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Students with mild disabilities have a difficult time recording notes from lectures. Accurate note taking is important because it helps students understand the content from lectures and notes serve as a document for later review. In this article, the author describes what teachers can do before, during, and after the lecture to help students become better note takers.  相似文献   


In this article the author outlines the recent increase in initiatives related to young people's emotional and mental health, for example emotional health and well-being. He examines these concepts and ideas, arguing that there are negative as well as positive aspects to their widespread introduction in schools, and that in adopting mental health approaches and terminology care must be taken before programmes are implemented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the School Emotional Environment for Learning Survey, an instrument for evaluating the perceived level of emotional literacy of the school as an organization. It elicits student and staff perceptions of their affective experience of being a part of the school community. It was designed to look at the extent to which a school enables members of its community to interact in a manner that builds an understanding of their own and others' emotions, which can then be used to shape their actions. Emotional literacy is seen here as a potential in everyone that is contingent on the interaction between a person and their social context, rather than a capacity that is either present or absent in the individual.
Qualitative data were collected from an ethnographic case study of two schools using closed- and open-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, a draw-and-write exercise and participant observation. The data were used to generate grounded theory and to build a theoretical framework for organizational emotional literacy. This theoretical framework is described as the CORE framework, addressing the domains of communication, relationships, organization and emotional experience. These domains are then characterized by particular qualities and values that are described in the 'matrix of emotional literacy'. This framework and matrix were then used to develop a questionnaire, which was trialed as a tool to audit the level of emotional literacy in both primary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

本文由近期两则研究生导师师德不端事件引出,结合习近平主席在北京大学对全国高校立德树人目标要求的讲话,探讨了当前时代背景和高校教育环境下,理想的导师研究生关系。从伦理、传承和利益竞争等方面分析了导师研究生关系的各个层次,又比较了研究生阶段和本科阶段师生关系的不同,对导师、学生和学校如何建构好研究生阶段良性的师生关系提出了建议。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1-2):134-147

A questionnaire designed to investigate the epidemiology of barriers to learning was given to the parents of 800 Grade 3 learners from 11 schools in the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng Province, South Africa. This article reports on only the frequency and nature of problems as experienced by the 634 learners whose families completed the questionnaire. A differentiation was made between developmental problems noted in the pre-school stage and learning barriers identified after Grade 1 entry. Results show that 50.5 per cent of Foundation Phase learners experienced barriers described as moderate to severe difficulties or disabilities, with a fairly even gender distribution. The most commonly experienced difficulty in pre-school is concentration. While concentration and task completion are the most frequently experienced barrier in formal schooling. Attention Deficit Disorder (inattentive type) is the most frequently diagnosed disorder.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the effects of a person-centred counselling intervention on the learning disabled child's self-concept. The participants are children who attend a London borough school for moderate learning difficulties. The study is qualitative and incorporates two parts: (1) practitioner research via a 14 week person-centred counselling intervention; (2) exploration of teachers’ views of the child's self-concept via a pre- and post-intervention questionnaire. The study used person-centred art therapy as an adjunct to counselling. A projective technique was used to measure the child's self-concept.Three out of four child participants indicated an improved self-concept. However, only one out of four teachers’ questionnaires indicated a positive movement within the child. This article explores the difficulties encountered as well as highlighting positive paths, and supposes that the results support carrying out this research project over an extended period and with a larger research group.  相似文献   

人性观与心理咨询策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨人性的本质有助于心理学家更好地了解人、关心人。在心理咨询和治疗中,人性观是一切方法和技术的理论基础,不同学派有其不同的人性观假设。在进行心理咨询时,应充分考虑到咨询师自己的人性观和来访者的人性观背景,在确立咨询态度时,注意自己的基本假设。  相似文献   

This article explores cross-national differences in the intensity of perceived barriers to adult learning in Europe focusing on the barriers recognised by those not participating and having no intention to do so. This relatively large subgroup has received scant scholarly attention, yet exploring their participation barriers is critical for policies aimed at encouraging learning activity. The authors propose a country typology of adult learning based on earlier typologies of welfare state regimes, varieties of capitalism and models of lifelong learning. Multilevel analysis of 19 European countries reveals individual and contextual effects on barriers to adult learning. The results indicate substantial country differences in all types of barriers perceived. In general, in the Nordic countries adults not participating and not intending to participate in learning are the least impeded. For this group of adults, institutional barriers are perceived most often in the Baltic countries, situational barriers occur most frequently in liberal and continental countries, whereas dispositional barriers are most frequent in all post-socialist countries as well as in Southern Europe. This confirms the significance of including structural and institutional factors in addition to individual characteristics in explaining barriers to adult learning.  相似文献   

铁凝在作品中将直面人生、审视人性作为创作的主题 ,具体表现为五个方面 :对于情绪记忆的自审与忏悔 ;逃遁窥视、渴望交流的期待 ;自足与他足的抉择 ;角色意识与反角色意识的束缚与解脱 ;失语小人物的脆弱人性等 ,从而营构了其独特的小说世界。  相似文献   

初中聋生听觉障碍,在学习数学过程中产生诸多消极心理障碍,主要表现在厌学、畏惧、自卑、急躁、依赖、定势、轻过程、重结论等方面.这些心理障碍严重影响了聋生学习数学的效果.针对初中聋生学习数学的认知特点和产生心理障碍的成因,消除聋生心理障碍的对策是:激发聋生的学习兴趣、优化教法和指导学法等3个方面.  相似文献   

