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高校是社会重要的有机组成部分,也是危机易发地区,但是高校学生危机不同于一般社会上的危机,有其自身的特点和构成要素.因此我们要理清高校学生危机及干预的概念,在建立高校学生危机干预体系的时候必须遵循一定的原则,并且在这些原则的基础上开展切实可行的危机干预,有效地应对和处理大学校园学生危机事件的发生.  相似文献   

大学生校园情境下癔症发作的心理干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究在大学校园情境下对癔症发作的大学生进行危机干预和治疗的重要性及有效措施.方法:案例分析、专家访谈.结果:校园情境下对癔症发作的大学生进行危机干预和治疗有十分重大的意义,干预和治疗措施必须考虑其特殊的教育情境因素和个体成长发展的需要.结论:心理治疗、医学治疗和心理健康教育相结合,不断改善个体心理品质和社会心理环境是消除癔症及其影响的根本途径.  相似文献   

高校学生管理制度功能的失落与复归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学生管理制度兼具促进社会发展的工具性功能和促进人的发展的本体性功能。但在现实实践中,由于路径依赖而出现了合法性危机,其功能蜕变为简单的秩序维持和安全教育。高校学生管理应树立以人为本的服务性管理理念;建立柔性的学生管理与教学管理有机融合的制度;实施三权统筹的权力配置;提高学生的满意度,构建参与式学生管理制度。  相似文献   

高职院校大学生心理危机现状调查与心理干预研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一个特殊的社会群体,大学生的身心不成熟性决定了其是心理危机的高危群体。大学生心理危机的预防和干预是高校学生素质教育的重要内容。然而,目前许多高校尤其是高职院校尚未建立大学生心理危机预防与干预的专门机构。通过建立长效的心理干预机制,加强预防知识的宣传教育,可以培养学生的环境适应能力和心理调控能力,有利于提高高职院校大学生整体心理健康水平。  相似文献   

马克思在《资本论》中对资本主义发展周期性的逻辑分析,被当下的全球金融危机无可辩驳地证实了,马克思的政治经济学理论在当代引起了重新重视。虚拟经济的发展已经具备相当的规模,而且虚拟经济的运动具有自己的内在逻辑。虚拟经济已经独立为一个产业——第四产业。马克思政治经济学以第二产业为研究对象,而虚拟经济属于第四产业的范畴,这种新兴产业呼唤新的政治经济学理论。产业可以作为划分人类历史社会形态的尺度,以此为标准我们得到四种新的社会形态。  相似文献   

There has been a recent general resurgence of interest in civil society, a resurgence that is also found in adult education. Radical adult educators, in particular, view civil society as the privileged sphere of radical learning and social change. It is seen as the site to engage in democratic struggle, social movements and political change. This new elevation of civil society is tied into a wider crisis on the political left ? the crisis of socialism. This crisis is reflected in the wider debates on the politics of civil society, a debate centred on the differences between Marxist and post-Marxist definitions of civil society. The purpose of this paper is to clarify this debate, and outline its implications for adult education theory and practice. To this end, the paper examines the history of the civil society idea, a history demonstrating that analyses of civil society need to be placed alongside understandings of the state and the market. These understandings of political and economic society provide the bases for two very different political agendas - socialism and radical democracy. The paper discusses how these two agendas impact on adult education, in particular how different analyses of the state/economy/civil society relationship suggest divergent conceptions of social conflict.  相似文献   

贫困大学生的身份曾经是一个令人骄傲的名词,但随着中国经济社会转型的加速,贫困大学生却出现了身份认同的危机。文章指出贫困生身份认同危机产生的原因是他们缺乏有效的消费认同,并从消费群体感和自我感两个方面分析了贫困大学生消费认同缺失的表现,揭示了贫困生消费认同缺失的客观因素。提出应从经济资助、周围人群教育、贫困生自我构建三个方面来促进贫困生消费认同的构建。  相似文献   

