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We apply the comparative techniques originated by Wolpin, K.I. (1977, Education and screening, American Economic Review, 67, 949–958) and Psacharopoulos (1979, On the weak versus the strong version of the screening hypothesis, Economics Letters, 4, 181–185) to discriminate between the ‘weak' and ‘strong' screening hypotheses. Controlling for sample selection, we find evidence for weak but not strong screening in the Italian labour market. [JEL J3, J24, J41]  相似文献   

基础教育改革需要建立新的学生观,而新的学生观需要对人有更全面的理解。本文从人性假设所包含的四个维度出发来探讨韩非子教育思想的人性假设,认为韩非子在其教育思想中提出了一个“法治人”的假设,这种假设主要包括以下四个方面:人与其周围环境的关系是以利为基础的,而对利的理性把握惟有法治;人原有经验是自利之“自为心”;教育中人获得最大价值是在法治前提下自利之“自为心”的满足;教育中人的最大需要是法治对个体的规范,个体是被动的。本文试图通过对于这种人性假设的分析,来反思基础教育的学生观,希望对新学生观的建立有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文比较了传统电化教育与现代教育技术的内涵,分析了现代教育技术的发展概况,提出了高等院校教育技术部门在电化教育到现代教育技术改变过程中应承担的任务.  相似文献   

A path model of the lifelong education cycle is developed and estimated, using data relevant to a Swedish cohort of men and the method of linear structural relations analysis. The estimates are used to address the question as to whether adult education, by offsetting differences in educational backgrounds, has reduced the gap in educational attainment between the initially poorly‐educated and well‐educated groups comprising the sample studied. The results show that a cycle of accumulation is in operation, so that the quality of earlier experiences of education predict the quality and amount of educational experiences subsequently gathered. Hence, as the expansion of adult education has served to reinforce inequality of educational attainment, at least for the group of Swedish men studied, the accumulation hypothesis is supported. However, because the stability coefficients found in the model are only of modest size, it is concluded that there is room for interventionist policy designed to influence the social distribution of adult education resources.  相似文献   

现代教育技术的发展给当代师范生带来了极大的机遇和挑战.但是,高师学生学习掌握现代教育技能的现状并不乐观.本文从现代教育技术的概念、特点及功能出发,分析了当代师范生现代教育技术水平不高的现状与原因,论述了提高当代师范生现代教育技能的必要性和对策.  相似文献   

魏东 《化学教学》2005,(7):91-94
介绍了CourseBuilder插件在网络化教学中的应用,通过具体的实例展示了该插件在制作交互式习题或测试网页的强大功能。  相似文献   

教育理论研究向教育实践活动通达的障碍消除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育理论研究能否顺利地通达教育实践活动,其主要原因并不在于教育理论研究的个人意愿及其科研成果的品质,而在于教育体制的开放程度和理性水平。实质性地进行教育体制改革,使教育成为体现教育主体性、体现教育应然的本质和宗旨、张扬教育应然的精神和品格的真正的教育,教育理论研究向教育实践通达才具备坚实的思想和制度基础。  相似文献   

The factor structure of the McCarthy Screening Test was investigated with a sample of 555 children. The sample consisted of 300 boys and 255 girls, whose mean age was 61.4 months; approximately 80% were white and 20% were black. The data from the present study and from the MST standardization samples were analyzed by a principal components analysis (with ones in the diagonal) followed by a varimax rotation. The results from the data analysis seem to indicate that the subtests all measure parts of the same attribute (cognitive and sensorimotor functions) in varying degrees.  相似文献   

This study hypothesized that: (a) the MSSST would identify the same proportion (15%) of high-risk children in a group (N = 580) of first-grade urban black children as estimated for the general population; (b) the Myklebust would discriminate between high-risk (N = 22) and low-risk (N = 21) children within the minority group using the MSSST as the criterion variable; and (c) Myklebust ratings for the high-risk and low-risk young minority children would approximate ratings reported elsewhere for older white suburban samples of high-risk and low-risk children. All three hypotheses were confirmed. The MSSST may be appropriate for minority group children. The small number of teachers (N = 6) participating in the Myklebust ratings makes generalization about it hazardous without further replication.  相似文献   

为了更好地维护电教设备,满足教学需求,使教育媒体资源利用最大化,本文提出了在传统被动式实验室设备管理模式基础上定期开展教师范围内的问卷调查。设计内容包括:教育媒体技术培训、设备故障、电教资源利用与需求和对管理人员工作的评价等方面。实践证明,开展问卷调查,使管理人员更加深入了解设备的运转情况、教师需求,主动性的工作方式弥补日常维护工作的缺漏,提高了教学服务的水平,并受到广大师生的好评。  相似文献   

李欧 《生物学教学》2010,35(1):49-50
本文对一些与假说有关的典型例题进行归类解析。  相似文献   

Testa and Ternes have proposed that the degree of spatial contiguity between a cue and a food object is an important determinant of the associability of that cue with toxicosis. We found, in accord with the Testa and Ternes hypothesis, that rats showed more profound illness-based aversions to the visual properties of food objects than to the visual properties of food bins or feeding chambers. This result has implications for the design of experiments undertaken to determine the relative associability of cues in different sensory modalities with toxicosis.  相似文献   

