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The paper examines the changes which have taken place in the delivery, content and validation and accreditation of teacher education in Scotland. Particular attention is paid to the impact of external and internal changes on the development of new course structures and the strengthening of linkages between the initial stage of a teacher’s professional career and on continuing professional development. The impact of these changes on those who are teacher educators are also explored.  相似文献   

The future of educational change: system thinkers in action   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In addressing the future agenda of educational change, this paper advances the notion of sustainability as a key factor in developing a new kind of leadership. This new leadership, if enduring, large scale change is desired, needs to go beyond the successes of increasing student achievement and move toward leading organizations to sustainability. Currently, there is a lack of development of leaders toward system thinking. An argument is made for linking systems thinking with sustainability in order to transform an organization or a system. In order to accomplish this goal, it is necessary to change not only individuals but also systems. The way to change systems is to foster the development of practitioners who are “system thinkers in action.” Such leaders widen their sphere of engagement by interacting with other schools in a process we call lateral capacity building. When several leaders act this way they actually change the context in which they work. Eight elements of sustainability, which will enable leaders to become more effective at leading organizations toward sustainability, are presented. Within the explication of the eight elements, prior research is considered, difficulties are surfaced, and challenges are issued to change contextual conditions in order to effect large scale, sustainable educational change.Adapted from an address at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2004.  相似文献   

本文分析了圣经的智慧文学对智慧的解释 ,智慧与法律的密切关系 ,并从约伯记第二十八章入手 ,考察约伯对智慧的思考 ,“敬畏神就是智慧”这一结论是怎样得出的 ,以及最终得出这种智慧是难以获得的  相似文献   

酒店是中国旅游业的重要组成部分,对促进旅游业的快速发展发挥着极其重要的作用,但是,由于传统经营体制等方面的原因,人浮于事,效率低下以及人事构成复杂等现象仍然存在,特别是员工的工作激励,是酒店人事管理亟待解决的重要问题。本文的研究目的就是借助于一些管理理论和研究方法,分析和了解国有酒店员工对工作激励重要性及满意度的看法,了解对提高国有酒店员工工作满意度产生较大影响的主要激励因素是什么,据此,为国有酒店员工激励提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

良好的口才是大学生求职面试成功的关键因素之一。当今大学生求职面试存在着五大误区。大学生求职面试只有走出误区,潜心培养各方面口才能力——知己知彼、模拟训练、培养良好习惯、增加知识储备、总结经验教训,同时,努力掌握面试口才技巧——避重就轻转移话题、化被动为主动、创新思维、模糊回答两难问题、幽默化解尴尬,方能在激烈的职场竞争中脱颖而出。  相似文献   

教育、工作自主性与工作满意度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育不但是个人人力资本积累的途径,也会形成个人职业的趋向和偏好。个人在工作中所获得的自主性是评价工作满意度的重要方面,获得更多的工作自主性意味着获得更多的组织信任,能够更自由地安排工作,拥有更多自主学习的机会。由于不同学历层次的人对工作要求不同,所以是否在工作中获得自主性将会对他们的工作满意度和工作绩效产生不同的影响。本文运用北京大学教育经济研究所《中国城镇居民教育与就业情况调查-2004》的数据,通过对正在工作人群的研究发现,在同等受教育程度下,更多的工作自主性带来更大的工作满意度。不同受教育程度的群体,受过高等教育者更看重工作自主性。对他们而言,自主性工作环境带来的效用要高于高工资带来的效用。本研究探讨高等教育在促进人的独立性、学习意识上的长期效应,为认识教育对个人职业发展的影响提供了新的视角。同时在建设创新型国家的大背景下,本研究的结论为如何激励知识型人才,更好的发挥创新性人才的创造力,提高组织绩效提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

随着高校全面素质教育的推进,为适应新形势下辅导员工作面临的新挑战,辅导员工作要遵循不要用同一标准要求所有学生;以学生为本,多平等对话,少大话、空话和套话;管好自己的口和手;不能以罚代教,跟踪关注问题学生的改进过程;视为学生服务为天职,当好学生的勤务员;创建学习型班级;要成为教师与学生沟通的桥梁;建设辅导员的量化工程等要求。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an empirical study examining whether the benefits of school council service function as incentives for teachers to seek the position. Public school teachers (N = 132) read a recruitment message depicting the financial awards and informal rewards accruing to council members and indicated the likelihood that they would seek the position. Analysis of variance revealed that categories of job benefits (pecuniary, nonpecuniary) interacted with teacher job experience (relatively inexperienced, experienced) to influence teacher ratings of the recruitment message. Teachers with 10 years or fewer than 10 years teaching experience reacted more positively to recruitment messages emphasizing pecuniary job benefits than did teachers with more than ten years teaching experience. The results have implications for policies designed to restructure the educational workplace.  相似文献   

我们不得不面对这样的现实,在教师中存在着某种程度的师德滑坡、职业倦怠现象,影响了教学质量的提高.通过营造和谐的教学环境、激发教师的创新意识、参与群体活动等方式可以解决教师职业倦怠问题.  相似文献   

论述了毕业生求职信的写作意义,强调了毕业生求职信的写作特点,概括了毕业生求职信的写作原则,详细介绍了毕业生求职信的写作结构及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The goals of mathematics education are pressured by political, social, and economic forces that are often expressed through the medium of public opinion. Public opinion is formed largely by the preceptions of what is rather than the reality itself which may be known by only a few. The recommendations of committees of enquiry are activated in the world of average people and typical teachers — not the rarefied world of specialised professional knowledge in which the recommendations are typically incubated.This paper reports on community perceptions of school mathematics with respect to the four areas of content, individual values, attitudinal aspects, and folklore. Factor analysis identified five predictor variables (derived from the respondents' own backgrounds), and five criterion variables (describing their views and values as to what school mathematics should be). Analysis of variance was used to explore the contribution of the predictor variables and selected demographic variables to the criterion factor scores. The results are discussed in relation to their implications for the effective implementation of recommendations for change in mathematics education.  相似文献   

These days people are getting richer and richer.In20or30years’time,what will the life be like?Maybe each family will have a robot.Our mother won’tbe busy with housework.They won’t be tired.Maybe whenwe don’t feel very well,we needn’t go to a hospital to see adoctor.Our children needn’t go to school every day,becausebooks will be on computers but not on paper.The teachersneedn’t go to the school to work,and they can stay at hometeaching us students through world wide web.We’ll havefriends all over the world....  相似文献   

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