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苏格兰是一个独特的地方,历史的厚重感随处可见。豪门望族的府邸与城堡历历在目,以及穿着传统服装的仪仗队。这些全欧洲最美丽的城市,诉说着苏格兰昔日的荣耀与光芒。想体验和发现真正今日的苏格兰,追寻这里民族精神的源泉,就得去北部的格兰扁山区。格兰扁山区景色怡人,决无污染,曾一度不适合耕作,苏格兰人硬是凭着简单的锄头、铁锹和他们的双手征服了生存环境。  相似文献   

作为当代苏格兰诗人的代表人物之一,卡罗尔·安·达菲在她的创作中表现出强烈的本土意识。她的代表作《另一个国度》从苏格兰文化、政治、诗作风格等方面,阐释了对意识当代苏格兰民族性的思考,这种思考不仅体现了达菲的苏格兰本土意识,也为人们了解当今苏格兰民族及其思想提供了生动素材。  相似文献   

本刊讯 2014年4月12日,苏格兰国家语言中心主任、苏格兰孔子学院外方院长菲奥娜·菲舍率“汉语桥——苏格兰中小学校长团”来津访问。4月15日,天津—苏格兰中小学校长交流会举行,来自苏格兰20余位教育官员和中小学校长与天津一中等12所学校校长齐聚一堂,探讨双方在基础教育领域的深度交流与合作。天津市教委主任王璟在会上致词,市教委有关负责同志介绍了天津基础教育的发展情况。  相似文献   

1962年肖恩·康纳利向全球的影迷宣布:“我叫邦德,詹姆斯·邦德。”在21年所拍的七部邦德片中,这位高大、黝黑的苏格兰人表演的特工形象——007,使全世界对他耳熟能详。  相似文献   

9月15日。距离苏格兰独立公投仅三天之际,英国首相大卫·卡梅伦抵达苏格兰东北部城市阿伯丁,请求苏格兰民众不要独立。在此次演讲中,卡梅伦情绪激动,几近哽咽。他动情呼吁苏格兰人不要和英国“离婚”,呼吁苏格兰人拯救联合王国。本期。就让我们在卡梅伦动情的演讲中感受英语的语言魅力。  相似文献   

根据英国《苏格兰人》网站2月24日消息,最新数据显示,在英国苏格兰地区大学学习的非欧盟国家学生数量2011年上涨了11%。其中增长最多的是来自中国的学生,上涨了33%,从4680人增至6145人。苏格兰高等教育统计局所发布的数据显示,2010-2011年度在苏格兰教育机构  相似文献   

苏格兰议会2007年6月20日宣布了一项决定,要将苏格兰小学一至三年级的班级规模控制在18人以下。而现在英格兰小学中一至三年级的班级规模大多还在30人左右。毫无疑问,苏格兰的这一决定将触发一场苏格兰和英格兰之间教育上的“种族隔离战争“。英格兰人感到忿忿不平,因为他们和苏格兰人一样,在公共卫生保健方面并没有少交一分钱的税款,  相似文献   

詹姆斯·凯尔曼在《这是多么晚,多么晚》中呈现了当下的苏格兰和券格兰人。其中混杂性的语言、身份危机和工人阶级的被规训状态,分别从三个层面将苏格兰当下的社会状态和普通苏格兰人的困境表现了出来。这即是凯尔曼对历史境遇中苏格兰社会进行的小说性书写,是凯尔曼对当下苏格兰性的建构。  相似文献   

苏格兰另有一个神秘的名字“世界的尽头”,因为这里是冰川期最后的据点。红格子短裙、木质风笛、草原和羊群是我对苏格兰全部的印象,但似乎我得到的远多于此……  相似文献   

据说威士忌酒最早产自于苏格兰高地,苏格兰人对此一直颇为自豪,认为世上只有苏格兰威士忌才是原汁原味的威士忌酒。  相似文献   

The indigenous languages of Scotland are in a precarious position faced with the massive presence of English. This essay examines the state and nature of the Scots and Gaelic languages. It places them in their historical context and traces how each has had its heyday in Scotland, in the case of Gaelic to be supplanted by Scots and in the case of Scots to be supplanted by English. Both have become marginalised in Scottish life and in the Scottish school. Both have been subject to various concerted campaigns aimed at their destruction. Gaelic, however, has at least had the consolation of being regarded as a language while Scots has not. The changing relationship between the school and these languages is examined in the context of the current revival of Scottish culture on a multiplicity of fronts.  相似文献   

