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Background:During an experiment,a ski racer equipped with various measurement devices suffered an anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)rupture in his right knee.The aim of this study was to describe the underlying injury mechanism from a functional perspective.Methods:Eight giant slalom turns(i.e.,4 left turns),followed by 1 left turn at which the ACL injury occurred,were recorded by 2 video cameras,electromyography of 4 relevant muscle groups,inertial measurement units to measure knee and hip angles,and pressure insoles to determine ground reaction forces.Results:Due to a loss of balance,the ski racer began to slide sideways at the apex of a left turn.During sliding,his right(outside)leg was actively abducted upward without touching the ground.The ski racer then attempted to stand up again by dropping his leg back towards the snow surface.The end of this dropping was accompanied by a decrease in electromyographic activity in the knee stabilizing muscles.Once the inside edge of the outer ski caught the snow surface,a rapidly increasing peak force,knee flexion,and an aggressive sudden activation of the vastus medialis muscle were observed,while biceps femoris and rectus femoris further decreased their activation levels.This likely resulted in excessive anterior translation of the tibia relative to the femur,causing damage to the ACL.Conclusion:Our example emphasizes that ski racers should not get up until they stop sliding.Remember:“When you’re down,stay down.”  相似文献   

Charles Barkley was as quick with his wit as his offensive boardBarkley was famous with what he said,because he always said whathe thought. Barkley said he would join the last regular game in Houston this year,in order to express our admiration to him,Wegathered some of his best quotes through his his career. 查尔斯·巴克利机智诙谐的语言像他的进攻篮板球一样犀利。巴克利经常一语惊人,因为他总是说实话。他说他要在休斯敦打最后一场常规赛,为了表达我们的敬意,我们收集了他生涯中的部分经典妙语。 “Tha…  相似文献   

斯派克·李在1989年导演的电影《Do the right thing》中,有这样一句经典的台词:"圈内人总是揣着明白装糊涂,而那些成天吆喝的其实都是不明真相的围观群众。"哈拉拉博斯·沃尔加里斯就是"让分专家"中的一员。他的主要工作就是和庄家们斗智斗勇,而事实上,他靠这个过上了很不错的日子。作为一个把绝大身家都押在NBA上的赌徒,他靠着自己的投注买让分(Move  相似文献   

"Grandma Scandal" Shakes SchumacherFive-time Formula One champion Michael Schumacher and his brother and challenger Ralf are anything but heroes to his lonely 78-year-old grandmother.The media have gone after the two high-speed drivers because they have no time for Grandma Agathe in Cologne. Alone and poor, she s waiting for a visit from her grandsons read the headline in the tabloid Bild , while the Hamburg Morgenpost wrote: Forgotten by her grandsons, existing on a small pension.  相似文献   

1、I have never worked with a player who cre-ates so many opportunlties for himself andif he can improve his ratio of goals tochances he will be right up there with thevery best.这是我见到过的最好的队员,他总是能为自己创造各种各样的机会,如果他还能提高自己进球的水平和数量的话,他就是最好的了。霍德尔在热刺4比3战胜埃弗顿,罗比·基恩大演帽子戏法后盛赞其技术超群。  相似文献   

红土场地是罗迪克的死穴,职业圈已经形成一整套办法对付这位技术上有缺陷的高手。下面是一些有趣的词汇和用语: 1.Find a way to put his serve back in play:保证能把他发的球回过去2.Move him around,tire him out:调动他.体力上拖垮他3 Wait for him to either lose patience from the baseline or make his way awkwardly to the net before a volley is sprayed:等到他要么在底线失去耐心.要么笨手笨脚地上网把球打飞已经read the book(洞悉这一点)的人包括所有在红土场地击败过他的人,像阿卡苏索、格  相似文献   

The SwimmerThe teacher told the class the story of a man who swam across a river three times before breakfast. Johnny laughed. "Do you doubt that a good swimmer could do that?" asked the teacher. "No, sir," answered Johnny, "but I wonder why he did not swim it four times and get back to the side where his clothes were." 一个游泳的人老师给同学们讲了一个小故事,说有一个人早饭前要在河里游泳,横渡三趟。约翰尼笑了。老师问道:“你不相信一个游泳很好的人可以做到这个吗?”约翰尼回答说:“不是,先生,但我不明白他为什么不游四次,回到他放衣服的那边。”  相似文献   

Though noted for his persistent low-key attitude andcalmness, Meng Xuenong still spoke his mind in an individualpassionate way in his first press conference as Beijing mayor. While recalling the election in the just-closed first meetingof the 12th peoples congress of Beijing municipal government,Meng held that the masses of people have the most direct butfairest evaluation of government officials. Everybody is bornwith a sense of justice, Meng said. A native of Penglai city in east…  相似文献   

