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中国古代体育游戏文化的解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代体育游戏渗透了中国人的政治理想、道德观念、行为准则、教育理念以及思想方式,是一种具有丰富内涵的文化形态。本文从中国古代体育游戏的来源、体育游戏与政治、经济、社会文化的关系、体育游戏的教育与传承等角度分析了中国古代体育游戏文化的特点。中国古代体育游戏的发展伴随着古代中国文明的崛起、兴旺和衰落。在这一变迁过程中,中国文化的特点注定了体育游戏过于重视社会价值和教育性,忽视个人价值和娱乐性。对于中国古代体育游戏的研究,有助于更深入地了解体育、游戏与文化之间的关系,更好地发掘中国传统体育文化资源。  相似文献   

体育比赛有胜败,观众因此而有喜有悲是很自然的事情。但是,令我惊怪的是这样一种情形:就是对于失败,一些观众除了在感情上悲痛、苦恼外,还往往把愤懑、不满泼散在运动员身上,说什么丢人现眼、什么有辱国格,什么损害中国人形象等等。对此,我以为很不确当。说俗了,体育比赛是游戏,不论运动员,还是观众,是不必太计较胜败的。但人毕竟有感情,有国家、民族的荣誉感,因而体育又不是完全无所谓的游戏和消遣,它多少负载着人们在政治、情感、兴趣等方面的追求和寄托,表现出体育具有的多样性功能。人们从中或感受精神的娱乐,或寻求一种  相似文献   

在具有五千年文明史的中国,体育教育与竞技运动的关系在不同的历史时期表现出不同的状况。公元前21世纪前,中国已经有了游戏和其它一些锻炼身体的活动,但是还没有产生真正的体育教育。因此,还谈不上体育教育和竞技运动之间的  相似文献   

在商品社会,竞技体育无疑具有商品性,商品必须要具有效用。观众欣赏足球比赛,就象看一场没有剧本的戏剧,运动员就是演员,教练和裁判则是导演,他们在场上尽情发挥,淋漓尽致的表演,使得这场戏剧情节跌宕起伏,高潮不断,观众则随着剧情时而欢呼,时而叹息。反之,另外一些项目,比赛波浪不惊,平淡如水,既没有激烈的对抗,也难见整体的技战术配合,比赛结果毫无悬念等,观众基本没有观赏的兴趣。  相似文献   

论体育教学中游戏的作用与善用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
专家解惑您所说的问题我们也在一些体育观摩课中看到了,的确现在在一些体育课上存在滥用游戏的现象,主要表现在:1.用得糊涂。有些课为做游戏而做游戏,游戏与教学目标没有关系,游戏与主教材没有关系,各游戏之间也没有关系,这明显是无目的的安排。2.用得太多。有些课安排了3~4个  相似文献   

幼儿园体育游戏是十分重要的,尤其对于大班幼儿来说,他们身体的各项机能都在飞速发展,适宜的体育游戏不仅能增强大班幼儿体质,而且对于大班幼儿各项品质的发展都起着积极作用。在体育游戏中,幼儿能积极动脑、探索、创造出不同的游戏玩法;能与同伴相互交流、合作、分享自己所创造出的玩法;能向老师学习、商讨、展现自己的玩法,从而使大班幼儿的体质和品质得到良好的发展。1在开展体育游戏中常见的2种情况1.1运动量不足在体育游戏中往往会出现充当"观众"的幼儿多,真正参与到体育游戏中的幼儿少,出现练习密度和运动量不足的现象。  相似文献   

社会化是指人从生物人转变为社会人的过程。本文通过文献资料和观察分析,重点研究了体育与人的社会化问题。文章认为,体育游戏以其特点吸引着儿童,并通过规则使儿童理解和遵守社会规范;体育游戏以其时间和空间上的优势,有效地、潜移默化地培养着儿童的道德感和社会角色感;体育游戏发展了儿童的身体,激活了他们的思维,为完善他们的基本生活技能奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

<正>"打口袋"游戏是小学生非常喜爱的一项活动,它不受任何场地的限制,每逢课间都能看到学生三五成群地在操场上开心地游戏着,但该游戏或多或少地被打上了时代的烙印。随着体育课程改革的不断推进,有必要对"原始"的体育游戏做一些反思、探索与创新,为课堂教学注入生机与活力。为此,笔者结合"打口袋",总结出一项适合于小学生玩的体育游戏——"九宫格"。  相似文献   

随着全民健身计划的深入开展,参与体育游戏的人群越来越多,市场上的游戏项目也趋于饱和,需要创新设计出新的体育游戏来满足大众的需求.采用文献资料法、案例分析等方法旨在丹麦葛莱体院游戏体验与研究的基础上,通过比较、分析、借鉴,综合设计出一套创新型体育趣味游戏.把西方引进的体育游戏思路和本土文化交融借鉴,创造出丰富实用的游戏形式,为我国的体育游戏行业注入新的活力.  相似文献   

张力伟  张丽华 《体育世界》2011,(10):119-120
体育游戏是从游戏中发展和派生出来的,是以促进身心健康发展为目的,具有鲜明的教育学意义的运动项目。本文从教育学和体育学的角度,阐述了体育游戏的内涵特征,论述了体育游戏的功能和教育优势,旨在提高人们对体育游戏这一多元多功能的快乐体验的教育形式的认识,从而将它合理而巧妙地运用于体育教学之中。  相似文献   

