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Preoccupied and Avoidant Coping during Middle Childhood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prior research on attachment to caregivers during middle childhood has failed to include assessments of the divergent coping styles that insecure attachment can take. In this study, self-report scales were developed to assess children's preoccupied coping (strong need for mother during stress but inability to be soothed by her) and avoidant coping (denial of need for mother and avoidance of her during stress). The scales were administered to 229 boys and girls in the third through seventh grades (mean age 11.3 years) and were associated in theoretically meaningful ways with peers' reports of the children's adjustment at school. The advantage of including assessments of coping style in studies of attachment-adjustment relations in middle childhood is noted.  相似文献   

Parent ratings of temperament in infancy and childhood yield evidence for genetic influence in twin studies but not in adoption studies. The present study used the sibling adoption design to investigate teacher and tester ratings of temperament in middle childhood. When each child was 7 years old, ratings on the Colorado Childhood Temperament Inventory were obtained from a teacher and tester for more than 50 pairs each of adoptive and nonadoptive siblings in the Colorado Adoption Project. Significant genetic influence emerged for both teacher and tester ratings of Activity, for tester ratings of Sociability, and for teacher ratings of Emotionality. Results obtained from bivariate genetic analysis suggest that the modest covariance between teacher and tester ratings of Activity is entirely mediated genetically. Except for teacher ratings of Attention Span, evidence of shared family environment was nonsignificant, despite the power of the sibling adoption design to detect it.  相似文献   

We studied the extent of sex-typing across different areas of child functioning (personality, interests, activities) in middle childhood as a function of the traditionality of parents' gender role attitudes and the sex composition of the sibling dyad. Participants included 200 firstborn children ( mean = 10.4 years old), their secondborn siblings ( mean = 7.7 years old) and their mothers and fathers. Family members were interviewed in their homes about their attitudes and personal characteristics and completed a series of seven evening telephone interviews about their daily activities. We measured children's attitudes, personality characteristics, and interests in sex-typed leisure activities (e.g., sports, handicrafts) as well as time spent in sex-typed leisure activities and household tasks (e.g., washing dishes, home repairs) and with same and opposite sex companions (i.e., parents, peers). Analyses revealed that sex-typing was most evident in children's interests and activities. Further, comparisons of girls versus boys and sisters versus brothers revealed that differences in children's sex-typing as a function of fathers' attitudes and sibling sex constellation were most apparent for children's activities. A notable exception was sex-typed peer involvement; time spent with same versus opposite sex peers was impervious to context effects. Analyses focused on children's sex-typing as a function of mothers' attitudes generally were nonsignificant.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of social and cognitive development and argues that while cognitive processes are clearly implicated in social development there is also evidence that social relationships affect problem-solving and “intelligent behaviour”. It is further argued that 4 foci: social responsiveness, social-relationships, social reasoning and social regulation — considered as development universals ought to be the focus of research. These “four R's” will need to be researched in different cultures. It is likely that while there may some universality, for instance in the age at which responsiveness and interaction with other children change, societies may nevertheless differ in what are thought to be desirable directions in the development of social responsiveness.  相似文献   

Data from a sample of 462 Mexican‐American adolescents (= 10.4 years, SD = .55; 48.1% girls), mothers, and fathers were used to test an ethnic socialization model of ethnic identity and self‐efficacy that also considered mainstream parenting styles (e.g., authoritative parenting). Findings supported the ethnic socialization model: parents’ endorsement of Mexican‐American values were associated with ethnic socialization at fifth grade and seventh grade; maternal ethnic socialization at fifth grade and paternal ethnic socialization at seventh grade were associated with adolescents’ ethnic identity exploration at 10th grade and, in turn, self‐efficacy at 12th grade. The findings support ethnic socialization conceptions of how self‐views of ethnicity develop from childhood across adolescence in Mexican‐American children.  相似文献   

Despite the growing literature on how parenting predicts children's adjustment to potentially stressful events, little is know about the specific mechanisms through which these effects operate. This review identifies some possible paths of parental influence by specifying ways that parents may influence each step of the coping process-from exposure to the potentially stressful event to event appraisal to child coping. Current stress and coping research is reviewed from this perspective, and directions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

古代的父亲是不亲自教育子女的,父教的施行更多的是假母氏或母族之手,这种现象存在的根本原因有二:一是母系氏族社会遗存;二是与中国传统社会"男主外,女主内"的社会分工有关。母教与父教的侧重点不同,一般来说,母重身教,父重言教,母教偏慈,父教偏严,但无论母教还是父教始终不离义方二字。  相似文献   

Loneliness in Middle Childhood: Concurrent and Longitudinal Predictors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role of behavioral, sociometric, and attributional indices of social functioning in the development of peer-related loneliness was investigated in a short-term longitudinal study. Data were collected across a 1-year time span on 3 occasions from 128 third- through sixth-graders. Results were consistent with an additive model of loneliness. Withdrawn social behavior, lower peer acceptance, few or no friendships, and an internal-stable attributional style predicted higher levels of concurrent and future loneliness. Children who declined in peer acceptance, lost friends, and gained in internal-stable attributions showed gains in loneliness. Subgroup analyses indicated that children with no friends reported more loneliness than children with 1 or more friends; low-status friendless children reported more loneliness than low-status children with one or more friends; and low-status friendless children reported more loneliness than average- and high-status friendless children. Taken together, the findings suggest that loneliness in middle childhood is a stable phenomenon located in a complex web of interrelated aspects of social functioning.  相似文献   

