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社群信息学(CI)是一个关注社区和信息通信技术(ICT)的互动关系,探讨将ICT应用于赋能社区发展和实现社区目标的新兴领域,在欧美等地发展迅速且成果丰富。文章梳理了近十年国外CI的研究文献,从数字鸿沟成因、ICT接入、社群信息服务、ICT与社会资本关系和CI批判性思维等5个主题总结现有研究的主要内容;分析CI研究的发展趋势,包括跨学科、跨机构、跨地域研究,注重宏观与微观情境的识别和探知,重视基本理论的建设和完善,以及立足社会实践并适应社会需求;建议我国CI领域增强对国际CI研究经验的学习,促进学科与国际交流合作,加强CI领域的专业教育,推进CI教学、研究和实践融合,进而推动CI研究范式、理论与实践的发展。  相似文献   

数字鸿沟研究的未来:境外数字不平等研究进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
从分析传统数字鸿沟研究的局限性出发,对国际学术界数字不平等研究的最新进展进行综述,认为数字不平等的核心内涵是: ICT接入者和利用者的分层化和多样化;ICT接入和利用背后的动机、利用能力和效果的不平等及其所反映出的各类社会不平等;数字不平等是文化复制的结果;传统社会阶层之间的控制与反控制关系在ICT利用和接入中的表现等。数字不平等表现维度的研究有传统的ICT接入、利用、心理及技能视角,有从资本角度的研究,还有综合的衡量方法。表1。参考文献37。  相似文献   

中国农村居民在经济、政治和文化等领域的不平等之外又面临一种新的不平等——数字不平等,主要表现于农村在接入和使用ICT以及信息资源开发和利用实践活动中形成的多样化差距. 本研究旨在评估青树基金会(Evergreen Education Foundation,EEF)在甘肃省天祝藏族自治县开展的一项全球本土化(Glocal)社区ICT公益项目对当地农村居民的影响,探索社会资本对居民参与该计算机公益培训项目的作用方式,寻找该项目改变居民在数字化社会阶层中所处位置的证据.  相似文献   

数字不平等是研究ICT资源分配不平等的新视角.通过杭州图书馆模式初步分析了我国公共图书馆通过社会包容消除数字不平等的经验.通过完善公共图书馆制度、加强图书馆自身建设和发展社会资本是公共图书馆践行社会包容消除数字不平等的实现路径.这一研究主题在今后的研究和实践中需要进一步探索和深化.  相似文献   

本文综合运用定性与定量分析法研究了ICT发展对我国区域经济发展的促进关系。本文首先从发展经济学的角度论述了ICT的固有特性对区域经济发展中的重要组成元素——资本、技术、劳动都有深刻的促进作用。在此基础上建立了ICT促进区域经济发展的结构模型,并基于我国31个省、直辖市、自治区的历史数据进行了实证研究。结果表明ICT对区域经济发展有显著的促进作用,其中对区域技术水平的促进作用最显著。  相似文献   

数字不平等是研究ICT资源分配不平等的新视角,是欧美社群信息学研究的主要内容.我国图书馆界就社会包容和消除数字不平等作为公共图书馆社会责任达成一致.论文通过杭州图书馆模式初步分析了我国公共图书馆通过社会包容消除数字不平等的经验,并指出:通过完善公共图书馆制度、加强图书馆自身建设和发展社会资本是公共图书馆践行社会包容、消除数字不平等的实现路径.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了以微博为例的互联网使用对记者社会资本的影响,通过数据挖掘和社会网络分析,运用社会资本理论和强/弱关系假设,考察了295名记者通过微博链接网络形成的社会资本情况,对记者之间的强弱联系与不同类型社会资本间的关系进行深入探讨。研究发现,从个体网层面来看,记者在职业群体微博链接网络中的强联系大多为紧密型社会资本,而弱联系大多为跨越型社会资本;将社会资本操作化为网络规模资本和中间位置资本后,经验数据的分析结果显示,以微博为代表的社会化媒体使用对记者在职业群体中建立社会网络、增加社会资本具有积极效果。  相似文献   

