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一、词汇过关1.disability【用法】用作名词,意为“无力,无能,残疾”。例如:She is deaf,but refuses to let herdisability prevent her from doing what shewants to do.她失聪,但她不让自己的残疾防碍自己去做想做的事。注意:dis-和in-都是表示否定意义的前缀,但用在ability前,表示不同的意思,disability意为“残疾”,而inability意为“无能力,没办法”,试比较下列例句,注意这两个词的不同意思。I was surprised at her inability to dothings prom ptly.她处事不果断,我感到惊异。H is inability to pay his debts m adehis parents w…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.ability n.1)能力;本领He shows considerable ability in(for)organization.他很有组织能力。I do not doubt your ability to do the work.我不怀疑你有干好这项工作的能力。  相似文献   

1.单词拼写C.Potential D.ha耐ess根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出4.It 15 suggested that medieine should not be句中所缺单词的完全形式。kept where it 15_t。children. 1 .Blindness 15 a very seriousd_.A.aeeePtable B.aceessible 2 .All 92 eountries are eustomer  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。 根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出 句中所缺单词。 1.W hen she was born,she didn’t have the a to use her hands. 2.Can you tell m e how m any businessm en attended the f ? 3.W e want each student to realize his full (潜能). 4.Y esterday a test satellite was l in Q inghai,China. 5.W e’d better (合作)with each other w hile com pleting the task. 6.I don’t want others’ (同情),but others’recognition. 7.Check and (调整)the brakes regularly. 8.Self-c is very im portant for us,I thi…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关。1.inspire【用法】用作及物动词,意为“鼓舞;激励;激发,启示”。例如:H e tried to inspire them to m akegreater efforts.他力图鼓励他们作出更大的努力。I was inspired to work harder by herexam ple.她的榜样力量激励我更加努力地工作。The m em ory of his m other inspired hisbest m usic.对母亲的怀念使他产生了灵感,谱写出了自己最优秀的音乐作品。【拓展】inspired a.有灵感的,有创造能力的;inspiring a.激励人心的,启发灵感的,吸引人的inspiration n.激励,鼓舞,启示,灵感。2.m ean【用法】用作形容词,意为“卑…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.inspirevt.1)make someone want to do sth.,etc.促使;鼓励His speech inspired us to try again.他的演讲促使我们再作尝试。  相似文献   

