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本文以芝加哥学派城市社会学相关理论为基本框架,选取大众媒介对周立波海派清口火爆申城现象的报道为研究对象,考察媒介是如何塑造并成为城市文化的一部分。本研究发现,海派清口通过媒体表达与传统滑稽相声进行自我划分,强调并突出上海文化的独特性。在彰显本土文化特色的同时建立起文化自豪感和对文化的集体认同感。媒介通过对城市文化的关注唤醒受众获得注意力;城市借助媒介将本土文化的符号化得以稳固并扩散。  相似文献   

周立波,1981年进入上海滑稽剧团,师从上海曲艺界暨滑稽界元老周柏春,成名于80年代末。2008年底,由周立波创作的海派清口《笑侃三十年》《笑侃大上海》在上海引起了轰动。海派清口区别于依赖色情笑话的荤口,以幽默盘点时事,是一种带有浓郁海派特色的单人表演形式,  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快和城市间竞争的加剧,为了能在诸多城市中占有一席之地,我国的城市开始逐渐走上了品牌化的道路。上海作为中国的代表性城市,也是国际化的大都市更需要塑造一个强势的城市品牌,以保持自己的领先优势。本文从品牌个性的角度切入,对受众心中理想的城市品牌个性和受众感知到的上海城市品牌个性进行实证研究,比较二者的差异,并结合受众对上海城市定位的感知来进行上海城市品牌定位的诊断。并对上海城市定位提出建议:将时尚、现代化的发展进取作为上海城市定位的核心点;辅以突出丰富的教育资源和机遇以及传统的海派文化。此外,上海还需要积极进行城市内的改革,继续提升市民素质和城市的便民性、宜居性。  相似文献   

《壹周·立波秀》(下称《壹周》)首轮播放高调收官之后,重庆、江西、吉林、广东等卫视以及地方频道迅速跟进,将海派清口迅速推向了全国的电视观众。《壹周》作为一种海派文化样式的首次"触电"尝试,也作为一种全新的脱口秀节目样式,  相似文献   

海派清口,一种时下流行的曲艺形式,更多人愿意将之和东北二人转、京派相声相提并论,并多在民间曲艺的学术领域内进行探讨研究,得出孰俗孰雅、孰优孰劣的结论和判断.但笔者以为,周立波的"海派清口"之所以区别于东北二人转、京派相声,不仅仅在于其样式或者形态的纷呈各异,更因其具备了较为鲜明的新闻评论的特性,而显得别具一格、与众不同.  相似文献   

《壹周立波秀》是一档为“海派清口”创始人周立波量身打造的电视脱口秀栏目,因其诙谐、幽默、辛辣、搞笑的风格,一经播出就取得了惊人的收视率.就收视率指数和其所产生的注意力经济来说,《壹周立波秀》的确是媒介竞争中的胜利者.那么,这档看起来并无多少新意的电视娱乐脱口秀节目,之所以能一经播出就抓住观众的眼球,其成功之处恐怕就在于周立波在节目中对新闻信息的娱乐化解读,在很大程度上契合了娱乐化时代,社会、媒介、受众三者的各自需求.  相似文献   

倪政华  范敬心 《上海档案》2007,(6):F0002-F0002
6月2日,由上海市档案馆、上海大学海派文化研究中心主办,青浦区文化广播电视管理局协办,主题为"海派文化与城市综合竞争力"的第六届海派文化学术讨论会在市档案馆外滩新馆举行。市档案局馆长吴辰致开幕词。上海大学海派文化研究中心主任李伦新作总结致词。该研讨会云集了对海派文化深有研究的各方面专家学者。原中宣部副部长、全国政协文史委员会副主任龚心瀚认为,新时期海派文化不仅是上海综合竞争力最重要的组成部分之一,而且关乎上海  相似文献   

大众传媒力图展示现实社会,以传媒的力量将都市摩登气息广泛传播,而受众在传媒影响下日益滋长的消费主义观念亦促使传媒愈加关注现实社会,如此循环往复,使得城市与媒介的关系更加亲密。文章以《上海壹周》餐饮栏目为研究对象,探讨这份刊物的饮食栏目与上海"海派文化"之间的关联。具体而言,是通过对餐饮栏目的媒介研究,分析饮食文字背后所倡导和体现的文化观念,考察民众对上海的都市想象,并试图揭示大众传媒所构建的饮食世界与城市现实空间的差异所在。  相似文献   

《壹周·立波秀》节目是2010年凤凰卫视和东方卫视为上海海派清口创始人周立波量身打造的春节特别节目。大年初一至初六每晚黄金时段首播于凤凰卫视中文台,由周立波的脱口秀表演及嘉宾现场访谈两部分组成。前半部分中,周立波会像在剧场里演出一样,  相似文献   

