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This paper examines the philosophy of Koranic education and its practice in a Muslim community in coastal Kenya. Attention is drawn to characteristic features of Koranic instruction and their antecedents in tenets of the Islamic faith as well as to the transformations which are taking place in Koranic learning as a consequence of the expansion of secular schooling in Kenya, where Koranic schools (madrassas) are struggling to accommodate what many Muslim parents now expect ‘good’ education to consist of: instruction carried out under the supervision of a trained teacher, planned in a sequential fashion in accordance with the principles of child psychology, and provided in an atmosphere thought to be conducive to learning.  相似文献   

肯尼亚大学生抗议活动爆发的强度大,频率高,对肯尼亚高等教育的发展造成了重大的影响。其频繁爆发缘于经济基础与大学扩招之间的矛盾,社会民主化思潮和国家专权化管理之间的矛盾,以及大学生的政治抱负、特点与政治生态之间矛盾的激化。肯尼亚政府对大学生抗议活动采取镇压和有限改革相结合的处理方式。这种反应方式缘于政府对学生认识的偏差,以及二者之间沟通与协调环节的薄弱。由此,肯尼亚大学生和政府需要反思自己的认识和行为。  相似文献   

Following the rapid expansion of Kenya's education system from 2003, raising education standards has emerged as the country's next major nation-building challenge. There is acknowledgement within Kenya that high education standards are dependent upon the quality of its teachers, which is in turn dependent upon the quality of their pre-service training, and subsequent in-service training. However, amidst accusations that educational standards are declining, in-service training programmes in particular have been singled out as being overly bureaucratic, under resourced, poorly delivered and ineffective in helping to raise teaching standards. Further, the literature suggests that current in-service training programmes are failing to address more fundamental issues surrounding Kenyan teaching professionalism as a whole. This article examines the literature surrounding teacher in-service training in Kenya, as identified by Kenyan researchers, with the aim of synthesising and clarifying the major issues surrounding quality and delivery, and then presents policy recommendations for reframing and building effective in-service provision for the future.  相似文献   

杭聪 《唐山学院学报》2019,32(1):45-51,88
肯尼亚移民经济造成的土地问题,引发了肯尼亚政治不稳定和军事价值下降。茅茅起义改变了白人土地占有面积扩大、非洲人就业岗位丧失和参政道路阻塞的局面,使非洲人获得重分土地的机会,并且扩大了参政权,虽离化解矛盾所需相距甚远,但经此肯尼亚奠定了独立后新政治经济联盟的基础。  相似文献   

Expanding school enrolment in Kenya was given the highest priority in the leverage of development. The number of pupils has grown from 2.9 to 5.56 million in the 20 years since 1975. There has been a similar expansion at the secondary level. And the expansion at the university level has been even faster, which is more than four times than that in 1984/85. But still the increase in enrolments was not enough to absorb pent‐up demand. The female enrolment has significantly improved, and female teachers constitute 39.5% of the total number of teachers. The imbalance is vast between the educational supply and economic demand (employment). The question is whether the growth can be maintained; whether it is enough.  相似文献   

The concept of the professional in the context of a rapidly expanding higher education sector in a developing country offers interesting insights into the values, attitudes and motivations of lecturers. The article charts the expansion of higher education and summarises the challenges that it faces. It goes on to examine through interviews with faculty (staff) in one private university in Kenya what they understand by professionalism, what constitutes professional (and less than professional) behaviour and whether they feel that the institution supports or militates against professionalism amongst the academic workforce. The findings suggest that their view is unproblematic and resides in their specialist knowledge and accompanying values and behaviours and is less concerned with status, autonomy or agency. Faculty are clear what a professional is and what constitutes professional behaviour, but appear to recognise and accept that this is a low-status profession where colleagues struggle to survive materially, often prioritise extra teaching for research and enjoy limited opportunities for professional development. The research suggests that Kenya, and other countries in a similar position, may well struggle to provide an environment where professionalism will flourish as staff face a range of challenges to grow and improve their higher education system.  相似文献   

当你想起肯尼亚,脑海中会浮现出怎样的画面?非洲大草原?雄狮?大象?还是茶园?这些都是肯尼亚的传统形象,它是一个安静祥和的非洲国家。但是,肯尼亚也有它的黑色秘密。它曾经是大英帝国的一部分,一场可怕的战争夺去了千万人的生命。  相似文献   