If there is one thing on which historians of psychology, and in particular of intelligence testing, are agreed, it is the contribution made to the history of mental measurement by Scots — or at least those working in Scotland. The impact of this work on selection for secondary education, however, was limited: in spite of apparently favourable circumstances, Scotland was even slower than England to accept what was regarded as one of the ‘progressive’ ideas of the time.  相似文献   

Hundreds of years ago a Roman armycame north from English to make war on Scot-land.The Scots,a brave people,loved theircountry dearly.They fought hard to drive theenemy out of Scotland. But there were toomany of the Romans.It looked as if the Ro-mans would win.  相似文献   

城堡, 是欧洲典型的建筑之一, 每个城堡都有一个美丽的传说或是一段历史。从本期开始, 我们将推出“城堡之旅”, 带各位读者去浏览、观赏欧洲各地的城堡, 开始一段文化与历史的旅途!  相似文献   

英国作家吉本的《苏格兰人的书》是一部优秀的左翼历史小说。作品立足农民、工人等劳苦大众,展示了苏格兰从农业社会到工业社会的历史变迁;反映了社会转型过程中劳动大众的苦难和精神空虚、孤独、无聊状态以及道德沦丧,对他们寄予深切同情;对资本主义制度进行了严厉批判。三部曲不仅是苏格兰现代化进程的历史隐喻,也是艺术表征人类社会发展史的文学经典。  相似文献   

The separation of examining from teaching, pushed furthest in the ‘examining university’ of which London University, founded in 1836, was the model, was a much-debated principle in nineteenth-century Britain. This separation was generally rejected in Scotland, but only after complex controversies that illustrate how Scots defined their university tradition in comparative terms, and how Scottish developments interacted with those in England and Ireland. Among the issues involved were proposals for a National University or central examining board, and claims that graduates should have a right to give ‘extramural’ teaching in competition with professors. The paper traces this aspect of university reform in Scotland from the 1820s to the 1890s, and argues that the professorial model and the integration of teaching and examining were successfully consolidated and defended.  相似文献   


Recent research into the cultural construction of masculinity has shown it to be not a monolith, but multi‐faceted, contested, and changing over time. Masculinities are institutionalised and practised in many arenas of social life, but schools are especially important in endeavouring to shape and inculcate particular models and codes of masculinity. Historians of education in Britain and Australia have examined how Victorian boys' schools instilled an ideal of manliness, which changed markedly in the late nineteenth century. The English public school code of masculinity was a key feature of Australian boys' schools conducted by the Church of England and other English‐oriented churches and agencies.

This article examines some schools established by Scots through the Presbyterian Church, and by the Catholic Church which was overwhelmingly Irish. The period from the 1880s to the First World War is focused upon, to ascertain what distinctive ideals or models ofmanhood may have been transplanted through these ethnic traditions, and the extent to which they differed from, resisted, or adapted to, the prestigious Arnoldian English code, supported as it was by the popular cultural ideal of British Imperial manhood. The question of whether a distinctively Australian model of masculinity was emerging at this time, and which ethnic traditions contributed most to it, is also explored.  相似文献   

This study explores the structure of French teachers’ educational beliefs. First, instruments to measure these beliefs are adapted and developed. Data is collected through focus group discussions and an online survey (n = 302). Factor analyses reveal a three-factor structure to measure teachers’ general beliefs about teaching and learning: ‘beliefs about student regulation of learning processes and knowledge construction’, ‘beliefs about teacher regulation of learning processes’, and ‘beliefs about knowledge reproduction’. Furthermore, a two-factor structure to measure teachers’ subject-specific beliefs about French language teaching is found: ‘traditional beliefs about French language teaching’ and ‘constructivist beliefs about French language teaching’. Second, this study explores the relationships between and within teachers’ general beliefs about teaching and learning and their subject-specific beliefs about French language teaching. Results show two distinct and independent belief structures: a traditional and a constructivist belief structure. Via cluster analyses, two clusters of teachers are found whose beliefs are consistent with these belief structures.  相似文献   

郭宏 《鸡西大学学报》2001,1(4):75-75,80
年龄在汉语里的表达方法非常简单,而在英语中却要复杂得多。英语里关于年龄的表达方法有很多种,为了方便学习者的掌握和运用,将英语中关于年龄的表达方法作一下归纳。  相似文献   

重复知盲效应是一种在特定条件下,对重复出现的刺激项进行瞬时回忆报告时而产生的抑制现象。介绍有关重复知盲效应的一系列研究和当前关于重复知盲效应产生机制的多种理论解释,并就该领域的进一步研究指出,在今后的研究中,需要结合当前较为先进的研究手段对重复知盲效应产生的神经机制进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

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