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老班请我“喝咖啡”的原因简直是荒唐至极——他居然一口咬定我是在早恋!我真的很不明白,难道女孩子到了十三四岁,见了男孩非得跟乌眼鸡似的?要不就是老死不相往来,视而不见?我只不过是和一位男孩多了一点点接触,就被冠以“早恋”的罪名。哎,本小姐的头小,实在戴不起这顶时髦的  相似文献   

Máma,Cáшa и Aлěшa пpишлй B дéTCKий caд. Aлěшe CTpáшHO,OH TяHeT Mámy зa pykáB:  相似文献   

从小,父母对我要求很严,在学习上尤其如此。所以我一直小心翼翼地对待学习,生怕满足不了父母的要求。父母年轻的时候都没有上过大学,我很小就能理解他们对我的殷殷期望,这也造成我从迈进校门那天起,就始终背负着沉重的心理压力。记得每次考完试,我都是竖着耳朵十分紧张地听老师念分数,因为下了96分就会被父母好好地训一顿了。那时,爸爸妈妈最喜欢搬出他们对这个家的贡献和为我所做的一切来说明他们有多么不容易,我学不好就是对不起他们,丢他们的脸。年幼的我听了总是又惭愧又难过,同时也暗暗奇怪我的学习和爸爸妈妈的脸面究竟有什么关系。  相似文献   

我们知道,|a|-|b|≤|a±b|≤|a|+|b|对任意实数a、b恒成立,注意到这个不等式取等号和不取等号的条件,可以巧妙求解绝对值问题。  相似文献   

根据向量数量积的定义:a·b=|a||b|cosθ ,易得向量不等式|a·b|≤|a||b|(当且仅当a,b同向,共线即b=λa(λ〉0)时取等号)。此不等式结构简单,形式优美,内涵丰富,利用它可巧妙地解决一类求函数最值和不等式证明问题。下面举例说明它的一些应用。  相似文献   

This study explores how students' learning styles influence their learning while solving complex problems when a case‐based e‐learning environment is implemented in a conventional lecture‐oriented classroom. Seventy students from an anaesthesiology class at a dental school participated in this study over a 3‐week period. Five learning‐outcome tests and two course‐satisfaction surveys were implemented during the case‐based instruction using a blended approach (online and face‐to‐face). The results of one‐way ANOVAs with repeated measures revealed that the four learning styles (active–reflective, sensing–intuitive, visual–verbal, sequential–global) did not influence students' learning experience and learning outcomes during the implementation of case‐based e‐learning. However, the pattern of the students' performance graph and further analysis with a liberal approach implied that the active–reflective learning style may influence learning outcomes slightly at an earlier time during the case‐based learning implementation; however, as time passed, this learning style no longer influenced their learning at all. Thus, learning styles may not be considered important or may be considered only during the early stages of instructional implementation in order to facilitate the students' transition to the new case‐based learning environment. It is more efficient to encourage students to adapt to different learning environments than to design adaptive systems in order to embrace diverse learning styles.  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - Designers in out-of-school spaces often negotiate the meaning of mathematics as part of the design process, determining what to include in classes and exhibits...  相似文献   

一、在物理知识与几何知识相结合问题中的应用 有些物理问题的求解与数学中的线段知识密切联系,若线段关系符合a/b=c/d模式,则利用上述关系式可快速解答.  相似文献   

This paper uses the introduction of tuition fees in seven of the sixteen German states in 2007 as a natural experiment to identify the effects of tuition prices on enrollment probabilities. Based on information on enrollment decisions of the entire population of high-school graduates between 2002 and 2008, I find a negative effect of tuition fees on enrollment behavior. The effect is larger than in existing studies for European countries, but of a similar magnitude as effects identified with U.S. data. A potential spill-over effect of the policy intervention to the comparison group is accounted for by using the estimation results to calibrate a structural model of the enrollment decision.  相似文献   

Spurred by recent writings regarding statistical pragmatism, we propose a simple, practical approach to introducing students to a new style of statistical thinking that models nature through the lens of data‐generating processes, not populations.  相似文献   

