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内隐学习是内隐认知的一个重要内容,是当今心理学界研究的一个重要课题。该理论不再满足于外显认知对于学习过程的解释,而力求从刺激大脑神经反应间起中介作用的内部心理结构和机制来寻求学习的最佳途径。深入的研究该理论并有效地应用于教学之中,一定会提高学生对于英语学习尤其是语法学习的兴趣和效果。  相似文献   

Collaborative learning is a widely used and popular strategy in many primary schools. In this article, the authors review the nature and purpose of collaborative learning and present a summary of how one small group of Year 5/6 children view its effectiveness.  相似文献   

内隐学习IQ独立性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以65名智障中学生为被试,分别用色块串和色词串为材料,以限定状态语法组成学习规则,研究了智障学生颜色内隐和外显学习的特点。结果发现:指导语上不存在主效应,没有发生内隐和外显学习效应;反面证明内隐学习存在长时功效;非言语材料(色块)和言语材料(色词)均没有表现出内隐加工学习效应,但两学习成绩的范围及趋势不同,且材料与IQ之间没有交互作用。间接揭示内隐学习存在一定的“阈限”及IQ独立性在不同情况下表现出特异性。  相似文献   

Besides phonotactic principles, orthographies entail graphotactic rules for which the reader must convert a phonological representation on the basis of spelling adaptation rules. In the present study, the learnability of such rules will be investigated with reference to Dutch. Although Dutch orthography can be considered highly regular, there are graphotactic rules that change letter sequences in plural noun formation. In a lexical decision experiment, the acquisition and use of such rules were examined. Participants were groups of 31 children from Grade 3 and 34 children from Grade 6, and 25 adults. The results showed that both children and adults are significantly less accurate and slower in recognizing plural word forms which undergo vowel change as a consequence of pluralization. It is concluded that graphotactic rules in Dutch orthography complicate Dutch word identification from an early stage of development and continue to play a complicating role in the word identification process of adult readers. In the discussion it is shown that current models fail to fully explain the processing of graphotactic rules in visual word identification.  相似文献   

Ethnographic case studies of nine British working class children were conducted in order to investigate learning from the perspectives of the families. The research aim was to study children learning outside school in situations that were not specifically set up with learning in mind; in social contexts where learning was not an obligation or purpose and was therefore incidental and non‐self‐conscious; and to study children learning in the company of adults who were not professionals. This article does not offer a universal portrait of these children's learning, but a particular way of seeing and interpreting it. The children's home learning is fuelled by social and emotional dimensions. There are multiple competitors for children's attention in any given learning opportunity, and children are not necessarily learning what adults think they are. The children in the study transform the outcomes of their opportunities for learning into learning about their experiences of the human condition.  相似文献   

We present a detailed look at children's learning about the balance scale. In our study, as children explored the balance scale, they acquired and built on special-case and context-specific knowledge. Before making general and context-independent observations, they made more local observations.We contrast our findings with two previous analyses of children's knowledge [Inhelder and Piaget, 1958; Siegler, 1978] about the balance scale in light of assumptions about the nature of knowledge and its acquisition. Educational implications of all three analyses are considered.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between reading and explicit and implicit categorical learning by comparing university students with poor reading to students with normal reading abilities on two categorical learning tasks. One categorical learning task involved sorting simple geometric shapes into two groups according to a unidimensional rule. The sorting rule was easily stated by the participants, consistent with explicit learning, and all participants attained criterion levels of performance. The second task involved the integration of features on different dimensions with a more complex rule that could not be described by participants, even though most could attain criterion levels of performance consistent with implicit learning. Poor readers performed as well as those without reading problems in explicit learning but not in implicit learning. Implicit learning was correlated with word reading, phonological decoding, and orthographic skill, independent of verbal ability. We consider the role of implicit learning in reading, and how a deficit could impair phonological and orthographic representation and processing.  相似文献   

Biases against the elderly and people with disabilities can lead to discriminatory behaviors. One way to conceptualize attitudes toward the elderly and people with disabilities is through the differentiation of explicit (conscious) and implicit (unconscious) factors. Although both explicit and implicit attitudes and biases contribute to the full picture of peoples’ attitudes, explicit ideas alone may not accurately reflect people’s attitudes. This may be due to societal pressure to conceal explicit biases or the fact that often times, people are not aware they hold prejudiced views. The Implicit Association Test is a computer-based categorization task designed to assess implicit or unconscious attitudes. This test was used in in the current study to assess the impact of an intergenerational service-learning course. We designed this study to determine if greater exposure or contact with the elderly or people with disabilities might influence college students’ implicit attitudes. Pre- and post-assessment of participating students, using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, found statistically significant decreased biases after participation. Results from this study that suggest participating in an intergenerational service-learning course can positively affect implicit attitudes. This is encouraging, especially because these attitudes are developed over a long period of repeated exposure, are consistently reinforced by cultural factors, and are notoriously difficult to change.  相似文献   

