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自从机器诞生以来,它的种种人类所不具备的优点就深深的吸引住一大部分人的目光,同时人们也在积极的尝试着是否能够制造出一种机器人来,随着第一台机器人的问世以来,机器人领域得到了巨大的发展,越来越多的机器人被研究者研发出来,它们功能不同,形态各异,但是智能程度越来越高,因此笔者在此简单的介绍一下工业机器人抓取手臂的结构设计,仅供参考。  相似文献   

机器人不是人,是机器,但须当人看   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
机器人的存在和发展将重塑我们的生活,为我们的家园提供难以估量的正能量,但它也引发了包括负面影响在内的新问题,这些源于机器人具有某种类似人的智能属性,本文对此进行了简单讨论,文中依据智能程度将机器人分成三类:无智能机器人、智能机器人及生物机器人,分别称1.0,2.0,和3.0机器人,重点讨论2.0机器人的技术特征并以此为基础简要讨论了人与机器人和机器人与社会的问题,指出机器人已经成为我们社会的成员,为使机器人健康发展,应该关注机器人的权利及法律地位,将制定与机器人相关的法律应提上日程。  相似文献   

许多制造业为了提高生产率和质量标准,开始使用自动化机器、特别是机器人操作台。负责生产安全和健康的专业人员,越来越关注这些不同于传统机械的复杂系统对人身安全和健康所带来的危险。如果说过去的机器人设计仅从单纯机械学方面进行研究,那么现在则需要更多地研究作业场所中人与机器人之间相互作用的问题。  相似文献   

目前人工智能技术已在医疗诊断、手术操作、脑机接口等方面广泛渗入,由此可见,通过人工智能技术来促进医疗康复已成为一种可能,但目前国内将人工智能技术应用于康复医学领域的研究相对较少,尤其是有关的理论知识和应用研究尚缺乏针对性。通过查阅相关文献,现对人工智能技术在康复医学领域中的应用现状进行阐述,以期人工智能技术能够在康复医学领域发展的更加智能、精准和专业。  相似文献   

清洁机器人概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一,引 言随着传感器、控制、驱动及材料等领域的技术进步,机器人首次在制造领域以外的服务行业开辟了新领域。吸尘机器人就是一种新型的服务机器人。吸尘机器人是能够在房间中自动清洁地面,它集机械学、电子技术、传感器技术、计算机技术、控制技术、机器人技术、人工智能等诸多学科为一体。吸尘机器人作为智能移动机器人实用化发展的先行者,其研究始于20世纪80年代,到目前为止,已经产生了一些概念样机和产品。吸尘机器人的发展,带动了家庭服务机器人行业的发展,也促进了移动机器人技术、图像和语音识别、传感器等相关技术的发展。吸尘机器…  相似文献   

<正>机器人是"制造业皇冠顶端的明珠",其研发、制造、应用是衡量一个国家科技创新和高端制造业水平的重要标志。我国政府提出《中国制造2025》规划纲要,并将机器人作为智能制造的核心部分。中国作为全球最大的机器人市场,需求旺盛。政策支持和"机器换人"产业发展趋势共同推动着中国机器人产业快速发展。目前,工业机器人已经广泛应用于汽车及零  相似文献   

随着"十三五"期间"智能制造发展规划"和《机器人产业发展规划(2016-2020年)》的发布,明确了人工智能成为未来发展方向。机器视觉是人工智能的核心领域,是利用机器代替人眼来作各种测量和判断,综合了光学、机械、电子、计算机软硬件等方面的技术。本文结合CBE教学模式,以培养职业能力为出发点的职业教育模式,分析机器视觉人才岗位需求,针对岗位群制定课程体系,通过高校的专业课程设置,满足企业对相关人才的需求,实现了学校人才输出与就业的高质量,培养适合社会需要的应用技能型人才具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

正随着机器人相关技术的发展和机器人应用场景的不断拓展,时至今日,机器人已广泛应用于生产和生活领域,在人类社会各个领域扮演着越来越重要的角色。值得注意的是,虽然中国在机器人领域起步较晚,但目前中国已成为全球第三个具备工业机器人完整产业链的国家。为了在机器人2.0时代为中国机器人赢得追赶甚至超越的机会,汕头大学工学院电子信息工程系主任范衠埋首人工智能、群体智能、计算智能、设计自动化、机器学习、机器视觉等机器人相关的多领域研究,积极开展技术创新与产学研合作,为推动中国机器人从"制造"到"智造"不断贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

