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在电信、广播电视、出版等产业,传统的纵向分业规制,是与其时纵向技术结构和产业结构相适应的。但在媒介融合情况下,新产业体系的技术结构和产业结构是横向的,严格意义上的传统纵向规制对象已不复存在。传统纵向规制框架与层级技术结构、横向产业结构之间的冲突,将产生四个方面的问题:规制不一致、规制不确定、规制不合理、规制不恰当。前两类问题是传统规制在业务分类上的困境,后两类问题分别指传统规制是否必要、规制方法是否合适。  相似文献   

彭锦 《中国广播》2014,(5):36-40
近些年,欧洲广播电视产业、电信产业、信息产业融合交汇趋势越发明显。欧盟在推动欧洲视听新媒体产业发展方面发挥了重要作用。在理念方面,欧盟主动将视听新媒体服务纳入管理体系;在产业发展方面,欧盟鼓励企业向政府借力;在法律方面,欧盟主张"规制先行";在价值领域,确保视听新媒体履行媒体义务和欧洲价值观的推行;在产业形态方面,欧盟鼓励平台整合。  相似文献   

欧洲媒介融合中新媒体规制,呈现政策主导、产业规制与利益考量的特征,体现为以政策融合推动媒介技术融合、政治经济学与公共利益的双重规制模式,以及对文化、政治与信息传播安全的维护。借鉴欧洲的新媒体规制变革,我国三网融合中的视听新媒体规制,既要维护国家利益、平衡行业利益与公共利益,又要遵循道德规范与公共利益原则,在立法的基础上成立相对独立的视听新媒体监管机构。  相似文献   

王松茂 《出版科学》2007,15(4):41-43,47
产业融合导致出版业规制的边界、范围和内容出现较大变化,出版业规制权力因融合而分散.我国亟需构建基于产业融合的出版业规制体系,包括规制框架平台化、规制机制动态化和完善现有出版业规制功能.  相似文献   

基于我国社会转型、新型城镇化和媒介融合加速的现实,结合文献和实证材料,文章认为,新闻规制创新是建设新型主流媒体的必经之路,新闻规制创新涵盖规制理念、目标、手段、框架和效果等方面的内容,应从传媒结构和行为两方面加强顶层设计和社会性规制,坚持公共利益优先原则,以提升新闻媒体的服务性、针对性和双向性,进而构建“国家—媒介—民众”互动共赢的现代传播体系.  相似文献   

媒介融合背景下新加坡传媒监管的制度创新与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪以来,为了迎接广播电视、电信及信息技术的进一步融合,政府对具体的监管机构、职能、监管方式及措施进行了相应的改革和调整.新加坡新闻、通讯及艺术部协同媒体发展管理局和资讯通信发展管理局依照传媒专门法和机构法规,通过发照制度、内容分级制度、社会参与及行业自律等相结合的方式直接或间接达到监管媒体的目的.与新加坡相类似,作为广播电视和电信管理机构分立的国家,中国所推进的"三网融合"对融合后传媒业、电信业及信息技术产业的监管也提出了新的命题.新加坡在这方面的制度创新与实践具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

传统媒体的市场结构具有缝隙竞争的特征。在三网融合的背景下,我国政府采取了针对电信产业和广播电视产业的非对称规制措施,这使得传统媒体产业的政策性进入成本依然存在。但是,产业外替代性产品/服务的出现使得拥有垄断地位的媒介机构更多地采取竞争性策略行为,因而中国传媒产业市场结构出现了新的特征:一是缝隙竞争市场结构的弱化更多地源自传媒产业内部机构对新技术的利用或重组,而不是来自于产业外企业的进入;二是中国传媒产业市场具有了一种动态的竞争和垄断,双双被强化的市场结构——竞争性垄断。  相似文献   

随着传播科技的发展,出版业与电信、广播电视和计算机等产业在信息内容、接收终端和传输网络等方面逐步走向融合。在媒介融合的过程中,出版产业价值链逐渐由纵向分离向横向功能聚合、由上游链节向下游链节聚积。鉴于产业价值链的嬗变趋势,传统出版业必须通过加强内容资源开发、扩展阅读终端市场和再造传输网络平台等方式,重构一个全新的产业价值链,才能应对媒介融合的趋势。  相似文献   

广播电视、电信和互联网三网融合的步伐加快,融合后的产业将出现诸多新的市场变化。笔者采用经典产业组织理论S-C-P研究模式,重点分析融合后新产业具备的市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效,总结了产业融合后广电产业应对竞争的改制策略。  相似文献   

在三网融合语境下,广播电视和电信产业将展开全业务的竞争,但与电信产业化不同,广播电视具有公益性事业和经营性产业的双重属性,两者要协调发展,不可偏颇。本文认为,广电网络传输方面,应建立无线、有线、卫星和互联网等多层次、全方位的广播电视覆盖网,其中,满足受众基本需求的无线和卫星信号覆盖是政府主导的公益性事业,当前在满足受众基本需求的前提下可考虑适度的市场参与;内容供给方面,广播电视媒体在保留时政新闻节目制作前提下实行制播分离,加大对新闻、教育和文化等正外部性和公益性节目的支持力度,娱乐、影视剧等可经营性节目由市场运营,产业化运作。  相似文献   