消除数字不平等:公共图书馆的一个社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王化民 《图书馆》2012,(5):17-20
数字不平等研究是在数字鸿沟研究基础上发展起来的研究信息通讯技术(ICT)资源分配不均的新视角。图书馆界就公共图书馆承担消除数字不平等,实现信息公平的社会责任已达成共识。完善公共图书馆制度,倡导社会包容,发展社会资本,加强自身建设是公共图书馆承担消除数字不平等的社会责任的实践路径。这一社会责任的实践在今后的研究和实践中需要进一步探索和深化。  相似文献   

学术界的“社会资本”问题主要是指建立在信任和互助合作基础之上的社会关系网络,它是社会发展所必需的重要资本之一。社会资本与档案诚信建设之间存在着一定的制约和依存关系,从社会资本的研究视角使我们看到档案工作者的思想意识、精神状态、公共利益以及美德等价值观对于我国档案诚信建设的重大意义。以社会资本为研究视域,可以促进我国政府与公民在档案诚信建设中的良性互动,由此也将促进我国社会资本的充分发育和档案诚信建设水平的提升。  相似文献   

社会认识层次性与图书馆的本质论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢拉等学者提出和发展的社会认识论是一种旨在从知识交流角度解析“社会智力”的形成机制,从而为图书馆情报学的社会基础做出解释的理论。本研究基于社会认识论,遵循实践导向原则,以用户和记录资源为两个向度,初步划分出图书馆情报学理论视域下的四个具体实践领域,进而通过各层次用户和记录资源之间互动关系的分析,将社会认识归纳为由低到高的四个层次,最终将图书馆体系的本质界定为一种通过结构性文化资本与个体性文化资本互动交汇而保障社会认识高级化的制度安排,并把图书馆情报学界定为以用户和资源作为二维向度,以记录管理和社会认识作为理论支点,以满足不同层次社会认识需求为主要研究内容的学科。图2。参考文献33。  相似文献   

采用参与和介入观察、访谈等田野调查方法,对芝加哥公共图书馆基金会发起的虚拟导航员项目在唐人街社区公共图书馆的运行情况进行了深入调研。该案例研究表明,社会资本在图书馆读者尤其是特殊社群获取计算机免费培训信息方面扮演着支配型角色;桥接型社会资本为社群数字贫困成员实现数字脱贫提供了先决条件;社区公共图书馆在社群成员的数字化生活中可以成为一个重要社会网络节点。以芝加哥公共图书馆基金会为代表的非营利组织可以增加公益信息机构如图书馆的团结型(内部型)社会资本储量。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):131-144

In these times of extraordinary development in information and communication technologies (ICT) many new tools and services, and traditional tools, such as the catalog, could be developed or enhanced by librarians to effectively support the academic community in teaching and learning. This paper will discuss how social interaction between technical and public service librarians could enhance library services to the academic faculty and students during these demanding times of technologies and information overload. The paper will also point out that the team approach to library services can improve social interaction between librarians when the perpetuation of the traditional academic organizational model is not efficient enough for the faculty and students' need-driven use of information. Rapid changes resulting from ICT demand constant social interaction that would be facilitated by establishing working teams for specific tasks.  相似文献   

Empirical research on public libraries and social capital has primarily been oriented toward discovering how libraries contribute to social capital in local contexts, rather than contributing to solving the theoretical puzzles of the social capital literature. In spite of this, it has produced interesting findings that align with new developments in social capital research. These findings emphasize the significance of institutions in generating social capital. By outlining and applying the main theoretical perspectives on generating social capital, this paper analyzes the findings of the literature on public libraries and how social capital is created. Theoretical perspectives on social capital will undoubtedly benefit the study of social capital's creation in and by the library. Including library-specific social capital research within the wider social capital research community can benefit social capital research in general.  相似文献   

