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This paper examines the question of how the high non-completion rates found amongst ethnic minority students in UK higher education should be interpreted. US studies examining the nexus between academic performance, ethnicity and social background have concluded that ethnicity-related performance differences are not just the by-product of social class. This study examines the nature of these linkages in the UK where the composition of the ethnicity mix and the nature of the socioeconomic environment are both markedly different from the US. The paper is based on a detailed case study of a cohort from a UK university that recruits a high proportion of its students from ethnic minority backgrounds. Prima facie evidence is found which questions the assumption that the under-performance of minorities should be treated predominantly as an ethnicity issue. It is found that after controlling for socioeconomic background, minority student non-completion rates are found to be very similar to those of their White peers. Further evidence is also uncovered which suggests that in practice there are considerable complexities in the ways in which ethnic differences impact on non-completion rates. From an educational policy perspective, it is argued that more effective results might be obtained if student support initiatives aimed at reducing the non-completion rates among minority student place a greater emphasis on issues relating to their socioeconomic background.  相似文献   

基于可持续发展理念与生态学理论,以市场、政府、用人单位、高校、大学生五个要素构建结构完整的就业生态系统,探讨高校共青团与就业生态系统各要素之间的相互关系。从政治优势、组织优势、智力优势、活动阵地优势、网络信息优势和情感优势等角度分析高校共青团从就业观念生态圈、就业行为生态圈、就业环境生态圈三个方面更好地服务青年学生就业的具体措施。  相似文献   

The Italian university system has long been characterised by high non-completion rates, though aggregate data show a slight reduction of dropouts in recent years. The most straightforward theoretical explanation for this lies in the lowering opportunity cost of studying due to the financial and economic crisis. Nonetheless, this interpretation is likely to be partly misleading. Indeed, when the crisis hit Italy, enrolment rates had been declining for years and the sample of freshmen has become increasingly selected according to family ‘social class’, family cultural background, type of high school diploma and individual ability. Since a good family background, as well as other individual characteristics, significantly increases students’ probability of succeeding, the recent decline in dropout rates could partly depend on sample selection. By applying probit selection models and decomposition techniques to a sample of Italian university students enrolled in different periods of time, I find that changes in students’ background and students’ characteristics play a major role in the recent reduction of the aggregate dropout rate.  相似文献   

学生参与大学规章制定,是学生参与高校管理的一种重要形式。基于高校学生乃是大学自治的主体之一,保障相对人参与是正当程序的基本要求,学生参与制定大学规章获得了正当的理论基础。在教育发达国家和地区,高校学生参与大学规章制定的形式主要包括提出建议与参加决策,个体参与与群体参与等。以此为鉴,我国应当强化大学自治和正当程序理念,保护学生在大学规章制定中的知情权、建议权和决策权等权利,并通过培育学生组织等保障学生更好地参与大学规章的制定。  相似文献   


A considerable proportion of students in Germany has graduated from vocational training before entering higher education. With this paper we examined how these students progress through higher education. We argue that successful graduation is the result of a sequence of decisions and decompose the trajectories through higher education to distinguish non-completion, transfer and dropout. We used the German Educational Panel Study (NEPS-SC6), a retrospective life course study, and applied logistic regression models. Our results suggest that students with vocational qualifications are slightly more likely to graduate from the initially chosen program than traditional students, but this advantage diminishes after controlling individual and institutional characteristics. After non-completion of the initially chosen program, the traditional students are more likely to remain in higher education and transfer to another program, whereas students with vocational certificates rather choose to leave higher education. Taking the entire trajectory together, our bivariate analyses reveal a slightly higher risk of leaving higher education without graduation among the students with pre-tertiary vocational training. Again, this association disappears in models that control for individual and institutional characteristics.


何生根 《教育学报》2007,3(2):78-86
韦伯认为学术自由受侵犯的主要原因来自于大学内外的官僚体制。因此,对外,他主张大学自治;对内,他主张教师职业自由、价值中立,并将学者对其学术责任的承担当作完善内心“积极自由”的一种方式。他的学术自由思想引发我们对诸如大学管理机构权限与大学自治限度、大学利益之保障与教师职业自由之限制、学术官僚化与学者权利之保障、价值中立与教师教学自由的道德限度等问题以深刻思考。  相似文献   

"90后"大学生是青年毕业生队伍中的主力军,在严峻的就业形势和就业压力作用下,大学生在就业过程中会产生各种心理压力和心理问题。文章通过对"90后"大学生存在就业心理问题及其影响因素分析,从优化就业外在环境、完善大学生就业指导工作体系、加强个体认知引导和加强心理调适能力训练四个方面有效缓解"90后"大学生就业心理问题。  相似文献   

采用问卷法、访谈法、文献资料法对南昌地区五所高校2005级928名新生的心理健康进行了抽样调查,并对部分学生进行了一年多的心理教学法实验研究.结果表明:学生的心理指标发生了明显变化,采用统计软件SPSS进行数据t检验,各个因子之间都存在非常显著性差异(p<0.01).因此,要进一步深化高校体育教育改革,努力提高大学生心理健康水平.  相似文献   