五四运动,是中国近代史上划时代的历史事件,是在民族危机下各种爱国力量汇聚而迸发的救亡运动。本文主要就运动的领导力量,它实现这一空前广泛的社会动员的渠道和途径,从而体现出它是一次真正的群众性革命运动,促使进步政治力量和爱国社会力量的联合,促使马克思主义与中国工人运动相结合,通过中国革命体现出马克思主义理论体系的革命性、开放性和先进性等方面,来探讨五四运动对中国民主革命的意义和价值,明确其时代性和先进性。  相似文献   

In this article, Rebecca Tarlau attempts to build a more robust theory of the relationship between education and social change by drawing on the conceptual tools offered in the critical pedagogy and social movement literatures. Tarlau argues that while critical pedagogy has been largely disconnected from its roots in political organizing, social movement literature has shifted away from a theory of educational processes within movement building. Specifically, she suggests that the currently dominant “framing perspective” in the social movement literature is incredibly limited in its ability to analyze the pedagogical aspects of organizing. Conversely, while scholars of critical pedagogy are extremely convincing when critiquing U.S. schooling, the field is weaker when theorizing about how teachers using critical pedagogy can link to larger movements for social transformation. Critical pedagogues need more organizational thinking and social movement scholars need a more pedagogical focus. Tarlau suggests three conceptual frameworks for moving forward in this direction: the notion of social movements as pedagogical spaces, the role of informal educational projects in facilitating the emergence and strength of social movements, and the role of public schools as terrains of contestation that hold the possibility of linking to larger struggles for social justice.  相似文献   

第三部门具有的民间性、专业性、志愿性等特点使其在处理公共危机事件时具有特殊优势。但是,由于我国第三部门发展先天不足,后天失调,第三部门在参与公共危机治理时极易受到法律、社会环境、公民意识、资金人才甚至自身状况的影响和制约。在历次公共危机治理过程中我国第三部门的表现充分暴露了第三部门参与公共危机治理能力的不足。因此我们必须从学术理论、法律文化、社会环境等方面入手,改变制约第三部门发展的因素,以提高第三部门参与危机治理的能力。  相似文献   


Chile is recognized in the educational policy field as one of the first laboratories of neoliberal initiatives. These policies, initiated under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, did not change with the new democratic governments after 1990. This characteristic led international organizations to promote the Chilean policies in different contexts in Latin America and beyond. In 2006, a high school student movement occupied public and private schools, demystifying the outcomes of these policies. A new wave of demonstrations took place in 2011, with a college student leadership that paralyzed a significant amount of universities and schools throughout the country. After both waves of mobilizations, the political system opened the process of policy-making that considered the demands of social movements. In this article, we explore the dynamics between educational policies and social student movements in Chile, and the possibilities of change in favor of public education.  相似文献   

香港地区高等教育学生贷款的经验与启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
伴随全球性的高教财政危机,高等教育成本回收理论的推广以及政府资助高校模式的改变,高等教育学生贷款在许多国家逐渐出现并发展起来。适应高校扩张和收费提高之需要,香港地区的高等教育学生贷款方案经过30多年的发展,已形成一个较为规范的多元化的学生贷款体系。本文在介绍和分析香港学生贷款发展脉络及现状特点的基础上,将香港地区的学生贷款与中国大陆实施的学生贷款加以比较,并根据香港的成功经验对后者的发展提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

目前,大学生挂科后的归因偏差普遍存在,并且逐渐将一种新的、危险的归因偏差由"潜"转为"显",即将考试的失败统统归结为教师的意愿,这在高职生中表现尤为突出。这种归因偏差不同于以往文献中公开讨论的任何大学生挂科归因偏差,而已有文献中提出的对策也是侧重于正确的归因训练,但对待如此简单极端的新归因偏差,其背后成因的深度思考更具现实预警意义。研究基于学生S的个案从微观个体层面、中观学校层面、宏观社会层面探讨影响S归因偏差的三维因素,认为社会不良风气引发校园考试诚信危机,学校考试机制弊端以及学生的考试道德滑坡和高职生特殊的学习心理是主要因素。并在对个案深层根源探究的基础上提出减少大学生挂科归因偏差的相应对策。  相似文献   