This essay critiques the infection of the curriculum with the concerns of the adult political community, treating successive generations of children as if they were responsible for changing the world and that education was the vehicle. Such impulses are, in part, the result of a failure to consider childhood as a particular, liminal, space rather than a refraction of the public spaces of the agora. The drive to see education as a vehicle and schools as the site of political change is not confined to the ideological obsessions of Right or Left; both may be considered culpable. Here I illustrate the normative problem through the particulars of a number of socio-political challenges faced by ‘the World’, and in each case show why it is inappropriate to treat the school and education as the solution. Rather than teaching children how to solve the challenges of the agora, I suggest that what we in actuality do, is teach them the art and artifice of deferral and procrastination because we have failed to assume responsibility for the world. Drawing on Arendt's insights on natality, I suggest that schools should be spaces of ‘qualified’ shelter and that students should not be exposed to the harshness of political choice, nor should teachers merely act as a surrogate for political interests irrespective of their provenance or driving imperative.  相似文献   

Data from 1,364 children and families who participated in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development's Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development were analyzed to track the early correlates and later academic outcomes of planning during middle childhood. Maternal education, through its effect on parenting quality when children were 54 months old, predicts their concurrent performance on sustained attention, inhibition, and short‐term verbal memory tests. This performance predicts planning in first grade, which predicts third‐grade reading and mathematics attainment, but not the rate of growth in academic skills from first to fifth grades. This path was also found when the same parenting, cognitive, and academic constructs were measured at later time points.  相似文献   

To explore relations among parents' self-reported disciplinary styles, preschoolers' playground behavioral orientations, and peer status, 106 mothers and fathers of preschool-age children (age range = 40-71 months) participated in home disciplinary style interviews. Observations of their children's playground behavior in preschool settings and measures of sociometric status were also obtained. Results indicated that children of more inductive mothers and fathers (i.e., less power assertive) exhibited fewer disruptive playground behaviors. In addition, daughters and older preschoolers of inductive mothers exhibited more prosocial behavior. Children of inductive mothers were also more preferred by peers. Few significant relations were found between paternal discipline and child behavior/peer status. Age-related patterns of behavior also indicated that older preschoolers who engaged in more prosocial and less antisocial and disruptive playground behavior were more preferred by peers. In addition, child behaviors were found to mediate maternal discipline and peer status.  相似文献   

作为一种生命全程的现象,依恋一直是心理学研究者关注的焦点之一,但近半个世纪的依恋研究文献却相对鲜有儿童中期依恋的深入分析。与婴幼儿时期相比,儿童中期的依恋呈现出依恋行为频率、引发条件、依恋对象范围等多方面的变化,这些变化给这个阶段的依恋研究带来诸多挑战,最后介绍了儿童中期依恋测量的现状并对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

体育社会化与人的社会化之间的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育社会化与人的社会化是两个不同的概念,但二者有着密切的联系,具有互动的性质。从人的社会化的本意出发,分析了体育社会化对人的社会化过程的重要促进作用,进一步充实体育社会化与人的社会化互动的基本内容和要求。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among coping strategies, dissociation, and childhood abuse experiences of female college students. Results provided support for the theoretical links between 3 types of child abuse experience (sexual abuse, physical abuse, and negative home environment) and coping style and dissociation. The study's results add to an increased understanding of the relationship between coping strategies and dissociation as these processes relate to specific types of childhood abuse experiences among female college students.  相似文献   

In this study we examined associations of 4 paternal direct and differential behaviors with concurrent and longitudinal assessments of sibling relationships, as well as the unique contributions of mothers' and fathers' behavior to the sibling relationship variables. Observational assessments of maternal and paternal direct and differential behavior, as well as observational and self-report assessments of sibling relationship quality, were obtained. Only one difference emerged between rates of maternal and paternal behavior toward the children; however, paternal behavior accounted for unique variance in sibling relationship quality more often than did maternal behavior. The results are discussed in terms of relative parental availability.  相似文献   

从文化社会学的角度来看,个人社会化是人类文化的积累、传递和延续的过程。但随着时代的变迁和科技的迅猛发展,出现了一种特殊的"文化反哺"现象,这是反向社会化的表现形式之一。"文化反哺"现象对于增强青年的主体意识、规范青年亚文化、推动青年社会化的进程等方面都产生重要的影响。因此,应采取客观的、科学的方法来应对这一现象,以推动青年社会化的顺利实现。  相似文献   

大众传媒作为大学生完成政治社会化的途径之一,既对大学生政治社会化起着积极作用,又具有消极影响。因而,我们要充分发挥大众传媒的积极影响,促进大学生政治社会化的良性发展,加快其社会化的进程。  相似文献   

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