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 This paper is a preliminary study on the Sabiaceae in aspects of its morphology, taxonomy and geography.  We propose that the Sabioideae and Meliosmoideae as two new subfamilies of Sabiaceae according to the external morphology, flower structure and geographical distribution of these two genera respectively.       This paper follows the taxonomic concepts of Luetha Chen on Sabia and C. F. van Beusekom on Meliosma.  We agree with them for their classification of these two genera above the specific rank.  As to the revision work of Sabia by van de Water and C. F. van Beusekom’s work on Meliosma we disagree  for their unduly broad specific concepts.  We rather treat the species of these two genera according to their habitats in regions on a relatively narrower sense.  The genus Sabia of China are classified into 2 tribes, with 16 species, 5 subspecies and 2 varieties in which 4 sub- species and l variety are as new combinations, the genus of Meliosma in China are classified into 2 subgenera with 29 species, and 7 varieties of which 4 varieties are new combinations.       After examining the affinity of the species of Sabia and Meliosma in China and its neighboring nations such as Burma, Japan and Bhutan, we found that their migra- tion initiated from China, as the primitive species of these two genera occured in northeast and central part of Yunnan, sou theast of Sichuan, north of Guizhou and west of Hubei, the region may probably be the main origin of these two genera.      As shown in tables 1 & 2, the localities where the species of these two genera den- sely populate they are from Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong coinciding with the concepts of C. F. van Beusekom and van de Water about the distribution of exotic species of these two genera, it may reasonable be pointed out that the center of distri- bution of these two genera is Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and nieghboring nations, upper Burma and northern Vietnam.  Futhermore, it may be seen that starting from this center the number of species become less and less as they proceed far and far awaybut become more advance in evolution.  相似文献   

广义的安息香科(Styracaceae)有15个属,本文报道了其中13属93种植物的光学显微     镜与扫描电镜的花粉形态观察结果,根据这15个属的花粉形态特征可将它们归之为三个花粉     类型,即:安息香型,山矾型及非洲安息香型。在Wagenitz(1964)的安息香科系统中所包括     的11个成员,正好都是属安息香型花粉的那11个属,因此他的观点可以从花粉形态方面获得     有力的支持。将其他的四个属,即:山矾属(Symplocos),非洲安息香属(Afrostyrax),蒜味树属     (Hua),尖药树属(Lissocarpa)从安息香科中分出的处理是合理的。狭义的安息香科有11个     属,其中大多数属之间,在花粉形态上较难区分,这是由于安息香属的花粉形态变异幅度可以     将其它几个属的都包括进去。因此我们认为,狭义的安息香科是一个很自然的分类群,安息香属以外的10个属可能都是通过安息香属在进化过程中衍生而得的产物。  相似文献   

 The Menispermaceae is a well-known alkaloid-rich family within the flowering plants.  Because of the therapeutic value and pharmacological actions of the alkaloids, contents of its members it has, besides taxonomists also attracted the attention of chemists, pharmacists and other research workers.  In the present work, the menisper- maceous medicinal plants of this country are dealt with from their taxonomical, phy- tochemical and therapeutic aspects.      As a result of our preliminary study, out of 18 genera with some 70 species so far found in China, 15 genera with 51 species and 2 varieties are known to possess medicinal value, of which some are famous Chinese drugs, viz. Stephania tetrandra S. Moore (粉防己), Tinospora callipes Gagnep. (金果榄), Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Rehd. et Wils. (青藤); some are important folk remedies, e.g. Archangelisia loureirii (Pierre) Diels (古山龙), Stephania cepharantha Hayata (金线吊乌龟); and some are raw materials for the preparation of medicines,  e.g. Fibraurea tinctoria Lour. for tetrahydropalmatine, Stephania sinica Diels for rotundine, etc.       After a careful taxonomic examination, two new species,  Cocculus mokaingensis Lien, Pericampelos omeiensis Lien, are found and herewith discribed.       Isoquinoline alkaloids are widely distributed in the whole family.  The Trib. Aniamirteae consisting of genus Arcangelisia,  the  Trib.  Fibraureae  consisting  of genera Tinomiscium and Fibraurea, as well as the  Trib.  Tinosporeae consisting of genera Tinospora and Parabaena are charaterized by the presence of proberberine alkaloids,  e.g.  berberine,  palmatine,  jatrorrhizine,  columbamine,  etc.  and  such alkaloid-bearing plants are commonly used as antiperiodic, antidote, antibiotic, anti- malarial,  etc.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Trib.  Menispermeae  elaborates  mainly bisbenzylisoquinoline-type alkaloids, and these plants are usually used in the treatment of rheumatism, and often as an anodyne, diuretic etc.      To facilitate identification, 10 plates are here provided.  相似文献   