It is often maintained that mere qualitative expansion of schooling in a fee-paying system tends to increase rather than reduce educational and economic inequalities. Liberal views of education as a social leveller are rejected. Critics of the latter views claim that improvements in educational opportunity gravitate towards already advantaged sectors of society who simply have their advantage compounded. The disadvantaged, on the other hand gradually lose their grip on the educational ladder.In this paper these notions will be criticised on the grounds that they assume a determinate and mechanical relation between educational and economic position. In addition it will be seen, in the light of evidence from Western Kenya, that under conditions in which the bulk of households are closely connected to wage labour markets (which select recruits according to educational criteria) it is the popular social classes which have taken up the slack in increased educational provision. The previously advantaged educational position of the middle class and larger farmers is being steadily eroded.  相似文献   

Early childhood education in Kenya serves the critical purpose of preparing young children for primary education. Notwithstanding the associated benefits for society as a whole, the government of Kenya is involved minimally. Indeed, parents are responsible for planning, developing and managing different early childhood programs. Consequently, problems such as funding and lack of program consistency are common. Because early childhood programs are essential, the government should be involved actively in the development and implementation process.  相似文献   

2世纪80年代以来,非洲的高等教育危机引发了私立高等教育的发展,肯尼亚是一个典型的代表.肯尼亚私立高等教育历史虽然不长,但发展速度迅猛,已经成为高等教育的重要组成部分.本文立足肯尼亚的现实,分析了该国私立高等教育发展的原因,介绍了其发展现状和私立高校的特色,最后从持续发展的角度提出了私立高等教育面临的挑战,意在全方位地展现肯尼亚私立高等教育发展的概貌.  相似文献   

肯尼亚是致力于高等教育国际化的非洲国家之一。作为肯尼亚第二所公立大学,莫伊大学自成立后一直积极地将国际化纳入其教学、科研和服务之中,制定了以人员流动、机构设置、课程国际化和国际学术与合作为主的国际化策略并进行了相关实践,但由于策略意识不足、资金无法匹配、质量难以保证以及系统机制不够完善等问题,国际化发展缓慢。历史发展表明,非洲大学的国际化必须依据大学自身的特殊需求、优先领域和强势资源,制定合适、明晰的国际化理念和策略,走一条适合自身发展的国际化道路。  相似文献   

Moses Oketch 《Compare》2019,49(1):1-15
To what extent, if at all, did the introduction of free primary education in Kenya in 2003 have positive equity effects, in terms of both access and achievement. Access is based on the number of candidates sitting the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination and the KCPE score is used to measure achievement levels. The study uses data that reflects Kenya’s 47 devolved governance counties. A quantitative measure of poverty in all 47 counties was then entered as an independent variable of regression analysis, and a negative association with KCPE performance noted (high poverty levels associated with low KCPE scores). Also noted was a contrast between counties showing high enrolment impact and improved KCPE scores, and those showing high enrolment impact and lower KCPE scores. Counties in the former group are located almost entirely in arid and semi-arid areas, those in the latter group in the coastal region.  相似文献   

教育信息化作为推动社会教育公平和提高教育质量的有效方式,是教育现代化的重要内容和标志。近年来,为了推动教育优质均衡发展、促进社会经济持续增长,肯尼亚政府积极推进本国的基础教育信息化建设。文章主要对肯尼亚基础教育信息化建设的动因、措施进行了分析,指出肯尼亚主要从教育现代化角度,来考虑开展基础教育信息化建设;同时,肯尼亚通过制定政策战略规划、投入大量建设经费、扩大基础设施建设、开展教育师资培训、进行课堂教学改革等措施,构建了立体式的教育信息化发展体系。上述做法有力地促进了肯尼亚基础教育信息化的建设与发展,其做法和经验可在政策设计、经费投入、设施建设、师资培训、教学改革等方面为我国提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

Globally, distance learning has gained legitimacy as an effective mode for learning and training. This legitimacy has occurred as a result of, inter alia, its flexibility with respect to time, pace and entry requirements, affordability, cost‐effectiveness, and reputation for high quality. In Kenya, distance learning – although relatively new – is being promoted to attain the Millennium Development Goals, Universal Primary Education, and the Kenya Vision 2030 targets. The majority of those who enrol for distance learning are teachers. This paper examines the utility of a distance learning approach for training teachers in Kenya: its challenges, prospects, and the need for a policy framework. It critically interrogates the readiness of the providers, the learning and policy environments. The paper concludes that current dual‐mode providers do not meet the requirements of the defining features of distance learning, and offers specific quality assuring policy directions.  相似文献   

