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Commentary is provided on 2 papers published in this issue, which suggest some risks in nonmaternal or out-of-home care (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD] Early Child Care Research Network, this issue; Watamura, Donzella, Alwin, & Gunnar, this issue). In light of the findings, 2 child care policy options are examined: first, support for in-home care in the early years; and second, changes in the nature of out-of-home care. From ethnographic and experimental research, it is argued that out-of-home pre-elementary care can contribute positively to social development if it emphasizes (a) children's attachment to school and peer group, (b) constructivist rather than didactic learning, (c) intrinsic and internalized motivation, and (4) group structures that support social development.  相似文献   

张宁 《考试》2006,(10)
Not too long ago, we read a novel in my school that touched on the topic of saving the environment, and our teacher had us write an essay on an environmental issue. Immediately, ideas entered into my head and I was eager to start, but something made me stop.  相似文献   

Hello; eYe.one! We are the ears. You can us,touch us , and listen with us.But 如果你想看看自己的耳朵,就只能去照镜子子?  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between non-parental care and toddlers’ behavioral outcomes using data from Australia. In particular, we explore heterogeneity in the relationship using the unique data on quality attributes: carer/child ratio, share of qualified staff, and expert ratings. The results suggest that full-time non-parental care, particularly center care, is negatively associated with toddlers’ behavioral outcomes. The negative association is however mitigated when centers have a larger number of carers per child. The negative association between non-parental care and behavioral outcomes also appears to be larger for children with better-educated parents.  相似文献   

In recent years, natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, sandstorms, earthquakes happened frequently. We feel extremely sad after our homes were destroyed by these disasters.  相似文献   

Ella和Jacky分别得到了100元压岁钱。他们可高兴了,拿着钱就去买自己想要的东西了!At a bookstore在书店  相似文献   

care和mind都可作“在乎”、“介意”解,都能用在否定句、疑问句和用作答语的肯定句中,但它们的含义及搭配方式却不尽相同。一、m ind表示“介意”、“在乎”时,通常出现在下列场合:①相当于“be troubled by”,意思是“被……打扰”、“为……所忧虑或苦恼”。例如:I don t m ind the bad news.D o you m ind the hotw eather here?②相当于“feel an objection to”,意思是“反对”,表示较为强烈的否定意义。例如:—D o you m ind m y leaving paym entuntilnextyear?oolden—Y es,I do.D o you m ind ifI sm oke here?二、care表示“…  相似文献   

近年来全球自然灾害频频发生,飓风卡特里娜再次给人类敲响警钟:环境保护刻不容缓!Americans feelsad aftertheirhomes weredestroyedinthehurricane.Out of water,out of food,many people inNew Orleans,US were in big trouble,crouching(蜷缩)on roofsof houses,waitingforrescue.Floodwaters were beatingthe walls a few metresbelow.In earlySeptember,NewOrleans was badly hitby Hur-ricane Katrina.The wholecitywas leftin ruins.Thou-sands of citziens lost theirlives.Death figuresare thebiggest in the US since th…  相似文献   

BackgroundTemporal dynamics during the early adulthood transition among children in out-of-home care is a neglected research area, leaving the possibility of coping with childhood adversity over time a poorly understood topic.ObjectiveTo explore early adulthood education and employment trajectories among young adults who experienced out-of-home care during childhood and to examine how various care history factors predict these trajectories.ParticipantsWe use longitudinal birth cohort data comprising individual-level information from national registers of all children born in Finland in 1987 (N = 59,476, of whom 1893 were in care).Setting and methodsWe use trajectory clustering from a previous study on the 1987 birth cohort to compare trajectories between children in care and a propensity score–matched group of peers never in care. We investigated the association between care history factors and trajectories with multinomial logistic regression modeling.ResultsCompared with the matched peer group, children in care were less likely to enter trajectories characterized by education and employment (38%) and more likely to enter trajectories involving early parenthood (14%) or long periods of fragmented social assistance benefit receipt and unemployment (21%). Those on early parenthood trajectories were almost exclusively women, whereas those receiving social assistance benefits and experiencing unemployment for lengthy periods were mostly men. Entering disadvantaged trajectories was associated with, inter alia, placement as an adolescent, residential care, and aging out of care.ConclusionThe study demonstrates the relevance of examining longitudinal trajectories in children in care’s early adulthood. Many young adults with care experience need support in education and employment beyond young adult age.  相似文献   