中国山矾科的初步研究(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a preliminary study on the morphology, taxonomy and geog- raphy of Symplocaceae, following the system of H. P. Nooteboom and H. Handel-Maz- zetti et E. Peter-Stibal, who divided the genus into two subgenera according to the floral characteristics.  But I disagree with Nooteboom's unduly broad specific concept, and adopt Handel-Mazzetti et Peter-Stibal's concept, which usually treated the species of this family according to their habitats in regions in a relatively narrow sense.  The ge- nus is divided in the present paper into two subgenera, six sections, among which two are new.  Nine new species and three new varieties are described in this paper.  Discus- sions on some taxa are also presented.      The family Symplocaceae consists of 300 species in the whole world.  They are dis- tributed mainly in tropical and subtropical Asia, Oceania and America.  In China there are about 77 species widely distributed in the  south-western and south-eastern parts, with only one species, namely Symplocos paniculata (Thunb.) Miq. extending northward to north-eastern part.  相似文献   

将怀化秤锤树Sinojackia oblongicarpa C. T. Chen & T. R. Cao处理为肉果秤锤树 Sinojackia sarcocarpa L. Q. Luo的新异名。  相似文献   

芍药科化学和系统学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 从栽培的牡丹Paeonia suffruticosa根中分离到7个化合物,它们是芍药甙I,苯甲酰芍     药甙Ⅱ,羟基芍药甙Ⅲ,丹皮酚Ⅳ,丹皮酚甙Ⅴ,丹皮酚原甙Ⅵ和丹皮酚新甙Ⅶ。  用薄层     扫描仪测定了23种芍药科植物(包括19个种和6个变种)根中这7个成分的含量。结果表明     芍药甙在芍药科植物中是普遍存在的,可作为本科的特征性成分; 丹皮酚类成分只存在于木     本类型的牡丹组,在草本类型的芍药组中缺乏。         从化学上比较芍药科和可能相关的15个科,结果表明,芍药科与毛茛目内各科及木兰目     均不相似,而与五桠果科、茶科、蔷薇科相近; 因此建议把它提升为芍药目。这些结果与近来的解剖学、孢粉学、胚胎学的研究结果是一致的。  相似文献   

