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In this letter to the editor, the author responds to a birth story published in a previous issue of The Journal of Perinatal Education and discusses the relationship between practicing prenatal yoga and childbirth education.  相似文献   

课堂教学改革研究30年:回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
30年来,我国课堂教学改革主要经历了以抓“双基”发展智力为目标的知识课堂教学研究,教育整体改革中的课堂教学改革实验研究,关注生命价值和学习方式的课堂教学改革研究三个阶段。研究取向上从塑造“知识人”转向培养“现实生活人”,研究对象从“认知领域”扩展到“生活和生命全域”,研究方式从“实体思维”转向“关系思维”。课堂教学研究与改革实践之间的良性互动为改善课堂教学注入了强大动力,同时课堂教学改革实践呼唤教学研究范式的转型,聚焦制约中国课堂教学改革的特殊场域,研究复杂的具体问题,实现课堂教学改革,需从教学认识方式的变革、课堂教学模式的转变以及教师教学习性改造等入手。  相似文献   

纵观我国职业大学30年的办学史,职业大学是中国高等职业教育第一面旗帜,开创了地方高等教育和中国高等职业教育的先河;职业大学是中国高等职业教育改革与发展的先锋,最早开展了高等教育市场化就业机制、高职教育"订单式"培养模式、高职院校基础课程改革、内部管理体制改革和地方职业教育资源优化配置的探索;职业大学作为新时期构建中国特色高等职业教育体系的中坚,仍然具有不可或缺的地位和义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

安超 《教育学术月刊》2010,(6):38-40,103
激将法是人们熟悉的计谋形式,很多教师也常常以此方法激励学生发挥自己的潜能,但如何纯熟地利用激将法来达到预期教育效果,是需要认真思考的问题。文章通过一位小学教师在教学中运用激将法从失败到成功的叙事,来探讨这位教师关于激将法的实践性知识——激将法的三种境界(用于"敌"、用于"友"、用于"己")以及深层信念("爱将"才能"激将")——是如何生成的。  相似文献   

教育公正是广受学界关注的一个教育问题。30年来,我国教育公正的研究经历了缓慢起步、迅速发展和深化稳定三个阶段,在教育公正的理论、教育公正的现实和教育公正的比较等方面取得了不少有价值的研究成果。未来我国教育公正的研究,在目标上需要摆脱对西方理论路径的依赖,创生和发展本土教育公正理论;在内容上需要关注教育的内部公正问题,注重人的发展公正的研究;在方法上要加强实证研究,使教育公正的研究范式走向多元化,以提高研究的实效。  相似文献   

近30年来中国大学的转型与发展困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近30年来,随着社会经济的转型,中国高等教育实现了整体性的变革,大学也实现了社会转型,同时也陷入了办学的困境。大学要在中国社会发展进程中发挥更大的作用,就必须立足了解、解决中国的问题,承担起更多的社会责任。  相似文献   

孙犁在20世纪40年代解放区的文学创作总体上呈现出一种明丽、向上的诗意风貌,表达出他对一个大时代的激情参与和诗意传达,凸显出一个应和时代脉动的战士作家形象。但他作为体制内主流作家的独特之处,在一定程度上或许源于他那宏大的时代想象并没有全然遮蔽言说主体的个人性。短篇小说《琴和箫》的感伤气质和作者对它的两度改写,是彰显孙犁作为个体与时代之间存有裂隙的症候。  相似文献   

This paper intends to describe the recent experience of a small, rural, two-year technical college. After four decades of success, the college had found itself in a difficult situation with a substantial loss in enrollment and diminished state and local support, coupled with low campus employee morale. In response, the college team closed ranks and rallied in what has become quite a proactive and successful effort to reinvent itself. After nearly six years of working to correct a number of issues that had led to decline, the college gained a general sense of stabilization, made advances in existing and new academic programs and technical innovation, dramatically increased diversity, and enhanced student life opportunities with the addition of an array of successful athletic programs. The college has seen significant increases in enrollment, state and national recognition for technical initiatives, and a collectively positive sense of the future.  相似文献   

Another One Flew Over: 'Maladjusted' Jack's Perception of his Label   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Janice Wearmouth, lecturer in the School of Education at the Open University, interviewed a group of adult male prisoners in 1995 about their school experiences, as part of a wider study concerned with spoiled identity. One of them, Jack, had been classified as 'maladjusted' during the 1970s, and the interview with him provides powerful evidence of important definitional differences between his own perceptions of his abilities and the impressions of those who labelled him.  相似文献   

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) draws from student feedback to gauge the level of academic challenge at particular institutions (Kuh 2009). Inspired by attempts to understand the implications of NSSE data on other campuses (Payne et al. 2005), a cross-disciplinary research group at our institution developed a multidimensional model of academic rigor. We argue that learning is most rigorous when students are actively learning meaningful content with higher-order thinking at the appropriate level of expectation within a given context. The model allows instructors and institutional decision-makers to aim towards increased levels of academic rigor in classrooms, departments, and across campus.  相似文献   

