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In the critical tradition, environmental education discourse interrogates how knowledge constructs experience. But environmental education also emphasises perceiving, understanding and responding to “more-than-human” beings and processes. These two motivations are in tension. One problem is that the epistemological orientation driving the critique of knowledge seems to render access to something more-than-human a priori impossible. But environmental education squanders its promise and its dream if only ever permitted to talk about the natural world with scarequotes. Our field urgently needs to develop a realism robust against epistemologies that construct impassable barriers between humans and the rest of creation. I propose that this starts with radically reconceiving the nature and relationship between similarity and difference, interpreted in this article as the dynamic between theme and variations. Reworking Windelband’s distinction between idiographic and nomothetic research, I suggest that the relationship between theme and variation manifests a fundamental ontological pattern that pervades all things. “Theme and variation” proposes a unifying metaphysical duality in which the more-than-human reveals itself in how things suggest, conform to, modulate, and violate generalisation. Acknowledging and investigating this is part of restoring to other beings and processes their metaphysical, aesthetic, and ethical status, from the skies to the psyche.  相似文献   

人们从市场经济角度反思和拷问计划式按劳分配形态的历史缺陷,就会发现它在分配机制和分配观念上夸大了按劳分配消灭剥削的政治功能和实现收入分配公平的社会作用,导致收入分配及其差距趋向一元化和平均主义化,在分配政策和尺度上对体力劳动的偏好和对劳动的市场效率的忽视,导致了社会劳动趋向体力简单化和市场低效化,必须予以克服并彻底实现向市场式按分配形态的过渡和转变。  相似文献   

Addressing midcareer transition in post-socialist Macedonia, this work sought to provide practical help to participants through a range of techniques. Four themes are identified as important options for transitioners. Enthusiasm for ??entrepreneurship?? is tempered by a lack of funds and ??portfolio careers?? are also viewed with caution. ??Employment in a small firm?? provides participants with cause for optimism, although the link between lifelong learning and ??employability?? is not clear to them. Career support for Macedonians experiencing midcareer transition is valued.  相似文献   

论幼儿园课程中的主题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
一、主题的含义及功能在语言文学的视野中,主题是指文学、艺术作品中包含的基本思想、中心思想。在我们日常生活中,主题是指我们讨论的话题、讨论的中心思想。在幼儿园课程这个研究领域,使用“主题”一词,意指课程的某一单元、某个时段所要讨论的中心话题,通过对这些中心话题的讨论,对中心话题中蕴涵的问题、现象、事件等的探究,使幼儿获得新的、整体的、联系的经验。因此,幼儿园课程中的主题,往往不只是中心议题本身,它还包括中心议题蕴涵的或与中心议题相关的问题、现象及事件等等。正是从这个意义上说,根据主题的名称无法准确…  相似文献   

雪莱是19世纪英国浪漫主义抒情诗人.他一生追求自由、平等、博爱,也写下了许多反映这些思想的感情炽烈、想象丰富、意境高远的不朽诗作.在他的爱情诗中,雪莱表露出他对纯洁爱情的向往和追求以及对低俗爱情观的鄙视和批判;在政治诗中,充满激情的雪莱揭露和批判了当时社会的不公和残酷,表达了他对无情社会现实的憎恨及对劳苦人民群众的同情;雪莱在他的自然抒情诗中试图用象征着自由、幸福和力量的自然物来激励和鼓舞人们.本文通过对雪莱的几首典型的不同类型抒情诗的初浅剖析来揭示其主题及哲学意蕴.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to provide an introduction to the work of OECD in the field of education through its recent projects and reports. It makes no pretence to be exhaustive. It relies heavily on published results of international reviews and comparisons where relatively clear messages have been identified, rather than single country analyses, or clarification pieces, or project plans. The article also offers an introduction to OECD, both generally and to the work on Early Childhood and Care; Schooling — Investments, Organisation, and Learners; Transitions beyond Initial Education; Higher Education; Lifelong Learning and Adults; Outcomes, Benefits and Returns to Education; Equity and Equality of Opportunity; and Innovation and Knowledge Management. A brief assessment of broader changes concludes the article.  相似文献   

The influence of the child's knowledge base, in terms of event schemas, on symbolic play behavior was investigated. The pretend play behavior of 10 mother-child (2-0 to 2-4) dyads was observed in 2 play contexts. Play was examined for thematic content and the following structural components: self-other relations, substitute/imaginary objects, action integration, and planfulness. The highest levels of symbolic play behavior emerged in pretense episodes whose thematic content was event based. Additionally, thematic content affected the respective roles of mother and child in the construction of pretense. In pretense activity based on themes with which the child was familiar (e.g., routine events), the child, as well as the mother, participated in advanced levels of symbolic play activity, coconstructing pretense. In pretense based on themes unfamiliar to the child, the mother was almost exclusively responsible for the pretense. Thus, the development of child symbolic play appears to be related to the knowledge base in that its emergence is domain-specific--limited to themes for which the child has knowledge--before being more widely manifested.  相似文献   

We present an update of our 1984 chapter on organizational interventions in educational settings. Our view of the organizational change process is described, followed by a discussion of the gap between current theory and practice. We describe several examples of promising organizational change initiatives, followed by our observations of future directions for the field. We suggest that there will continue to be dramatic changes in our nation's educational institutions and that the primary question is whether planned change efforts will allow us to have some control over these changes and how they transpire.  相似文献   

私立高等教育:比较视角下的主题与变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文关注全球范围内与私立高等教育有关的重要参数,具体探讨了私立高等教育的特性,如私立高等教育的财政支持、所有权与营利、与学术传统的关系、办学自主权、多国化等;它在发懈中逐步涌现出来的问题,以及它所面临的挑战。笔者认为,私立高等教育对事业变得越来越重要,有必要理解它,并确保它不仅为市场而且为社会服务。  相似文献   

1949至1952年是我国国民经济的恢复阶段,也是多种经济成分并存,计划调节与市场调节相结合的新民主主义经济体制的运行阶段。就在这个过程中,因各种历史因素的推动,计划调节的机构逐步健全,计划调节的范围日益扩大,为高度集中的计划经济体制的形成打下了基础。  相似文献   

《皮格马利翁》是世界著名戏剧大师萧伯纳的名作,萧在1925年获得了诺贝尔文学奖。该文主要分析该戏剧的主题,包括爱情的重要性、现代的灰姑娘故事、寓言故事、语音在社会中的重要性和中产阶级虚伪的道德准则等。  相似文献   

中国动漫产业发展呈现"繁而不荣"的态势,其不景气的原因主要有:动漫界对于动漫受众群体的适应年龄段存在误区,动画资源的严重不足以及对传统题材的有效开掘不够。可以借鉴西方动漫制作对传统题材再创作的方法——"类比法"和"置换法",以期对中国动漫的创作有借鉴作用,使中国的传统优秀题材再次得到发挥与运用。  相似文献   

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