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This updated edition of Care Practice Paper #1 presents the evidence for the benefits of allowing labor to begin on its own. The physiology of normal labor is contrasted with medical induction methods, and the potential harms of elective induction are reviewed. Women are encouraged to avoid induction of labor unless there is a medical reason.  相似文献   

In this position paper-one of six care practice papers published by Lamaze International and reprinted here with permission-the benefit of continuous labor support is discussed and presented as an evidence-based practice that helps promote, protect, and support normal birth. The paper is written for childbearing women and their families. Women with continuous support are less likely to have a cesarean, an instrument delivery, and regional anesthesia. They are also less likely to report dissatisfaction with or negatively rate their childbirth experience. The value of the doula for both the laboring woman and her labor partner is discussed. The accompanying commentary-written by a leading proponent of maternity care practices-supports evidence that promotes continuous labor support. Lamaze International encourages women to plan for a supportive birth environment that includes continuous support.  相似文献   

This updated edition of Care Practice Paper #3 presents the evidence for the benefits of continuous support in labor. The role of the doula is explained. Women are encouraged to plan for continuous support during labor and to consider including a woman experienced with childbirth among their labor support team.  相似文献   

This updated edition of Care Practice Paper #2 presents the evidence for the benefits of allowing freedom of movement in labor. Physiologic and anatomical principles that support the benefits of movement are explained. The authors review common obstacles to movement in labor, including the routine use of interventions that inhibit women's ability to walk or change position. Women are encouraged to plan to be active in labor and to select care providers and birth settings that provide the full range of options for using movement in labor.  相似文献   

阅读是一种从印的或写的语言符号中获得意义的心理历程。阅读教学应该致力于培养学生从语言符号中获得意义的能力 ,这是阅读教学的一个重要目标。本文提出阅读教学应该以文为本的主张 ,并从文本的语音、语词、语法结构等语言层面来谈它的审美优势。  相似文献   

探讨学习的两种性质:天性学习和规定性学习为研究起点,分析两种学习认识的异同和产生的作用,试图从二者的集合相生作用中找出对教育异化现象的解释和解决思路。  相似文献   

As cesarean rates have climbed to almost one-third of all births in the United States, current research and professional organizations have identified letting labor begin on its own as one of the most important strategies for reducing the primary cesarean rate. At least equally important, letting labor begin on its own supports normal physiology, prevents iatrogenic prematurity, and prevents the cascade of interventions caused by labor induction. This article is an updated evidence-based review of the “Lamaze International Care Practices That Promote Normal Birth, Care Practice #1: Let Labor Begin on Its Own,” published in The Journal of Perinatal Education, 16(3), 2007.  相似文献   

企业搞培训,必须与自身实际相结合。如果一味照搬别人的经验,而不结合实际,效果可能会适得其反。胜利油田孤东采油厂自建厂以来,本着贴近生产、贴近实际、贴近基层的“三贴近”原则,积极探索适应新形势要求的培训形式和方法,逐步建立起了一套行之有效的职工培训机制。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increasing body of literature investigating the motives of counsellors and psychotherapists. Although there are considerable methodological problems with researching this area, the consensus in this literature seems to be that one determinant for becoming a counsellor may be a conscious or unconscious wish to make good the unresolved difficulties of early childhood. The unsurprising findings that counsellors have had as least as much trauma in their early lives as the general population raise questions about the impact of this for counsellors in training. This paper summarises the literature relating to the concept of the wounded healer and examines the implications of this for tolerating distress among trainee counsellors. A model is presented that aims to address this distress and teach the trainee to practice effective preventative self-care.  相似文献   

通过室内鼠罐饲养测定和现场灭鼠试验,对克鼠星1号在防治褐家鼠和小家鼠中的效果、适口性和安全性进行了研究。结果表明,克鼠星1号适口性好,褐家鼠和小家鼠的摄食系数高达0.76~1.02。克鼠星1号对褐家鼠和小家鼠的杀灭效果高,其中室内杀灭效果均为100.0%;野外试验为93.3%~97.9%。安全性测定显示,克鼠星1号亦是一种安全型灭鼠剂。鸡、猫和狗误食后15~30min即发生呕吐反应,无中毒或二次中毒现象发生。  相似文献   

In two experiments, pigeons pecked side keys in a discrete-trials setting in which shorter and longer runs of successive pecks on the left key before a switch to the right key occasionally produced, after a brief retention interval, a short-term memory probe for the most recent run length. In Experiment 1, a probe involved red and green side keys. A peck to a green (red) key was reinforced if the previous run length was shorter (longer). The dependent variable was the probability of a peck to the correct color. In Experiment 2, a probe involved an autoshaping procedure in which a response-noncontingent reinforcer was delivered after a 5-sec presentation of a green (red) center key if the previous run had been a shorter (longer) one. A reinforcer was not delivered when a red key followed a shorter pattern or a green key followed a longer pattern. The production of runs conformed to many previous molecular data on the way the local temporal patterning of behavior adapts to, that is, displays knowledge of, a reinforcement contingency. The probe results showed that a pigeon can report which of two run lengths it recently has emitted. Thus, a pigeon can, in a sense, describe its own adaptive behavior. Since the adaptive behavioral patterning on the center key may be said to represent knowledge, and since the probe behavior is a self-characterization or self-report by the organism about this knowledge, the probe behavior may be said to represent knowledge about knowledge, or metaknowledge. The data extend previous work on metaknowledge in the pigeon to a third type of adaptive temporal pattern of behavior, that is, run length (instead of response duration and interresponse time), and provide a second type of probe procedure, that is, autoshaping, by means of which a nonverbal organism can be asked what it knows about what it is doing to adapt to an environmental contingency.  相似文献   

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