The present study describes the self-reported learning strategies and study approaches of college and university students with and without dyslexia and examines the relationship of those characteristics with reading ability. Students with (n = 36) and without (n = 66) dyslexia completed tests measuring reading rate, reading comprehension, reading history, learning strategies, and learning approaches. The results indicated that students without dyslexia obtained significantly higher scores than students with dyslexia in their reported use of selecting main ideas and test taking strategies. Students with dyslexia reported significantly greater use of study aids and time management strategies in comparison to students without dyslexia. Moreover, university students with dyslexia were significantly more likely to report a deep approach to learning in comparison to university students without dyslexia. Reading ability correlated positively with selecting main ideas and test taking strategies and negatively with use of study aids. The authors interpret the learning strategy results as consequences of and compensations for the difficulties that students with dyslexia have in word reading.  相似文献   

中小学教育培训机构日益成为高职师范类学生的主要就业去向之一,每年容纳了相当一部分的毕业生。然而,学生的能力素质与当前社会对从业者的要求之间存在着一定差异。文章从学生在教育培训机构的实习入手,分析产生差异的原因,提出对现有课程作出调整,加大对学生综合能力的培养,最终实现提高学生就业率和就业满意度的目标。  相似文献   

范辉  王玮 《高教论坛》2004,(6):176-178
随着高校毕业生“自主择业,择优录用,竞争上岗”的新的就业体系的重新确立,各高校加强了对毕业生就业指导的力度,但是由于缺乏科学的方法和有效的途径,使许多大学生最终确立了不正确的择业观念。切实重视并加强高校德育教育课对大学生就业指导的辅助作用,才能帮助大学生最终确立正确的择业观念。本文笔者正是基于此,针对大学生就业过程中出现的错误观念,阐述了高校德育教育课对大学生就业指导所能起到的辅助作用。  相似文献   

本文以教育部直属院校为例,论证了地理空间对大学间竞争的显著影响:大学分布的局部空间结构会显著影响邻近大学间竞争行为,同城大学间的竞争更激烈;邻近大学在竞争过程中,会互相参考和预测对方的行为,作为制定已方政策的依据,导致邻近大学之间存在策略性互动.大学间竞争行为存在明显的地理衰减现象.  相似文献   

网络化是高校法制教育的必然趋势,它在改革传统教育模式、构建大学生新知识体系及培养他们的创新精神和实践能力等方面发挥着重要作用。在网络化的今天,高校法制教育必须实行网络化。  相似文献   

高校档案与校园文化建设的关涉   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校档案是珍贵的文化财富,利用高校档案参与校园文化建设,不仅是高校文化建设的内在要求,而且是提升校园文化品位的重要途径。高校档案在提升校园文化品位中具有激励、创新、导向等功能,并能在营造整体育人环境中发挥独特的作用。  相似文献   

西部大学生网络主体性调查及其研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着互联网技术快速发展和高校网络教学普及,大学生网络主体性问题日益凸显,成为制约高校网络教学活动开展的关键因素。因此,开展大学生网络主体性调查及其研究对于高等院校实施网络教学,提高网络教育的针对性和实效性.引导大学生自主利用网络资源,服务大学生成长、成才有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

挫折教育实施中,长期强调和重视学校教育的主导作用而忽视受教育者的主体地位,使挫折教育出现一头热的现象。通过对大学生挫折的成因和大学生个体在挫折教育中作用性的分析,提出了发挥主体在挫折教育中作用性的途径。  相似文献   

固定资产是高校生存和发展的基础。以探讨高等学校固定资产管理为主线展开研究,分析了高校固定资产管理存在的问题,并提出了全面管理、全员管理、全程管理和精细化管理的对策。  相似文献   

This paper presents a microeconomic analysis of the choice of universitydegree course that individuals make on finishing their Secondary studies(four-year university degree or three-year university degree), andcontains the theoretical framework as well as empirical results. Themodel selected for our analysis is a binomial logit model. This model,which can be seen as a special case of a general model of utilitymaximization, deals with those aspects of the economics of educationalchoice that are regarded as important in the literature of this subject:academic aptitude, the social background in which the students havegrown up, family income, employment prospects, etc. By using survey dataon educational choices of Spanish High School graduates (cross-sectionaldata), we investigate to what extent the theoretical determinants areconfirmed in practice. The results of the estimation by maximumlikelihood of the logit model, and which allow us to analyze theinfluence of the explanatory variables on the probability of choosing afour-year university degree, show how social background, family earningsand scholastic ability explain, mainly, the educational choice ofstudents. The students from higher socioeconomic status as well as thosewith the best High School curricula are more likely to follow auniversity degree of greater duration.  相似文献   

大学生手机短信教育及其治理策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
短信已经成为大学生相互联系和交流的主要方式之一。大学生的思想、学习和生活正受到短信文化的影响与冲击,高校思想政治教育工作也面临新的问题和挑战。问题的解决需要大学生个体增强自我教育能力,社会、高校和家庭要密切配合,加强管理,正确引导,倡树文明使用短信新风尚。  相似文献   

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