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器乐教学是学校音乐教育的重要组成部分 ,是一个广泛的学习领域。充分发挥乐器在音乐教学中的功能 ,可以激发学生的学习兴趣 ,促进学生掌握音乐知识和基本技能 ,有助于学生锻炼意志 ,陶冶情操 ,而且有利于学生智力的开发。作为一名教育工作者 ,我们要在教学中努力探索 ,充分发挥器乐教学的积极作用 ,提高学生整体素质 ,使音乐教学更好地完成培养人才的任务。  相似文献   

何静 《成才之路》2020,(2):122-123
小乐器与音乐课堂教学整合,能丰富音乐课堂教学形式,激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,提高教学效率和教学质量,提升学生音乐素养。文章以口琴为例,从小乐器走进音乐课堂的价值、小乐器与音乐课堂教学的整合、口琴与音乐课堂教学整合的注意事项三方面,对小乐器与音乐课堂教学整合策略进行探研。  相似文献   

在民族器乐教学中,需要教师通过多学科交叉研究的方法建立适合本专业演奏与教学的理论,并借此指导学生的学习、练习和演奏等实践活动;在与学生的沟通中,要本着尊重学生的态度,并保持客观、严格的教风,以培养学生的学习积极性和主动性,使学生逐渐建立起主动提问、主动思考、主动学习的态度和严于治学的精神;改进现有的课堂教学方式,通过让学生以“助教”的身份参与课堂教学和组织学生进行集体研讨的教学方式,锻炼学生不断发现问题、解决问题、完善自我的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between multidimensional aspects of high school students' perceptions of their parental involvement and their achievement. It explored differences in socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicity, gender, and higher and lower achieving students, and a structural model was developed to further investigate these relations. A parental involvement questionnaire and measures of efficacy, liking and achievement in mathematics and reading were administered to a sample of 1,554 New Zealand high school students from 59 schools. In the view of students, there is support for parents to be talking to their children about learning and schooling and having high expectations of them and their future in learning, especially for lower achieving students. Students who claim that their parents are talking with their teachers or attending school meetings are more likely to have lower achievement. The implications from this study relate to developing student self-regulation for learning in home, providing more surface than deeper learning as homework, and assisting parents to learn the language of learning and schooling.  相似文献   

目前,学生对学习语文存在厌学情绪,学习兴趣普遍差,除了学生个人主观因素以外,还有诸如社会上对母语的不重视;语文教学与应用脱节;教学内容、考核形式、评判标准成人化等诸多因素。教育改革势在必行,如何跟上改革步伐,提高学生学习语文的兴趣,提高教育质量,这已是摆在教育工作者面前的突出问题。本文结合实际论述了如何培养学生语文学习兴趣,变不想学为乐意学的问题。  相似文献   

以往的研究从汉字学、心理学对汉字教学进行了研究,汉字输入法的研究则集中在其本身的设计和教学上。如何利用汉字输入法帮助留学生进行汉字学习,却很少有人问津。文章通过探索性定性研究、定量研究相结合的实证研究的方法,考察了纵横输入法与外国留学生汉字习得的关系:纵横汉字输入法可以帮助留学生学习汉字,在帮助留学生汉字识别和书写方面都具有优势;对于汉字圈与非汉字圈的留学生、不同形体特征的汉字材料、不同汉语等级的留学生等,纵横汉字输入法的影响需要进一步实验的研究  相似文献   

从理科高考考上医学类专业的医学生会忽略语文课,他们的语文功底一般都较差,无论是写标书还是写发言稿等相关语文文书类的材料都是写得不好。但是,其实磨刀不误斩柴工,学好语文,提升好自身的语文修养,对学习和日后工作都是有百利而无一害的。通过查阅文献,发现这个医学生缺乏语文修养的突出问题一直被人所忽略。本文是为了警醒医学生而写的,呼吁医学生要重视语文修养的培养和自我提升,打好基础,为日后工作铺好奠基石。  相似文献   


A web design course has complex and diverse skills, which may attract students with an interest in technology and art fields to learn to program. It makes a need to have a flexible learning framework to develop all students to learn in a programming course. This study was designed to develop students’ learning achievement and computational thinking (CT) abilities by using a Design Thinking (DT)—Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) engineering design framework in a flipped web programming course. The participants were 41 students (males?=?17, females?=?24) coming from a Taiwan University. All of the students (20–21 years old) had e-learning-related backgrounds in a teacher’s college. The experiment was conducted for 14 weeks. The flipped learning and flipped DT-CDIO course each had a total teaching time of 6 weeks, and the midterm exam and final exam each took one week. We used a questionnaire and formative assessment to examine the students’ computational thinking ability and learning achievement before and after the course was applied. The results showed the students significantly improved their learning achievement and computational thinking ability. There were no significant gender differences in learning achievement. Some gender differences could be seen in some dimensions of CT ability. This study shows that the DT-CDIO framework brings many benefits to promote interdisciplinary learning by attracting STEAM talent and providing evidence to support the importance of flipped web programming courses.


