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建构科学教育学习场,有助于促进学生科学素养发展。无锡市四所小学的科学教育实践表明,建构科学教育学习场要遵循多样性、主体性、社会性和引导性原则。在学习场中开展科学教育要强化实践性与创新性教学,注重跨学科整合与知识融通。  相似文献   

《决定》强调:实施素质教育,必须重视培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。《社会》是小学阶段对学生进行社会常识教育的重要课程,教学内容科学,编排合理。教学中教师应认真钻研教材,提高对《社会》课的认识;应树立创新教育的观念,培养学生创新的意识;另外还要注意几个问题,从而使社会课的教学效果达到最优化。  相似文献   

科学新课标改革大背景下,国家着重于全面提高学生科学素养,突出科学探究,体现科学本质。而科学情境教学正与新课标的理念不谋而合,通过科学情境教学,使学生能够更好地解决自身学习、生活、工作和社会决策中遇到的问题,为终身发展奠定基础,为社会的可持续发展提供支撑。本文正是从科学情境教学的实施原则和实施途径入手,对初中科学教学进行阐述,以期对相关教育工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

美国未来学家阿尔文·托夫勒说过,未来的文盲不再是不识字的人,而是没有学会学习的人。为适应现代社会的发展,学校教育要有意识地培养学生的学习能力,迁移法是学习能力培养的一条重要途径。历史教学中的迁移法应结合历史学科知识体系的特点、历史与其他学科相互渗透的关系、历史与现实的联系来进行。它不仅有助于知识向能力的转化,而且有助于学生综合素质的提高,为学生的终身发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

价值观教学要取得良好的效果,应注意引导学生正确理解价值、人生价值等基本概念,为确立正确的价值观奠定科学的基础;明确人生价值的评价标准,教育学生自觉抵制资产阶级腐朽思想侵蚀,树立正确的人生价值观;要确立人生价值目标,培养自己实现人生价值的能力,在劳动和创造的社会实践中实现自己的人生价值。  相似文献   

物理教学中的自主学习课堂教学模式简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主学习是引导学生做学习的主人、促进学生自主发展的一种教育思想。在物理教学中实施自主学习教学模式有助于培养学生的创新意识和实践能力。自主学习具有能动性、独立性和创新性三个特点,构建自主学习教学模式应遵循目标性原则、主体性原则、创新性原则和合作性原则。依据学生学习的特点和前人的一些研究,构建了物理教学的五环节自主学习课堂教学模式,并指出实施自主学习教学模式应注意的问题:教师要转变观念、明确责任;教学要尊重个体差异;重视实验教学;教学过程要保证学生自主学习的时间。  相似文献   

张丽英 《中学教育》2008,(12):39-40
美国未来学家阿尔文·托夫勒说过,未来的文盲不再是不识字的人,而是没有学会学习的人。为适应现代社会的发展,学校教育要有意识地培养学生的学习能力,迁移法是学习能力培养的一条重要途径。历史教学中的迁移法应结合历史学科知识体系的特点、历史与其他学科相互渗透的关系、历史与现实的联系来进行。它不仅有助于知识向能力的转化,而且有助于学生综合素质的提高,为学生的终身发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

孙军 《学苑教育》2019,(1):93-93
《小学科学课程标准》指出小学科学课程是以培养学生科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程。通过科学教育使学生逐步领会科学的本质,乐于探究,热爱科学,并树立社会责任感;学会用科学的思维方式解决自身学习、日常生活中遇到的问题。在科学教学中,如何因势利导,挖掘学生生活中的科学资源,让学生切身感受科学探究的乐趣,培养学生敢于质疑的科学态度和爱祖国、爱家乡的情感,为学生的终身学习奠定基础,成为我们科学教师的职责。多年的教学实践,让我为深植《科学》教学这方沃土而倍感自豪。  相似文献   

