指导作用;其次,在STEAM教育理念的基础上融入设计思维,构建符合创新教育要求的STEAM教学模式,融入设计思维的STEAM教学模式包含学习环境、课程目标、课程活动和课程评价;最后,依据该模式开发并实施了课程案例,分析了融入设计思维的STEAM课程对小学生知识学习与能力培养方面的作用。  相似文献   

Recent increased interest in computational thinking poses an important question to researchers: What are the best ways to teach fundamental computing concepts to students? Visualization is suggested as one way of supporting student learning. This mixed-method study aimed to (i) examine the effect of instruction in which students constructed visualizations on students’ programming achievement and students’ attitudes toward computer programming, and (ii) explore how this kind of instruction supports students’ learning according to their self-reported experiences in the course. The study was conducted with 58 pre-service teachers who were enrolled in their second programming class. They expect to teach information technology and computing-related courses at the primary and secondary levels. An embedded experimental model was utilized as a research design. Students in the experimental group were given instruction that required students to construct visualizations related to sorting, whereas students in the control group viewed pre-made visualizations. After the instructional intervention, eight students from each group were selected for semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the intervention based on visualization construction resulted in significantly better acquisition of sorting concepts. However, there was no significant difference between the groups with respect to students’ attitudes toward computer programming. Qualitative data analysis indicated that students in the experimental group constructed necessary abstractions through their engagement in visualization construction activities. The authors of this study argue that the students’ active engagement in the visualization construction activities explains only one side of students’ success. The other side can be explained through the instructional approach, constructionism in this case, used to design instruction. The conclusions and implications of this study can be used by researchers and instructors dealing with computational thinking.  相似文献   

当前,高校以学习者为中心大力推进教育教学改革,传统的教学方法难以满足学习者对编程课程学习的个性化需求.传统课程实践环节中的编程练习较为单调乏味,很难激发学习者学习编程的兴趣,学习者甚至会对编程学习产生负面的情绪.本研究面向培养计算机编程能力提出一个基于计算机游戏的学习模型,该游戏模型以"面向对象程序设计"课程为例面向在...  相似文献   

培养创新型人才已经成为我国建设科技强国、突破“卡脖子”技术难题的基本路径。迎合智能时代的教育变革潮流,利用机器人技术提升学生创造力体现出更丰富的实践价值和时代意义。本研究采用Meta分析法对国内外48项实验研究、6057条样本量进行编码处理,研究得出:1)教育机器人对学生创造力的整体影响效应为0.576,达到中等以上的影响水平,其中对学生创新实践能力的促进作用最为明显,对创新人格品质的影响程度一般;2)从学段来看,教育机器人对初中、小学的学生创造力影响效果较为明显;3)学科方面,机器人课程对学生创造力影响效果最好;4)教学主题中,原型创造对学生创造力影响程度达到中等以上水平;5)教学方式选择方面,探究式教学更能激发学生的创造力;6)相比普通教室,实验室环境对于学生创造力发展更为乐观。结合实地调研,提出以下实践建议:推广实施人工智能相关课程,兼顾教学过程中学生的创新人格及思维培养;注重低学段学生创造力培养,大力提倡软件编程教学;建构适用于机器人教学的创客教育模式,完善相关学科教师的培训体系及激励机制;促进实验室硬件、软件环境设计,多方面筹措教育机器人经费投入。  相似文献   

We highlight ways to support interest-driven creation of digital media in Scratch, a visual-based programming language and community, within a high school programming workshop. We describe a collaborative approach, the programmers’ collective, that builds on social models found in do-it-yourself and open source communities, but with scaffolding structures that support students’ learning. We analyze the work of a class of high school student collectives engaged in programming music videos as part of a collaborative challenge in the online Scratch community. Our multi-level analysis focused on students’ learning specific programming concepts, effects of collaborative and task design on learning, and their personal reflections on collaboration and media creation. We address how these overlapping collaborative experiences point to the value of “nested collectives,” or multiple levels of designed-for collaboration. We also highlight a needed shift from a focus on computation to computational participation, highlighting the innately social aspects of media creation.  相似文献   

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