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亚欧会议对东亚地区主义的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚欧会议(ASEM)是亚欧43个国家间的具有浓厚论坛色彩的政府间对话协商机制.亚欧会议除推动亚欧两大洲在政治、经济、文化等领域的合作之外,同时也作为重要外在因素,鼓励了东亚地区主义的发展.  相似文献   

为了认真落实温家宝总理在第八届亚欧首脑会议上提出的倡议,促进中国与亚欧各国在职业技术教育领域的交流与合作,推动亚欧会议合作进程务实发展,1月11日至12日,在青岛举行了亚欧职业  相似文献   

亚欧会议第一届教育部长会议于2008年5月4日-6日在德国柏林举行,此次会议是在亚欧会议(ASEM)框架下举办的首次教育部长会议,来自亚欧会议39个成员的代表团出席了会议,会议主题为“面向未来的亚欧教育与培训”。中国教育部副部长章新胜率团出席,  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加快,世界政治经济一体化的程度也在不断加深,与此同时,区域政治、经济和地区安全的合作也在悄然兴起。特别是在“9.11”事件以后,各地区的合作以及区域的合作发展迅速。作为世界体系的重要组成部分的亚欧地区,合作的深度和广度都在加强,而作为这一合作的重要机制———亚欧会议也越来越引起人们的关注。亚欧会议合作机制建立过程是很顺利的。1994年10月,新加坡总理吴作栋访问法国时提出了召开亚欧领导人会议的设想,目的是通过对话与合作,促进欧亚两大洲经济发展与社会进步。这个建议得到了亚欧国家的积极响应,并且获得欲与…  相似文献   

以探索支持终身学习的框架为主题的亚欧论坛终身学习会议11月26日在北京举行。会议由北京大学教育学院/教育经济研究所、ASEM亚欧会议终身学习教育与研究中心、丹麦教育学院共同合作组织。150  相似文献   

11月25日,以探索支持终身学习的框架为主题的亚欧论坛终身学习会议在北京举行。会议由北京大学教育学院教育经济研究所、ASEM亚欧会议终身学习教育与研究中心、丹麦教育学院共同合作组织。  相似文献   

今年10月,北京将作为东道主迎来第七届亚欧首脑会议。按照惯例,在正式会议举行以前,要举行一系列部长级会议,今年教育首次与能源、环境、经济等问题被列为重要议题。前不久,德国首都柏林就举行了第一届亚欧教育部长会议,来自29个国家的教育部长、副部长出席了会议。这是在亚欧会议(ASEM)框架下举行的首次教育部长会议,主题为“面向未来的亚欧教育与培训”,  相似文献   

11月25日,由北京大学教育经济研究所、ASEM亚欧会议终身学习教育与研究中心、丹麦教育学院共同合作组织的亚欧论坛终身学习会议在北京友谊宾馆举行。亚欧各国的教育政策制订者、大学代表、国际组织代表及学者等150余人参加了论坛。教育部副部长章新胜、财政部教科文司副司长孙光奇出席了开幕式并致辞。  相似文献   

2008年11月25日,"亚欧论坛终身学习——探索支持终身学习的框架"国际会议于北京友谊宾馆贵宾楼隆重召开。本次会议由北京大学教育经济研究所主办。ASEM亚欧会议终身学习教育与研究中心协办,并得到北京大学、亚欧基金会、丹麦教育部、丹麦外交部和丹麦教育学院的有力支持。来自亚欧20个国家的教育相关官员、专家学者和学生共约260人出席了本次会议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了2008年5月4日~6日在德国柏林举行的第一届亚欧会议教育部长会议的背景和要点.文章以亚欧高等教育合作以及高等教育与就业市场为主要议题,分析其现状、挑战、问题、发展趋势和政策应对措施,并就吸收借鉴ASEM教育部长会议的成果提出了几点思考.  相似文献   

Today the modern Silk Road between Asia and Europe is increasingly well-travelled in both directions by students, academics and policy makers. Over the last decade the European Union (EU) and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been making more attempts to shape this route by creating an educational partnership through an inter-regional forum for regional cooperation and policy development: the Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM). Beside economic and diplomatic relations, education has been receiving increasing attention since the 2000s and has become an important and strategic act of cooperation by ASEM education ministers. Higher education and lifelong learning are the main topics for the multi-level dialogues and exchanges of ideas between the two regions. This paper describes the emergence of this new inter-regional educational phenomenon and examines its characteristics by analysing the case of the 10-year-old ASEM Lifelong Learning Initiative. Furthermore, the paper argues that ASEM education cooperation carries characteristics of a cultural and associational process, an agenda-setting process, a policy transfer process, an instrument for intra-regional integration and building regional identity.  相似文献   

