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对一维链上的米堆模型的临界行为进行了数值模拟研究.在临界状态下,雪崩大小的概率统计分布服从"幂指"规律,但因为临界雪崩指数和系统大小之间有一定的依赖关系,所以在考虑了系统的尺寸效应后,从而得到了更为精确的雪崩指数τs=1.53±0.01和τt=1.84±0.01.  相似文献   

研究了在四方网格和正三角网格上的具有决定性倒塌过程的二维自组织临界米堆模型的自组织临界行为.雪崩大小的概率统计分布服从幂指规律,利用函数推断法得到的四方网格和正三角网格上的二维米堆模型的临界指教在误差范围内是一致的.这表明系统的临界行为对空间结构的依赖并不敏感,正三角网格和四方网格上的米堆模型同属于一个普适类.  相似文献   

对四方格子上的具有决定性倒塌过程和随机倒塌过程的二维米堆模型的临界行为进行了数值模拟研究.系统经一个暂态过程后达到一个临界态,其雪崩大小的概率统计分布服从幂次规律.决定性倒塌模型和随机倒塌模型不属于同一个普适类,决定性模型的临界雪崩指数为τs=1.09±0.02,τa=1.10±0.02和τt=1.14±0.02.随机模型的临界雪崩指数为τs=1.25±0.02,τa=1.29±0.02和τt=1.40±0.02.  相似文献   

本文对在四方网格和正三角网格上的具有决定性倒塌过程的二维自组织临界米堆模型的临界行为进行了数值研究。雪崩大小的概率统计分布服从幂次规律。系统的临界行为对空间结构的依赖并不敏感。四方网格上的米堆模型的临界雪崩指数为τs=1.09±0.02,τa=1.10±0.02和τt=1.14±0.02。正三角网格上的米堆模型的临界雪崩指数为τs=1.10±0.02,τa=1.10±0.02和τt=1.15±0.02。它们在误差范围内是一致的,四方网格和正三角网格上的米堆模型同属于一个普适类。但二维米堆模型和BTW沙堆模型属于不同的普适类。  相似文献   

运用OFC地震模型的动力学机制(即累积一发放机制),引进了加权标度自由网络来模拟大脑的神经元模型,研究神经元模型的拓扑结构及其对自组织临界行为的影响.同时考虑到大脑的老化,研究了这种网络在受到攻击时的拓扑结构以及在累积一发放机制下的自组织临界行为.  相似文献   

简单层次网络上的自组织临界行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用改进的二维格子地震(OFC)模型研究了简单两层网络上的雪崩行为.考虑到层间的性质或功能有差异,在OFC模型中引进层内控制参量α和层间控制参量β,得到其雪崩大小在一定范围内满足幂律分布,超出一定的值,系统便不再处于自组织临界态,而处于超临界态.另外,膜电位平均值的时间序列的功率谱也近似满足1/5幂律行为.  相似文献   

流动人口日益成为城市发展不可缺少的要素,同时这个群体带来的社会问题也愈加引人关注.作为其成员城市生活的依托和载体——流动人口自纽织的存在有合理性,但违法性质的失范行为屡有发生,急需必要的措施对其实施管理.本文从规范的断裂、亚文化的滋生及组织行为模式的角度对失范的流动人口自组织及其行为进行研究,并从积极与消极两个控制角度对规范组织话动提出建议.  相似文献   

立足于高校青年自组织的运行机理和发展规律对组织公民行为进行讨论和分析,主要包括利他行为、尽职行为、运动家精神、谦恭有礼、公民道德等五个维度的内容。在探讨五个维度各自表征的基础上对高校青年自组织的组织公民行为的发展态势进行了实践意义的评述。  相似文献   

产业技术创新是创新经济学与演化经济学关注的核心问题。只有正确地认识技术创新活动的演变规律,才能真正拥有创新所带来的巨大财富。本文参照生物学中的物种方程和量子力学中的激光光强演化方程,构建了技术创新的自组织演化模型,分析了该模型的稳定性与分岔、突变及渐变,揭示了技术创新从一种状态结构演变为另一种状态结构的自组织机制及过程。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展和创新,根据建构平台的不同,自组织分化为现实和网络两种。以网络自组织典型样本QQ群为例,探究网络自组织的成因、伦理特点和运行规律,可以更好地认识网络自组织的传播规律和伦理生态,逐步形成网络自组织方法论体系,以便科学应对网络自组织伦理危机。  相似文献   