随着移动通信技术的成熟以及互联网的升级,使得海派文化传播踏入了短视频传播领域.本文以抖音平台为例,介绍分析海派文化传播类短视频的传播现状以及传播策略,探讨"海派文化+短视频"的传播方式.  相似文献   

信息资源建设是发展都市农业的必要条件之一,没有丰富的信息资源,促进都市农业的发展便是一句空话。文章从分析都市农业和信息资源建设的概念、都市农业特征、各地都市农业信息资源建设现状入手,介绍如何了解用户需求,针对不同用户采用不同的资源建设方式。设计了都市农业信息资源建设的原则,进行都市农业信息资源建设的具体途径,提出健全信息采集员制度、提高信息从业人员素质等措施,旨在为提高都市农业中信息资源建设的效率和质量提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

论电视谈话类节目主持人的情感把握   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
童腮军 《新闻界》2008,(4):151-152
在目前的电视谈话节目中主持人的情感运用存在不少问题,主持人刻意煽情、热衷隐私、追求眼泪使电视谈话节目陷入一个僵局因此,在电视谈话类节目中主持人要正确把握情感的运用,以打破此种僵局。  相似文献   

Scholars approach a particular phenomenon by their understanding of that phenomenon. In the case of call‐in talk radio, the research has focused primarily on callers and hosts as the active participants in the process. This paper reconsiders that research paradigm by offering a theory of talk radio based on the audience, the listeners. Using the work of Fiumara and Pearce, this study recognizes the centrality of listening to the communication process and reconceptualizes call‐in talk radio as an extended and continuous conversation. Finally, referring to new research, the study posits that the listener actively participates in constructing meaning from call‐in talk radio.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of daytime talk shows on opinion formation. Using agenda-setting and cultivation perspectives, it was hypothesized that both exposure to daytime talk shows and the apparent reality of these shows would be positively related to support for government involvement in social issues. In addition to exposure and apparent reality being positively related to levels of support, it was also found that both talk show exposure and respondent's reported perception of the apparent reality of television played a moderating role in the relationship between political ideology and support for government involvement in family issues. This study demonstrated that daytime talk shows can play a significant role in public opinion formation.  相似文献   

In recent years, no television genre has generated more discussion and public outcry in the United States than talk shows. The talk show genre also creates strong feelings in the academic world. The academic literature shows polarization between scholars who believe that the shows are damaging and those who argue that talk shows can be empowering for underrepresented societal sectors. These discussions, however, have not included talk shows broadcast on the Spanish-speaking networks Telemundo and Univision. Drawing on Foucault's conceptualizations of regimes of truth and confession, this paper analyzes Cambia Tu Vida (Change Your Life), a Telemundo show whose host is Catholic priest Father Alberto Cutie-Padre Alberto. Cambia Tu Vida evidences the workings of the confession as a truth-producing mode that supports and underpins particular power relationships and regimes of truth.  相似文献   

孙力平  周琼 《新闻界》2008,(5):129-130
本文以浙江电台文艺频道《伊甸园信箱》为例,分析广播夜谈节目的现状、特点及其影响,并对该节目的品牌内涵和社会责任进行探讨。  相似文献   

By interviewing and thus gathering data from 10 prominent public radio talk show hosts as to how they perceive their tasks and actions during conflict-related debates and discussions, the authors were able to categorize these self-reflections in terms of the hosts' overall communicative, directive, and procedural strategies. This article reflects on the degree to which these activities define the overall roles of public radio talk show hosts and especially on whether these social actors perceive their moderating roles as a form of third party intervention similar to the work of facilitators or mediators of social conflict.  相似文献   

戴文红 《新闻界》2007,(3):47-48
青年农民是建设社会主义和谐新农村的新生力量,新农村文化建设对其素质的提高起着举足轻重的作用。而作为文化载体的媒介,农民和城市居民当前在资源享用上存在巨大的差距,媒介的农村传播远远不能满足青年农民的现实和潜在需求,必须对青年农民媒介消费的观念、行为以及潜在的需求进行深入的分析,探究突破新农村文化建设中媒介传播的“瓶颈”的路径。  相似文献   

戴文红 《新闻界》2007,(3):47-48
青年农民是建设社会主义和谐新农村的新生力量,新农村文化建设对其素质的提高起着举足轻重的作用.而作为文化载体的媒介,农民和城市居民当前在资源享用上存在巨大的差距,媒介的农村传播远远不能满足青年农民的现实和潜在需求,必须对青年农民媒介消费的观念、行为以及潜在的需求进行深入的分析,探究突破新农村文化建设中媒介传播的"瓶颈"的路径.  相似文献   

Talk radio could help citizens obtain information to make reasoned political judgments. The 7 996 and 7 998 National Election Studies show that exposure to talk radio is not significantly related to political knowledge when other social-psychological factors are controlled. The finding that listening is not significantly linked to political knowledge may be explained by the fact that only a third of the public listens to talk radio and that these programs are entertainment driven by economic forces.  相似文献   

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