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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of personality characteristics, academic ability, and achievement among pairs of male dormitory roommates. OPI factor scores were developed for five groups of roommate pairs who were identified as exhibiting similar achievement and ability patterns. The scores were analyzed to provide an indication of the degree of similarity or difference between the individual pairs on the personality measures and to determine if there were important trends evident in the data within groups. The results suggest that personality may have a differential effect on achievement among students of different ability levels. For example, there was evidence that average- and low-ability students earn higher grades when paired with high-ability students of similar personality profiles.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment has been demonstrated to have many short- and long-term harmful consequences for victims, but whether or not child abuse is associated with an increased risk of peer victimization during adolescence is unclear. This study analyzed prospective data from 831 children and parents participating in the Longitudinal Studies on Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN) to investigate the relationships between child physical and sexual abuse and adolescent victimization by peers, as well as the potential for gender to moderate these relationships. Results from ordinal logit regression models indicated that children who were physically abused prior to age 12, based on official reports, parent reports, and child reports, had a greater risk of experiencing more intimidation and physical assault by peers at age 16. Having a history of sexual abuse predicted more physical assault but not intimidation. There was no evidence that gender moderated these relationships; in all cases, the relationship between abuse and revictimization was similar for boys and girls. The findings emphasize the need to provide victims of abuse with assistance to help prevent a cycle of victimization.  相似文献   

This paper estimates ability peer effects on achievement growth in reading and math. It exploits variation in peer characteristics generated at the transition from primary to secondary school in a sample of Berlin fifth-graders. As will be discussed in detail, this variation is exogenous in large parts. Results are similar for both achievement measures: pupils benefit from abler peers, but high-achievers do so to a smaller extent. The variance in peer skills has no impact on achievement growth – the corresponding estimates are negative, but insignificant.  相似文献   

Ostrov JM 《Child development》2010,81(6):1670-1677
The current study involved a short-term longitudinal study of young children (M = 44.56 months, SD = 11.88, N = 103) to test the prospective associations between peer victimization and aggression subtypes. Path analyses documented that teacher-reported physical victimization was uniquely associated with increases in observed physical aggression over time. The path model also revealed that teacher-reported relational victimization was uniquely associated with statistically significant increases in observed relational aggression over time. Ways in which these findings extend the extant developmental literature are discussed.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(10):1599-1606
This study examined how victimizations by either a sibling or peer are linked to each other and to mental health in childhood and adolescence. The data were from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence which includes a sample of children aged 3–9 (N = 1,536) and adolescents aged 10–17 (N = 1,523) gathered through telephone interviews. An adult caregiver (usually a parent) provided the information for children while self-reports were employed for adolescents. Fifteen percent of each age group reported victimization by both a sibling and peer. Victimization by a sibling alone was more common in childhood than adolescence. Victimization by a sibling was predictive of peer victimization. Children and adolescents victimized by both a sibling and peer reported the greatest mental distress. This work establishes that for some children and adolescents, victimization at the hands of other juveniles happens both at home and school. Programs should consider the role of siblings and target parents and siblings to encourage the development and maintenance of constructive sibling interactions.  相似文献   

Conclusion Increased emphasis on school based curriculum development and assessment, with stress placed on attitudinal aims, together with the policy of the N.S.W. Schools Board that attitudes should be included in school assessment programmes, has created a major dilemma for N.S.W. science teachers. The results of this study indicate that such a dilemma can be a very real one, particularly for young teachers just out of training. Out of 23 sets of results obtained from 12 cognitive achievement tests, set by a class of 19 Diploma in Education students, only two produced a coefficient alpha reliability of the order of 0.80 and none had an alpha of 0.85 or above. In their first year of teaching, these students will be participating in test construction exercises for internal assessment purposes, where their results will be expected to discriminate between individual students. The attitude instrument developed by the class was promising, for an early stage of instrument development, producing an alpha of 0.65, with item analysis indications that it has the potential for further refinement to produce a useful instrument. However, correlations between the attitude scales and those achievement tests which had reliabilities sufficiently high to allow reasonable interpretation of results, were very low, indicating very little relationship between the attitude as measured by the scale and science achievement as measured by the cognitive tests. Obtaining a set of student results by adding scores from this instrument to results of achievement tests would be of very doubtful validity. In addition, there is the whole complex issue of the unknown degree to which respondents give socially desirable answers, when it is known that the results of such a test will be used for assessment purposes, influencing crucial decisions about their future. Analysis of the results of the attitude test by grade level showed a predictable and statistically significant upward shift in scores with increasing Grade level, except for grade 8 which had the lowest mean, but the increase in the mean between junior and senior grades was only a moderate magnitude, tentatively suggesting that the influence of five years of high school science is not a major one in developing a belief in the value of conservation of the natural environment.  相似文献   