Infants require locomotor experience to behave adaptively at a drop‐off. However, different experimental paradigms (visual cliff and actual gaps and slopes) have generated conflicting findings regarding what infants learn and the specificity of their learning. An actual, adjustable drop‐off apparatus was used to investigate whether learning to distinguish a step from a cliff transfers from crawling to walking. Experienced 12‐month‐old crawlers (n = 16) refused to crawl over risky drop‐offs but novice 12‐month‐old walkers (n = 17) stepped repeatedly over the edge. Experienced 18‐month‐old walkers (n = 18) refused to walk over risky drop‐offs but descended using alternative methods. These findings suggest that infants do not acquire generalized responses like fear or wariness of heights. Rather, infants learn to perceive affordances for the experienced action.  相似文献   

The young adult novels of multi award-winning New Zealand writer, Jack Lasenby, are strongly influenced by his careers as a primary school teacher and deer-culler, and love of story. In his first novel, The Lake, Lasenby depicts Ruth, the protagonist, as a learner who seeks knowledge in much the same way that he, the author-teacher, crafts his work. Incorporating features of John Dewey’s Progressive Education system into the novel, Lasenby emphasises the interrelatedness of diverse characters, and of society, nature, and myth, the notion of a wholeness comprising integrated parts, and the possibility of a truth gained through experiential learning and the imagination. Alienated, oppressed, and lonely, Ruth has experienced parental neglect and abuse, and escapes from the social world to a recognisable fictional wilderness based on the New Zealand landscape of Lasenby’s deer-culling days. At the same time she sees in society and the landscape images that represent herself and her dysfunctional family, and comes painfully to terms with these. Lasenby’s allusions to Maori and Biblical myth add to the multiple perspectives that Ruth (and the implied reader) must resolve in order to arrive at some truth.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the viability of the current French educational system in French Polynesia. By combining limited fieldwork with relevant local empirical data, it critically examines aspects of the French educational system and their implementation overseas. The goal is an illumination of the relationship in Tahiti between locally irrelevant secondary education and limited socioeconomic participation. A brief introduction and presentation of historical context are made, after which problematic educational dynamics are identified. Concerns include the question of language, political idiosyncrasies, the colonial legacy, drop-outs and school leavers, poor educational performance, the problem of redoublement, and cultural unsuitability.  相似文献   

Family income is an important factor associated with children's educational achievement. However, key areas of UK research (for example, on socially segregated schooling) and policy (for example, the allocation of funding to schools) rely on children's free school meal (FSM) ‘eligibility’ to proxy family income. This article examines the relationship between children's FSM ‘eligibility’ and equivalent net household income in a nationally representative survey of England (the Family Resources Survey). It finds that children ‘eligible’ for FSM are much more likely than other children to be in the lowest income households. However, only around one‐quarter to one‐half of them were in the lowest income households in 2004/5. This is principally because the receipt of means‐tested benefits (and tax credits) pushes children eligible for FSM up the household income distribution. The implications for key areas of research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Family policy was a key component of the ‘New’ Labour government's family, social and education policy, and a wide range of family focused initiatives and interventions designed to ‘support’ families and improve individual, family and social outcomes were introduced. The post‐May 2010 coalition government's family policy exhibits key elements of policy continuity. There have been strong, class‐based critiques of this approach to social policy, which have argued that policies were informed by a project to recreate the working class. A key English family policy initiative, the Parenting Early Intervention Programme (PEIP) ran from September 2006–March 2011. The national evaluation of the PEIP was a large scale combined methods study of the implementation of parenting programmes in all local authorities in England, and forms the evidential base of this article which was built upon the completion, by participating parents, of three standardised pre and post parenting course questionnaires (N = 4446). A sample of 133 participating parents was also interviewed using semi‐structured interview schedules. The evidence from the PEIP evaluation showed the heterogeneous class nature of the PEIP cohorts, which over the roll‐out of the initiative, incorporated a larger number of middle class parents. In addition, the qualitative data indicated that parents had strongly positive participant perceptions of PEIP courses, characterised by ‘mutual reach’, and did not experience the courses in classed terms.The evidence from the quantitative and qualitative data collected for the national evaluation suggests that it is difficult to conceptualise the PEIP, as an example of the Labour government's family policy, in class terms—such an approach requires, at the least, major qualification.  相似文献   

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