June 27, 2002--Selected first overall by the HoustonRockets in the NBA draft, becoming the first non-Americantop draft pick in 36 years. Oct. 21-- Landed in Houston in time to see his new teamplay the Orlando Magic in an exhibition game at CompaqCenter. Oct. 23--Made his NBA debut with the Houston Rocketsgame against San Antonio, having six points, four reboundsand one block. Oct. 24--During his three-day visit to the United States,Chinese President Jiang Zemin met Yao Mi…  相似文献   

Sports consumption is the important strength to promote economic development,so it is significant to protect sports consumer's rights and interests. Sports consumer should be defined to be the individual who purchase sports goods or sports service for sports life. It's very important to protect sports consumers' individual information right,safety right and the right of returning goods without reason,and the articles in the Consumers Protection Law amendment has been improved and will be significant in application. The Sports Law should be also amended accordingly ,and it's necessary to support the formation of public interest litigation in sports consumption field.  相似文献   

一般词汇General werds 1、拗手twist hands:a posture in Tai- jiquan with one's left hand touching the rival's left hand,and one's right hand touching the rival's fight hand 2、拗步twist step:a posture with one' right leg and left hand ahead or one's left leg and right hand ahead  相似文献   

皮特 《篮球》1999,(22)
I feel unspeakably injured. I've lost a dear and exceptional friend and an important part of my life. Many people have called our competition the greatest rivalry in the history of sports. Wilt was the greatest offensive player I have ever seen, his play forced me to play at my highest level. If I didn't, our team would likely lose.——BILL RUSSELL  相似文献   

Champion's School Sells Its Title A Chinese company has bought the title sponsorship right from a school which produced Olympic and world gymnasticschampion Li Xiaopeng. Zhejiang Haina Company in booming east China's Zhejiang province has renamed the Changsha Gymnastics School inHunan province as "Changsha Haina Gymnastics School" after nailing the five-year contract with 120,000 US dollars. Lanzhou Urges Order in Sports Market Northwest Chinese city Lanzhou urged all gyms a…  相似文献   

Xiao Wang needs to find a public telephone,so he asks police—man。小王要找公用电话,他便去询问警察。 Xiao Wang:Excuse me, Could you tell me how to get thehearest public telephone?小王:打扰一下,您能告诉我去最近的公用电话怎么走吗?Poiceman: All right.There'e one over on the comer,by the stadi-um  相似文献   

Consequences for Training Practice
Low carriage of the upper body, near the approx, right angled thigh of the swing leg.  相似文献   

姚明状告可口可乐SHANGHAI - The Chinese basketball star, Yao Ming, is suing Coca-Cola for improperly using his image for promotional purposes and has once again demanded the recall of bottles bearing his picture.Underlining that it is the principle of the matter not the money which Yao Ming is primarily concerned with, the player is suing Coca-Cola for just 1.00 yuan (0.12 US dollars). But he has also demanded a public apology on nationwide media from the US soft drinks giant.  相似文献   

Australian swimming star Ian Thorpe, voted the most popular athlete in Chinaby readers of ChinaSports Daily, had his first-ever visit to the country in September."I'm very glad to be in Beijing. I love the support that the Chinese people havegiven me and I hope that it continues," the triple Olympic gold medalist said.The 19-year-old swimming sensation began his four-day visit to Beijing onSeptember 21 with an afternoon journey to the Great Wall and then attended aSpirit of Friendship dinner.  相似文献   

1乔丹在高三(junior year)终于如愿以偿地加入了球队.并且与哥哥Larry并肩作战。Larry的球衣号码是45号.而乔丹选择了23号.因为他希望自己至少能赶上哥哥的一半(half the player his brother was).  相似文献   

Overview To discuss the technique of attacking from serves (a.k.a. serve-attack), you have to understand how to execute the serves, and how to transition to winning shots based on your own playing styles and characteristics. First of all, you ought to focus on the "serve" itself; that is the only technique with which you can proactively control your opponents, and fully demonstrate your ability and creativity, putting pressure on your opponent right from the beginning of a match. Therefore, you have to practice hard to learn this important technique that can help effectively initiate attacks that lead to  相似文献   

Rowan Simons sees China as his adopted land, wherehe is better known than in his birth country Britain. He hashis television audience and owns an amateur soccer club.In China, Luo Wen, his Chinese name, is reputed as a superfan and a soccer preacher from the country which regardssoccer as a religion more than a sport. In his well-decorated soccer bar, Rowan recounts, inflawless Chinese, his 16-year-long experience in China. Attracted by ancient Chinese culture, Rowan came toChina at …  相似文献   

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