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齐霁 《教学与研究》2000,(12):72-75
为纪念伟大的马克思主义者、杰出的无产阶级革命家和理论家张闻天诞辰 10 0周年,2 0 0 0年 9月 12日至 14日,由中共中央党史研究室、中共江苏省委、中共上海市委和中共党史学会联合主办的 张闻天同志生平和思想研讨会 "在江苏无锡举行。来自全国 2 1个省、自治区、直辖市的一百多位专家、学者及有关人士出席了研讨会。现将会议情况综述如下。一、关于张闻天的生平1 张闻天与遵义会议。遵义会议是中国共产党和中国革命历史上一个生死攸关的转折点,而张闻天又是这个历史转折中的一个关键人物。有的学者论述了张闻天在遵义会议这个历史转折…  相似文献   

教学目标: 1.体验并感悟渗透在字里行间的母子深情,引导学生学会爱、学会感恩、学会珍惜人世间赐予自己的一切平凡普通的恩泽,并能在未来的人生道路上将美德芳泽造福于他人。  相似文献   

在从内战到抗战战略转变的过程中,中国红军逐渐形成了持久抗战和联合白军等重要的理论策略,时为中共总负责人的张闻天对此起了至关重要的作用。在中共领袖集团中,张闻天首先于1935年12月作出了抗日战争是持久战的明确论断,并对持久战理论进行了深入的研究和阐述。1936年9月他发表的《论抗日民族革命战争的持久性》,是较早比较系统全面地论述持久抗战理论的专,早于彭德怀、周恩来的同类章,也早于毛泽东的《论持久战》。与此同时,还在中央红军长征刚刚到达陕北的1935年10-11月,张闻天即提出,中共要将国内战争变为直接的民族革命战争,就要加强白军工作。当时,张闻天正确地将联合张学良东北军、杨虎城西北军作为白军工作的重点,积极推动西北地区抗日统一战线的实现及红军与东北军、西北军“三位一体”局面的形成;在张闻天的直接领导下,对其他各实力派的联合工作也迅速展开,为民族抗战的展开奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

任何的人发展进步,与其经历有着必然的联系,领袖人物也不例外。二十世纪四十年代张闻天同志对中国农村的调查,是继毛泽东之后中共领导人对农村进行的一次大规模的调查,这次调查对张闻天本人和中国社会均留下了深刻的影响,尤其是对张闻天要人的影响更为突出,它使张闻天认清了自己三十年代所犯的错误,形成了正确的思想认识、工作作风和工作方法,使其成为一位杰出的马克思主义。  相似文献   

在红军从内战到抗战战略转变的过程中,时为中共最高负责人的张闻天率先提出和深入研究阐述了持久抗战理论,并带领中共领导集体积极谋划持久战策略的组织和实施。这一系列工作推动了转变的最终完成,实现了红军的巨大发展,为抗日战争的胜利作出了杰出贡献。  相似文献   

语教学,不能只满足于让学生在考试中获得高分,更重要的是要为学生今后的学习和工作奠定良好的基础。这就要求语教师在课堂与生活之间架起一座“金水桥”,让学生学会学习,学好语,走好人生道路。  相似文献   

学校教育是由德育教育以及学生心理健康为根本,学生能否以健康的心理、饱满的热情面对未来的生活,关系着事业发展和今后的人生幸福,也关系到漫长的人生道路,因此,在教学中不仅要注重学生的心理健康,更要融入德育教育,使学生具有爱国主义和集体主义精神。学会遵守纪律、诚实、具有积极进取的心理品质。努力创造一种积极健康的愉悦氛围,使学校成为学生学会做人,学会知识的殿堂。  相似文献   

今年8月30日,是张闻天同志诞辰102周年纪念日。值此,我们将收集的张闻天同志的有关资料撰写成文,通过对张闻天同志革命历程的追述,以表达对老一辈革命家的怀念。  相似文献   

物理教和学中要学会抓住时机,充分利用物理学上的一些机会在完成科学技术有关内容时讲授时,有计划地、适时地对学生进行德育思想教育,使我们的学生德育和智育同时发展。在以后的人生道路上对社会作出卓越的贡献。[第一段]  相似文献   

杨贤江,1895年出生于浙江余姚一个成衣匠的家庭,1906年入小学,1911年高小毕业后留校任教,1912年末入浙江第一师范学校,1917年毕业后到南京高等师范学校工作。1919年同李大钊、毛泽东、邓中夏、张闻天、恽代英等参加“少年中国学会”,并任学会南京分会书记。1920年被选为学会评议员。杨贤江1923年加入中国共产党,他除主编《学生杂志》外,还协助恽代英编辑《中国青年》。1924年他同恽代英一起分工负责学生方面的工作,他积极投入了“五  相似文献   


This study aims to establish the effectiveness of an industrial data set in the delivery of an active approach to teaching and learning across a range of programme levels from NVQ to MSc within Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) Institutions in North Wales. The result described in the paper reinforces in FE and HE the advantages of active learning involving an industrial data set as a link between theory and practice. Implementing the data set as a learning resource, combined with field visits allowed an active approach to teaching and learning. For the FE groups this was an established approach, while not so for the HE institutions. The use of an industrial data set by adopting an active approach was found to be effective, as judged by student satisfaction, enriched the educational experience for both FE and HE groups. The overall response for all questions by all groups for the Strongly Agree/Agree categories (SA/A) was between 86% and 95%. The Disagree (D) responses ranged from 0% to 3% and the Undecided/Blank/Not Applicable (UD/B/NA) ranged between 5% and 14%. Students found the lectures of interest and enjoyed active learning. The analysis has heightened the benefits of relating education to its respective industry and adopting an active approach for all programme levels within FE and HE.  相似文献   