This essay chronicles the early history of New York radio station WEVDAM. Erected as a monument to socialist leader Eugene Victor Debs, WEVD was an electronic voice for the socialist ideas and causes that Debs championed. This essay examines how WEVD struggled to defend its license to become an early radio pioneer for socialist rhetoric and, through the process, guaranteed access to the airwaves for minority viewpoints. These struggles occurred during the formative years of broadcast regulation, and WEVD played a significant role in defining the public interest standard for American broadcasting.  相似文献   

利益平衡视角下广播组织邻接权制度的完善   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利益平衡是知识产权法的根基。信息传播技术的发展冲击了广播组织与社会公共利益之间的旧有平衡机制,为因应科技进步的发展,应结合我国的国情和国际层面上对广播组织保护的规定和进展,对广播组织邻接权的权利对象、权利主体、权利内容及权利限制各方面进行适度调整,创建适合我国需要的广播组织邻接权保护制度,使其既能包容新技术的发展,又能使广播组织利益与公众利益在新的信息环境中达到新的平衡。  相似文献   

本文讨论的是美国民营公共电视机构所处的法律环境,以及欧盟各国对公共电视发展的法律支持,旨在提供对国外公营广电的基本了解。  相似文献   

本文在梳理美国广播电视体制历史变迁的基础上,分析公共利益在不同的规制模式下的差异化呈现,剖析公共利益与传媒体制之间的关系,进而探究商业化运作背景下实现和确保公共利益的有效路径。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a new case for the convergent regulatory institution for broadcasting and telecommunications in Korea. This paper emphasizes that, when considering a convergent regulatory body, Korea's main principle to establish is a reflection of the paradigm shift of convergence and IT industry. The proposal of the Korean Communications Commission addresses that as a prior factor. This paper deals with three characteristics in establishing the KCC: accommodating policy making and regulation together within a single institution; choosing a commission model as a new organizational type, which inherits a broadcasting legacy to ensure diversity and independence; combining content and network sector together. This paper attempts to show that the Korean model gives a power to the convergent regulatory institution to make the country remain one of the leading countries in information and communication sector as well as implement convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications successfully.  相似文献   

日本广电媒介体制的经济学审视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要论述日本广播电视体制的两个基本特征 :广电媒介产业的政府规制体制 ,公营与民营广电媒介的并存体制。并对数字化时代日本广电媒介体制的变革趋势作了简要分析。作者从经济学角度揭示日本广电体制的结构性特征和时代性特征。旨在为我国广电传播法制建设和广电事业的政府规制体制改革提供一种借鉴  相似文献   

This magazine has observed that “we have neither adequately gathered the history of broadcasting nor acknowledged its importance.” At that time the lack and loss of primary historical data that might be of future use to broadcasters was being decried. Painstaking analysis and synthesis of such data would be the next, and most directly valuable, step. The following article is that sort of historical writing. It should be of interest to every broadcaster, and of use to those here and in other countries who need to examine the antecedents of the American system of economic support for broadcasting. The thesis of this article argues that it is possible to locate a period in the late 1920's in which broadcast facilities, audiences, programs, and station owner attitudes, were “right” for the national advertiser to enter upon radio sponsorship in a serious way.  相似文献   

Mainstream discourses on the globalisation of media that delineate the emergence of privately owned television channels in the periphery country as evening out metropolitan domination are belied by concrete evidence. This essay argues that the rise of southern players has undermined state broadcasting rather than dismantling ‘media imperialism’. Based on two case studies, Pakistan Television (PTV) and Doordarshan (DD), this study demonstrates that the actual, if inadvertent, victim of globalisation has been state broadcasting and an associated developmentist model of television. As a result the decline of state-led television channels has radically transformed television systems in India and Pakistan. While DD and PTV view their audiences as citizens, the globalisation of media has resulted in a commodification of television audiences. Instead of public interest, audience maximisation has become the dominant logic of television systems in both these countries. In the process, developmentist television systems have been replaced by the commercially driven systems.  相似文献   

Marconi proposes     


The position of network censor, whatever the title appended to the job, is one of particular sensitivity. To the industry as a whole, he acts to forstall the program material that could cause criticism of the network, station, sponsor or program. A writer who feels that his work has been needlessly mutilated has a different conception of the role of the network censor. The public is largely unaware of his existence.

The pamphlet by the author of the present article, Taste and the Censor in Television (published by the Fund for the Republic, 1959, as an Occasional Paper on the role of the mass media in the free society), was the first major attempt to define the place of the censor. Another article of interest was George Gerbner's “Mental Illness on Television: A Study of Censorship” (Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. III, No. 4, Fall, 1959.)

The article that follows is intended to convey the flavor of the censor's work, and provide an adequate introduction to this important phase of broadcasting self‐regulation and management. It is possibly the only study of the broadcasting executive as a decision‐maker. As such, it should be of extreme interest to anyone in the creative and the business ends of broadcasting.  相似文献   

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