系统报道了中国桑寄生科Loranthaceae33种5变种植物的花粉形态,并与澳大利亚 2属6种植物的花粉形态做了比较。通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,国产桑寄生科花粉外壁 纹饰可明显分为两个类型:一种类型为刺状或条状纹饰,另一种为颗粒状纹饰,这与该科的鞘 花族和桑寄生族两个族相吻合。在鞘花族类型中,3合沟、钝刺状或条状纹饰的花粉是基本类 型,合半沟或孔沟形,刺状纹饰的花粉是较进化的类型;在桑寄生族类型中,等极、3合沟、 颗粒状纹饰的花粉是基本类型,异极、副合半沟-合半沟、3沟形和沟形-短沟形或沟孔形、粗 糙或模糊颗粒状纹饰的花粉是较进化类型。根据萌发孔和纹饰可将桑寄生族类型花粉分为3个 类群:类群I包括五蕊寄生属Dendrophtho、梨果寄生属Scurrula、钝果寄生属Taxillus和大苞 寄生属Tolypanthus;类群II仅包括离瓣寄生属Helixanthera;类群III也仅1属,桑寄生属Lor anthus。在这3个类群中,类群I属于基本的类型,属间花粉差别较小,其中梨果寄生属和钝 果寄生属花粉差别最小,显示出较近的亲缘关系;类群II和类群III皆是较进化类型。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对天南星科Araceae22属28种(除Arum maculatum产自德国外,其余均产自中国) 及菖蒲科Acoraceae 1属2种植物的花粉形态进行了观察。结果显示天南星科花粉形态在科内变异很 大。花粉粒形状从球形、近球形、椭球形到扁球形和橄榄形;萌发孔类型有散孔型、具薄壁区型、环沟型 或无萌发孔;外壁纹饰为小穴状、网状、肋条状、条纹状、疣状、具刺或光滑。主要依据花粉形态方面的证 据探讨了崖角藤属Rhaphidophora、麒麟叶属Epipremnam 、龟背竹属Monstera 3属的属间关系以及犁头尖属Typhonium属下分类中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

红豆杉科(Taxaceae),花粉近球形,有时稍扁或稍长。直径为20.8-45.8μm。具远极 薄壁区,或不典型的乳头状突起。外壁两层,内外层厚度相等,有时层次不明显。在光学显微 镜下,外壁表面粗糙,或具微弱的颗粒状纹饰。在穗花杉(Amentotaxus argotaenia)这个种里,有些花粉粒具残存气囊。在扫描电镜下,外壁表面具粗瘤和细瘤两种纹饰类型。透射电镜本科各属代表种观察表明,本科花粉外壁内层具片状结构,外层由单层瘤状纹饰分子构成,有 些种细瘤连接形成覆盖层。根据花粉形态资料,可将本科植物分为2个族:  白豆杉族(仅包括白豆杉一个属)和红豆杉族(包括红豆杉属和榧树属)。  鉴于穗花杉属花粉的特殊性,建议独立上升为穗花杉科Amentotaxaceae。  相似文献   

 本文对鸢尾属Iris 22个种(基本上包括了各个亚属的代表)及其近缘属植物射干属Belamcanda的 射干 B.chinensis(L.)DC.进行了根茎的异黄酮类成分的比较分析研究。结果表明,鸢尾属植物和射干 中普遍具有异黄酮类成分,这是它们的特征性成分之一。根据化学成分的特征,鸢尾属可以分为两大类 群:只含异黄酮甙元的类群和既含异黄酮甙又含甙元的类群。从化学成分的分布特征来看,无附属物亚 属subgen.Limniris只含异黄酮甙元,是一个比较自然的类群。鸡冠状附属物亚属subgen.Crossiris,除小 花鸢尾 I.speculatrix Hance外,是一个较自然的类群。野鸢尾亚属subgen.Pardanthopsis和射干属的成分 非常相似,有着密切的亲缘关系,是鸢尾属中原始的类群。从化学成分特征来看,野鸢尾亚属与琴瓣鸢 尾亚属subgen.Xyridion、鸡冠状附属物亚属、须毛状附属物亚属subgen.Iris都有着一定的联系。根据化 学成分、孢粉学、细胞学等特征,认为:华夏鸢尾I.cathayensis Migo和长白鸢尾I.mandshurica Maxim.为无附属物亚属与须毛状附属物亚属两亚属之间的过渡类型。小花鸢尾是无附属物亚属向鸡冠状附属物亚属过渡的中间类型。扁竹兰I.confusa Sealy和扇形鸢尾I.wattii Baker可能是同一个种。  相似文献   

