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今天是妻的生日,我想给她送一个礼物。古老的小镇没有生日蛋糕,也没有鲜花,更没有抒情场所。见我为难,妻轻声道:“别乱花钱。我想听你唱首歌。”顿时,我感到浑身涌动着一股暖流。我走过去,轻轻拥抱着妻,细细品味着这份情。结婚六年,女儿四岁,妻还是第一次向我提要求。此时此刻,我有多少话要向她说:  相似文献   

每个人都是一部书。在我眼里,老妻就是一部耐读的好书。她没有精美豪华的装帧,没有花前月下的浪漫情调,却犹如陈年的美酒,散发着醇正清香,芬芳了我的人生,滋润着我的心田。  相似文献   

妻教小学,今年轮值毕业班,半半截截又接了个班主任,还兼着教研组长、备课组长。从此,家就成了名副其实的旅馆、饭店。不过这个比喻也不尽恰当,那是因为觉睡不囫囵,饭也吃不全。早饭照例是不吃的。我于心不忍,早早起来做碗面条或准备好牛奶、鸡蛋。但妻多是扔下一句“来不及了”就匆匆而去。慢慢习惯了,我也就随她去。这么大人了,自己饿了自然会吃。但我却经常看妻中午下班回来饿狼般地找饭吃。一边往嘴里塞随手抓到的可吃的东西,一边嘟囔:“饿死我了,一早上没吃饭。”等到热腾腾的午饭摆上餐桌,妻却没了胃口。我说:“就不能对不起学生一会儿…  相似文献   

胡居成 《老年教育》2008,(11):30-30
女儿3岁那年,一天,妻子抱她上街,和水果店里的一位老同学说了一会儿话,离开时,却发现女儿两只小手抱着一个大苹果。妻问她苹果是哪里来的?她结结巴巴地说:“我、拿的……”“是阿姨给你的?”女儿摇摇头。妻明白了,是女儿自己在水果店里拿的。妻告诉女儿,没有得到水果店里阿姨的许可,水果是不能随便拿的。  相似文献   

醉心于教育且成绩显著的妻因病两次住院,不得不暂时离开魂牵梦绕的讲台,休假在家。正如一台高速运转的机器不可能戛然而止一样,习惯了忙碌的她猛然间闲下来就有些百无聊赖。只有当学生来看她时,她那终日慵懒的神情才一扫而光,和学生们谈笑风生,恢复了往日的活力。而学生们走后,她又陷入长长的期待和更大的寂寞之中。看着妻孤独,我又抽不出更多的时间陪她,便劝她养一些喜欢的花草来解闷,妻也答应了。其实,妻是很喜欢花草的,只是平时忙于教学没有时间侍弄。不几日,妻果然从集市上买了几棵无花果、竹子和葡萄回来。那天中午,我和妻顶着已很有些…  相似文献   

高二新学期又开始了,对于新生活别人都胸有成竹,而我却没有一点自信,特别是这几天,我整天恍惚,心神不定,对学习也没有兴趣。我觉得烦恼全都找上我了,让我对人生的美好产生了疑问。  相似文献   

纪仁 《家长》2008,(4):44-46
我与妻相识于1970年秋。虽然是先"自由恋爱"后结婚,但也只能说是没人强迫、拉郎配而已,没有一次花前月下、卿卿我我的"自由恋爱"经历。当时那个年月,哪里有"谈"恋爱的一方净土?那种"小  相似文献   

妻在一家私企上班,前段时间感到压力大,不开心,每天下班就喊累,不想上班,想在家做专职“家庭主妇”。我不同意,妻就让我为她换家单位,被妻逼得没有办法,我答应帮她找找看。没想到话讲了不到一个月,妻就被辞退了,原因就是妻见我答应为她找单位了,认为马上就不在单位干了,于是,妻就跟同事“吹”了起来,这事不知被哪个同事告诉了老板,老板就先下手把妻辞掉了。其实,妻在这家私企干得也不算短了,连头带尾已经快5年了。老板对她还不错,一直让她在办公室做文员,妻要是珍惜这份工作的话,估计老板也不会辞退她。老板这次辞退她,我认为不能怪老板,要…  相似文献   

女儿每晚缠着要我们讲故事,我不会,妻也不会,便购回一本《365夜儿童睡前故事》,我和妻轮流着读。这办法好,女儿听完,便甜甜地睡进故事乡里。可我想坦率地告诉女儿:我的童年没有故事。我的童年是在饥馑和劳累中度过的,虽然文学女神哺育出了许多故事大王:安徒生、格林、孙敬修、严文井……但我却无缘在童年与辛德瑞娜白雪公主白蛇娘娘悟空八戒谋面。我的奶奶———我们西蜀地方通叫婆婆———她目不识丁,一生只在不停息地劳作,当然,即使她会讲故事,那会儿也没空讲;即使她有空讲,那会儿我也没空听。我们家在乡下,养母负责给…  相似文献   

