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曹园青 《海外英语》2016,(15):174-176
Louis Chu is a pioneer of the Asian American literature whose only novel,Eat A Bowl of Tea has taken an important position in and has even been reagrded as a literary landmark both in Chinese and in American literature.This paper aims to explore the fate of two female characters Lau Shee and Mei Oi in the patriarchal society and Louis Chu's ambivalence towards patriarchy reflected from his characterization of the female characters.The obedient Lau Shee embodies the patriarchal virtuous women.Mei Oi stands for the new-type women's immature rebellion against the patriarchal authority.They two are the representatives of the true Chinese women in the 1940 s.  相似文献   

《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔一生中创作的唯一长篇小说,其主人公斯嘉丽在战争年代,经过家庭、爱情、社会的种种磨砺,成为一个性格复杂而多面的女性,她具有在男权社会中超乎寻常的女性意识,探讨这个文学形象的内在精神对21世纪女性具有重要的启迪意义。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代的美国中产阶级女性是美国妇女研究的一个重要课题.这一时期的中产阶级新女性“福莱帕尔”(flapper)展开了一场惊世骇俗的时尚革命,挑战了传统的社会价值观,彻底颠覆了传统的女性规范.“福莱帕尔”的崛起有其特定的文化根源:工业化城市化的发展开启了中产阶级女性了解外界的窗口;教育机会的增加唤醒了中产阶级女性的自我意识;消费主义文化的出现带来新的价值观念和生活方式,力图真实地展现这一时期的中产阶级女性史.  相似文献   

评欧茨小说创作中的女性视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧茨的小说以女性独特的审美视角塑造了一系列女性形象,通过女性形象抨击美国社会对妇女的重压,指出当代美国妇女面临的困境,并对否定女性的传统观念提出质疑和抗议。  相似文献   

20世纪中国女性文学始终贯穿着女性作家探寻女性意识的主题,自"五·四"新文化运动至今,这近百年的心路历程,经历了3个阶段:一是自"五·四"新文化运动至70年代末探寻"与男人一样"的作为"人"的价值阶段;二是80年代探寻"与男人不一样"的作为"女人"特有的价值阶段;三是90年代以来探寻"与别人不一样"的作为"个人"的价值阶段.文章对各个不同阶段女性作家探寻女性意识的创作文本作了理论分析,阐明了不同时期女性意识的不同特点,从而透视出20世纪女性作家在崛起及发展过程中所取得的成绩及面临的困惑.  相似文献   

This paper examines the movement away from professionalization and toward unionization by the American professoriate. A content analysis of the bi-annual addresses of the thrity-two past presidents of the American Association of University Professors demonstrates that the approach taken by this organization which has been central in representing the professional interests of the professoriate has been inadequate. The fact that academics are not independent professionals but carry out their research and pedagogical functions in bureaucratic structures makes their quest for autonomy particularly problematic. The traditional stance taken by the leadership of the American Association of University Professors seems to ignore the obstacles, e.g. the distribution of power in organizations, in the path of attaining full professional status. Consequently, the professoriate has not only fallen considerably short of its aspirations and is beset with a number of problems, e.g. continual violations of academic freedom, but increasing numbers have begun looking to labor unions to further their quest for professional status.  相似文献   

《觉醒》是美国著名女性作家凯特·肖邦的代表作。小说在讲述女主人公艾德娜追求真正自我和自由独立,逐步走向觉醒的故事的同时,生动地展现了当时社会的文化传统和价值观念。文章从当时的社会文化角度出发,分析了小说中的三位女性人物形象——阿黛儿、芮芝和艾德娜及其各自不同的命运。三位女性人物均是当时特定社会文化的产物.而三者各自不同的命运均具有一定的历史必然性。在当时的社会环境和文化背景下,女性不可能获得真正的自由。而肖邦也借由这部小说展现了当时社会文化不合理的方面,并提出了对未来世界的美好愿景。  相似文献   

旅加华人作家李彦通过《红浮萍》描写了中国四十年代至改革开放时期三代女性的人生境遇,呈现了一个家族和历史的变迁。本文从女性主义视角出发,对小说中生存和爱情母题的女性主体性表现进行解读,力求揭示苦难中的女性找寻自我、追求独立人格与尊严过程中的曲折、困惑及为之付出的不懈努力。  相似文献   

Women have comprised the majority of accounting graduates with bachelor and master degrees since the 1980s and 1990s, respectively, but currently only account for about 30% of doctoral students. Their representation in the accounting professoriate is essentially the same. Supportive strategies, such as mentoring, assist disciplines in which women are under-represented in attracting and retaining them in the work environment. Work engagement is one measure of a person’s commitment to their current employer. Therefore, understanding which aspects of mentoring increase the level of work engagement of those women currently in academia is important and can guide institutions in developing mentoring programs. In my study, I investigated factors that predict work engagement for female accounting professors.  相似文献   


The book, The History of the Ouinkai, was published in 1940 as a commemorative project for the 60th anniversary of the Tokyo Higher Normal School for Women (THNSW). The purpose of this article is to illustrate the type of data collected in the surveys and their findings, to explore some of the activities of the association, and to discuss how the Ouinkai alumni association, in collaboration with THNSW, worked with female teachers nationwide. The paper traces some of the multi-norms and multi-roles for female teachers that THNSW promoted and their relation to norms thought to characterise ‘ideal’ Japanese women. The publication of The History of the Ouinkai was a milestone in Japanese women’s education because it demonstrated the Ouinkai’s successes in respect of Japanese educational policy for women as well as the leadership that the Ouinkai provided to female graduate teachers, whom it organised with skill.  相似文献   