Sport as a drama     
Argument of this text is that: to develop aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with aesthetics as philosophy of art but with aesthetics of everyday life; to start with aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with beautiful of ‘pure aesthetics’ but with the dramatic; to analyze the dramatic in sport, we should not open the analysis with analogy between theater and sport, but with sport as a sort of performance; to get at the meaning of sport as a drama, we have to discuss different meanings ‘drama’ has in theory and everyday communication; to map the dramatic in sport as performance, we have to discuss some features of sport which determine its dramatics first, and its potential as spectacle later. To proceed with the argument, we have to take into account contemporary state of aesthetics, recent development of aesthetics of everyday life, and theory of performance, together with Bernard Suits’ definition of game, Gadamer’s idea of play, and Lévy-Strauss’ account on conjunctive and disjunctive ritual.  相似文献   

舞龙舞狮运动是中国特有的一项民族传统体育项目,经过近十年的传播和发展,已经发展成为一项集竞技、娱乐、表演等功能的世界性体育项目,具有巨大的市场开发价值和广阔的市场发展空间。通过对第八届中国国际龙狮邀请赛的比赛分析和归纳,结合文献资料,探讨了我国龙狮运动的市场化发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide a database analysis of a combined sport model and from this to develop a theory from practice. In particular, the original concern was to examine the extent to which the teaching of personal and social responsibility (TPSR) could form a coalition with the Sport Education model. Forty-five 6th-grade boys, who had a previous history of struggling with the fair play requirements of Sport Education, participated in a 26-lesson season of Xball, an invasion game designed by those students. As a general summary, it was found that some of the features of TPSR strengthened the foundation of Sport Education, but due to the need to introduce new tasks and problems for students, a hybrid model (Empowering Sport) was developed. This hybrid, with a predominately ecological integration perspective, presents a curriculum model that allows for achievement within a powerful triangle of goals--sport skill competence, social responsibility, and personal empowerment.  相似文献   

刀郎麦西热甫的体育运动形式分为舞蹈、游戏、短剧表演等,具有较强的地域性特色,其运动不仅是民族情感的释放,也是教育后代和体育文化传承的重要形式。但随着现代生活经济特征的凸显,刀郎地区麦西热甫活动的举办逐渐减少,其教育意义与民族传统文化传承受到威胁。  相似文献   

试论大学生的体育能力及其培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培养大学生的体育能力是高校体育教育的一项重要内容 ,也是关系到大学生身心成长的关键。高等院校体育教育必须突出对学生体育能力的培养。就此 ,对体育能力的内涵、大学生体育能力的培养途径与方法等进行分析论述。旨在大学生形成终身体育行为和习惯奠定基础 ,以使高校体育教育在培养现代新型人才及接受现代社会的挑战中 ,发挥其独特作用。  相似文献   

体育赛事属于体验性服务产品,差异化可以满足观众观赏偏好和现场体验效果,从而提高体育产品的竞争力.以NBA2007中国赛为例,运用豪泰林模型分析了影响体育赛事产品的差异化因素,认为赛事差异运作作为主要的竞争手段,可以提升体育企业的市场竞争力.  相似文献   

试论运动灵敏性的概念及其分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从生理学、心理学和词义学视角对运动灵敏性进行解读,运用逻辑论证和统计学论证的方法对运动中的灵敏性概念和分类问题进行探讨后认为,体育运动中的灵敏性定义为处在特定运动场景中的肢体感受刺激,并根据需要迅速改变方向或变换动作的能力.并将运动灵敏性分为判断与决策能力、变换动作能力和改变方向能力三类.  相似文献   

The article provides insight into an important part of South Africa's sport history that has not been explored yet: What was the role sport and recreation played on Robben Island in the days when it served as political prison? The research has been a collaborative project of the Department for Cultural Affairs and Sport, Western Cape Sports Council, Mayibuye Centre and the University of the Western Cape's Interdisciplinary Center for Sport Science and Development. Facilitated by the establishment of a ‘Robben Island General Recreational Committee' in the 1960s, sport and recreation took a very special form on the Island. Unknown to South Africans and the world, during Apartheid, sport and recreation on Robben Island were used as a vehicle to unite people and to promote values of respect, integrity, dignity, teamwork and fair play as an integral part of a holistic person. Leisure activities became a place of triumph of human spirit, body and soul. The research facilitated the process of digitisation of archives from the Island. Numerous sources were discovered, giving an insight into the role of sport and recreation for many of South Africa's past and present leaders. The study also highlights the role sport and recreation played in the unique journey to freedom and democracy.  相似文献   

中日女子大众体育现状的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人类社会快速发展的今天,妇女在政治、经济、文化等社会各领域的作用正日趋显著,妇女的体质问题愈加受到关注。因此,增强妇女体质、增加妇女体育人口数量,对实施和完成《全民健身计划纲要》,促进体育事业的全面发展具有重要意义。将中日两国妇女大众体育现状,包括运动目的、运动项目和体育人口等作比较分析并提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrate that Sport Education supports the development of an authentic experience of sport. Social media has the potential to further the development of an authentic sport experience since it is a key aspect of contemporary sport culture and can be a space for individuals to interact during the Sport Education. Yet the evidence-base on the use of social media within Sport Education is limited. The purpose of this study was to explore how social media supports the development of an authentic sport experience within Sport Education. The context of this study was within a female recreational community sport futsal club. Players engaged with Sport Education as a focus for their sessions for 13 weeks. The Sport Education season embedded the six key features. During the Sport Education season, players interacted with each other through Facebook. Data were generated from; (1) researcher/player field journal, (2) Facebook posts and (3) post-season player interviews. Data analysis involved inductive, constant comparison and member-checking methods. Results showed that players’ uses of Facebook supported the development of an authentic sport experience. Players’ uses of Facebook strengthened the development of three key Sport Education features; affiliation, festivity and season. Based on the limited amount of research on the impact of social media within Sport Education and community sport, future studies should continue to examine the effectiveness of social media as an interactional tool to enhance the development of an authentic sport experience.  相似文献   

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