陆泉  刘婷  邓胜利 《图书情报工作》2019,63(17):118-127
[目的/意义]社交问答用户的社会资本受多种因素影响,本文旨在探究社交问答用户不同的健康信息行为对其社会资本积累的影响。[方法/过程]以知乎网上糖尿病话题下2 537个问题帖子,3 567个回答的1 650名用户为研究对象,依据L.Nan的社会资本理论和N.Uphoff对社会资本的分类,将社交问答用户的社会资本分为认知性和结构性两类,用多元线性回归的方法分析社会问答用户的健康信息行为与社会资本之间的关系。[结果/结论]用户的健康知识贡献行为和自我信息披露行为在不同程度上正向促进社会资本的累积,而不同的健康知识获取行为对认知性社会资本和结构性社会资本的影响有差异。这些结果有助于社交问答用户提高社会资本,平台完善用户服务和激励机制。  相似文献   

本文阐释了Community Informatics(CI,“社群信息学”)的内涵和主要思想,认为它与我国的社区信息化和农村信息化分享共同的兴趣与宗旨,即运用现代信息技术推动社区发展;与社区/农村信息化相比,CI之新在于,它以社群主义、网络社会理论、社会资本理论等当代社会科学理论为基础,强调ICT应用中的社区振兴(或社区赋权)和社区参与.本文认为这些新理论以及与之相适应的新方法对解决我国社区/农村信息化效益低下等问题具有重要的参考价值.本文也提出了与CI引进相关的其他问题,例如CI应该成为谁的视角和方法,应该如何规划自己的“东渐”路径与前景.  相似文献   

In the context of Internet and Communications Technology (ICT), this research investigates the acceptance of hate rumor and its consequence during a community crisis situation. Extending prior rumor research for this context, we develop and test a refined model using data collected from victims of a large scale (hate) rumor spread incident. Our data analyses present three main findings. First, during the crisis situation, platform characteristics of media synchronicity and richness of expression affected the likelihood of rumor recipients believing the false rumor to be a true message. Second, rumors received from people with closer social ties were more likely to be believed as true. Third, rumor belief during the crisis was associated with greater intensity of informational and behavioral actions. Our findings provide governments with insights to mitigate the spread of hate rumor especially under community disaster situations. Implications for research and policy are discussed. This paper contributes to the IS literature on rumor theory and its implications by explaining how diverse communication technologies are used in a community crisis, thereby opening new avenue for future research to address the negative consequences of using communication media in the complex ICT mediated world. It shows how media characteristics along with social ties affect the “politics of plausibility”.  相似文献   

Studies of social networks highlight the importance of network structure or structural properties of a given network and its impact on performance outcome. One of the important properties of this network structure is referred to as social capital, which is the network of contacts and the associated values attached to these networks of contacts. This study provides empirical evidence of the influence of social capital and performance within the context of academic collaboration (coauthorship) and suggests that the collaborative process involves social capital embedded within relationships and network structures among direct coauthors. Association between scholars' social capital and their citation-based performance measures is examined. To overcome the limitations of traditional social network metrics for measuring the influence of scholars' social capital within coauthorship networks, the traditional social network metrics is extended by proposing two new measures, of which one is non-weighted (the power–diversity index) and the other (power–tie–diversity index) is weighted by the number of collaboration instances. The Spearman's correlation rank test is used to examine the association between scholars' social capital measures and their citation-based performance. Results suggest that research performance of authors is positively correlated with their social capital measures. The power–diversity index and power–tie–diversity index serve as indicators of power and influence of an individual's ability to control communication and information.  相似文献   

社会资本是民间图书馆可持续发展的重要资源,社会资本存量对民间图书馆的发展具有助推作用,当前我国社会资本发育不成熟,在民间图书馆的发展过程中,必须着力提升社会资本存量,完善政府管理模式和相关制度,强化对相关人员的宣传教育,并紧紧依靠民间组织的积极作用,不断拓展民间图书馆的发展空间.  相似文献   

In 2007 Ellison, Steinfield, and Lampe published an article on the positive association between Facebook use and social capital that started a decade of research on the social outcomes of social network site use. Although cited almost 9,000 times, it received critique on the conceptualization and operationalization of Facebook use and social capital. In this study we replicate Ellison et al.’s study with original and alternative measures of social capital and Facebook use, thereby shedding light on the robustness, stability, and ecological validity of the original findings. We found that Facebook intensity positively predicts the original social capital measures, lending support to the validity of the original findings. Its relationship with structural measures, however, was weak for bridging and absent for bonding social capital.  相似文献   

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