徐旭 《江苏教育》2008,(1):63-63
“家里的盆景怎么看都没有圩区小学的美。”我感慨地对妻说。“是啊,”妻放下手中的笔.兴奋的眼神从镜框上面探过来,“有时我也纳闷,几株野草和菜花插在饮料瓶、易拉罐里居然能给人带来如此难忘的美好回忆。”  相似文献   

Since high school I have always wanted to study in a country other than my own. However my parents always informed me that it was too expensive. This was until luck turned my way one day while I was at university. My advisor called me and asked me to go and see him as soon as possible. I just knew it had to be good news. I could barely stand the suspense and went to his office with a nervous happiness in my tummy My advisor told me that I had been offered a scholarship to study at Central Washington Univers...  相似文献   

A perplexed story   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This piece of life‐story—or, to give it its grand title, auto‐ethnographic research—owes its initial impetus in becoming a written project to a photograph someone took of me in a London secondary school staffroom early on in my teaching career. The young man in the photograph peers out at me from my office wall. Sometime last year, he began to compel me to dig around in filing cabinets for the journals, occasional poems and other dusty relics of a teaching life; it seems he has helped me to recollect the social and historical experiences that have affected my development.  相似文献   

"Listen," I said slapping my hand down on the desk in front of me. "I really need that book today. The computer says you still have it. The essay is due in tomorrow; please could you tell me where it is?" I had been in the library since about noon. The shadows were beginning to lengthen and my patience beginning to run out as the librarian stared up at me with all the sentient comprehension of a lobotomised teletubby.  相似文献   

一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:“能跟你借个火吗?”他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。  相似文献   


This essay tells my story of using the moral orientations of justice and care to help me think about an incident of cheating in a seminar I taught. My story takes as a starting point the idea that teaching is a relational activity and that morality fundamentally concerns relations among people. These moral orientations gave me options to think about exploring, with my students, what it means to make moral choices in our everyday life. This narrative is about my own moral choice‐making in this dilemma and it reveals how using these psychological constructs helped me in my reflective practice of teaching. It also reveals the conflicts I faced in attempting to solve this dilemma and the questions and conflicts which still remain.  相似文献   

前景提要 Casanova带Elena拜访好朋友Georgiana一家,这个温暖的家庭充满了亲切感,而在和Georgiana一家相处的过程中,Elena也了解了Casanova鲜为人知的过去……  相似文献   

A Warm Light     
原文 The story was set in the winter of 20051.I intended to pay a visit to my uncle by train.Unfortunately,as the train arrived at the small town where my uncle UvedI it Was deep into night2 and what impressed me most was the chilling and penetrating wind Confronted with this new environment at such special time3,I felt lonely and a little frightened.Worse still,I Was told to wait for haft an hour,because the terrible weather had prevented my uncle from picking me up on time,I was overcome with fear when the sound of the travelers'footsteps faded away and the last lightwas turned off.Nothing lay ahead of me but the dark,and my heart leapt quickly,my legs trembled,especially when I thought of the fact that gangs,drug addicts,murders,thieves lurked everywhere4.  相似文献   

常用网络用语   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It was mining hard that day. I was sitting in front of the window and looking outside. I was very excited because it was my sixteenth birthday. I cherished it very much for it was my best time, Besides, my parents had promised that they would celebrate it for me.  相似文献   

The rain     
I used to be a boy deeply loving the rain.Running in the rain without my beautiful umbrella was once one of my favorite things.However,as time went by,I was not even the half the one I had been.The rain would bring me some convenience,like no P.E.class that day.In another way,it made me depressed.Loneliness came to bother me all day.Facing the crowded bus,I felt somewhat complicated.Though it took me more time and strength,I still enjoyed walking home.At least I didn't have to stay out of breath on the hot wet bus...  相似文献   

1944 and all that   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Firstly I look upon Britain as my homeland… Liberty, the love of home, tolerance and justice—these are some of the things which Britain has infused into most of her sons and daughters…. What does Britain mean to me?, I say ‘A home and the home of the good things in life’. (HAI.1.) Britain means to me my HOME. And I use ‘home’ in the fullest sense as after years spent abroad, it is always the one place I had a secret hankering to come back to (SM1.6) England is home and there's no place like home. That's what Britain means to me. With all its faults, it means just everything to me (MIL.9.) (Report on ‘What does Britain mean to you’, 1941)1  相似文献   

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