语文是最重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要组成部分。 小学语文是义务教育阶段的一门基础学科,对于培养学生的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,对于学生学习其他学科和继续学习,对于弘扬祖国的优秀文化和吸收人类的进步文化,提高民族素质,都具有重要意义。 小学语文教学要贯彻国家的教育方针,面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来;要以科学的教育理论为指导,联系学生现实生活,加强语文实践,积极进行教学改革,提高教学质量。 一教学目的 小学语文教学应立足于促进学生的发展,为他们的终身学习、生活和工作奠定基础。 小学语文教学的目的…  相似文献   

随着社会不断发展,教育水平不断提升,国家越来越重视人才的素质教育与全面发展。应这一形势要求,新课改提出要引进探究式的教学方法,注重培养学生自主学习、自主探究、与他人合作的能力,着重培养学生的创新意识、科学精神和实践能力。因此,小学数学教师在授课时,要注重培养小学生的探究精神,鼓励学生善于发现问题和解决问题,从而为小学生学习数学奠定了一个扎实的基础。  相似文献   

The last two decades have seen increased threats to agricultural landscapes in Israel. Key factors include population growth, strong pressure from construction entrepreneurs and possible profit to land owners who benefit from a legal conversion of farmland into lands allocated for construction. While each Israeli elementary school student used to participate in agriculture classes, most students no longer experience this and their overall exposure to farming in schools is limited. The main objective of this study was to explore the ways farming is presented and addressed in the national curriculum and in learning materials. Additionally, it examines the actual status of teaching about agriculture and explores how farming is addressed in teachers' pre‐service programmes. The main finding is that very little teaching about agriculture and land management is carried out at most school levels. Only one college prepares agriculture teachers and science education programmes rarely address agriculture as a course topic. The paper also outlines an education for sustainability framework for integrating science, agriculture and environmental education.  相似文献   

Parent-school engagement is widely embraced as a policy and educational ideal, yet to date there are few studies of how teacher education prepares students for this important aspect of their professional lives. In this paper, we consider findings from a recent Australian study that explored how the issue of parent-school relations is currently addressed in Australian initial teacher education programmes. The study is situated within the broader policy context of teaching standards. Our findings challenge suggestions that parent-school engagement is largely absent from pre-service programmes, and although the study recognizes gaps and discontinuities, it also identifies four key domains in which initial teacher education currently prepares students for parent engagement. We argue that students are being prepared for parent-school engagement in a variety of ways, but that there is insufficient continuity to ensure that all beginning teachers have a thorough understanding of how to work effectively with parents.  相似文献   

Many science educators, in the US and elsewhere, suppport the idea that all students should have fair and equal opportunities to become scientifically literate through authentic, real problem-based science education. However, this challenge requires teachers to find ways to help all students feel comfortable with, and connected to, science. Despite the general consensus around the ideal of science for all, science teacher education programmes have had little or no impact on preservice teachers' philosophies of teaching and learning, especially as it relates to serving underserved populations in science. In this paper, I explore community service-learning as one way of addressing the multicultural dimension of preservice education with the following three questions: In what ways does involving pre-service science teachers in community service-learning influence their views on multicultural science education, in theory and practice? What qualities of community service-learning make multicultural science education a realistic objective? How might service-learning be used to push our collective understanding of what an inclusive and liberatory multicultural science teaching practice could be? I explore these questions and propose further areas of research by using a case study involving service-learning from my own teaching-research with preservice students.  相似文献   

随着教育科学和信息技术的发展,新时代高质量教学的本质内涵获得了新的质的规定性,同时呈现鲜明的时代特征:教学目标高瞻远瞩,培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人;教学走向科学和规范,依据课程标准实施零起点教学;教学以学生健康为本,保障充足睡眠时间;教学突出学生主体地位,呵护好奇心和培育学习兴趣;教学方式具身转向,注重实践和体验;教学手段重视现代信息技术,融合“教育+互联网”。新时代高质量教学的六大特征存在着内在的联系和统一。  相似文献   