习近平总书记曾经在两院院士大会上指出,机器人是"制造业皇冠顶端的明珠",其研发、制造、应用是衡量一个国家科技创新和高端制造业水平的重要标志。如今,在科学技术的不断发展之下,机器人研究已涉及到了各行各业。在医疗层面,康复机器人作为医疗机器人的一个重要分支,其研究贯穿了康复医学、生物力学、机械学、电子学、材料学、计算机科学等诸多领域,已经成为国际机器人领域的研究热点。  相似文献   

特种机器人的基础科学问题和发展战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特种机器人与工业机器人相比在理论基础、技术特征和应用领域等方 面有显著特点,被列入许多国家的发展研究计划,吸引了世界众多科学家从事这方面的研究 ,特种机器人已成为当今国际自动化技术发展的重要方向。本文介绍了特种机器人的国内外 发展现状和趋势,探讨了特种机器人的特点、共性技术和基本科学问题,并对我国特种机器 人发展战略提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

The sustainability of social robotics, like other ambitious research programs, depends on the identification of lines of inquiry that are coherent with its visionary goals while satisfying more stringent constraints of feasibility and near-term payoffs. Within these constraints, this article outlines one line of inquiry that seems especially viable: development of a society of robots operating within the physical environments of everyday human life, developing rich robot–robot social exchanges, and yet, refraining from any physical contact with human beings. To pursue this line of inquiry effectively, sustained interactions between specialized research communities in robotics are needed. Notably, suitable robotic hand design and control principles must be adopted to achieve proper robotic manipulation of objects designed for human hands that one finds in human habitats. The Pisa-IIT SoftHand project promises to meet these manipulation needs by a principled combination of sensorimotor synergies and soft robotics actuation, which aims at capturing how the biomechanical structure and neural control strategies of the human hand interact so as to simplify and solve both control and sensing problems.  相似文献   

<正>自人们开始研究机器人以来,其应用领域主要有两个方面:(1)应用于工业制造领域。在工业制造过程中,生产车间通常具有结构化环境,要求机器人在这种环境中实现高速、精确的操作。(2)应用于远程操作领域。有些工作人类不能参与或者不愿参与,利用机器人是一种很好的选择。如2013年9月15日日本福岛核电站遭台风"万宜"袭  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a usability and user experience evaluations conducted in the last 2 years of a 4-year assistive robotics research project using the Kompai robot. It focuses on the evaluations that were conducted with older adults in an assisted living studio in the United Kingdom (which was arranged as an open plan studio apartment), a UK residential care home, and an older couple's own home in the Netherlands over 2 days. It examines emergent adaptive human behaviour in human-robot interaction (HRI) to consider whether we are approaching the embodiment and functionality of service robots correctly. It discusses possible improvements that could be made at the systems level that better exploit people's natural ability to adapt and find workarounds to technologies and their limitations.  相似文献   

The number of hemiplegic patients has rapidly increased in recent years, and intelligent robots have high rehabilitation potential. Robotic mirror therapy (RMT) is a promising therapeutic measure for hemiparesis by voluntarily transferring the motion of the healthy limb (HL) to the impaired limb (IL), in which a robot interacts with and assists the IL to mimic the action of the HL to stimulate the active participation of the injured muscles. Nonetheless, complete replication of the HL movement trajectory to the robot without considering the IL muscle strength cannot ensure safety or facilitate rehabilitation. In this study, a learning-based robotic motion generation scheme was developed for RMT. The robot movement trajectories were modeled with dynamic movement primitives (DMPs), and the physical human-robot interaction was formulated as an impedance model coupled with the DMP model. To adapt the robotic motion to different pilots, reinforcement learning was used to optimize the coupled DMP model parameters. The reinforcement learning approach was implemented based on policy improvement and the path integral (PI2) algorithm, and the cost function was designed to simultaneously ensure training safety and enhance muscle strength. The proposed method was validated using a lower-extremity rehabilitation robot with magnetorheological actuators, and the experimental results demonstrated the feasibility and superiority.  相似文献   