1.课本原句:People like Xiaowen and many other disabled people in our country have taught us the importance of giving everybody a chance to receive education.(P.51)考点:主谓一致"三要素"。透视:1)当主语是由介词like,with,together with,in,out of,except,besides,as well as,rather than,along with,including等连接的两个名词时,谓语动词的形式与前面  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.upsetvt.1)tip over,turn over,knock over颠覆;倾覆;打翻She upset her tea cup over the table.她把茶杯打翻在桌子上。The cat has upset the bowl.猫把碗打翻了。2)make someone feel sick使(肠胃)不适;使人感到恶心The rich food upset my stomach.油腻的食物使我的胃不舒服。3)make someone feel sad or restless使难过;使心烦意乱Losing the necklace borrowed from herfriend upset her completely.她把从朋友那儿借来的项链弄丢了,这使她心烦意乱。He was upset by his son’s accident.他因为儿子的意外事故而十…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.itch【用法】用作名词,意为“渴望,发痒”,常与get或have连用,构成get/have an itchfor sth./to do sth.结构,意为“渴望(做)某事”。例如:The boys had an itch for the lessonsto end so as to play hide-and-seek.男孩子们急着想早点下课去玩捉迷藏。Com e on,I know you have an itch totell m e.快点,我知道你迫不及待地想告诉我。itch也可用作动词,意为“渴望,急于”。例如:H e itched to tell his friends the new s.他急于要把这消息告诉他的朋友们。2.urge【用法】名词,意为“冲动,强烈的愿望”,常跟have,feel等动…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.gold【用法】用作名词,常可作定语,意为“金的;金制的”。例如:Carl Lewis won four gold m edals.卡尔·刘易斯夺得4块金牌。Yangyang carried off the first winterOlym pic gold m edal for China.阳阳为中国夺取了第一枚冬季奥运会的金牌。用作不可数名词,表示“黄金;金子”。例如:The watch chain is m ade of gold.这表链是金的。【辨析】gold表示“金的;金制的”,表示是真金的质地;golden为“金的;金色的”,指金黄色的外表。golden还常用于引申意义,含有贵重、重要、幸运等意思。试比较:试比较:H e has a gold watc…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.curiosity n.好奇;求知欲(wanting to know about things)常构成搭配curiosity about sth.或cu- riosity to do sth.。  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.reject【用法】用作动词,意为“refuse toaccept,believe,or m ake use of拒绝;拒绝接受”。例如:H e rejected their invitation.他拒绝了他们的邀请。W e rejected his idea for a m usic club,and decided to have an art club instead.我们没有采纳他关于成立音乐俱乐部的想法,而是决定成立艺术俱乐部。注意:只能说reject som ebody,rejectsom ething,不能说reject som ebodysom ething。【辨析】reject强调拒不接受,尤其是对没有价值或所厌恶的意见或请求;refuse是一个通用词,指坚决甚至无礼貌地拒绝做某事,包括拒绝请…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.effect【用法】effect可用作可数名词和不可数名词,意思是“效果;作用;影响”等。例如:The m edicine has no effect.这药无效。O ur efforts are beginning to take aneffect.我们的努力开始见效了。【搭配】have good/bad effects on对……产生好的(不好的)影响;have/take(an)effect on(upon)生效,开始发生作用;of noeffect没有作用;w ithout effect没有作用2.encourage【用法】encourage用作及物动词,意为“鼓励;鼓舞;促进;助长”等,常用于以下句型:1)encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事。例如:M y parents often encourage m e to studyhard.我的父母经常鼓励我努力学习。2)encourage sb in sth在……方面助长(鼓励)。例如:D on’t encourage him in laziness.别助长他的懒惰行为。W e m ust encourage her...  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.rem ind【用法】用作动词,意为“to cause torem em ber;put in m ind使想起;使记起;提醒”。例如:Please rem ind m e to leave her this note请提醒我留给她这张纸条。Please rem ind m e that I m ust call her upbefore nine.请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。【搭配】rem ind sb of/about sb/sth使某人想起某人/某事;rem ind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事;rem ind sb that clause提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事。例如:R em ind m e to write to M other.提醒我给妈妈写信。This rem inds m e of her.这使我想起她。The film rem inded him of what he hadseen in China.这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到的一切。2.em ergency【用法】用作名词,意为“a serious situationor occurrence that...  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.couple【用法】用作名词,意为“(一)对;(一)双(two item s of the sam e kind;a pair)”,如:a couple of socks一双袜子couple还可表示“夫妻”,例如:M y brother and his wife are a happycouple.我弟弟和他的妻子是一对幸福的夫妻。在非正式用法中,couple还可表示“几个;三两个(a few;several)”。例如:I have a couple of things to do.我有几件事情要办。I w aited a couple of hours.我等了几个小时。2.intend【用法】用作及物动词,意为“想要,打算”,常构成句型:(1)intend to do sth.;(2)intend sb.to do sth.;(3)int…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.reject vt.1)丢弃(throw away;cast aside as use- less) He looked through the rejected suits.他在那些人家不肯要的衣服中寻找。All apples with soft spots were rejected.所有带烂斑点的苹果都被剔除。2)拒绝;拒不接受(say"no"to;not take something)  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.intend vt.1)plan to do something想要;打算;计划They intended no harm.他们没有恶意。When do you intend to go to London?你打算什么时候去伦敦? He intends his son t0 manage the compa- ny.他打算让他儿子经营该公司。I intend studying abroad.我打算出国留学。  相似文献   

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