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以《算法设计与分析》这门课程为例,分析了目前研究生课程教学中存在的一些问题,进而提出了新型的研讨式教学方法。接着通过对研讨式教学方法的实践描述,分析了它对本门课程教学可能产生的效果。最后,总结出研讨式教学方法能从各方面提升学生的专业素养,有其可实施的价值。  相似文献   

研究生教育教学承担着培养高层次创新人才的重要任务,在教学过程中更应注重对其科研创新意识及自我独立探索能力的培养。本文提出了以“出发‘点’”“导引‘线’”“扩展‘面’”“激发‘体’”为体系的工程类研究生课堂教学方式,并围绕“兴趣”“创新”与“独立探索”三个基本教学理念,形成了“教”“学”“主动创新性输出”“兴趣”四个维度的“四维立体化”课堂教学模式,以此来达到培养高层次创新人才的教学目的。  相似文献   

本文以"汽车构造"课程为例,结合地方院校工程应用型人才培养特色,探讨了研讨式教学主题的确定、教学模式的实施过程及其评价和保障体系的建构,以期对高校教学改革有所启迪。  相似文献   

为了探究医学类研究生课程思政建设效果,文章以参加中山大学附属第七医院“入学第一讲”的102名2022级研究生新生为研究对象,将课程思政引入“开学第一讲”,调查学生对课程思政的评价,分析思政融合度与课程满意度、思政效果之间的关系,结果显示,大部分学生认为“入学第一讲”较好地融合了思政元素,对课程教学满意;思政融合度与课程满意度、思政效果均呈高度正相关,最后于讨论部分提出了“三经三纬”课程思政建设体系。  相似文献   

本文以电子信息专业机械类课程为例,介绍了面向学生职业生涯的"新四块"课程的设置,提出了以"MIMPS"教学法为核心的电子信息专业机械类课程教学改革模式,从教学内容组织、教学手段改进及教学评价创新三个方面提出了具体措施。  相似文献   

开展实践性教学是提升工科研究生教育质量的重要途径之一。分析了“脉冲功率技术”课程在电子科学与技术一级学科下物理电子学方向研究生教育中的基本情况,以及前期教育教学中遇到的一些问题,阐述了该课程实践性教学探索过程及取得的成效。统计发现,超过95%以上的学生在实践性教学改革相关内容考试中获得了满分,超过70%的学生在拓展学习中主动选择实践性教学改革相关内容开展调研和技术分析。最后,给出了针对研究生前沿课程实践性教学探索的若干建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了“光电系统设计”课程的特点,并提出了研讨式与案例式相结合的教学模式,分析了两种教学模式的特点以及对于研究生教育的优势。在课堂中采用教师作案例讲解并与学生研讨,学生隔堂做专题研讨的模式组织教学活动。该教学模式有助于培养研究生解决问题的能力与创新能力,加强科研能力与学术素养。  相似文献   

针对当前在线研讨教学的参与度低、目的虚化和反馈不全面的问题,基于扎根理论对个案进行分析,发现研究生在线研讨教学的效果表现在知识学习、创新思维启发和正向情感体验的诱发方面;教师精心安排和确定研讨基调,研究生个体价值取向激发教学动力和师生共同营造尊重和弹性的氛围三方面因素对研究生在线研讨教学效果有促进作用。对于进一步如何提升研讨内容的价值性、增强课堂教学的目标性以及促进教师反馈的全面性提出有效策略:合理组织以加强研讨对话的真实性,明确目标以促进深度双向互动,关注过程以构建反馈全面的评价机制。  相似文献   

为了实现建筑设计课程教学的“升维”,文章首先分析了建筑设计课程教学现状,然后以博物馆设计为例,论述了基于虚拟仿真技术的建筑设计课程“升维”的教学模式探索,最后讨论了基于虚拟仿真技术的建筑设计课程“升维”教学模式效果。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,英语在各个行业的重要性引发了专门用途英语(ESP)的学习热潮。因此,如何更好地教授和学习ESP受到了越来越多英语教师与英语学习者的关注。本文以浙江工商大学研究生ESP理论课为例,通过问卷调查与访谈的方式,并结合课程评估理论,对ESP理论类课程进行评估,以求为ESP理论与方法的教学提供更多的可行性策略。  相似文献   

The relationship between doctoral students and faculty members has been identified as a key component of a successful graduate school experience. In this article, we consider the challenges inherent in designing and implementing a formal doctoral student mentoring program. By bringing together students, peer mentors, and faculty mentors, the program sought to introduce a team-based platform to facilitate student success. We specifically consider how program components might be scaled up across the institution, providing both a personal and supportive relationship for participants as well as an information resource for the broader student population.  相似文献   