"遵义会议"是一组系列会议,"通道会议"、"黎平会议"、"猴场会议"可称为"遵义会议"的预备会议,在遵义召开的"遵义会议"是核心会议,"扎西会议"、"苟坝会议"、"会理会议"可称为"遵义会议"的后续会议。"大遵义会议"期间形成了党的第一代成熟的领导集体,张闻天、王稼祥是领导集体形成初期的重要成员。同时,"大遵义会议"也是一块试金石,林彪政治上的动摇和军事上的短视都暴露无遗。四渡赤水表现出的战略思想是:目标明确、机动灵活、避实就虚、不厌诈讹。"遵义会议"的精神是团结、民主、求是、自主。这也是遵义会议成功的原因。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the perceived freedom of Dutch employees to embark on workplace learning in terms of whether they feel it is “voluntary” or “compulsory”. The paper is based on the findings of a large international explorative survey carried out by the Workplace Learning (WPL) Research Network (RN2) of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Lifelong Learning (LLL) Research Hub. The comparative study focused on employees’ quest for “freedom of learning for work”. This paper reports on the Dutch part of the research, the quantitative results of which seem to indicate that the freedom of learning for work is not as important to Dutch employees as might be expected. In a second phase, to investigate employees’ experiences of work-related learning in more depth, the Dutch researchers added a follow-up qualitative study, involving one-on-one interviews. In order to triangulate the results of the quantitative and qualitative research phases, the authors then added a mixed-methods sequential explanatory analysis. They assessed the quality of the collected data in both distinct phases by identifying converging results, which are useful for refining our understanding of learning for work. The paper draws both on rich insights into workplace learning based on this research as well as on theoretical literature which refers to concepts like motivation, subjectivity, work identity and agency in connection with the quest for freedom of learning.  相似文献   

在欧美教育史研究进入辉煌与繁荣之际,东亚的日本亦在借鉴与模拟欧美研究模式的过程中跻身于世界教育史研究之列,研究者参照欧美教育史学理论与方法,先从研究本国教育发展历程开始,逐步拓展到对欧洲与东亚等别国教育史的研究,成为东亚教育史研究的一支劲旅,为世界教育史研究的领域不断增光添彩。  相似文献   

古田会议是中国共产党和军队建设史上的重要里程碑。古田会议精神是中国共产党在土地革命战争时期艰辛探索加强党和军队建设,提高党的领导水平和执政能力而形成的开拓创新精神。在新世纪新挑战新任务面前,中国共产党肩负着全面建设小康社会的历史重任,古田会议精神对于如何树立执政意识,提高执政能力等方面具有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

第52届国际阿尔泰学会议于2009年7月26日至31日在呼和浩特市举行。这是常设国际阿尔泰学会议自1957年成立以来第一次在中国大陆举行的年会,同时也是第一次在阿尔泰语系主要语言之一的蒙古语地区举办的年会。这次会议的召开不仅具有重要的学术意义,而且还有深远的历史意义。内蒙古大学和中国阿尔泰学会共同主办了本届会议。围绕“阿尔泰世界的神话与秘境”这一会议主题,来自欧洲、美洲及亚洲15个国家和地区的90余名学者发表了各自的研究成果。根据内容,提交会议的论文大致分为几类:(1)语言学研究论文。这类论文主要在蒙古、突厥、满一通古斯、契丹、日本等阿尔泰语系诸语言以及乌拉尔语系某些语言的语音、语法、词汇、词源、文字等领域进行了研究;(2)有关阿尔泰语系各民族神话传说、传统文化、生活习俗及宗教信仰的学术论文;(3)有关历史事件、历史人物和历史文献的学术论文;(4)有关阿尔泰语系诸民族文学艺术的学术论文。  相似文献   

A.对十余年来有关遵义会议研究的一系列重要问题和新的进展进行述评,主要是:遵义会议与中共独立自主的开端问题;遵义会议与中国革命历史转折及中共政治路线的转孪问题;遵义会议与红军的军事转折问题;张闻天、毛泽东、周恩来“转折”中的作用及其在中共第一代领导集体早期格局中的地位问题;遵义会议与扎西会议的关系问题,其他重要问题。B.对十余年来遵义会议研究的几点思考。  相似文献   

Asia and Europe have long influenced each other by means of international trade, technology transfer, and foreign policy. Today, Asian countries are searching for more competitive answers in an increasingly competitive world. Educational mobility among countries, especially between Asia and Europe, is the key to unlocking the answer. To achieve the desired educational mobility requires bilingualism (English as the common medium for learning and instruction) and quality education with internationally recognized diplomas and degrees in higher education. A future Asian/European Credit Transfer System is imminent and possible with the implementation of ERASMUS ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and UCTS (UMAP Credit Transfer System) frameworks. The path to success hinges on the application of knowledge management and risk management to this international challenge for improved educational management. By this means, the prospects for greater understanding and greater economic potential and prosperity can be achieved for both Asian and European nations.  相似文献   

Meeting the educational needs of a linguistically diverse population is a challenge for many countries. This is a particular challenge for New Zealand (NZ) which, until the 1980s, had a White Immigration Policy. The last 30 years have seen NZ become a full member of the Asia Pacific Region and move from being a mostly homogenous society to one of the most heterogeneous. This article explores the historical context of education and migration and current initiatives for inclusive academic language teaching (IALT) in NZ. IALT is a teacher-development approach recently developed for multilingual Europe by the European Core Curriculum for Mainstreamed Second Language Teacher Education. The approach rests on principles of acknowledgement of first language and culture, inclusivity and teachers having specialized knowledge of the academic language requirements of their subjects. This analysis seeks to show that knowledge, policy and practices that were once at the margins of the education system must now be central and will benefit all students, particularly those from diverse backgrounds.  相似文献   

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