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目前我国自然保护区规模及数量发展迅猛,但质量内涵不高,尚处于初级阶段,面临诸多问题。以科 学发展观为指导,针对现阶段存在的问题和矛盾,应采取完善法规、理顺体制、科学规划、统筹发展、合理补偿等对 策措施,加快我国自然保护区建设。  相似文献   

面对中职学校学生的特点和当前的就业形势,如何激发学生的兴趣,提高课堂学习效率和教学效果,打造高效课堂成为广大教育工作者深入研究的课题。笔者在中职学校从事计算机专业教学多年,一直在尝试和探索各种打造高效课堂的方式和方法,本文中谈到的几种方法,经过笔者多年的教学实践,感觉对提高课堂学习效率非常有效。  相似文献   

实现江苏省普通高中教育战略性转移,必须从"求真、尚善、臻美"开始,在"按规律办事、守住底线、拥有尊严、多样发展、特色发展、全面而有个性发展、塑造美丽心灵、打造美妙课堂、营造美好环境"的道路上实现"不一样的精彩"。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国教育部制定的《普通高中历史课程标准(实验)》,旨在解决当前普通高中历史教育中存在的“不能适应社会发展要求、不利于学生全面发展”的诸多问题,对于提高现代公民的人素养,应对新世纪的挑战,具有重大的战略意义。  相似文献   

随着中考复习的深入,深度和广度也逐渐增大,学生偶然一次考试失败是很正常的,但如果一味地着急、焦虑,反而事倍功半。中考前学生应摆正心态,重视基础知识与基本技能的训练,反思解题过程中的错误,以提高科学复习效率。  相似文献   

近年来,超级中学的迅速发展使其成为社会关注的热点。本文从政府、社会、学校、家庭和个人四个不同主体的教育投资行为上对超级中学现象进行成因分析,并分析了超级中学带来的影响,进而提出:要推进教育供给侧结构性改革,缓解教育供求矛盾;调整政府投入的思想偏好和行为倾向;强化社会责任意识,营造良好环境;实现学校的规范化发展;合理引导家庭的教育投资行为等建议,以消除超级中学带来的不良影响。  相似文献   

Khine  Myint Swe 《Science & Education》2019,28(3-5):599-601
Science & Education -  相似文献   

The Information Seeking Strategies of High School Science Students   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study focused on the use of the Artemis web-based interface http://artemis.goknow.com/artemis/index.adp). This program provides a digital library for students to search, organise, and evaluation science information related to project-based investigations. The primary feature of the Artemis interface is a focused search tool. Key scaffolding features in Artemis include the collections of web sites, driving question folders, a persistent workspace for notes, cataloging of past search results, and the viewing of sites shared by other students. The primary goal of this study was to describe high school science students' use of the scaffolding features embedded in the Artemis interface. The researchers were interested in identifying the scaffolding features students use and describing how they use them in the context of finding science information related to investigations. In addition, to look at scaffolding interaction, relationships between feature use and student learning were examined. The context of this study was a four-week science investigation conducted by 43 high school biology students. Students worked in dyads to answer driving questions related to their topics of study (e.g., What do the conditions need to be in order for green algae to survive?). It was found that students relied heavily upon Organisational Feature scaffolds (persistent workspace) to help them organise information that was ultimately used by the students to produce domain specific artifacts. In addition, students spent much of their time conducting searches and saving results. However, classroom performance success was only significantly correlated with the use of Organizational Feature scaffolds – scaffolding features that students use to create driving questions, write notes about the information they found as a result of their searches, and keep track of their investigations. No other search tool used by the students possessed this important scaffolding feature. The students did not automatically use Collaborative Features – scaffolding features hypothesised to be powerful cognitive tools.  相似文献   

众所周知,高中生物教学是基础生物教学,注重知识传授,更关注对于学生生物素养的培养。新课程改革就明确将提升学生生物素养写进了标准中。那么,怎样才能在高中生物教学中提升学生的生物科学素养呢?该文将对此展开探究。  相似文献   

为了了解我国当前初中科学教师的科学教育观,为科学教师职前培养和职后培训提供参考,运用问卷的方式,对浙江省10个地区及青海省11个市县的科学教师进行调查.  相似文献   

新课程改革背景下,如何对传统物理课堂教学机制进行改革,优化课堂教学,构建高效课堂,是广大物理教师必须研究的重要课题。该文对如何构建高中物理高效课堂进行了探究,力求全面提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a multi-pronged approach of increasing the nature of science (NOS) understandings of high school science students. The participants consist of 63 high school students: 31 in the intervention group and 32 in the control group. Explicit/reflective NOS instruction was imbedded within authentic inquiry experiences and supported by online discussions. The students in the intervention group were prompted to engage in various discussions focusing on essential tenets of NOS in an online environment that assured student confidentiality. NOS views were assessed through multiple data sources including pre- and post-intervention questionnaires as well as students’ responses to online discussion prompts. Results show that the instructional intervention used in this study which combined explicit/reflective NOS instruction with intense inquiry exposure along with ample reflective opportunities in an anonymous online discussion format led to positive learning gains in participants’ understanding the NOS aspects assessed. Implications for enhancing data collection with high school students and for promising professional development opportunities for science educators are discussed.  相似文献   

高中历史新课标教材以专题的形式编写,便于学生发现人类社会发展的规律,进而引发思考和总结。但学生在学习过程中容易产生时序混乱及历史情节纵横联系不足的问题,教师在教学中也面临前后衔接和过渡的问题,这是关系到新课改能否有效实施的关键所在。  相似文献   

生物科学史在高中生物教学中有着举足轻重的作用,并贯穿于整个高中阶段生物课程的学习.文章就生物科学史的价值体现及生物科学史在高中生物课程中的育人作用进行了简单的分析和总结,并对生物科学史在课堂中的有效应用进行了深入的探讨.在课堂上合理地引入科学史料,不仅能有效地激发学生的求知欲,还可以培养出学生严谨求实的科学素养和孜孜不倦的探索精神.  相似文献   

留守儿童的概念应该定义为:因为母亲长期外出打工而留在农村生活和就学的未成年人。“留守状态”可以分为“励志型”、“平常型”、“困苦型”和“颓废型”,这四种类型对留守儿童具有极不相同的影响;留守儿童的特征应作为制定教育策略的主要依据之一;应该把“留守状态”当作一种特殊的教育资源加以开发利用,让它在农村中小学教育中发挥独特的作用。加强在学习方法和生活自理方法方面的指导、提高家长学校工作的科学化水平及有计划地为学生创设同伴交流场景等应是留守儿童学校教育的有效策略。  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师,富有兴趣的学习不仅可以减轻学生的学习负担,激起学生积极的情感,让学生感受到学习的乐趣,同时也更加利于学生对知识的理解与掌握,教师在教学中应充分利用各种教学资源和手段,为学生创造愉悦的教学氛围,调动学生的参与兴趣,让学生积极参与到教学中,从而打造语文的快乐课堂。  相似文献   

初中历史课是学生系统认识和感受历史的开始,该阶段的历史学习对学生建立科学的历史观意义重大。初中历史教师应创新教学方法与设计,重点培养学生学习历史的积极性和主动性,从而有效提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

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