Care in teaching has been widely investigated; however, little research has sought secondary pre-service teachers’ understandings of caring and their potential responsibility to care for students. Accordingly, semi-structured interviews were employed with four focus groups, involving 12 (2 male and 10 female) participants. Data were analysed within a qualitative paradigm using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and inter-rater reliability. Five overlapping themes were identified, and although many tensions around the ambiguities of establishing appropriate boundaries to care were shown, caring was deemed central by the participants to being effective teachers. Overall, pre-service secondary teachers agreed that neither pedagogy nor discipline strategy would be effective without care. Training implications and suggestions for future research conclude this paper.  相似文献   

The current study investigated whether parents are accurate judges of their own children’s lie-telling behavior. Participants included 250 mother–child dyads. Children were between three and 11 years of age. A temptation resistance paradigm was used to elicit a minor transgressive behavior from the children involving peeking at a forbidden toy and children were subsequently questioned about the transgressive event. Mothers were asked to make predictions about whether their child would peek and then watched a video of their child being questioned about their peeking behavior. Mothers were asked to detect whether or not they thought their child was lying. Overall, 59.6% of parents accurately predicted their child’s lie-telling behavior. Mothers had more difficulty detecting older children’s lies. Signal detection analyses revealed parents had a strong tendency to believe their child was honest. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for parent–child relationships.  相似文献   

Effects of early child care on children's functioning from 4(1/2) years through the end of 6th grade (M age=12.0 years) were examined in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (n=1,364). The results indicated that although parenting was a stronger and more consistent predictor of children's development than early child-care experience, higher quality care predicted higher vocabulary scores and more exposure to center care predicted more teacher-reported externalizing problems. Discussion focuses on mechanisms responsible for these effects, the potential collective consequences of small child-care effects, and the importance of the ongoing follow-up at age 15.  相似文献   

Evidence concerning the developmental correlates of nonmaternal care in the first year of life are examined with respect to infant-mother attachment and subsequent social development. Even though the evidence is somewhat inconsistent, a circumstantial case remarkably consistent with attachment theory can be made that extensive infant day care experience is associated with insecure attachment during infancy and heightened aggressiveness and noncompliance during the preschool and early school-age years. Several studies indicate that such later consequences may dissipate over time, but it is not evident that this is always the case. It is concluded that some nonmaternal care arrangement in the first year for more than 20 hours per week may be a risk factor in the emergence of developmental difficulties and that the ultimate consequences of such risk are best understood in the context of characteristics of the child, the family, and the caregiving milieu. It is emphasized that this reading of the literature carries with it no inevitable implications for public policy.  相似文献   

法国数学家,1854年生于南锡(Nancy),1912年死于巴黎.1887年为法国自然科学院院士,1908年为法国科学院院士.1873年庞加雷以优异成绩高中毕业后,考入巴黎多科性理工大学(获第一名),同时他还考入巴黎高等师范学院.他进入多科性大学,并以第二名的优异成绩从该校毕业.从1879年起,他先后在几所大学里工作,1879年,他在矿业大学工作期间,通过了博士论文答辩(偏微分方程解的一些性  相似文献   

While a great deal of research has focused on children’s experiences as they start school, less attention has been directed to their experiences—and those of their families and educators—as they start school age care. This paper draws from a recent research project investigating practices that promote positive transitions to school and school age care. Data were generated through questionnaires, document analysis, visits to sites and conversations with a wide range of participants. In this paper, data related to school age care are reported. The results emphasise the importance of communication in the development of strong positive relationships among all those involved in transition. The practices identified as effective reflect the principles of My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia, and are aligned with the Transition to School: Position Statement, which focuses on the opportunities, expectations, aspirations and entitlements for all during educational transitions. Drawing on these practices, possibilities for enhanced professional practice are explored.  相似文献   

本文主要通过介绍国外开源医学信息系统care2x(Hospital Information System),分析该系统在医学院学生信息技术能力培养方面应用的特点和优势,从而提高医学院校学生信息技术的应用能力,从而达到学生在毕业后就职于医疗岗位时,能更快更好的应用医学信息管理系统.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the dynamics of physical activity (PA) in day care and preschool. The participants were 823 Finnish 1–7-year-old children from 50 day care centres and preschools. The research methods were systematic observation, evaluation of children’s skills and interviews with children. Altogether 18,366 observations were collected. Vygotsky’s concept of the ‘zone of proximal development’ is redefined in relation to PA. The results of the study show that environmental factors, and specifically peers, do indeed play a significant role in enhancing PA among children. There are cogent reasons for paying more attention to the dynamics of children’s PA. Furthermore, there is reason to ponder extensively how to provide opportunities for PA and, more precisely, the development of motor competence in the day care and preschool context.  相似文献   

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