Abundant evidence has demonstrated an association between peer victimization and adolescent problem behaviors. However, there is a large gap in knowledge about the potential mediators that associate peer victimization with problem behaviors and the potential moderators that exacerbate or buffer this association. The current study examined whether deviant peer affiliation mediated the association between peer victimization and problem behaviors and whether the direct and indirect associations were moderated by impulsivity. A sample of 1401 adolescents (50.1% boys, 11–14 years old) completed anonymous questionnaires regarding peer victimization, impulsivity, deviant peer affiliation, and problem behaviors. Gender, age and socioeconomic status (SES) were controlled for in the analyses. Structural equation models showed that peer victimization was significantly associated with more problem behaviors, and this association was mediated by deviant peer affiliation. Impulsivity moderated both the direct association (peer victimization  problem behaviors) and the second stage of the indirect path (deviant peer affiliation  problem behaviors). Specifically, these associations were especially stronger for adolescents with higher impulsivity. Identifying the processes by which peer victimization is associated with adolescent problem behaviors has important implications for an integrative framework of theory and prevention.  相似文献   

A key reason for using asynchronous computer conferencing in instruction is its potential for supporting collaborative learning. However, few studies have examined collaboration in computer conferencing. This study examined collaboration in six peer review groups within an asynchronous computer conferencing. Eighteen tertiary students participated in the study. Content analyses of discussion protocols were performed in terms of participation, interaction, and social presence. The results indicate that collaboration does not occur automatically in asynchronous computer conference. Collaboration requires participation because no collaboration occurred in the two groups with low student participation; however, participation does not lead to collaboration, evidenced by student postings receiving no peer responses. Collaboration requires interaction but does not end with interaction, substantiated by different levels of collaboration across different interactional patterns. Social presence helps to realise collaboration through establishing a warm and collegial learning community to encourage participate and interaction, exemplified by the contrast of the group with the highest level of social presence and the group with the lowest level of social presence. A model of understanding and assessing collaboration in online learning is recommended, consisting of participation, interaction and social presence.  相似文献   

The internal/external frame of reference (I/E) model posits that students' academic self-concept in one domain (e.g., math) is positively associated with achievement in the same domain but negatively associated with achievement in a comparison domain (e.g., English). Whereas academic self-concept encompasses self-ratings of achievement, peer academic reputation (PAR) encompasses peer ratings of the same achievement and PAR was shown to have an incremental predictive effect on a range of positive academic outcomes. Considering the importance of PAR, we hypothesized that the I/E model would also apply to PAR both as predictor and as outcome. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of 850 seventh-grade students in 47 classes in math and English. Therein, PAR was measured in a round-robin design where students rated each classmate's level of achievement. We tested I/E models with academic self-concept and PAR as outcomes. Results supported the I/E model for academic self-concept as outcome with academic achievement and PAR as predictor but not for PAR as outcome with achievement as predictor. For PAR as outcome, the effects across domains were positive rather than negative. These results were consistent across replications over three years using the same sample. Thus, whereas academic self-concept was characterized by contrasts between domains, PAR was characterized by assimilation between domains.  相似文献   

Little research attention has been paid to bullied students who function better than expected and are therefore defined as “resilient”. The present longitudinal study aimed to identify individual, family and peer factors that predict fewer than expected levels of depression and delinquency following experiences of bullying victimization. The sample consisted 3,136 adolescents. Self-report data were used to measure bullying victimization at age 13 and 14 and depression and delinquency at age 14. We examined the effects of gender, self-esteem, social alienation, parental conflict, sibling victimization and number of close friends on levels of emotional and behavioral resilience following bullying victimization. The resilience measures were derived by regressing depression and delinquency scores at age 14 on levels of bullying victimization at age 13 and 14, respectively. The adolescents who reported low depression despite frequently experiencing bullying tended to be male, had higher self-esteem, were feeling less socially alienated, were experiencing low levels of conflict with parents and were not victimized by siblings. On the other hand, the adolescents who reported low delinquency despite frequently experiencing bullying tended to be female, had higher self-esteem, were experiencing low levels of conflict with parents, were not victimized by siblings and had less close friends. Relationships with parents and siblings continue to play some role in promoting emotional and behavioral adjustment among victims of bullying and, therefore, interventions are more likely to be successful if they target both the psychosocial skills of adolescents and their relationships with their family.  相似文献   