Conclusion This study suggests that most students entering science or science education units in preservice primary teacher education courses have a positive attitude to the teaching/learning of primary science and see value in all domains of science for children at this stage. This was an unexpected finding. It was of concern however, that their interest in physical science topics was so low. This may be due to previous specific experiences in secondary science. Science and science education units should build on the positive attitudes of students and could develop physical science ideas through their significance in environmental and social problems. Specializations: science education, teacher education in science. Specializations: science education policy and practice, teacher education, school effectiveness.  相似文献   

新时代对人才核心素养提出了新要求.针对当前师范生培养过程中存在的教育情怀淡化、师范性边缘化和专业素养弱化等问题,以生物科学专业为例,通过对新时代核心素养、师范生专业认证标准、中学生物学课程教学目标,以及生物科学专业人才培养质量国家标准的比较分析,解读了不同标准对核心素养的理解,提出了优化培养方案,突出师范性;重视教育实...  相似文献   

Mature-age students have formed a significant proportion of preservice students in primary teacher education over recent years. Academic staff have reported a difference between mature-age students and school-leavers, particularly in motivation and achievement. This report examines part of a study which explored mature-age students' views about aspects of teaching science and technology, compared to the views of students who came to university straight from school. It examines, in particular, students' personal feelings of adequacy in teaching science and technology in primary schools. Specialisations: primary teacher education, teaching strategies in science.  相似文献   

In this article we document the impact of tiered teaching on making the complexity of pedagogy transparent when teaching science education to pre-service primary teachers. Teaching science methods classes together and researching our teaching has enabled us to reframe our assumptions and move beyond the simplistic and misleading idea that teacher education is the modeling of exemplary practice. This self-study has evolved over three years. We were faced with the tension between modeling exemplary practice to teach science education and science content and making our teacher education practices explicit to our students. Tiered teaching has allowed us to manage this tension. Four major themes emerged from this self-study: the cost of tiered teaching; the shift in priority to less science education and more teacher education; our own growth in expertise; and the transformation of our practice.  相似文献   

科学教育是建设创新型国家、科教强国的重要支撑,培育更多优秀青少年学生学习和从事科技领域具有重要意义。“科学资本”由布迪厄的“资本”概念发展而来,被认为是预测青少年学生STEM职业期望的有效变量。为了更好地认识科学资本这一概念的本质及其教育价值,该文在对相关文献进行梳理的基础上,对科学资本的内涵进行了解析,对科学资本的构成维度进行了总结,对科学资本促进学生发展的价值进行了讨论,对如何将科学资本融入教育实践进行了介绍。该文认为具有丰富内涵的科学资本为审视科学教育提供了一个新的视角,为推进科学教育发展提供了新的着力点,即在培养学生科学素养的同时,应重视学生科学资本的发掘和构建;建议创设“学校—家庭—社会”协同育人环境,积极促进学生科学资本构建,增强学生与科学的亲密度,激励更多更优秀的学生在未来进入科技领域。科学资本及以其为导向的科学教学法为我国科学教育和科学教师培训提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

科学教育是建设创新型国家以及呼应科教强国政策的根本,对于科技创新人才的培养至关重要。美国国家科学教学研究学会的年会代表了全球最高规格的科学教育研究盛典,基于NARST 2020年会报告题目和摘要,采用定性与定量相结合的文本分析法,依次进行了词频分析、主题建构和共现演化三个阶段的研究。研究发现:教师的教、学生的学、教师教育、课程评估、科学文化是本届科学教育年会五个研究领域,STEM是贯穿其中的核心议题。基于行为科学理论、活动理论和知识整合理论的管理学与教育学的跨学科研究框架和关键要素,可以把STEM研究划分为理论-实践、结构-功能,宏观-微观和心理-行动这八个维度构成的多元分析框架;无监督LDA主题模型的关系建模全面、清晰地确定了全球科学教育最新的六大研究主题的发展脉络与趋势;国际科学教育研究极为重视职前和职后教师教育,高质量的教师是科学教育改革的重要引擎和支撑,教师的教与学生的学是探究教学机制的关键。最后对西方思潮影响的中国科学教育改革提出了审思。  相似文献   

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