当代中国正处于社会转型期,社会的变革和发展让人们思想道德观念产生了巨大变化,作为中国未来高层次女性人才的后备队,女大学生的价值观直接影响她们社会角色的扮演,关系到我国女性整体素质,以及和谐社会的构建。本文从当代女大学生的消费观、婚恋观、就业观和利益观四个方面,分析当代女大学生价值观的现状,试图从社会主义核心价值观的培育角度,提出培养女大学生正确价值观的途径。  相似文献   

《围城》中几个女性的婚恋、家庭观念,尽管外在的表现形式不尽相同,但其最终归宿却惊人的一致,即对于男权社会的自觉依附。文章从《围城》中苏文纨、鲍小姐、唐晓芙以及孙柔嘉等几位女性的社会地位及所处的社会时代背景着眼,对二十世纪三、四十年代中国女性的生存状态进行了探析。  相似文献   

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a small state transitioning from traditional communities into a modern society. This is a complex process: it involves instilling a national identity over tribal structures; modernising and technologising while retaining Islam; ensuring a high level of security while allowing for a liberal and relatively free society; preserving culture while building one of the largest and most multicultural societies, albeit mostly expatriate; and providing one of the safest countries in the Arab world for women. This paper presents an expatriate female academic's position in relation to the emergent literature on the contradictory positioning of women in different Arab cultures. It reviews the literature in the light of anecdotal evidence drawn from the author's doctoral students' experiences as women leaders within the wider socio-cultural context of the UAE and the emergent higher education system that is considered central to its nation-building exercise. The discussion recognises the implications of different contexts for Emirati women moving into leadership positions and calls for further research in the field.  相似文献   

黑人女性长期遭受双重压迫——种族歧视和性别压迫。美国黑人女作家托尼.莫里森聚焦黑人历史和黑人女性,成功地书写了黑人女性在白人为主导和男权统治的社会环境中积极建构种族身份,寻找自我的艰难历程。莫里森的创作不仅促进了黑人女性主体意识的发展,也推动了美国文学的进步。  相似文献   

美国高等教育自20世纪40年代进入大众化教育阶段后,就一直遥遥领先于世界。究其原因,主要有以下三点:①学校自主办学,②全社会支持办学,③政府强有力的推动。本文由此得出一些对发展我国高等教育的启示,并提出了发展我国高等教育的几点建议。  相似文献   

论梅娘的女性意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梅娘是1940年代沦陷区的一个代表作家,她的小说中的女性意识是人们所关注的重点。本认为她的女性意识是不断变化的,经过了最初的爱情社会价值论到后来的爱情本质论的转变;她在个性解放、爱情自由等方面与“五四”学有密切联系,但她在探讨女性意识时具有更多的现实感和复杂性,尤其是对爱情本质的思索超越了“五四”。  相似文献   

This article considers the tensions and struggles that exist between men and women and between women and women in the academic workplace. The research reported here is a small‐scale case study of 22 academic women from two generations who were interviewed about their career experiences. The theoretical framework is materialist feminism and draws on Ulrich Beck’s model of the ‘individualized individual’ to evaluate its usefulness to researchers for understanding the attitudes and actions of social actors in contemporary society. The article, firstly, examines the ways in which power differentials emerged for the younger female academics through a combination of their age and gender. It then discusses intra‐gender tensions between women in the academy. It is argued that for Beck’s model of an ‘individualized individual’ to be useful in understanding the position of women in the second modernity then a much more complex and nuanced interpretation of power and power struggles is needed than the one he provides. A further key point raised by the article is that feminists need to be more prepared to recognize and engage with power struggles and tensions that exist between women (and feminists) in the academy.  相似文献   

通过分析美国黑人女作家爱丽丝·沃克深刻阐示当代美国社会炙手可热的反种族主义与女性权利问题的小说《紫色》,认为其中的布鲁斯音乐和颜色在情节展开、主题升华中具有重要的作用,并指出了布鲁斯音乐和颜色在作品中的暗含意义。  相似文献   

This essay addresses Katherine Richardson Bruna’s paper: Mexican Immigrant Transnational Social Capital and Class Transformation: Examining the Role of Peer Mediation in Insurgent Science, through five main points. First, I offer a comparison between the traditional analysis of classism in Latin America and Richardson Bruna’s call for a class-first analysis in the North American social sciences where there has been a tendency to obviate the specific examination of class relations and class issues. Secondly, I discuss that a class-first analysis solely cannot suffice to depict the complex dimensions in the relations of schools and society. Thus, I suggest a continuum in the class-first analysis. Third, I argue that social constructions surrounding issues of language, ethnicity, and gender necessarily intersect with issues of class and that, in fact, those other constructions offer compatible epistemologies that aid in representing the complexity of social and institutional practices in the capitalist society. Richardson Bruna’s analysis of Augusto’s interactions with his teacher and peers in the science class provides a fourth point of discussion in this essay. As a final point in my response I discuss Richardson Bruna’s idea of making accessible class-first analysis knowledge to educators and especially to science teachers.  相似文献   

Much of the historical data, often narratives, on 19th and early 20th century women teachers in the West highlights the ways in which these women educators were influenced by religious institutions and/or the cultural, social, and political contexts in which they lived. This study uses this same lens to examine the life and work of a female educator Qatar (the Middle East) during this period. In 19th century Qatar, the rise of the kuttab system marked the beginning of communal learning for males; for females, however, education was limited to learning the Quran at home. In 1938, Amna Mahmoud Al-Jaydah, considered Qatar’s first female teacher, began to initiate significant changes in this system. This study, utilising biographical methodology with a feminist perspective, documents the life and work of Amna Mahmoud and provides a narrative of the struggle for female education in a society that often rejected the advancement of women.  相似文献   

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