Given the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Kenya, more Kenyans now find themselves in the role of informal caregiver for a family member or multiple family members living with HIV/AIDS. However, there exists little research on how these individuals cope. The present study explores coping responses among caregivers for family members living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya. An exploratory factor analysis of the Brief COPE yielded five factors, with strong loadings on Emotional Support and Instrumental Support. Implications for using the Brief COPE in research and clinical practice among Kenyans are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Most research on child abuse in Tanzania and Kenya is unpublished in the international literature. The purpose of this paper is to examine the various commentaries and reports extant, toward an overview of the nature and frequency of child sexual abuse in Tanzania and Kenya. METHODS: Contacts were made with academics, government departments, NGOs, and UN agencies. This was followed by a field trip in the summer of 2001 where all available reports were examined and a wide range of interviews conducted. RESULTS: Little empirical data exist on child sexual abuse in Tanzania. It is widely perceived that it may be increasing as a result of AIDS sufferers' attempts to "cleanse" themselves. The breakdown of traditional childcare systems, foreign influences, poverty, and the lowly position of girls in society are also implicated. More research has been conducted in Kenya. It is clear that first coitus occurs at a young age for many Kenyan children and adolescents. Also, a degree of force, trickery, or material exchange is not uncommon in adolescent sexual relations. CONCLUSIONS: Child sexual abuse is under-researched in Tanzania and Kenya. Studies by UN agencies such as United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have focused on the commercial sexual exploitation of children, to the neglect of more pervasive abuse in children's own communities by family, relatives, and neighbors. Nationwide surveys of the general population are required for an empirical understanding of this topic. Given the high incidence of AIDS/HIV in both countries, it is important to know if the epidemic is increasing the risk of rape or incest for children.  相似文献   

This paper examines pupil school mobility in urban Kenya using African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) household survey data which contain information on pupil transfers between schools. The aim is to identify which school characteristics attract the greatest demand for incoming transfers. The analysis reveals that there are frequent transfers in the slums than in the non-slum settlements; that transfer are in favour of private schools; and that quality is the main motivation for the transfers. Quality schools are perceived to have good discipline and better teacher performance. Given these results, should the Kenya government recognise the ‘low cost’ schools found in the slums which serve nearly half of the pupils and devise mechanisms of funding them?  相似文献   

Using Kenya as a case study, the paper demonstrates how indigenous African languages have suffered delegitimization and devaluation in education both in colonial and post-colonial Africa. Ethnographic data from Kenya are presented to show how the use of English as the medium of education contributes to differential educational treatments. It is argued that this leads to the perpetuation of social inequalities. The paper advances the argument that indigenous African languages should be given greater emphasis if education in Africa is to contribute to the much needed social, economic and political transformation. The paper makes suggestions as to how indigenous African languages in education can be introduced/strengthened.  相似文献   

We estimate the current magnitude of gender gaps in literacy and numeracy in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, using large-scale nationally representative data of children ages 6–16. Using a household fixed effects approach, we document that girls outperform boys in all three countries; in numeracy by 0.03 SDs (Uganda) to 0.05 SDs (Kenya and Tanzania) and literacy by 0.06 SDs (Uganda and Tanzania) to 0.09 SDs (Kenya). However, the gender gap in achievement is highly geographically clustered, reversing in sign in some districts. In highlighting the heterogeneity of gender disparities in academic performance in these three countries in East Africa, this study show that systematic female disadvantage in schooling is no longer the norm.  相似文献   

IntroductionSexual violence (SV) against children is a global health and human rights issue that can have short and long-term consequences for health and wellbeing. Disclosing SV increases the likelihood that children can access health and protective services and receive psychosocial support. Research in high-income countries has found that child SV survivors are more likely to disclose when they are girls/women, experience fewer SV events, and experience SV perpetrated by a stranger. No studies have examined correlates of SV disclosure in Kenya.ObjectiveThe objective of this research was to assess the correlates of disclosing SV among Kenyan youth ages 13–24 who reported an SV experience before age 18.MethodsIn 2010, the Kenya Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Violence Prevention, the UNICEF Kenya Country Office, and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) conducted a national survey of violence against children. These data were used to conduct weighted logistic regression analyses to determine which factors were correlated with reporting SV disclosure.ResultsAmong the 27.8% of girls/women and 14.5% of boys/men who reported SV before age 18, 44.6% of girls/women and 28.2% of boys/men reported to have disclosed the experience. In weighted logistic regression analysis, the odds of disclosure were lower among survivors who were boys/men and among survivors who reported more SV events, and higher when any perpetrator was a family member.ConclusionMore context-specific research on SV disclosure among young people is needed globally.  相似文献   

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