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国际奧委会于7月13日公布了奥委会考察团对申办2000年奥运会的6个城市的技术报告。根据6个城市的英文字母排序,用23条技术标准逐一进行衡量,但没有给申办城市排名次。虽然这是一份技术性的考察报告,而非全面的报告,它并没有涉及文化、历史、社会发展等方面的因素,对申办结果也不能起到决定性的作用。但总的讲,报告反映了北京目前的情况。我们可以通过比较知道,我们具备了什么条件,还有哪些工作需要我们去继续努力。当读者手中拿到本期杂志时,2000年奧运会主办城市已于9月23日选定。无论北京能否成为幸运者,都应该说我们为奧林匹克事业做出了积极的贡献,让全国人民更多地了解了奥林匹克精神,也让世界更多地了解了中国,了解了中国改革开放的成就。  相似文献   

Beijing, the 2008 Olympic host, has set a good example toLondon's planned bid for the 2012 Olympics, a senior officialof the British Olympic Association (BOA) said recently. Apart from the technical excellence of the Beijing Bid, theclear lesson for the British Government is the necessity of totalgovernment support for the process, BOA Chairman CraigReedie told Xinhua News Agency. The Beijing Bid was outstanding in this regard as everyoneknew that it enjoyed complete government…  相似文献   

A public recruitment push by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games (BOCOG) to fill its 56 positions has aroused tremendous enthusiasm since October 17.More than 2.000 applications, as well as over 600 phone calls, 200 e-mails and 1.9 million website hits have been registered by BOCOG."I would like to devote myself to the holding of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, which is a great event for every Chinese." an anonymous applicant for one of BOCOG's positions said.He said although the salary would not be as high as some foreign companies, working on the committee would be a wonderful opportunity for sports and Olympic fans.  相似文献   

Beijing has stepped up efforts to provide a safer and quicker transport system for the2008 Olympic Games through planned special transport lines connecting Olympic venueswith the city's external and internal routes."We are confident of fulfilling the promises we made that it will take less than 30 minutesfor athletes and coaches to get from where they live to any gymnasium and stadium in2008," said Liu Xiaoming, professor and vice-president of Beijing Polytechnic University.  相似文献   

Though noted for his persistent low-key attitude andcalmness, Meng Xuenong still spoke his mind in an individualpassionate way in his first press conference as Beijing mayor. While recalling the election in the just-closed first meetingof the 12th peoples congress of Beijing municipal government,Meng held that the masses of people have the most direct butfairest evaluation of government officials. Everybody is bornwith a sense of justice, Meng said. A native of Penglai city in east…  相似文献   

2月21日至24日,国际奥委会评估团对北京进行了为期4天的考察。北京是评估团考察的第一个申办城市,这引起中外媒体的极大关注。  相似文献   

国际奥委会委员提问:首先我想祝贺北京2008奥运会代表团,我想问环境的问题。  相似文献   

早春三月的北京,万物快要复苏,不免还有些寒意。国际奥委会考察团在北京的三天,天公作美,可谓睛空万里,风和日丽。 3月6日,以贡纳尔·埃里克松为团长的国际奥委会考察团一行12人,在结束了对澳大利亚悉尼的考察后,经香港到达北京。上午11点35分,考察团乘坐的客机降落在首都机场。埃里克松团长及其一行一走进机  相似文献   

New Mayor Elected asBeijing Prepares forOlympics A new Beijing municipal governmentwas elected during the first meeting ofthe 12th peoples congress of Beijingin January. Meng Xuenong was elected mayorof the Beijing municipal government,while Liu Jingmin, Zhao Mao, ZhaiHongxiang, Liu Zhihua, Sun Anmin,Fan Boyuan, Niu Youcheng and Lu Haowere elected vice mayors. Averaging 51 years of age, the newgovernment is widely considered to berelatively young and well educated.The mayor a…  相似文献   

Beijing, Athens Mayors MeetThe mayors of Athens and Beijing,the hosts for the 2004 and 2008Olympic Games respectively, haveagreed to cooperate for the successfulorganization of the world's majorsporting gala.Beijing is interested in learning fromAthens' extensive experience inhosting Olympic Games, said BeijingMayor Liu Qi on September 25 whenmeeting with visiting Athens MayorDimitris L. Avramopoulos.Avramopoulos said host cities of theOlympic Games should strengthencooperation.  相似文献   