胡咏梅 《教育学报》2001,(11):37-41
我们通常采用Friedman双向秩次方差分析和Kendall和谐系数检验法来进行评分者信度检验.在绝大多数书籍中,此检验的零假设都被设置成"H0m个评分者对n个被评对象的评分是一致的".但是,这一零假设是错误的,本文将列举反例并给出正确假设的理论依据.  相似文献   

This study analyses the discourse among the teacher and the students, members of three (3) small groups, who learn in the environment of a stand-alone computer. Two educational environments are examined: the first one, a “virtual laboratory” (Virtual scale-DELYS) and the second one, a computer modeling environment (ModelsCreator). The ‘Virtual Scale’ environment provides users with curriculum focused feedback and in that sense it can be categorized as directive. The ModelsCreator environment provides users merely with a representation of their own conception of curriculum concepts, so it can be categorized as an open-ended environment. The goal of this research is to exemplify the way the two educational software environments support (a) the development of collective thinking in peer— and teacher-led discussion and (b) students’ autonomy. The software tools of the “Virtual scale” along with the resources provided for the problem solving created an educational framework of hypothesis testing. This framework did not limit the students’ contributions by directing them to give short answers. Moreover, it supported the students’ initiatives by providing tools, representations and procedures that offered educationally meaningful feedback. Based on the above results, we discuss a new educationally important structure of software mediation and describe the way the two software activities resourced collective thinking and students’ initiatives. Finally, for each type of software environment, we propose certain hypotheses for future research regarding the support of collaborative problem solving.  相似文献   

The early detection of children with mild learning problems remains a problem. New screening tests are being developed that will be more effective in identifying children who fall into this “difficult to identify” group. This study examined the predictive validity of one potential screening test. The scores of 268 children on each task of a nine‐task preschool cognitive battery were evaluated in terms of the accuracy with which they predicted the classification of those same children into regular education (n = 254) or special education (n = 14) 4 years later when the children were in third grade. A classification accuracy level of 79% was achieved for the exceptional children, and a classification level of 70% for the normally achieving children. Racial/ethnic status, testing language, and socioeconomic status all impacted the children's screening performance. Lower screening scores and a greater proportion of the sample with scores below the cut were associated with minority status, not being tested in English, and lower socioeconomic status. Preschool testing in Spanish or both English and Spanish was associated with poorer achievement 4 years later. Many of the children not in special education, but with a screening score below 13, had serious academic problems in third grade that were reflected in their low percentile scores on one or more subtests of the Stanford Achievement Test. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 565–582, 2003.  相似文献   

The use of semantic differential scales to detect attitude change and differences in attitudes in classroom lessons was studied with regard to semantic dimensions, reliability of scales, sensitivity, and construct validity. Two lessons in mathematics differing in terms of intrinsic interest were designed for each of two Grade 8 and two Grade 12 classes. The lessons were monitored at three points by use of semantic differential ratings. Additional ratings were used to provide information on reliability. In addition to factors similar to evaluation, activity, and potency, a general factor of affect was found. Composite scales proved to have adequate reliability for these subjects, and were sensitive to attitude changes that accompanied the lessons. The data were interpreted as supporting the construct validity of the composite scales, particularly the general affect factor.
Résumé L'auteur a étudié l'emploi de l'échelle de la différentielle sémantique pour découvrir des changements d'attitudes et des différences d'attitudes dans la classe par rapport aux dimensions sémantiques, à la valeur opérationnelle des échelles, a la sensibilité, et à la validité des constructions. Deux leçons de mathématiques différentes dans leur intérêt intrinsèque ont été développées pour deux classes de 8ème année et deux classes de 12ème année. On a étudié les leçons à trois phases différentes en employant la différentielle sémantique. D'autres évaluations ont fourni des renseignements sur la valeur effective des méthodes. Outre les facteurs comme l'évaluation, l'activité, et la puissance, on a trouvé le facteur général de l'émotion. Les échelles composées ont été appropriées pour ces sujets et ont été sensibles aux changements d'attitudes qui avaient lieu pendant les leçons. Les données ont soutenu la validité des constructions des échelles composées, en particulier le facteur général de l'émotion.


The author expresses his thanks to Mr. John McLaren of OISE for his invaluable assistance in this work.  相似文献   

数字语言实验室已经在高校广泛使用,并且成为专业和公共外语课堂教学应用中的重要硬件设施。通过对数字语言实验室使用情况的调查和分析,宏观把握数字语言实验室的应用现状与教学模式,并阐明应用技能在教育技术培训中的重要性;经常性的调查对于实时调整和反思教育技术培训工作非常重要。  相似文献   

There is a need for accurate, efficient assessment of children's readiness, to provide information concerning strengths and weaknesses of children and to identify those children who may be at risk for school failure. This necessitates determining the relative usefulness of instruments in predicting later school achievement. This study examined the efficacy of the McCarthy Screening Test (MST) and Metropolitan Readiness Test (MRT) to predict academic readiness at the end of kindergarten and achievement at the end of first grade. Eighty-eight children were screened upon entering kindergarten, using the MST. As a measurement of academic readiness, the MRT was administered at the end of kindergarten, and the Scott and Foresman Achievement Test (SFAT) was administered at the end of first grade as a measure of achievement. Regression analyses indicated that the MST significantly predicted children's scores on the MRT and SFAT. Additionally, the MRT was a significant predictor of the SFAT.  相似文献   

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