The following vignette relates Becky Overholt's experience during a formal observation by her principal. At the time, Becky had a master's degree in curriculum, was a sixth-grade language arts teacher, and had 20 years of teaching experience.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):270-288

Research indicates that the success of inclusive education lies within the provision of adequate support for learners who experience barriers to learning in mainstream schools as well as in the changing roles of teachers and support services staff. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) implemented a learning support model, designed to systemically deal with barriers to learning in some primary schools in the province. An evaluation of the WCED model established that this learning support model is not completely contextually responsive to the South African context with specific reference to resources, both human and physical. Although the WCED endeavours to distribute resources more even-handedly across schools in the Western Cape Province, there is still a general lack of resources and institutional capacity which hampers the successful implementation of inclusive education. This situation creates specific barriers that are responsible for the gap between current educational policies and the implementation thereof in schools.  相似文献   

MOOCs are promising opportunities for lifelong learning, but as promising as these learning opportunities seem, many learners do not succeed in pursuing their personal learning goals. Barriers to learning are the main reason for not finishing the intended (parts of the) MOOCs. This study addressed the question whether the factors age, gender, educational level, and online learning experience affect barriers faced while learning in MOOCs. The results show that it is challenging to combine work and family life with lifelong (online) learning activities, especially for learners in their early adulthood and mid-life. However, more experience with online learning positively affects individuals’ ability to cope with these challenges. Also, learners with a lower educational level may experience a lack of knowledge or difficulties with the course content. These findings may serve as input to inform potentially vulnerable learners about these issues and support them in successfully achieving their personal learning goals.  相似文献   

This paper arises from research into inclusive literacy for pupils with severe learning difficulties who do not learn to read and write conventionally. The ultimate aim of the study was to seek out examples of good practice in teaching and learning literacy that includes students with severe learning difficulties and disseminate them as widely as possible. Thirty-five schools were visited and observations made in 122 lessons. Sixty-one teachers were interviewed and their paperwork examined. Ten focus groups and five 'expert witnesses' were consulted, alongside desk-based research designed to locate 'good practice'. Teachers used a mixture of conventional (e.g., texts) and non-conventional (e.g., pictures, film and oral) media, although more observations were made of conventional literacy teaching (e.g., phonic work) than of non-conventional (e.g., filmmaking). Results from the research suggest that few students with severe learning difficulties are likely to learn to read and write conventionally (i.e., read for pleasure, work and study) and teachers may be relying too much on teaching traditional literacy to them. It may be useful to explore teaching and learning around alternative media such as still and moving images, live theatre and storytelling, digital technology and the arts. Although some teachers are making good use of these media, the potential of these media for providing inclusive literacy experiences could be further developed.  相似文献   

Doctoral supervision is a complex process, and a critical success factor is the supervisory relationship. The aim of this article is to share experiences of doctoral supervision from three different perspectives, offering a view from above, below and the middle. The author was inspired by the activities associated with a recent conference. It presents reflections from three researchers at different stages of their research careers.

Key themes to emerge were: the problematic transition from being an undergraduate/postgraduate student on a taught programme (a star performer) to a doctoral candidate (novice researcher, and to some extent ‘peer’), with associated issues of developing independence; the potentially problematic aspect of giving and receiving feedback, where genuine constructive critique can often be perceived as being ‘negative’ or ‘positive’ when it could be argued that all feedback is positive in its attempt to improve performance; and the development of relationships from tutor/student to critical friends and beyond, for example into mentoring roles, although again there are issues of (in)dependence.  相似文献   

Online education is widely regarded as increasing accessibility to higher education to individuals with disadvantage and disability, including those with a mental health disability. However, the learning challenges these students experience within the online learning environment are not well understood. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to better understand the barriers to learning that these students face in this environment. A qualitative content analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with 12 students revealed three major learning barriers: (a) impact of impairment, (b) personal and situational circumstances, and (c) learning environment. These barriers were found to have wide-ranging consequences for the students’ ability to fully engage in study and their overall wellbeing. The findings lend insight into the low retention rates for this cohort of students and the learning barriers that need to be addressed by online education providers to better enhance the educational experience of these students.  相似文献   

LEARNING TO BE:The World of Education Today and Tomorrow一书自1979年翻译出版以来,以《学会生存——教育世界的今天和明天》此版本的翻译风靡一时,引起了我国教育界的广泛关注。但时至今日,笔者对LEARNING TO BE被译为学会生存仍旧存在诸多疑惑和不解。根据该书和20年之后的《教育——财富蕴藏其中》所涉内容,笔者提议LEARNING TO BE应译为学会发展。  相似文献   

对某高职院校学生英语学习现状分析,并从教育心理学角度提出解决目前高职学生英语学习现状的对策:提高学生学习兴趣、激发学生学习动机、充分挖掘和利用学生的情感资源、构建良好的师生关系、师生共同创建学习共同体等一系列行之有效途径,提高高职院校学生英语学习效率。  相似文献   


This study explores primary school aged children’s perspectives and experiences of their Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) support. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with 12 Key Stage 2 participants, who had had a minimum of one month’s ongoing ELSA support. Four core themes were identified: positive relationships, unique qualities, facilitates skill development, and positive impact. The findings suggest the importance of a positive therapeutic relationship with an ELSA, and that children value ELSAs teaching specific individualised coping strategies in particular. The findings may also be pertinent to practitioners outside of ELSA related work, highlighting the importance of listening to children of all ages and employing alternative methods, such as drawing, to support them in sharing their views. Since the evidence base for ELSA support is limited, this study contributes children’s views to this area, and should be used to inform future research.  相似文献   

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