高师幼教琴法课教学之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
琴法课是高师幼教专业的一门重要技能课程,主要是通过学习键盘乐器来学习、理解音乐,掌握键盘乐器的基本演奏方法和技能,从而培养学生对键盘乐器的实际综合应用能力.  相似文献   

We examined the associations between academic achievement and arts involvement (access to a musical instrument for the child at home, participation in unspecified after-school arts activities) in a sample of 2339 11–12-year-olds surveyed in the USA between 1998 and 2008. We compared the contributions of these variables to other kinds of cognitive stimulation at home (e.g. books), participation in after-school sports, and socioeconomic factors. Involvement in after-school arts was positively related to academic achievement only for those children who also reported access to a musical instrument. Access to a musical instrument predicted academic achievement independently of socioeconomic status. We consider the possibilities that the results may be indicative of differing parental attitudes in homes with musical instruments and/or a causal link between instrumental music learning and academic achievement.  相似文献   

小学生器乐学习状况调查问卷统计表明:课堂上学生喜欢挑选的乐器是电子琴、口风琴、口琴、竖笛和小鼓;绝大多数学生对器乐学习感兴趣、富有热情;从城乡与男女生比较看,城市学生偏爱唱歌,乡村学生及男生略偏好器乐,女生略偏好唱歌但对唱歌和器乐都表现出浓厚的兴趣;大多数学生对自己所学的乐器充满自信、感到自豪,喜欢表现与交往,但还缺乏一定的表现能力;通过演奏乐器学会识谱的人数超过了唱歌,他们认为学习乐器后音乐课的兴趣增加,更有精神,最可贵的是把表现音乐当成器乐学习的主要目的。  相似文献   

必须从汉字本身的特点出发,采用灵活多样的教学方法,注重揭示汉字丰富的化内涵,创造性地对汉字作深入浅出的趣味性解说,还可引进字谜、析字联等,使学生在轻松活泼的形式中全方位地把握汉字,既把它当作语工具来学习,又把它作为民族化来继承,在这样认识基础上的识字兴趣才会是持久的,甚至是永恒的。  相似文献   

学习风格是学生个性化差异因素之一,是学习者在学习中表现出来的一种整体性、持久性的并具有个性化的认知方式和处理信息的方式。本文通过问卷的方式对高职学生的外语学习风格进行了调查和研究,发现高职学生主要学习风格为视觉型和动手型。同时也分析了高职学生学习方式上的性别差异,并对高职教学提出了一些想法和建议。  相似文献   

随着终身教育理念的兴起和研究性学习的深入,学习成为一个人一生的事情,对学习者的要求,已不仅是“学到了什么”,更重要的是“学会怎样学习”.课前预习是自主探究学习的重要形式,能够帮助学生“学会学习”,是培养学生自主学习能力的有效途径.从课前预习的角度,探讨其对提高学员汉语自主学习能力的积极作用.  相似文献   

International comparative studies and cross-cultural studies of mathematics achievement indicate that Chinese students (whether living in or outside China) consistently outperform their Western counterparts. This study shows that the gap between Chinese-Australian and other Australian students is best explained by differences in motivation to achieve, attributing success to effort, the influence of parental help and the use of extra mathematics curricula. The argument explored is, in order to promote students’ mathematics achievement, we must improve the pedagogical knowledge of classroom teachers of mathematics, as well as to encourage parents’ involvement in the mathematics education of their children and to promote students’ motivation to learn mathematics.  相似文献   

新疆少数民族学生汉语学习者焦虑成因及消除策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受学习环境、语言认知过程、母语与目的语之间差异等因素的影响,新疆少数民族学生学习汉语存在着程度不同的焦虑。汉语教师应采取积极的策略,帮助学生树立学习汉语的信心,使他们能学好汉语并最终能掌握和运用汉语。  相似文献   

语文课堂是学生学习语文的阵地,如何使学生在语文课堂上享受到语文学习的乐趣,品尝到语文给他们带来的无限的精神激励和愉悦呢。语文教师运用精心设计导入语,创设兴趣氛围;巧妙选取切入点,促使学生产生兴趣;借助学科联系,激发学生兴趣;教学形式手段多样化,引发学生兴趣等方式进行语文课堂教学,是激发学生学习兴趣的有效方法。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论要求学习者通过自主学习积极建构知识。问题在于,在缺乏教师指导的情况下,学习者对于如何自主学习茫然无措。在具体的教学与辅导过程中,可以发现,回译是一种行之有效的方式,它可以提高学习者的学习兴趣,提高记忆效率,加强学习者的英汉对比意识,克服中式英语,还能鼓励学习者在课外进行自主学习,不断提高表达能力。因此,不同层次的学习者,在不同的学习阶段,都可以通过不同方式的回译练习提高英语语言能力。  相似文献   

本文对国际学生评价项目(PISA)中学生科学素养出现男女生差异做了总体性、科学本质和科学知识等维度的分析。并用相关PISA原题对我国230名学生进行了化学科学素养的测试,做了一致性判断与解析。从学习策略、自我效能感差异和课程资源等方面剖析出现性别差异的缘由。提出了关注学习策略的引导、树立女性学习的自信心和增加科学课程资源中女性材料的教学建议,以期使我国的科学素养培养与国际接轨,达到所有学生共同发展之目标。  相似文献   

This study surveys 200 Malay students enrolled in three Chinese primary schools in relation to three issues, i.e., parental choice of schooling, learning processes and inter-ethnic friendship patterns. The three issues are explored through a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Parental expectations for their children's learning and academic outcomes emerge as the dominant factor influencing Malay enrollment in Chinese primary schools. Unfortunately, the Malay students are unable to meet these high expectations due to learning difficulties that stem from the lack of proficiency in the Chinese-medium of instruction, despite intervening measures by the school authorities. Their learning difficulties are also compounded by the lack of parental inputs as well as the limited use of code-switching by teachers. Meanwhile, the fostering of inter-ethnic friendships is impeded by ethnic differences, the rise of Islamic awareness and the increased numerical size of Malay students. However, there is a willingness among the Malay students to interact with the Chinese students through task-related activities, indicating that the fostering of inter-ethnic friendships needs to be guided by a convergence of interests.  相似文献   

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