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In this column, a reader expresses concern that attendance at childbirth classes is declining at the same time the cesarean rate is rising. The history of childbirth education is discussed in the context of both access to information and changes in maternity care since the introduction of formal childbirth education. Changing goals and contemporary challenges facing childbirth education are discussed. The need for a new model of educating and empowering women is identified, and ideas for changes are explored.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to educate childbirth educators about environmental hazards and provide resources. Hazardous chemicals have been found in cord blood, placenta, meconium, and breastmilk samples. These chemicals include commonly known hazards such as lead, mercury, and environmental tobacco smoke, as well as some pesticides, solvents, products containing chlorine, and other chemicals referred to as “persistent organic pollutants.” The fetus is particularly vulnerable to environmental chemicals that can disrupt the developmental process at critical times during gestation. Childbirth educators are encouraged to inform themselves in order to inform childbearing families to take preventive action and explore alternative behaviors to reduce exposure to environmental hazards.  相似文献   

With regard to childbirth, the role of every health-care system is to improve maternity care as well as the birth experience of women and their family members. Despite many efforts to improve maternity care in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the nation's childbirth care still faces a tremendous amount of unnecessary intervention and, consequently, a high rate of cesarean births. This article describes the strengths and weaknesses of Iran's maternity-care system and childbirth education in light of evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

The SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) crisis in Toronto in the spring of 2003 had major consequences for prenatal learners. Classes in hospitals were cancelled; many couples were left without any prenatal education. This paper outlines the decision-making process of one programme that was determined to keep classes open. The impact of SARS on hospital procedures is also described. Childbirth educators are encouraged to prepare for future public health emergencies. Strategies to prepare for conducting childbirth education classes during times of crisis are outlined.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the effectiveness of using a broad conceptualization of childbirth education that includes parenting preparation in pregnancy. The goal is to assist in breaking cycles of dysfunction in families. At the core of this expanded model of childbirth education is the concept of prevention. The intervention described in Part I in the Journal of Perinatal Education 7(4), 26-33 provided parents with information and coping mechanisms by drawing parallels to traditionally learned coping skills for childbirth with techniques needed to cope in post-partum. This approach also encouraged prenatal parents to learn techniques for promoting attachment to their children before birth. The curriculum was tested by randomizing 48 couples to the expanded or traditional model of childbirth education. A pre- and post-Prenatal Parenting Scale was administered to both groups. Only the experimental group demonstrated improvement at the post-class administration.  相似文献   

职业女性作为社会群体中的重要组成部分,参与着社会政治、经济和文化发展进程。本文在终身学习背景下,反思职业女性接受继续教育的现状,分析阻碍职业女性接受继续教育的原因。在此基础上,结合当前职业女性的现实状况,提出了其接受继续教育的对策建议。  相似文献   

In this column, the editor of The Journal of Perinatal Education discusses the current health-care crisis and the need for health-care reform to promote, support, and protect natural, safe, and healthy childbirth. The editor also describes the contents of this issue, which offer a broad range of resources, research, and inspiration for childbirth educators in their efforts to promote normal birth.  相似文献   

“女人撑起半边天,男女平等”与女子教育水平普遍偏低,女子失学率高、妇女歧视,这一矛盾观念形成与发展有其历史性和过程性的归因,当下研究的着力点归结为女子教育同题,从史学的角度对各个时期女子教育的发展历程进行一番分析与梳理,在归纳与借鉴的意义上,追寻能够发展妇女成人教育的生长点。  相似文献   

孙中山极为关注中自近代社会问题,将妇女解放与民主革命事业结合起来,提倡男女平等,重视发展妇女教育,形成了比较完整的妇女教育教育思想。本对孙中山妇女教育思想的成因、内涵及现实性等进行了梳理与阐述。  相似文献   

以康有为、梁启超为代表的维新改良派,为实现救亡图存、兴国富民的政治目的,倡导和重视女子教育。在改良教育思想的影响下,一些先进妇女开始觉醒,女子学堂陆续创办,女子留学渐成风气。  相似文献   

中国女性高等教育发展的历史、现状与问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教育水平或受教育程度是衡量女性发展和社会参与力的基础,也是表明女性社会和经济地位的重要标志。因此,无论是在发达国家还是发展中国家,女性高等教育问题正受到人们越来越大的关注。联合国教科文组织在1998年召开的世界高等教育大会上强调,在人类面临的赋权、合作、平等、可持续发展和安全(empowerment,co-operation,equity,sustainability and security)等五大主题中,通过教育——包括高等教育——创造一个性别包容的文化(gender-inclusive culture)是促进人类可持续发展和世界和平的重要因素。[1]这是我们面临的严峻挑战。因为不管是在…  相似文献   

In this column, the author discusses ways in which childbirth educators can introduce and employ Lamaze International's vision and mission statements in their classes.  相似文献   

清朝末年,中国门户被打开,女子教育的问题也在一种新的社会环境下被提出来。早期资产阶级改良派代表之一的郑观应对女子教育有着自己的一番见解,他反对溺女、反对裹足,要求男女有平等的教育机会,主张让女子接受学校教育等等,为中国的女子教育作出了贡献;但他没有完全摆脱封建旧观念,认为女子接受教育的最终目的是做个贤妻良母,相夫教子。  相似文献   

芬兰近年来在建立平等化社会方面取得了巨大的进展,尤其以女性拥有较高社会地位而闻名于世.高等教育对芬兰今日的成就起着重要的作用,越来越多的芬兰女性接受了高等教育.今天,芬兰女性能够平等地参与政治、经济活动,提高在社会生活中的地位,主要得益于其受教育程度的提高.  相似文献   

戊戌"兴女学":中国近代争取教育性别公平的先声   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戊戌"兴女学"运动是中国近代争取教育性别公平的开端,因为:(一)它首次系统驳斥了传统性别歧视教育的两大依据--男智女愚天生论和"女子无才便是德",为中国争取教育性别公平打破了精神桎梏和奠定了理论基础;(二)它提出并部分实践了教育起点、教育过程和教育结果方面的性别公平.  相似文献   

When an HIV-positive woman becomes pregnant, additional nutritional considerations are warranted. Compared to routine prenatal nutritional assessment and intervention, pregnant HIV-positive women have increased needs to promote a healthy outcome. This column contains information on HIV and pregnancy, nutrition and infection, and nutrition for HIV-positive pregnancy. This content can be integrated into childbirth education settings to improve care to women who are HIV-positive.  相似文献   

In this column, Optimal Care in Childbirth: The Case for a Physiologic Approach by Henci Goer and Amy Romano is reviewed. The book presents compelling evidence for the value and importance of a physiological approach to childbirth and provides a clear, exhaustive guide for making sense of the research in the context of the current maternity care system. The book is an invaluable resource for navigating the maze of contemporary obstetrics for both health-care professionals and childbearing families.  相似文献   

成人教育与西部妇女人力资源开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西部开发,以人为本。西部妇女人力资源开发滞后,制约着妇女人力资源质量和社会经济的发展。西部开发:一要重视成人教育,理论和实践证明西部妇女人力资源开发的关键和主要途径在成人教育;二是成人教育要在西部妇女人力资源开发实践中发展创新,为西部大开发提供高素质的妇女人力资源做出新的贡献。  相似文献   

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