上世纪80年代以来,历史学因缺乏实用性而逐渐边缘化。探寻史学深陷危机的内在根源,研究目标和方法的缺陷,社会功用的丧失及西方文化价值观念的冲击是史学危机的主要原因。转变历史观念、改变研究方法、探索新的社会效用是当今史学寻求转机的路径。在应对西方文化霸权的基础上,突破创新,实现民族文化与世界文化的融合共存。  相似文献   

教育社会心理学从70年代产生至今,仅有30余年的历史。作为一门学科,它还缺乏严密的学科体系。而要形成严密的学科体系,必须有一个合理的逻辑起点。教育社会心理学的逻辑起点是“互动的学习”。“互动的学习”主要指在课堂教学这一特殊社会体系的运行过程中,教师与学生通过学习内容的掌握这一主要中介进行的人际交往和相互作用过程中所产生的认知、情感、态度等多方面的变化。以“互动的学习”为基础的教育社会心理学的研究内容主要包括自我互动、师生互动、生生互动、学生与学校的互动以及学生与家庭的互动诸方面。  相似文献   


Since 1993, a faculty collective has team-taught a feminist social work practice course. The course, designed to heighten student knowledge of feminist practice, was expected to empower students. An overview of the course is presented with an analysis of its impact on student perceptions of personal and professional power. Pre and post measures of empowerment were analyzed and used to derive outcome measures of change in student views of themselves as empowered persons and practitioners. Findings indicate that students had significantly higher perceptions of their personal and professional power upon completion of the feminist practice course than before. Implications for social work students and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

De Coubertin developed the sport philosophy of Olympism and the Olympic Games as a response to social and political crisis to promote peace, fair play, and the development of Christian masculinity. The purpose of this paper is to examine how crisis discourse functions as an important shaper of contemporary understandings of Olympism and how conflicting discourses have mobilized crisis discourse to produce competing ‘truths’ in which to rationalize and understand the Olympic Games. In drawing from Foucault's work and de Certeau's text, Heterologies: Discourse on the other, I argue that ‘crisis’ as the rationalization for Olympism and the Olympic Games has proven an unsuccessful venture for de Coubertin; as the Olympic Games have produced conservative outcomes based on a neoliberal agenda focused on elitism, professionalism, nationalism, and commercialism. This historical case raises important questions about the role of Olympism and its power to act as a catalyst for change.  相似文献   

This article considers contemporary South Korean student activism characterized by complicated ideological formulations, highly developed organizing tactics and connections with other social powers. The activism is located within an ideological framework of Marxism-Leninism and is actively engaged in the struggles against imperialism and Fascism, as well as a movement for the reunification of South and North Korea. The recent growth of student organizations to the national level, contributes to the effective functioning of these groups both on and off campus. Despite its national influence, student activism is being criticized by the public and by students themselves because of the underlying revolutionary ideologies and several episodes of violence. In this context, it will be necessary to observe how students will respond to public criticism and to the changing national and world environment.  相似文献   

School systems are a major social change agent capable of challenging social inequalities and economic disadvantages. Yet, while schools in Australia are being confronted with increasingly culturally diverse populations as well as an increasing focus on student retention, this transformative role is increasingly being played out in a broader educational context that has been found to replicate rather than challenge patterns of social inequality. Successive governments in Australia have responded to this context with a raft of policy initiatives. This paper, based on three‐year longitudinal research undertaken in the city of Melbourne, outlines this policy context and introduces the theoretical approach that underpins its innovative approach to managing cultural diversity in educational institutions. It argues for, and presents, a multidimensional model for managing cultural diversity in schools, one that provides the tools for transformative practices to be undertaken to effect positive change in school environments for the benefit of all students.  相似文献   

现代学习方式是以弘扬人的主体性为宗旨、以促进人的可持续发展为目的,由许多具体方式构成的多维度、具有不同层次结构的开放系统。学习方式转变有它的理论依据、价值基础、现实基础和社会基础.而要实现学习方式的转变,就必须更新教学观念,确立新的学生观,转变教师角色,建立新的教学评价制度。  相似文献   

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