对于从事工程课题的博士生来说,工程装置的设计和实验调试是课题的一个重要部分,正确处理工程装置设计和实验调试过程中出现的问题可以使博士生积累经验,启发思维,促成创新,顺利完成毕业课题。遵循正确科学的方法能够使博士生在工程性课题研究过程中少走弯路,节省不必要的经费开支。本文根据作者博士课题的完成情况,探索了博士课题中工程装...  相似文献   

This article describes strategies for redesigning the University of Missouri's Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Cohort Program in educational leadership. Results had suggested a need to redesign aspects of the program in order to achieve higher levels of cognitive learning outcomes inclusive of transformational learning. To help meet this objective, the areas targeted for redesign were the curriculum as it relates to issues of diversity and ethics, instruction as it relates to group dynamics and cohort models, and increased time and a forum for students to reflect on their leadership practices. This forum also allowed faculty to monitor and assess the transformational learning outcomes of their students. This article is meant to assist others who are interested in fostering higher levels of transformational learning outcomes within their programs. Meredith L. Mountford holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Illinois State University, a Master of Science degree in educational administration from Northern Illinois University and a Philosophy of Science degree in educational administration from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She is an Assistant Professor and has served as Director for the Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Cohort Program in educational leadership at the University of Missouri—Columbia.  相似文献   

开展创业学博士项目对建立创业学学科和解决创业师资短缺问题具有重要意义。在实践中,创业学博士项目形成教学与科研并重的目标定位,并采取多项创新性举措保证其人才培养质量。未来,创业学博士项目要进一步明确目标、加强质量监管、建立信息共享平台。我国在开展创业学博士项目过程中要充分考虑目标的多元化、关注学生教学能力的培养、加强区域和院校合作。  相似文献   

The Program of Human Inquiry is proposed as a structure to support scholarly inquiry by graduate students and faculty advisors. The Program provides a foundation that acknowledges human experiences and connects them to program aims in ways that do not limit student and faculty options. It promotes communication among student, committee members, and committee chair, as well as dialogue with oneself. It consists of four components. The first component is an acknowledgment of what one brings to graduate studies. The second component includes a Plan of Study, a summary of coursework, field experiences, formal exam dates, and residency. A third component records rigorous, but negotiated, avenues of inquiry including coursework, readings, research, and conferences. Finally, the Program encourages an ongoing discussion of values and recording of appropriate experiences. This proposal will interest students who wish to get the most out of their graduate experience and faculty who desire to continually re-examine their advising, their graduate program, and their own learning.  相似文献   

Doctoral counselor education programs nationwide were surveyed to determine their relative emphases on the professional roles of instruction, supervision, scholarship, clinical practice, and leadership, and how they carried it out.  相似文献   

数学教育专业化,特别是数学教育博士专业化是数学教育改革的重要组成部分.数学教育博士专业的核心内容应由数学、研究、教育3部分组成.数学教育界一致认为数学教育博士专业应设置教育理论、教学和教师教育、科技在教学上的应用、教学大纲、评估等教育课程.数学教育博士专业的核心内容的改革应成为数学教育改革的一项内容.  相似文献   

The quality of doctoral students’ academic and social experiences is a key element of their success in graduate school programs. These experiences support the completion of doctoral programs, especially for first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds. Framed by Weidman's (1989) undergraduate socialization model, the author interviewed 18 former participants in Ronald McNair Programs (McNair Program),who completed their doctoral studies in order to determine how such programs can serve as a socializing agent to facilitate the successful completion of graduate study. Several themes emerge from the interviews conducted that distinguish McNair Programs from other interventions to promote integration or preparation, including the presence of academic and social integration. Such integration had a positive influence on the participants’ doctoral experience and contributed to the development of their competence, self-confidence, social and academic connectedness, and academic identity. Participants derived the greatest benefits from academic program components and academic counseling. Moreover, social components such as mentoring, cultural activities, and personal encounters in summer research internships also contributed to a positive doctoral experience.  相似文献   

“C语言程序设计”是高职计算机及自动化等专业必须开设的一门专业基础课.目前,沈阳航空职业技术学院计算机和电气自动化等专业开设了此课程.在教学中,对教学方法和教学设计进行了改革,采用多媒体机房上课和举一反三、学以致用、角色扮演等教学法,并对教学设计等方面进行了教改实践,取得了很好的教学效果.  相似文献   

可编程控制器在工业生产自动化过程中,显示出极大的优越性,可编程控制器在其硬件的支持下,通过执行眨映控制要求的用户程序完成控制任务,大部分可编程控制器在控制过程的表达方式上,很少直接用指令表语言编制程序,而是先根据控制要求绘制出梯形图。再由梯形图写出对应的指令表程序,按程序规定顺序扫描达到控制要求,文章最后阐述了对控制程序的编制过程及描述控制任务中应注意的7个问题,并给出了控制电路及梯形图示例和程序的输入、检查、编辑的基本流程。  相似文献   

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