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唐纯 《英语辅导》2002,(5):59-59
Miss Lin is my English teacher.She is tall and slim.She has watery eyes,a high-bridged nose and a small mouth.She is very friendly.She is a humourous woman.She works hard.She is very responsible and kind.  相似文献   

<正>大家好!我叫张娜,我就读于百善中心学校。我们班的所有同学和我一样,都非常喜欢我们的一位老师,她对我们很友好。你知道她吗?你能猜猜她是谁吗?噢,她就是我的英语老师——张颖。我们常称她张老师。下面就让我向你们介绍一下张老师吧。她个子不太高也不太矮,身材瘦瘦的,留着短发。我想她一定喜欢短发,因为目前流行短发。她有两只大大的眼睛,一个小小的鼻子,经常穿着浅色上衣和深色裤子,显得很  相似文献   

My English teacher is Miss Gao. Her English is very good. She always wears a pair of glasses. She likes wearing black trousers. Her hobby is reading books. Miss Gao likes drinking coffee and eating vegetables.  相似文献   

我于1952年考入复旦大学物理系。在大学本科的四年中,我先后加入了中国共产主义青年团和中国共产党。1956年毕业后又成为谢希德先生的研究生,1960年开始留校任教,前前后后在复旦已经历了52个春秋。而从1952年到1956年的四年大学生活,可以说是我的人生转折点,我的政治生命是从这时期开始的,我的学业和事业也是从这一时期开始的,我的世界观也主要是在这一时期形成的。值此复旦庆祝建校百年之际,饮水思源,写下我对大学老师的一些回忆。  相似文献   

<正>She isn’t tall and she is a little thin,but she is very beautiful,She has graduated from a university now.She looks like a student.She is my practice teacher,Miss Li.I still remember the day when she gave us the first class in my class.She wore a dress  相似文献   

<正>Hello, everyone! My name is Zhu Lei. I’m in Baishan Middle School. I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven. All of my classmates and I like one of our teachers very much. She is friendly to us. We all like having her class. Do you know her? Can you guess who is she~(1)?Oh, she’s my English teacher—Zhang Ling. We often call her Miss Zhang. Now, let me  相似文献   

In my mind, she is the best teacher I have ever met.  相似文献   

<正>I have many good teachers. But Miss Li is my favorite teacher. Her English name is Lily.She's a beautiful girl with short black hair and she always wears black and white clothes. All the kids in my class love her very much. She loves us, and she is friendly to us. We all like to have her classes.She speaks good English. She always has a good way to teach us. She tries her best to  相似文献   

My Good Teacher     
<正>Liu Tao is thirty-two years old.She is an English teacher.She teaches our~① English in Class 8,Grade 7.She is good at English speaking and writing.Also,She likes reading all kinds of book~② and newspaper,especially the books on study.She does well in music and drawing,too.She is very friendly to us students.She often helps us with our English.When I  相似文献   

<正>Mr.Wang is my favorite teacher.English is my favorite subject.I like English the best.Mr.Wang looks very thin and tall,but~①he is outgoing and humorous.His class is very interesting and lively.We all like English class.Once he asked me to go to his office,for my English is poor.He let me sit in his  相似文献   

我们在学校取得的每一点成绩都离不开老师的辛勤劳动.老师就像园丁一样,培育着祖国的花朵.在所有教过你的老师中,谁给你留下最深刻的印象?你最喜欢哪一位老师?欢迎大家来信谈谈自己的想法.  相似文献   

<正>我想成为一名教师,因为我喜欢学生。我很渴望让我的学生懂得更多的知识。在我看来,教师的工作是最伟大的。我可以教学生如何学习,如何做一个有礼貌的人等等。更重要的是,当我同学生交流时,我也可以从他们身上学到很多东西。这能丰富我的日常生活,我非常喜  相似文献   

<正>Mrs.Li is in her forties.She has taught at my school for ten years.She is always kind and helpful.Whenever she has some money left,she gives it to someone in need.With her help,three poor children have finished high school.To my surprise,she has donated blood many times since 2000.And she has decided to donate her body for medical research after her death.  相似文献   

I always remember an incident which I once experienced.  相似文献   

While supervising a student teacher in school, an incident occurred that highlighted a contradiction between my practice and my beliefs and prompted me to question why I do not always live the values I profess. The aim of this article is to investigate how self-study can help me to understand the complex and context-based situations of my practice. I draw on the work of other teacher educators to examine the potential of self-study to improve my practice. Through this exploration I have begun to transform the way that I comprehend teaching and learning in teacher education. I identify several tensions and challenges in implementing the methodology within my professional context. I believe that self-study can help us in our roles as teacher educators to develop more reflexive self-awareness and to problematize taken-for-granted assumptions relevant to our contexts of practice.  相似文献   

“双语教学”是为改造传统的教育模式,提高民族教育教学质量,培养“双文化”少数民族人才的新路子和新的人才培养模式,应该大力推行。  相似文献   

米子 《高中生》2012,(25):10
班主任姓王,我们私下叫他"王老头"。很快我就发现,王老头跟我以前遇到过的老师都不是一个类型,他的严格刻板让人叹为观止。更让我惊讶万分的是,听说他还是一名"全国优秀班主任",这称号给得也太不严肃了吧?这老头,凭什么呀?  相似文献   

李健 《甘肃高师学报》2002,7(1):119-121
结合当前市场经济的特点及对高校的影响 ,结合外国文学教学实践及学生知识现状 ,我们提出外国文学教学新思路 :一是在教学目的、内容上要加强人文精神及综合素质的培养 ;二是改进教学研究方法和手段 ,培养学生的创新思维和自学能力 ;三是具体教授时应考虑多学科结合 ,解决好课堂讲课与教材、文学史与作品、教学大纲与学生欣赏情绪三个关系  相似文献   

通过对《我的第一个师父》这一鲁迅临终前念旧名文的疏证与考辨,发现这一文本的15个注释中的8个都存在着或大或小的问题,有的甚至是错误的注释;而且要使这一文本的注释显得完善,尚需增加9个新的注释.“05年版”的注释虽然比起“81年版”来,因时代原因出现的问题得到了纠正,但总的来看差别不大.因此,尽管《鲁迅全集》比现代中国任何其他作家全集的注释都要详尽,然而问题仍然很多,本文的疏证与考辨就是为将来出版的《鲁迅全集》的注释更加完善而做的前期工作.最后我们从这一文本的文体着眼,认为对鲁迅作品进行重新分类很有必要.  相似文献   

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