Olympic preparation in full swingJiang Xiaoyu, vice president of the 2008 Olympics Organizing Committee, announced the Beijing Games preparation had been into full swing since June 2003.Design chosen for swimming centerA Sino-Australian joint plan was chosen as the design for the National Swimming Center, a major venue for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Sydney-based PTW Architects and engineering company Ove Arup Pty. Ltd. designed the 17,000-seat stadium with China State Construction Engineering Corps.  相似文献   

美国佐治亚州的奥古斯塔以高球闻名。有70多年历史的奥古斯塔俱乐部是世界上最奢华的俱乐部.它主办的大师杯赛是美国所有高赛中水平最高、奖金最多的。世界一流高手可以缺席其他比赛,但决不会放弃在奥古斯塔大师杯赛上露脸的机会。  相似文献   

圣迭戈队成立于1960年,是美国橄榄球联盟最初的八支球队之一,创始人是希尔顿。闪电队这个名字是由希尔顿的总经理弗兰克挑选的。当时希尔顿非常喜欢这名字,因为当他们在南加州大学体育馆比赛中高喊"Charge!(冲啊)"的时候,听起来有点像军号的感觉。目前,闪电队被亚历山大·斯潘诺斯拥有,价值多达5·61亿美元。  相似文献   

1,994 Enter Emblem Design ContestBeijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games has received 1, 994 application designs for the Games' emblem by October 8, when the three-month works collecting of the Olympics emblem design competition ended.Nearly 89 percent of the works are from China, counting for 1,766. Foreign designers from Asia, Europe, America and Oceania also took an active part in the competition for their 228 design works.Among overseas competitors are some top design companies in the world who have taken part in the emblem design for 1996 and 2000 Summer Olympics, 1998 and 2002 Winter Olympics and 2002 World Cup.  相似文献   

Countdown for VenueConstruction Beijing Mayor Meng Xuenong onMarch 3 announced the countdown forthe Beijing Olympic venueconstruction.He said the Chinesecapital will try its utmost to get theOlympic venues ready by the end of2006 so that test events can be heldfrom the beginning of 2007.  相似文献   

出身贫寒的博德·米勒今年夺得了世界杯高山滑雪全能冠军,成为名副其实的高山之王。这是美国人22年来第一次夺得这项桂冠。这位上届冬奥会银牌得主希望在2006年更上层楼,拿一块金牌献给曾使他恐惧、如今却让他感激万分的母亲。是他的母亲把他逼上了冠军奖台。  相似文献   

Chinese port to host hat-trick of volleyball events China's second largest port Beilun iS to play host to three international women's volleyball events including the opening leg of the World Grand Prix. Beilun,in south China's Zhejiang Province and two hours drive from China's largest port city Shanghai,will host an international tournament from May 24 to 28,featuring China.Cuba, Japan,Poland,Dominica Republic,Bulgaria and the Netherlands. It will kick off a new season of World Grand Prix.pitting Olympic champion China against the United States,the Netherlands and Thailand. Beilun will hold a qualifying tournament for the World Championships from August 3 to 7. featuring China.Chinese Taipei,Australia,Afghanistan,Uzbekistan and Jordan. 中国女排宁波北仑设主场  相似文献   

TORCH RELAY FOR EAST ASIAN GAMES ,A Chinese Olympic judo champion Xian Dongmei kicked off a mini-torch relay in Macao ahead of the East Asian Games being held next year. Xian, accompanied by Macao martial arts athlete Han Jing, started the first leg of the relay in front of the temple honoring the Chinese seafarer goddess A-Ma, after whom Macao takes its name. The torch was handed off to other representatives from ea…  相似文献   

Olympic Projects Under ConstructionBeijing Olympic projects are under construction as scheduled despite the impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).To complete the projects by 2008, Beijing is launching the construction of Olympic projects this year. Ninety major projects are already at the groundwork stage.Public transport construction is the most important component, involving construction of light railways, subways, expressways and suburban railways.Other projects focus on environmental improvement, urban water resources and supply, telecommunications and information.  相似文献   

1.BeijingRestoresCulturalHeritageforOlympicsTheChinesecapitalhasanothermajorsurpriseupitssleeveforathletesandtouristsworldwidewhowillbepouringinfortheOlympicGamesin2008.Ancientbuildingsinformerimperialgardens,residencesofthenobilityandanumberofimperialtombswillberestoredoverthenextfiveyearstotreatvisitorstomoreexamplesofthecitysgloriouscultureandlonghistory.Yuanmingyuan,aformerimperialgardeninnorthwesternBeijing,willbe  相似文献   

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