中学语写作教学中学生批判性思维开发缺失的原因为化氛围过于严谨、思维定势、盲目从众心理、崇尚权威等。开发批判性思维有利于培养学生的创新能力和创造精神,可从化静为动,关注写作碰撞;化整为零,营造探究氛围;化繁为简,展开思维攻势等三个方面进行尝试。  相似文献   

二元溶液的临界行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
配制具有临界组成的苯甲氰和正十六烷二元溶液,用折射率方法在离临界温度10.5K范围内测定了温度-折射率(T,n)共存曲线,通过Σplot软件计算指前因子B和临界指数β,结果与3D-Ising模型的理论值一致.  相似文献   

Many traditional faculty now find themselves working with nontraditional students. New faculty models such as mentoring have emerged in response to the new student. The purpose of this study was to examine the mentoring role at Empire State College, State University of New York, on the basis of mentors' behavior responses to mentor-defined problems. The Critical Incident Technique was the method used to elicit reported and recalled incidents which either facilitated or impeded mentoring. Significant problems cited in the findings included communications gap in mentor/student relationship and the student's incompletion of academic work. Typical corresponding responses to such problems included providing support, demythologizing the learning process, setting behavior limits, and assessing and reassessing student performance. On the other hand, the critical requirements which were inductively derived from the critical incidents, as well as the practical implications which were gleaned from the study, revealed a definite extension of the traditional faculty role.The original document from which this article was adapted, including an extensive bibliography is on file with University of Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Michigan, 48108.  相似文献   

Critical review in adsorption kinetic models   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Adsorption is one of the most widely applied techniques for environmental remediation. Its kinetics are of great significance to evaluate the performance of a given adsorbent and gain insight into the underlying mechanisms. There are lots of references available concerning adsorption kinetics, and several mathematic models have been developed to describe adsorption reaction and diffusion processes. However, these models were frequently employed to fit the kinetic data in an unsuitable or improper manner. This is mainly because the boundary conditions of the associated models were, to a considerable extent, ignored for data modeling. Here we reviewed several widely-used adsorption kinetic models and paid more attention to their boundary conditions. We believe that the review is of certain significance and improvement for adsorption kinetic modeling.  相似文献   

The authors of this article use data produced in a collaborative community arts group in BC Canada as a way to think about validation in arts-based educational research (ABER). As Lather attempted to find middle ground between ‘rampant subjectivity’ and ‘pointless precision’ in research, she (1986) suggested that studies with an ideological or critical agenda might be validated by their catalytic potential – the ability to generate change. She has further argued that such work must be both conceptually and methodologically rigorous. With this charge in mind, the authors describe and discuss a memory box made by one participant in a two-year federally funded postdoctoral research project. They consider the catalytic validity of this artefact and reflect upon research methodology in ABER, in terms of triangulation, face and construct validities and member checks. They conclude with a challenge: What new and imaginative research methodologies might be invented for critical research in arts-based education?  相似文献   

Fostering critical thinking abilities amongst students is one component of preparing them to navigate uncertain and complex social lives and employment circumstances. One conceptualisation of critical thinking, valuable in higher education, draws from critical theory to promote social justice and redress power inequities. This study explored how students’ critical thinking developed in a discrete core unit of criminology. Second and third year students were invited to participate in the research. Participants wrote critical reflections on how their thinking about crime and criminal justice had developed throughout the unit. Analysis of responses indicated that certain topics were salient to students, offering a way to engage them in deeper thinking. Students’ critical reflections showed evidence of personally relevant meaning-making, including the development of more nuanced thinking about crime and justice, and more compassionate rationales for aspiring to careers within the field. Implications for learning and teaching critical thinking in criminology are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨了一种确定的、保守、非定向的临界高度沙堆模型,与其他模型相区别的是临界高度依不同位置而取不同的值,将沙堆模型中各类格点之间的转化过程看作是不同格点粒子数的生灭过程,并找出它们之间的对应关系。然后借助生灭方程和生成函数方法导出了颗粒崩塌这类非平衡相变的序参量即失稳格点粒子数密度的运动方程,通过对方程分析,得到了一纽临界指数,并提出了进一步深入研究的一些思路。  相似文献   

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