A longitudinal investigation was conducted to explicate the network of associations between depressive symptoms and peer difficulties among 486 fourth through sixth graders (M = 9.93 years). Parent and teacher reports of depressive symptoms; peer, self, and teacher reports of victimization; and peer reports of peer acceptance were obtained. A systematic examination of nested structural equation models provided support for a symptoms-driven model whereby depressive symptoms contributed to peer difficulties; no evidence was found for interpersonal risk or transactional models. Analyses further revealed that victimization mediated the association between prior depressive symptoms and subsequent peer acceptance. Results extend knowledge about the temporal ordering of depressive symptoms and peer difficulties and elucidate one process through which depressive symptoms disrupt peer relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the association between youth characteristics, parenting behavior, and family violence and risk of physical and/or psychological peer victimization using a sample of 856 adolescents aged 10–17. Additionally, we examined whether the relation between parenting behaviors and victimization was moderated by age and gender. Data for this study were drawn from the first wave of the Developmental Victimization Survey. The results revealed unique associations between youth and familial correlates and odds for experiencing physical, psychological, and both types of victimization. Gender was found to be a statistically significant moderator of the relation between parental monitoring and odds of experiencing both physical and psychological peer victimization. Implications for bully prevention and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Concerns about the high dropout rate among Mexican American high school students has led researchers and educators to determine which variables affect academic success. The study investigated two factors associated with academic achievement: acculturation and social support. The sample consisted of 60 ninth‐grade students of Mexican decent in a southwestern school district. Results indicated that students identified as highly integrated and strongly Anglo‐oriented bicultural tended to have higher academic achievement. In addition, the sample as a whole perceived social support from all four sources. Although no generational effects were identified, females tended to have higher GPAs, and perceive more social support, while the males, interestingly, were slightly more acculturated. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Achievement goal theory suggests that the motivational processes operating in achievement settings such as PE are dependent on the achievement goals manifested in that setting. In this paper, research is reviewed examining the motivation-related correlates of task and ego (approach) goal orientations in physical education, namely (a) achievement-related beliefs (i.e., beliefs about the causes of success in and the purposes of PE, beliefs about the nature of physical ability), (b) affective responses (e.g., enjoyment), (c) self-determination (i.e., PE students’ level of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation), (d) behavioral strategies and skill development, and (e) level of physical activity engagement.  相似文献   

Aggressive behavior in middle childhood is at least partly explained by genetic factors. Nevertheless, estimations of simple effects ignore possible gene-environment interactions (G × E) or gene-environment correlations (rGE) in the etiology of aggression. The present study aimed to simultaneously test for G × E and rGE processes between aggression, on the one hand, and peer victimization and the teacher-child relationship in school, on the other hand. The sample comprised 124 MZ pairs and 93 DZ pairs assessed in Grade 1 (mean age = 84.7 months). Consistent with rGE, children with a presumed genetic disposition for aggression were at an increased risk of peer victimization, whereas in line with G × E, a positive relationship with the teacher mitigated the genetically mediated expression of aggression.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to investigate a two-stage model in which parent-related stress and hopelessness each served as mediators of the relationship between perceived parental bonding and South Korean adolescent peer victimization. This study also examined whether the mediating relationships differed by the gender of parents and adolescents. A casual chain with three links and four sets of variables were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Data were collected from 800 adolescents attending 10 middle schools in the Busan region of South Korea. Results indicated that both maternal and paternal parental bonding were negatively associated with stress, stress was positively associated with hopelessness, and hopelessness was positively associated with South Korean adolescent peer victimization. Most importantly, the significant negative associations between both maternal and paternal parental bonding and peer victimization were mediated by both stress and hopelessness. Furthermore, gender differences in these relationships existed for both parents and adolescents. Limitations and implications to practice were discussed.  相似文献   

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