Rats searched for food that was contingent on time and place in an open field. One location was active at a time, the active location moved in a clockwise direction after each reward, and each location was repeated several times on each daily session. When a location was active, the first response after a fixed interval produced food. The intervals associated with each of the four locations were consistently 60, 30, 30, and 60 sec. For independent groups, inspecting an inactive location had no consequence (n = 7) or reduced the amount of food delivered at the active location (n = 6). The rates of inspecting active and inactive locations increased before the associated intervals elapsed, with preferential responding at the active locations. Rates of anticipation at active locations failed to superimpose when plotted as a function of proportional time. Simultaneous temporal and spatial processing contributed to the failure of proportional timing.  相似文献   

Active living: Physical activities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active Living is an approach that encourages people to be physically active every day. By targeting infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, early childhood educators will contribute to their lifestyles as Active Living Children. This article is designed as a framework for early childhood educators to support an active lifestyle among very young children. Various activities are described to promote active play for very young children and all of its associated benefits.  相似文献   

主动句与被动句的选择是修辞学感兴趣的一个课题。根据语句内容“旧信息——新信息”的顺序理论,分析主动句和被动句主位信息的性质。在话语中主动句与被动句的使用应视上文提供的施事与受事的情形而定,如上句提供的已知信息是施事,下句宜采用主动句;上句提供的已知信息是受事,下句宜选用被动句。  相似文献   

We investigated the behaviors of an active control system of two-stage vibration isolation with the actuator installed in parallel with either the upper passive mount or the lower passive isolation mount. We revealed the relationships between the active control force of the actuator and the parameters of the passive isolators by studying the dynamics of two-stage active vibration isolation for the actuator at the foregoing two positions in turn. With the actuator installed beside the upper mount, a small active force can achieve a very good isolating effect when the frequency of the stimulating force is much larger than the natural frequency of the upper mount; a larger active force is required in the low-frequency domain; and the active force equals the stimulating force when the upper mount works within the resonance region, suggesting an approach to reducing wobble and ensuring desirable installation accuracy by increasing the upper-mount stiffness. In either the low or the high frequency region far away from the resonance region, the active force is smaller when the actuator is beside the lower mount than beside the upper mount.  相似文献   

本文以一种积极、乐观的态度讨论死亡问题。假若人能实现长生不老、不死的“美梦”,分析可见,这将使人失去作为人存在的一切意义,面临真正的灭顶之灾,由此反映出死亡对人生的积极意义。死亡之所以让人恐惧,是因为人对“我”死后的绝对无知,死亡的真实意义在于“我死”,而不是“他死”;死亡是一个过程而不是一个事件。应建立“我正在死亡”的死亡观,并将其作为我的积极人生的源泉。  相似文献   

Active learning has attracted considerable attention in higher education in response to concerns about how and what students are learning. There are many different forms of active learning, yet most of them are classroom based. We propose an alternative to active learning in the classroom through active learning outside of the classroom in the form of student consulting projects. While the literature on student consulting has largely focused on projects to assist small business owners, this research demonstrates the potential for using student-consulting projects in the Production/Operations Management course. We use a case study to describe the use of a student-consulting project as an alternative to the other types of active learning described in the Operations Management education literature.  相似文献   

Writing is an important teaching and learning tool that fosters active and critical thinking. There are multiple pressures for disciplines outside the humanities and social sciences to integrate writing in their courses. The shift from teaching solely discipline-specific skills to including writing in a meaningful way can be a daunting process. An instructor and education reference librarian at a public, four-year research university infused an urban planning course with reflective writing exercises. The collaboration proved effective in increasing students’ perceived writing abilities and active thinking via increased immediacy, frequency of writing and active learning.  相似文献   

Laufer提出了被动词汇、控制主动词汇、完全主动词汇的划分标准。按照该标准,对某高校122位英语学习者词汇能力进行了跨度一年的测试评估,结果表明:主动词汇<控制被动词汇<被动词汇,且一年中,主动词汇增长幅度<控制被动词汇增长幅度<被动词汇增长幅度。结论:现有外语教学体制不够重视主动产出式能力的培养,教师应当丰富教学内容,促进学习者被动词汇向主动词汇转化。  相似文献   

This study investigates student teachers’ active learning experiences in teacher education (TE) in Finnish and Turkish contexts and attempts to determine how active learning methods’ impact student teachers’ professional competences. Student teachers (N = 728) assessed their active learning experiences and the professional competences they achieved during TE. Self-regulated and collaborative learning provided the theoretical framework for the active learning measurements. The professional competences included a wide range of teacher responsibilities in schools and society. The data were collected by a survey. A quantitative analysis utilising a regression analysis approach provided strong evidence that active learning has an impact on professional competences. A qualitative analysis further revealed that active knowledge creation with high engagement in learning tasks and a collaborative learning culture were important modes of active learning. While the study focused on two different TE systems, active learning was important in student teachers’ professional development in both contexts.  相似文献   

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