我国薄弱学校的改革发展,大致呈现出国家教育行政部门主导发挥政策导向作用,各级地方政府负责推行学校标准化建设,学校内部激发提高课堂教学质量三个特点。研究内容涉及基于省域探索的模式类型、基于市域探索的典型做法以及基于学区管理的方式变革等实践探索,理论研究涉及薄弱学校的内涵研究、成因研究和发展研究。薄弱学校的未来发展,应当发挥政府力量,强化政策引领作用;理清理论困惑,明晰发展目标;提升师资素质,促进教师专业发展;借鉴特色经验,推进课堂教学改革。  相似文献   

The article adopts a comparative approach to review three periods of theory development in research into higher education policy implementation. Given the conceptual affinity between Cerych and Sabatier's 1986 seminal study into higher education policy implementation and public policy implementation theory, the field of public policy is chosen for reference and comparison. The article argues, first, that the underlying characteristics of higher education research such as sector‐isolatedness, application drift and sensitivity to political agendas hindered the development of sector‐specific theories of policy implementation. Second, this gap in theory formation started to be narrowed from the late 1990s onwards, due to critical reappraisal of the 1986 study and due to limited utilisation of mid‐range theory concepts conceived within or related to the public policy field. It is through the utilisation of such public policy theory that higher education implementation research may reach a more mature stage.  相似文献   

学科、专业和学位点建设是高校内涵式发展建设的核心内容和改革突破口,三者一体化建设是符合高等教育发展规律的改革方向。在学科–专业–学位点一体化建设的动因与困境分析的基础上,探讨了知识和人才产出导向的一体化建设路径,构建了从分割到协同的“三协同两优化”建设路径:以特色学科群为基础协同一体化建设的顶层设计;依托重大项目攻关协同建设机制;以宽口径贯通式人才培养打通建设壁垒;以知识–人才产出驱动基层学术组织优化;以产出导向优化激励机制,多措并举实现学科–专业–学位点一体化建设,推动高校内涵式发展。  相似文献   

近20年来都市艺术存在着相互关联的三种景观,但它满足的多是人的虚假需要,其目的不在培养“有欣赏能力的大众”,而在大众“能够接受”.都市文化和艺术的价值特征使都市审美文化在不断冲突中丰富多彩,同对也越来越远离超越性和“终极关怀”,因此,必须建构正常的都市文化艺术活动价值体系,使之形成一种历史理性、人文关怀与审美关怀三者之间的张力结构,以有利于中国的现代性和个体建构。  相似文献   

近三十年文学理论发展过程中,政治以不同的存在形式始终在场。政治以“参照物”的身份参与了新时期文学理论人性论、主体论的第一次转型,以“蕴藏物”的身份存在于“语言论”转向过程中,以“价值物”的身份彰显于“文化论”转向中。从政治维度考察三十年文学理论的转型,可以清晰地发现政治或从外部,或从内部纠缠、影响着文学理论的形态变迁。  相似文献   

One and One is Sometimes Three in Small Group Mathematics Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, Mathematics teaching has been confronted by demands for higher standards and better pupil achievement in several parts of the world. Researchers have suggested the shift from teacher‐centred instruction towards more active participatory learning methods as one way to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process. The tension between whole‐class teaching versus small group learning in Mathematics has been particularly apparent in many education systems. This article analyses the development of Mathematics teaching by asking whether small group learning is an effective arrangement in teaching school Mathematics. We conclude that although there is no unanimity about the affects of small group learning on student achievement in school Mathematics, it seems that it produces at least equal academic outcomes among all students compared to more traditional methods of instruction. Working in pairs is a particularly effective form of learning Mathematics and that small groups are beneficial for developing mathematical problem‐solving skills. We also conclude that the present educational policies and increased quality assurance structures in many countries conflict, or are not consistent with scientific‐professional thinking and research on the teaching of Mathematics.  相似文献   

Nowadays many schools in higher education implement problem-based learning to foster active learning processes by students. In some schools with a number of years of experience with this approach, phenomena can be observed which indicate signs of wear. The implementation of a large-scale innovation such as problem-based learning (PBL) seems to provoke different activities and attitudes in those actors who are most involved. Students and staff members seem to behave in a way which could be counterproductive to the development of self-directed learning. In the first part of this paper, we briefly describe the cognitive psychological background of PBL. In the second part various adjustments observed in problem-based curricula and their effects on students’ learning are analyzed. Arguments are presented about adverse effects on the implementation of this educational innovation. Special attention is given to teachers’ concerns. In the third part suggestions are made about ways to revitalize PBL processes as well as suggestions about effecting educational innovations on a more solid basis  相似文献   

本文介绍一种演示视觉暂留现象和颜色合成的实验装置——三环顶球,简述该装置的制作过程和操作方法。  相似文献   

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