工业机器人运用技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
工业机器人运用技术是指在现有工业机器人的基础上所研发的应用技术,其主要目的是增强工业机器人的感知适应能力、降低用户使用难度、缩短示教与编程时间、提高工业机器人的运动精度以及拓宽其应用范围。然而,工业机器人运用技术一直以来没有得到足够的重视,造成工业机器人的设计制造与应用需求脱节,不仅限制了工业机器人的应用和普及,也制约了工业机器人产业自身的大规模发展。文章针对现有工业机器人在制造自动化应用中所存在的问题,系统地归纳和分析了工业机器人运用技术的重点研发方向,主要包括:提高易用性的直觉示教与快捷编程、提高绝对定位精度的运动标定与误差补偿以及拓宽应用范围的力-运动混合控制等关键共性技术。部署和实施相关技术的研发对于提高我国工业机器人的运用水平、加快制造业向智能化升级的步伐具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Major difficulties and challenges of modern robotics systems focus on how to give robots self-learning and self-decision-making ability. Visual servoing control strategy is an important strategy of robotic systems to perceive the environment via the vision. The vision can guide new robotic systems to complete more complicated tasks in complex working environments. This survey aims at describing the state-of-the-art learning-based algorithms, especially those algorithms that combine with model predictive control (MPC) used in visual servoing systems, and providing some pioneering and advanced references with several numerical simulations. The general modeling methods of visual servo and the influence of traditional control strategies on robotic visual servoing systems are introduced. The advantages of introducing neural-network-based algorithms and reinforcement-learning-based algorithms into the systems are discussed. Finally, according to the existing research progress and references, the future directions of robotic visual servoing systems are summarized and prospected.  相似文献   

Robotic systems consisting of a neuron culture grown on a multielectrode array (MEA) which is connected to a virtual or mechanical robot have been studied for approximately 15 years. It is hoped that these MEA-based robots will be able to address the problem that robots based on conventional computer technology are not very good at adapting to surprising or unusual situations, at least not when compared to biological organisms. It is also hoped that insights gained from MEA-based robotics can have applications within human enhancement and medicine. In this paper, I argue that researchers within this field risk overstating their results by not paying enough attention to fundamental challenges within the field. In particular, I investigate three problems: the coding problem, the embodiment problem and the training problem. I argue that none of these problems have been solved and that they are not likely to be solved within the field. After that, I discuss whether MEA-based robotics should be considered pop science. Finally, I investigate the ethical aspects of this research.  相似文献   

This paper offers an ethical framework for the development of robots as home companions that are intended to address the isolation and reduced physical functioning of frail older people with capacity, especially those living alone in a noninstitutional setting. Our ethical framework gives autonomy priority in a list of purposes served by assistive technology in general, and carebots in particular. It first introduces the notion of “presence” and draws a distinction between humanoid multi-function robots and non-humanoid robots to suggest that the former provide a more sophisticated presence than the latter. It then looks at the difference between lower-tech assistive technological support for older people and its benefits, and contrasts these with what robots can offer. This provides some context for the ethical assessment of robotic assistive technology. We then consider what might need to be added to presence to produce care from a companion robot that deals with older people’s reduced functioning and isolation. Finally, we outline and explain our ethical framework. We discuss how it combines sometimes conflicting values that the design of a carebot might incorporate, if informed by an analysis of the different roles that can be served by a companion robot.  相似文献   

针对当前机器人课程教学中存在理论深、传统灌输式教学难以让学生兴奋以及学生对以往知识在机器人课程中跟进应用不足等问题,研究探索了机器人课程跟进式教学改革的若干方法,包括:基于PBL的教学模式改革、基于CBL的教学模式改革以及结合学生兴趣点的互动式教学模式改革。将这些教改措施在我校“机器人工学”课堂上进行了实践,取得了良好的教学效果。本文的研究有望对机器人课程这种理论深、知识面广的课程教学改革起到借鉴和帮助作用。  相似文献   

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