In 2 studies, 6-, 8-, and 10-year-old children were interviewed about 3 different types of regularities or rules: social conventions, physical laws, and logical necessities. In the first study, children were asked if regularities could be changed (by consensus) and/or be different in another world. In the second study, children were asked if regularities could be different in another country (on Earth) or on a different planet. Results showed that social regularities were distinguished from the other types, but physical and logical regularities were treated similarly. While the evidence for age differences was equivocal, it was clear that even first graders did not judge physical items as alterable on Earth. This fails to replicate a previously reported finding that children pass through a stage where all items are seen as alterable. Finally, a sex difference emerged, with boys more willing to judge physical and logical regularities to be alterable in another world.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2006,16(4):363-373
The potential impact of implicit learning on education has been repeatedly stressed, though little research has examined this connection directly. The current paper describes two experiments that, inspired by artificial grammar learning experiments, examine the utility of implicit learning as a method for teaching atomic bonding rules to 11–12 year old school children. Two groups were given tasks that led to explicit rule learning; two other groups were given tasks that did not lead to rule learning; and a control group was trained on irrelevant stimuli. We observed an implicit learning effect, but learning was much more effective when more explicit ways of teaching were employed. These findings suggest that mere exposure to regular material is not sufficient for effective learning of rules, and that an explicit approach to instruction is advisable.  相似文献   

心理技能训练的内隐学习观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借鉴内隐学习的研究成果,分析运动员心理技能习得的内隐学习优势,并提出关于如何改进心理训练、如何评价心理训练效果的建议,为运动员心理技能训练的科学化提供了思路.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression and general learning disabilities (LD) are common difficulties for British primary school children. It has been found that characteristics associated with these difficulties can result in negative attitudes and stigma from other children, causing problems with peer relationships. Furthermore, problematic peer relations can intensify the difficulties associated with these disorders. Packages such as ‘Tackling Stigma: A Practical Toolkit’ aim to combat stigma in schools. However, these packages have not been based on evidence regarding children's attitudes towards different disorders. This study aims to explore children's attitudes towards ADHD, depression and LD from a conative (measure of social distance) and cognitive (measure of positive or negative attributes ascribed to a person) perspective. Participants were 273 children (M= 9.2 years). Vignettes were used to describe a child with ADHD, depression, or LD or a ‘normal’ child. The Shared Activities Questionnaire was utilised to assess conative attitudes, and the Adjective Checklist was utilised to assess cognitive attitudes. Results showed that children generally displayed more negative attitudes to vignettes describing mental health difficulties (MHD) (ADHD and depression) than LD. Children had more negative attitudes towards the ADHD (externalising disorder) vignette than the depression vignette (internalising disorder). Younger children had more positive conative attitudes than older children. Those who had previous contact with children with ADHD, depression and LD had more positive attitudes. These findings can enhance current stigma reduction interventions through contributing a deeper understanding of children's attitudes towards the most common MHD and LD in childhood.  相似文献   

内隐学习理论作为认知心理研究的成果,在教学领域具有实践指导意义.内隐学习的研究思路为英语教学提供了新的视角,将内隐学习与外显学习相辅相成的协同效应引入大学英语教学当中,就是要积极创造有利于内隐学习的环境,要活化课堂语法教学,重点提高学生语法应用能力并注意内隐学习和外显学习相结合;要引导学生广听、泛听,大量阅读和背诵,帮助他们了解中西文化差异并通过创造良好的英语语言环境建立正确的英语语感,从而提高大学英语教与学的效率.  相似文献   

大学英语输出教学以内隐知识的转化为切入点,强化学生语言的输出能力,内化所学知识,提高语言的综合运用能力。本文讨论、研究如何运用内隐学习理论指导输出型教学,使学习者能够无意识地接受、理解和运用语言,从而内化语言信息和组织表达,探析切实可行的教学模式,提升教学效果并增强学生英语应用能力。  相似文献   

本文从认知心理学内隐学习理论的角度,探讨了如何利用内隐学习规律促进英语教学,在英语教学中创设文化语境,发挥教师的主导作用,促进学生内隐学习和外显学习的转化,提高英语教学效率。  相似文献   

This study examined the nature of 5-, 6-, and 7-year-old children's (n = 113) knowledge of astronomy and the process of knowledge change during learning. Children's pre-existing knowledge was assessed by questions and drawing tasks. About half of the children were taught elementary concepts of astronomy in small groups and afterwards all participants’ knowledge was assessed again. Most children could be categorized as having fragmented astronomy knowledge and the proportion of non-scientific models first proposed by Vosniadou & Brewer [Vosniadou, S., & Brewer, W. F. (1992). Mental models of the Earth: A study of conceptual change in childhood. Cognitive Psychology, 24, 535–585] was no greater than could be expected by chance. Children seemed to acquire factual information rather easily and therefore early instruction should introduce the core facts related to the topics. Some children over-generalized new knowledge very easily, indicating that the materials used in teaching may promote the development of non-scientific notions and that those notions must be addressed promptly to avoid the development of coherent non-scientific models.  相似文献   

In an experiment with 109 undergraduates, we examined the effect of mood, cognitive style, and cognitive ability on implicit learning in the Artificial Grammar (AG) and Serial Reaction Time (SRT) tasks. Negative mood facilitated AG learning, but had no significant effect on SRT learning. Rational cognitive style predicted greater learning on both tasks, but this effect on SRT was mediated by cognitive ability. SRT, but not AG learning was significantly correlated with Math and English scores on the ACT. These findings confirm and contradict previous research. The association of negative mood and rational cognitive style with AG confirms that AG learning is facilitated by systematic, bottom-up processing. However, the lack of converging evidence for the SRT task suggests that the tasks involve different aspects of implicit processing. Theoretical explanations and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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