分析了高科技企业价值创造方式与知识资本的关系,提出利益相关者参与分配的必要性和可行性,剖析了现行高科技企业分配机制的缺陷,在此基础上构建了高科技企业的广义分配机制的理论模型,并就其实施具体形式初步提出一些设想。  相似文献   

浅谈弹性福利计划的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄攸立  傅宇  姚辰松 《科技管理研究》2007,27(4):201-202,206
通过对相关文献的回顾,明确弹性福利外包—这一弹性福利计划的未来发展趋势,给出弹性福利外包产生的理论基础,并从企业的外部环境和内部因素两个层面分析弹性福利外包产生的驱动因素,其中特别强调企业的内部因素是推动弹性福利外包产生的直接原因。  相似文献   

发现滇桂三相蕨Ataxipteris dianguiensis W. M. Chu & H. G. Zhou和多形叉蕨Tecataria polymorpha (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel.为海南新分布, 并为滇桂三相蕨指定了后选模式,讨论了燕尾叉蕨T. simonsii (Baker) Ching和中型叉蕨T. media Ching的异同,澄清了三叉蕨T. subtriphylla (Hook. & Arn.) Copel.和多形叉蕨的形态变异,把云南产狭基叉蕨T. polymorpha var. subcuneata Ching & Chu H. Wang处理为多形叉蕨的异名。至此,海南产叉蕨科植物为8属20种。  相似文献   

江玲丽 《大众科技》2016,(10):94-97
石雕产业是惠安经济的支柱产业之一,但近年来由于各种原因该行业受到较大的冲击。文章采用生态人类学的视角,基于对惠安的实地调查,阐述惠安石雕的现状,探讨惠安石雕在发展过程中出现的一些问题与矛盾。  相似文献   

中国针茅属分类、分布和生态的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 24 species and 4 varietes of genus Stipa L. of China have been studied and des- cribed in this paper.  It has been noted that  these  different  species  have various geographical distributions, depending on the changes of climatic and edaphic factors of their environments.  Based on the study of floral morphology together with ecolo- gical and distributional factors, the genus have been divided into 5 sections: 1.  Sect. Regelia Tzvel. 2. Sect. Leiostipa Dum. 3. Sect. Barbatae Junge 4. Sect. Stipa 5. Sect. Smirnovia Tzvel.       It should be pointed out that the section Regelia as well as two members of sec- tion Barbatae, S. purpurea and S. roborowskyi, belong to frigori-xerophilous ecotype, distributing over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau above the forest line.  The section Leiostipa belongs to euxerophilous and mesoxerophilous ecotype, distributing widely in north- west, southwest, northeast and east and extends to the forest-steppe vegetational Zone of China.  The section Smirnovia and other two members  of section Barbatae,  S. breviflora and S. orientalis, belong to euxerophilous ecotype, with the latitudinal dis- tribution as far as Nei-Mongo and the yellow soil plateau, with the altitudinal distribu- tion as far as the desert steppe of Sinkang and Qinghai-Xizang plateau.  The section Stipa belongs to euxerophilous ecotype, only distributes to the  mountain steppe  of north Xingkang and the last, section Barbatae is an artificial group having plumes overof the awn only, and its four species have already been mentioned above.  相似文献   

近几年,有不少学者发现一个令人困惑的现象,虽然家族企业具有创新的能力,但是在创新投入方面却普遍弱于非家族企业。本文认为造成这种现象的根源在于"家文化"的影响。企业的"家文化"引入形成了家族企业区别于非家族企业的若干特点,企业的家族涉入,家长的绝对权威,原始产权不明晰,家族目标与企业的经济目标不兼容等。对这些特点的进一步分析显示,与非家族企业不同之处在于,家族企业体现的是一种"家族理性"而非主流经济学认为的"个体理性",追求的是以家族利益、家族情感至上的多元化目标,这种目标定位上的差异导致家族企业没有足够重视企业的创新活动。最后,从处理好规章制度与血缘的关系,协调家族企业的非经济、经济目标,形成开放的企业文化等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

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